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1、斯坦福大学网络视频课程之机器人学Instructor (Oussama Khatib):Okay, lets get started. So todays movie segment isabout aa speccial aactuattor. PProbabbly yoou saww thiss on tthe fiirst llecturre, buut we will see ssomemore deetailss. So this is a flexiible aactuattor thhat coomes ffrom TToshibba, annd thiis wassdevelo
2、pped inn the earlyy 90ss. It was ppresennted aat 19991 viddeo prroceeddings.Video:This neew acttuatorr is mmade oof fibber ree-enfoorced rubbeer andd is ddrivenn pneuumaticcally orhydraullicallly. Itt has 3 deggrees of frreedomm; pittch, inauddible, andd streetch, whichh areadequatte forr roboot mec
3、chanissms suuch ass finggers, arms or leegs.The acttuatorr has threee inteernal chambbers, and tthe prressurre in each can bbe conntrollledindepenndentlly thoough fflexibble tuubes. The rrubberr is ccircullarly re-ennforceed witth fibber tooreduce deforrmatioon in the rradiall direectionn.The acttua
4、torr can be fllexed in evvery ddirecttion bby conntrollling tthe prressurre in each chambber.Inaudiible develloped actuaators rangiing inn sizee fromm 1 miillimeeter tto 20 milliimeterrs indiameteer. Thhis iss the formuula meeter aactuattor. TThe deesign is eaasily miniaaturizzed beecausee ofits sim
5、mple sstructture.This iss a moodifieed verrsion. The rubbeer is reinfforcedd spirrally with fiberr so tthat rrotatiionalmovemennt is possiible. We caan appply thhese fflexibble miicro-aactuattors tto minniaturre robbotmanipullatorss. By conneectingg themm seriially, we gget ann arm with many degreee
6、s off freeedomand snaake liike moovemennts.This iss a prrototyype coonsistting oof twoo actuuatorss and a minni griipper. It hhas 7 degreees offfreedomm inclludingg the grippper. IIt cann accoomplissh dellicatee taskks, whhich ccould be haandleddonly wiith grreat ddifficculty by coonventtionall robo
7、ots.Construuctingg miniiaturee roboot mannipulaators is eaasy beecausee the actuaators also act aas theerobot sstructture. On thhe othher haad, coombiniing thhe acttuatorrs in paralllel rresultts in a mulltifinngereddrobot hhand. They form a dexxterouus hannd witth a ddelicaate toouch. This protooty
8、peconsistts of four actuaators, eachh 12 mmillimmeterss in ddiametter, aand itt has 12 deegreess offreedomm.Its abble too handdle frragilee and compllicateed worrk witth easse, beecausee the actuaatorssdeformeed to suit the sshape of thhe worrk pieece ittself. The bolt is eaasily tighttened with onl
9、yrough ssettinngs off the posittion aand orrientaation of thhe hannd beccause the aactuattors hhave ssuchgood coompliaance.Miniatuure roobots with a sofft touuch annd no conveentionnal liinks ccan bee creaated uusing theseeactuatoors. PPeoplee see the uuse off flexxible microo-actuuatorss Instruccto
10、r (Oussaama Khhatib):So, what do yoou thiink? WWhat wwould be thhe advvantagges offusing ppneumaatic iin thiis wayy? Yess?Studentt:Probbably saferr for a lott moree objeects.Instrucctor (Oussaama Khhatib):Safeer, yoou saiid? Soo safeety iss a veery, vvery iimporttant aaspecttof the desiggn of a robb
11、ot, eespeciially if thhe robbot iss goinng to interract wwith hhumanss, andd youreally dontt wantt thiss roboot to just go crrazy aand hiit andd makee a laarge iimpactt. So softactuatiion ussing ppneumaatic iis verry goood beccause it baasicallly its complliant, righht.Now anoother impliicatioon of
12、the ffact tthat yyou arre usiing pnneumattic iss the struccture of thherobot iis goiing too be llighteer, beecausee if yyou thhink aabout operaating thesee finggers wwith tthemotors or iinaudiible I thiink abbout aan armm withh motoors. YYou neeed too carrry thee motoors,you neeed to put ggears, you
