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1、西安交通大学MBA选修课程电子商务相关资料授课教师:王刊良目录电子商务务教科书哈佛商商业评论近近年来有关电电子商务的文文章目录课程在线线材料链接重要的链链接电子商务教科书书(http:/www.isworrld.orrg/iswworld/ecourrse/boooks.hhtml, Text Bookss on bbusineess annd ecoonomicc aspeects oof E-BBusineess)Adam, NN.R., Dograamaci, O., Gangoopadhyyay, AA., Yeesha, Y. annd Ganngopaddhyay, Y. (199
2、8) Elecctroniic Commmercee: Tecchnicaal, Buusinesss, annd Leggal Isssues, Prenntice Hall. Amor, DD. (19999) EE-Busiiness Revollutionn, Preenticee Halll. 中译译Barnes, S. aand Huunt, BB. (20000) EE-Commmerce and VV-Busiiness: An IInternnationnal Mooney MMakingg Machhine, Butteerwortth Heiinemannn. 中中译Br
3、ynjollfssonn, E. and KKahin, B. (2000) Undeerstannding the DDigitaal Ecoonomy, Cambbridgee: MITT Presss. Castellls, M. (19999) Thhe Infformattion AAge: EEconommy, Soocietyy and Cultuure, BBlackwwell PPublisshers. Fingar, P., Kumarr, H. and SSharmaa, T. (20000) Enterpprise E-Commmercee, Meggan-Kiiffe
4、r Presss. Greensttein, M. (11999) Electtronicc Commmerce: Secuurity, Riskk Manaagemennt andd Conttrol, McGraaw Hilll Colllege Div. 中译影印Kalakotta, R. and Whinsston, A.B. (19955) Froontierrs of Electtronicc Commmerce, Addiison WWesleyy. 中译译Kalakotta, R. and Whinsston, A.B. (19966) Froontierrs of Elect
5、tronicc Commmerce, New York: Addiison-WWesleyy. 中译译Kalakotta, R. and Robinnson, M. (11999) E-Bussinesss: Roaadmap for SSuccesss, Adddisonn Weslley. Keen, PP.G. aand Baallancce, C. (19997) Onn-Linee Proffits: A Mannagers Guiide too Elecctroniic Commmercee, Bosston: Harvaard Buusinesss Schhool PPress.
6、 Keen, PP.G., Ballaance, C., CChan, S. annd Schhrump, S. (1999) Elecctroniic Commmercee Relaationsships: Trusst By Desiggn, Prrenticce Halll. Kilov, H. (11998) Businness SSpecifficatiions: The KKey too Succcessfuul Sofftwaree Engiineeriing, PPrentiice Haall Korper, S. aand Elllis, J. (11999) The EE-
7、Commmerce Book: Buillding the EE-Empiire, SSan Diiego: Acadeemic PPress. Maddox, K. aand Bllankennhorn, D. (1998) Web Commeerce: Buildding aa Digiital BBusineess, JJohn WWiley & Sonns. McKnighht, L.W. annd Baiiley, J.P. (19977) Intternett Econnomicss, Cammbridgge: MIIT Preess. Rahman, S. aand Raaisi
8、ngghani, M. (2000) Elecctroniic Commmercee: Oppportunnitiess and Challlengess, Ideea Grooup. Schwarttz, E.I. (11998) Webonnomicss: Ninee Esseentiall Prinnciplees forr Growwing YYour BBusineess onn the Worldd Widee Web, Papeerbackk ed. New York: Broaadway Bookss. 中译译Tapscottt, D., Lowwy, A. and Ticol
9、ll, D. (19998) Blluepriint too the Digittal Ecconomyy: Weaalth CCreatiion inn the Era oof E-BBusineess, MMcGraww-Hilll. 中译译Timmerss, P. (19999) Eleectronnic Coommercce: Sttrateggies aand Moodels for BBusineess too Busiiness Tradiing, JJohn WWiley & Sonns. 中中译Treese, G.W. and Stewaart, LL.C. (1998) D
10、esiigningg Systtems ffor Innterneet Commmercee, Adddison Wesleey. Turban, E., Lee, J., KKing, D. annd Chuung, MM. (19999) EElectrronic Commeerce: A Mannageriial Peerspecctive, Prenntice Hall. httpp:/ 中译Ware, JJ.P., Gebauuer, JJ., Haartmann, A. and RRoldann, M. (19977) Seaarch ffor Diigitall Exceelle
11、ncce, MccGraw Hill. Watson, R.T., Berrthon, P., Pitt, L.F. and Zinkhhan, GG.M. (2000) Elecctroniic Commmercee: Thee Straategicc Persspectiive, 22nd eddn. Drryden Presss. htttp:/wwww.teerry.uuga.eddu/rwwatsonn/estrrategyy/ Westlannd, J.C. annd Claark, TT.H.K. (19999) Gllobal Electtronicc Commmerce: T
12、heoory annd Casse Stuudies, Bostton: MMIT Prress. Whinstoon, A.B., SStahl, D.O. and Choi, S.-YY. (19997) TThe Ecconomiics off Elecctroniic Commmercee, Maccmilliian. 中译Strateggy & BBusineess: EE-Busiiness Lessoons frrom PLLanet Earthh (Boooz-Alllen & Hamillton)Amir Haartmann and John Sifonnis, NNetRe
