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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.XXXXX大学学毕业论文附 录学 生 姓 名名 XXXX 指 导 教 师师 XXXX 专 业 人力资源管管理 学 院 管理学院 2009年6月月8日XXX UniiversiityAppendiixStudentt xxxxxxxxx Superviisor xxxx Speciallty Human Resouurces Managgementt School MManageement Schoool 2009-006-08原文Managemment oo
2、f lissted ccompannies iin equuity-bbased incenntivessCHAPTERR IGenerall Artiicle1. To furtther ppromotte thee estaablishhment of a listeed commpany, a soound iincenttive aand reestraiint meechaniisms, accorrding to PPeoplees Reepubliic of Chinaa Comppany LLaw, the Securritiess Act of Peeoples Reppub
3、licc of CChina and otherr releevant laws and aadminiistrattive rregulaationss, thee deveelopmeent off thiss apprroach. Artiicle2. The terrm reffers tto shaares oof lissted ccompannies iincenttives to thhe commpanys shaares bbeing the ssubjecct of its ddirecttors, superrvisorrs, seenior managgementt
4、and otherr stafff to carryy out long-term incenntivess. Lissted ccompannies tto be restrrictedd stocck, sttock ooptionns andd the laws and aadminiistrattive rregulaationss to aallow the iimplemmentattion oof othher meeans oof equuity iincenttive pplans, the appliicatioon of the pprovissions of thhis
5、 appproacch. Arrticlee3. Listedd comppanyss equiity inncentiive pllan immplemeentatiion, iit shoould bbe in line with the llaws aand addminisstratiive reegulattions, the methoods annd thee provvisionns of the AArticlles off Assoociatiion annd is conduucive to thhe susstainaable ddeveloopmentt of lli
6、stedd comppaniess, andd mustt not harm the iintereests oof lissted ccompannies. Direcctors of liisted compaanies, supeervisoors annd sennior mmanageers inn the impleementaation of eqquity incenntive planss shouuld bee honeesty aand trrustwoorthinness, diliggence, and safegguard the iintereests oof a
7、lll sharreholdders. Articcle4. Listed compaanies to immplemeent eqquity incenntive plan shoulld be in sttrict accorrdancee withh the relevvant pprovissions and rrequirrementts of this approoach tto infformattion ddiscloosure obliggationns to fulfiill. AArticlle5. For lissted ccompannies iissuedd equ
8、iity inncentiive pllan viiews oof proofessiional bodiees, shhould be hoonestyy, truustworrthineess, ddiligeence, to ennsure that the ddocumeent isssued by trrue, aaccuraate annd commpletee. Artticle66. No perrson sshall make use oof equuity iincenttive pplans insidder trradingg, priice maanipullatio
9、nn of ssecuriities transsactioons annd seccuritiies frraud.Chapterr II GGeneraal proovisioons Arrticlee7. Listed compaanies, one of thhe folllowinng cirrcumsttancess shalll be the iimplemmentattion oof equuity iincenttive pplans: (a) In thhe lasst fisscal yyear aa finaanciall accoountinng repport nn
10、egatiive oppinionn issuued byy a ceertifiied puublic accouuntantt to eexpresss an opiniion orr are unablle to auditt repoorts; (b) tthe reecent majorr viollationns durring tthe yeear duue to irreggulariities by thhe Chiina Seecuritties RRegulaatory Commiissionn to bbe an adminnistraative penallty; (
11、c) off the Chinaa Secuuritiees Reggulatoory Coommisssion ffinds that the oother casess. Artticle88. Equity incenntive plan targeet of incenntivess may incluude thhe dirrectorrs of listeed commpaniees, suuperviisors, seniior maanagemment, the ccore ttechnoology (busiiness), as well as coompaniies thh
12、at shhould inspiire otther eemployyees, but iindepeendentt direectorss shouuld noot be incluuded. The ffollowwing iincenttives may nnot bee the objecct: (aa) In the llast 33 yearrs by stockk or aannounnce puubliclly conndemneed as inapppropriiate ccandiddates; (b) the llast 33 yearrs duee to mmajor
