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1、THE“SIX SIGMA “六西格玛PHENOMENA”- OLD OR NEW 新老现象”- - - - - -PERCEPTION OF QUALITY ? 感知的质量呢?Overvieew 概述Even iff usinng Tottal Quualityy Manaagemennt (TQQM) ass the main qualiity prrogramm reprresentts a pprevallent ffact iin nowwadayss induustry, manyy comppaniess are extennding this kind of innitiatt
2、ives to inncorpoorate strattegic and ffinanccial iissuess .Amoong thhese iinitiaativess, onee suchh methhodoloogy iss knowwn as SIX SSigma, whicch oriiginatted frrom thhe Mottorolaa Corpporatiion .即使运用全面质质量管理(TTQM)为主主要质量计划划代表了在当当今行业普遍遍存在的事实实,许多公司司都在扩展的的举措将这种种战略和财务务问题。在这这些行动,这这样一个方法法被称为6,源自于摩摩托罗拉公司司。
3、The coonceptt was creatted byy Motoorola Inc .in thhe 19880s annd wass inittiatedd by tthe enngineeerscoonclussion , whicch staated tthat nnew prroductts , ooften failiing too meett custtomer expecctatioons , couldd be pproducced errror-ffree ffrom tthe veery beeginniing .WWhen iit wass pressentedd
4、, thhis reepreseented a raddical idea durinng thee actiivitiees of manuffacturring iin thee orgaanizattion : meassuringg custtomer requiiremennts annd perrformaance aagainsst theese taargetss duriing prroducttion , rathher thhan affter aa prodductss comppletioon .这个概念是由摩摩托罗拉公司司。在19880年代,工工程师coonclus
5、sion发起起的,这表示示,新产品,往往未能满满足顾客期望望,能产生无无从头开始。当当提出,这代代表一个过激激的想法,在在制造业的活活动组织:测测量客户要求求和性能对这这些目标,在在生产中而不不是在一个产产品的完成Accorrding to Toom McCCarty , dirrectorr of SSIX Siigma bbusineess immproveementss at MMotoroola Unniverssity iin Schhaumbuurg ., SIIX Siggma diifferss subsstantiially from qualiity innitiattiv
6、es that were promiinent in thhe70ss and80s , suchh as ccontinnuous improovemennt andd totaal quaality managgementt .据汤姆雍琦、主主任摩托罗拉拉六西格玛业业务改进大学学声明。,六六西格玛与措措施,明显与与质量很突出出在70年代代和80年代代,如持续改改进和全面质质量管理。The nnew appproacch invvolvess conttrolliing , measuuring and iimprovving tthe caapabillity oof proocessee
7、s in orderr to“bbuild”pproduccts orr servvices free of anny kinnd of defeccts .AAlthouugh teechniccally SIX SSigma meanss a prroductt defeect raate off 3 .44partss per milliion ( Sigmaa is aa Greeek terrm forr variiationn) , tthe inntroduuctionn of aa SIX Sigmaa quallity pprograam meaans muuch moore
8、 thhan juust meeasuriing faailuree ratees .Thhe impplemenntatioon of SIX SSigma incluudes iintrodducingg and incorrporatting aa widee rangge of toolss and methoodologgies iinto aan orgganizaation in orrder tto impprove perfoormancce andd, as an ulltimatte purrpose , siggnificcantlyy imprrove pprofit
9、ts . IIn thee lastt yearrs, thhe succcessees atttributted too SIX Sigmaa weree faciilitatted byy the recennt andd incrreasinng avaailabiility of ellectroonic ttechnoologiees succh as autommatic proceess moonitorring, accesssibillity tto larrge daatabasses annd rappid trransfeer of inforrmatioon .这种新
10、方法涉及及控制、测量量和提高能力力的过程以“营造”的产品或服服务免费的任任何的缺陷。尽尽管严格产品品缺陷的六西西格玛是指率率3种。四分分之(西格玛玛是希腊的一一个术语,变变异),引进进了六西格玛玛质量程序远远远超过仅仅仅测量的失败败率。实施六六西格玛包括括引进并包含含广泛的工具具和方法成为为一个组织为为了改善性能能,作为一个个终极目的,大大提升利利润。近几年年来,成功归归因于六西格格玛是得益于于最近日益盛盛行的电子技技术,如自动动过程监控、可可用性和快速速传递大型数数据库的信息息。Introoductiion 介绍For mmany yyears , thee Greeek lettter S
11、Sigma () hhas beeen thhe uniiversaally aacceptted syymbol for sstandaard deeviatiion ( ISO35534 ( 1977 ) , BBS55322 ( 19978 ) ) .Sttandarrd devviatioon is a meaasure of diisperssion , variiationn or sspreadd . Buut , lleavinng thee mathhematiical ffield , to emplooyees of Mootorolla, Geenerall Elecc
12、tric , Honneywelll, Boombarddier , Blacck andd Deckker , ABB , Polaaroid and mmany oother compaanies , SIXX Sigmma is a commpany-wide transsformaation that has hhelpedd themm and brougght thhem, ffor a few yyears alreaady , the ssuccesss .多年来,希腊字字母()已经被公公认为标准偏偏差象征(IISO35334(19777),BSS5532(1978)。标准差衡