13、aady: SStrateegies for SSuccesss in the EE-conoomy, MMcGraww Hilll, 20000.Allan AAfuah and CChristtopherr Tuccci, Innterneet Bussinesss Modeels annd Strrategiies, MMcGraww Hilll, 20001.Stephenn Braddley aand Riichardd Nolaan, Seense aand Reespondd: Cappturinng Vallue inn the Netwoork Erra, Haarvardd
14、 Busiiness Schoool Preess, 11998.Philip Evanss and Thomaas Wurrster, Blowwn to Bits: How the NNew Ecconomiics off Infoormatiion Trransfoorms SStrateegy, HHarvarrd Bussinesss Schoool Prress, 2000. (nottes)Christiina Haaylockk and Len MMuscarrella, Net Succeess, AAdams Mediaa, 19999Carl Shhapiroo and
15、Hal VVariann, Infformattion RRules: A Sttrateggic Guuide tto thee Netwwork EEconommy, Haarvardd Busiiness Schoool Preess, 11999Laurie Windhham, DDead AAhead: the Web DDilemmma andd the New RRules of Buusinesss, Alllwortth Preess, 11999.Evan Scchwarttz, Diigitall Darwwinismm, Brooadwayy Bookks, 19999
16、. 概论电子商务经济济学,(美)崔崔,张大力等等,电子工业业出版社,22000-99-1面向经理的在在线企业和电电子商务,HH.M.Deeitel P.J.DDeitell K.Stteinbuuhler,清清华大学出版版社,20001-9-11 企业竞争策略或或战略管理信息规则:网网络经济的策策略指导,(美)卡尔夏皮罗(CCarl SShapirro), (美)哈尔尔瓦里安(HHal Vaarian)著;张帆译译,中国人民民大学出版社社, 20000.6网络经济的禅禅:e时代的成功功方略,鲍勇勇剑、陈百助助著,复旦大大学出版社22001年88月版发现利润区(Profiit Zonne),A.
17、J.Slyywotzkky等编著,凌凌晓东等译,北北京:中信出出版社,2000077种网络经经济创新模式式,IT经理理世界,20000第5期期,httpp:/n网络经济的十十种策略,凯凯文凯利(Kevinn Kellyy),萧华敬 任平译,广广州出版社,22000年66月 系统分析与设计计电子商务系统统的规划与设设计,刘军编编著,人民邮邮电出版社,22001年004月出版电子商务网站站建设,陈信信祥等编,清清华大学出版版社,20000-9-11 企业运作管理采购与供应链链管理,Michiiel R. Leennders & Harrod E Fearoon著,张杰杰 张群译,机机械工业出版版社
18、,20001.9 北京大规模定制:企业竞争的的新前沿,(美美)派恩 著著,操云甫 等译,中国国人民大学出出版社,20000年077月出版网络营销原理理,沃德汉森(Warrd Mannson),华华夏出版社,22001-55-1哈佛商业评论论近年来有有关电子商务务的文章目录录(Chronoologiccal Orrder19997-20001, 搜搜集整理/王刊良)1 Price ssmarteer on the NNet. Harvvard BBusineess Reeview; Bostton; FFeb 20001; WWalterr Bakeer; Miike Maarn; CCraig
19、 Zawadda; 2 Innovattion aat thee speeed of inforrmatioon. Harvaard Buusinesss Revview; Bostoon; Jaan 20001; Stteven D Epppingerr3 Contexttual mmarketting: The rreal bbusineess off the Interrnet. Harvaard Buusinesss Revview; Bostoon; Noov/Decc 20000; Davvid Keenny; John F Marrshalll; 4 The Nappsterii
20、zatioon of B2B; Harvaard Buusinesss Revview, Bostoon; Noov/Decc 20000; Voll. 78, Iss. 6; ppg. 188; Anddrew MMcAfeee;5 How we went digittal wiithoutt a sttrateggy. Harvvard BBusineess Reeview; Bostton; SSep/Occt 20000; Riicardoo Semller; 6 Knowingg a wiinningg busiiness idea when you ssee onne. Haarv
21、ardd Busiiness Revieew; Booston; Sep/Oct 22000; W Chaan Kimm; Rennee Maauborggne; 7 Networkked inncubattors: Hothoouses of thhe Neww Econnomy. Harvaard Buusinesss Revview; Bostoon; Seep/Octt 20000; Morrten TT Hanssen; HHenry W Cheesbrouugh; NNitin Nohriia; Doonald N Sulll; 8 E-loyallty: YYour ssecre
22、tt weappon onn the Web. Harvaard Buusinesss Revview; Bostoon; Juul/Augg 20000; Freedericck F RReichhheld; Phil Scheffter; 9 Can youu pateent yoour buusinesss moddel?. Harvaard Buusinesss Revview; Bostoon; Juul/Augg 20000; Anddrea OOvans; 10 A betteer wayy to ccrack Chinaa. Harvaard Buusinesss Revvie
23、w; Bostoon; Juul/Augg 20000; Willfriedd R Vaanhonaacker; 11 E-Brandds: Buuildinng an Interrnet BBusineess att Breaakneckk Speeed. Harvaard Buusinesss Revview;BBostonn; Jull/Aug 2000; Johnn T Laandry; 12 Buildinng an innovvationn facttory. Harvaard Buusinesss Revview; Bostoon; Maay/Junn 20000; Anddre
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- 电子商务 相关 资料 ABC 中国 管理 研究中心 18342