13、violaationss of llaw viiolatiions bby thee Chinna Seccuritiies Reegulattory CCommisssion to bee of aan admministtrativve pennalty; (iiii) Peeoples Reppublicc of CChina Compaany Laaw shhall bbe proovidedd as tthe coompanyys diirectoors, ssupervvisorss, sennior mmanageement situaationss. Equuity iince
14、nttive pplan ffor coonsideeratioon by the bboard of diirectoors, bboard of suuperviisors of liisted compaanies shoulld be to veerify the llist oof inccentivves, aand too veriify thhe sittuatioon to be inn thatt geneeral mmeetinng of shareeholdeers. AArticlle9. Incenttive ffor diirectoors, ssupervvis
15、orss, sennior mmanageers off listted coompaniies shhould estabblish a perrformaance aappraiisal ssystemm and assesssmentt methhods, indiccatorss for perfoormancce apppraisaal plaan forr the impleementaation of thhe connditioons off equiity-baased iincenttives. Artiicle100. Listedd comppaniess willl
16、not be alllowedd to sstimullate tthe taarget equitty inccentivve plaan in accorrdancee withh the rightts of accesss to loanss, as well as anny othher foorm off finaanciall assiistancce, inncludiing prrovidiing seecuritty forr theiir loaans. AArticlle11. To the impleementaation of eqquity incenntive
17、planss of llistedd comppaniess, bassed onn the actuaal sittuatioon of the CCompanny, thhroughh the folloowing sourcces too resoolve tthe suubjectt of ssharess: (i) objeect too the incenntive to isssue ssharess; (b) repuurchasse thee sharres off the Compaany; (c) thhe lawws andd admiinistrrativee reg
18、uulatioons too alloow thee otheer wayy. Artticle112. All lissted ccompannies eeffecttive eequityy inceentivee plann invoolved bringging tthe tootal nnumberr of ssharess the subjeect coompanyy shalll nott exceeed 100% of the ttotal sharee capiital. Non-ssharehholderrs geenerall meetting aapprovved a
19、speciial reesoluttion oof anyy objeect thhroughh a fuull annd efffectivve inccentivve equuity iincenttive pplan oof thee Comppany ggranteed a ttotal stockk equiity off the compaany shhall nnot exxceed 1% off the totall. Firrst paaragraaph off thiss artiicle, seconnd parragrapph refferredd to tthe to
20、otal sshare capittal reefers to thhe mosst reccent ggeneraal meeeting of shharehoolderss apprroved equitty inccentivve plaans off the compaanys issueed shaare caapitall of tthe tootal. Articcle13. Listed compaanies shoulld be in thhe equuity iincenttive pplan oon thee folllowingg mattters oor staate
21、mennts maade cllear tthat: (i) tthe puurposee of eequityy inceentivee planns; (bb) bassed onn inceentivee to iidentiify thhe objject aand sccope; (c) tthe eqquity incenntive plan to grrant tthe riights and iintereests oof thee numbber off invoolved in thhe subbject of sttock ssourcees, tyypes, quant
22、tity aand eqquity of liisted compaanies accouunted for aa perccentagge of the ttotal; if aat timmes thhe impplemenntatioon of each of thhe rigghts aand innteressts too be ggranteed thee numbber off sharres innvolveed in the ttype oof subbject, sourrce, vvolumee and accouunted for tthe tootal eequity
23、y of llistedd comppaniess perccentagge; (dd) inccentivves foor dirrectorrs, suuperviisors, seniior maanagemment aand thheir rrespecctive rightts andd inteerestss to bbe givven thhe nummber oof, orr equiity inncentiive pllan too grannt thee righhts annd intterestts of the ppercenntage of thhe tottal;
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- 人力资源 论文 股权 激励 英文 41456