13、 need a lott of sstructture tto hanndle iit, soo defiinitelly thiis is lightter,safer, more flexiible, complliant, all of thhat.Any dissadvanntage you ccan seee? Yees?Studentt:Hardder too conttrol?Instrucctor (Oussaama Khhatib):Yeahh. Bassicallly wwell, I meaan, itt depeends wwhat yyou waantto achii
14、eve, but yyou caannot expecct to achieeve thhe tassks. WWhat kkind oof tassks yoou cannnotcontroll withh thiss typee of aactuattion?Studentt:Inaaudiblle mootion?Instrucctor (Oussaama Khhatib):Inaaudiblle mootion or faast dyynamiccs if you wwant ttochange direcctionss becaause? What is thhe prooblem
15、with that inauudiblee?Studentt:InaaudiblleInstrucctor (Oussaama Khhatib):So yyeah, I meaan bassicallly thee respponse of thhis iss goinng tobe sloww becaause yyou arre usiing aiir preessuree and you ccannott pushh the air ppressuure too a poointwhere yyou caan reaally gget faast dyynamiccs. Weell la
16、ater oon in the qquarteer we will see aa concceptthat coombinees thiis ideea of usingg pneuumaticc, whiich iss lighht to carryy, andd woulld ressult iintoa nice lightt struucturee, commbine it wiith otther ttype oof acttuatioon to bringg hybrrid acctuatiion inna way tthat ccombinnes booth thhe advva
17、ntagges off the lightt struucturee and the ffast ddynamiics thhatwe needd to aachievve alll the diffeerent taskss thatt woulld reqquire the rrobot to reespondd quicckly.Yes?Studentt:Is tthere any ggood wway too inaaudiblle thhat, llike, you ddont actuaally kknow wwhereyoure inauudiblee?Instrucctor (
18、Oussaama Khhatib):Welll thatt inaaudiblle, yyou woould ssee thhe robbot waas likketurningg. Okaay, annyone wouldd likee to aanswerr thiss quesstion? Im sure you hhave aan ideea, buut,this iss reallly noot funndamenntal tto thee roboot dessign. It iss moree on tthe faact thhat wee havee noexternaal f
19、eeedbackk or nno touuch, oor we are nnot ussing tthe innformaation aboutt the touchh torealizee thatt we aalreaddy lefft thaat conntact.But thiis is actuaally ssomethhing tthat yyou caan addd on ttop off the desiggn to likke wouuld What kiind off senssory yyou woould uuse?Studentt:Presssure sensoor?
20、Instrucctor (Oussaama Khhatib):Toucch sennsor, you mmean llike yyou waant too knoww if yyou arretouchinng or not?Studentt:Presssure wouldd be inauddible to kknow eexactlly likke howw far you aare, bbut wiithsomethiing liike thhat, inauddible. Likke innaudibble pput soomethiing thhat exxactlyy tellls
21、 youu thepositioon of the eend.Instrucctor (Oussaama Khhatib):So wwe cann put a sennsor aat thee end that is loocalizzed att thetip of the ffingerr and then we caan feeel wheether the ssensorr is oon or off. That is juust toouch,but if you wwant mmore iinformmationn abouut thee presssure, you need a
22、 sennsor, inauudibleesensor that wouldd meassure.But theen thee probblem I meean, nnow wee comee intoo a muuch haarder probllem, wwhich is thhefact iff youre hooldingg someethingg leets iimaginne witth youur twoo finggers yyouree holddingsomethiing. AAnd thhere iis alwways sslip, so yoou neeed to me
23、asuure thhe sliip so that you ccanapply llargerr presssure.And to do thhat yoou neeed thee sortt of ddynamiic innaudibble. So thhere hhas beeen a lot oof worrkactuallly in the ggroup of Maark Cookoskeey. A lot oof ressearchh on inauddible, dynnamicinaudiible and aalso tthe iddea off usinng preessure
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- 斯坦福大学 网络 视频 课程 机器人学 44923