13、衡量色散、变变异或扩散。但但是,离开数数学领域,给给员工为摩托托罗拉、通用用电气、霍尼尼韦尔、庞巴巴迪、黑色和和德克,ABBB、宝丽莱莱和许多其他他公司,六西西格玛是一个个公司范围的的转变,已经经帮助了他们们,把他们,因为几年了了,其成功的的关键所在。The coompaniies liisted abovee can be reeferreed to as“thhe SIXX Sigmma commpaniees”.Maany otther oorganiizatioons haave addoptedd a SIIX Siggma appproacch, buut theese paart
14、icuular ccompannies hhave ppubliccized theirr succcess aand haave puubliclly empphasizzed thhe parrt plaayed bby SIXX Sigmma in the aachievvementt of tthis ssuccesss . NNone mmore sso thaan Genneral Electtric, as itts Annnual RReportt for 1998 statees verry cleearly:上面列出的公司司可以称为“六西格玛公公司”。许多其他他组织采取了了
15、六西格玛的的方法,但这这些特定公司司宣传他们的的成功和已公公开强调六西西格码中所起起的作用,取取得这一成功功。没人比得得上通用电气气公司,为其其1998年年的年度报告告州很清楚:“. . .we pllungedd intoo SIX Sigmaa withh a coompanyy-conssumingg venggeancee justt overr threee yeaars aggo .Wee havee inveested more than a billlion dollaars inn the efforrt, annd thee finaanciall retuurns hha
16、ve nnow ennteredd the exponnentiaal phaase-moore thhan thhree qquarteers off a biillionn dolllars ssavingg beyoond ouur invvestmeent inn 19988 ,witth a bbillioon andd a haalf inn sighht forr 19999 .”我们陷入了六西西格玛与复仇仇compaany-coonsumiing超过三三年前做出的的。我们已投投资超过十亿亿美元的努力力,和财务回回报指数phhase-mmore迈入入比三个季度度储蓄远远超超出了我
17、们的的投资美元在在1998年年,与十亿零零一个一半在在眼前为19999。Generral Ellectriic is perhaaps beest knnown ffor itts mannufactturingg diviisionss , buut SIXX Sigmma hass beenn veryy succcessfuully aapplieed in Generral Ellectriic Cappital, whicch yieelded a subbstanttial pproporrtion of Geenerall Elecctric profiit in 1998 .通
18、用电气最著名名的大概就是是它的制造部部门,但六西西格玛一直很很成功地应用用于通用电气气资本,取得得了相当比例例的通用电气气在19988年的盈利。Concludding , it ccan bee menttionedd thatt SIX Sigmaa can be immplemeented in a non-mmanufaacturiing ennvironnment .Furtthermoore, iit cann be ssuccesssful in maany coountriies .SSeveraal of the SSIX Siigma ccompannies aare trr
19、uly ggloball .Theey havve impplemennted SSIX Siigma tthrougghout the ccompanny, noot jusst in theirr homee counntry, as Bllack aand Deecker clariify inn theiir Annnual RReportt for 1999 :结论,它可以提提到六西格玛玛可以实现在在一个非制造造业的环境。此此外,它可以以成功在许多多国家使用。几几个六西格玛玛公司真正的的全球。他们们已经实施了了六西格玛在在全公司范围围内,而不只只是在自己的的国家,黑色色与德克澄清清在
20、他们19999年的年年度报告。“Haviing beegun , in llate 11998 , to ccoordiinate SIX SSigma strattegiess and measuuremennts onn a woorldwiide baasis , our experriencee cleaarly sshows that the ppotenttial bbenefiits arre enoormouss in tterms of prroducttivityy imprrovemeent, pproducct quaality, custtomer satissfac
21、tiion , more efficcient capittal sppendinng, annd oveerall corpoorate profiitabillity . . .SSavinggs atttributtable to SIIX Siggma weere moore thhan300 milllion iin 19999, annd we expecct to generrate ttwice that amounnt in 2000 as wee inteensifyy our efforrts .“有开始,在11998年末末,六西格玛玛策略和协调调在测量一个个世界性的,我
22、们的经验验清楚地显示示出其潜在的的利益是巨大大的从生产力力的提高、产产品质量、顾顾客满意度、更更有效的资本本支出,以及及整体企业盈盈利。储蓄归归因于六西格格玛已经超过过了30000万美元,而而在19999年,我们期期望产出这个个数字的两倍倍于20000年,是我们们加强我们的的努力。”SIX Siigma iis repputed to haave orriginaated iin Mottorolaa in 11987 aand beeen taaken uup by Allieed Siggnal iin 19991 .Thhe merrger oof Alllied SSignall an
23、d Honeyywell was ddescriibed iin thee New York Timess (8 JJune 11999) as“A mergeer madde in heaveen”, ffor itt brouught ttogethher thhe SIXX Sigmma appproachh of tthe foormer and tthe Baaldriddge wiinningg apprroach of thhe lattter . The Honeyywell Annuaal Repport ffor19999 staates:六西格玛是被认认为是在摩托托罗拉在
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- 专业 英语 关于 介绍 六西格玛 一篇 文章 中英对照 57128