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1、 上上海市房屋租赁合同商品房预租Lease Agreement本合同双方当事事人:Two Parrties of thhis aggreemeent: 出租方(甲方): Lessor (partty A): 承租方(乙方):Lessee (partty B):根据中华人民民共和国合同同法、上上海市房屋租租赁条例(以下简称:条例)的规定,甲甲、乙双方在在平等、自愿愿、公平和诚诚实信用的基基础上,经协协商一致,就就乙方承租甲甲方可依法 出租 的 房屋 事宜,订立立本合同。 Accordding tto Thee Conttract Law of Peoplles RRepubllic off Ch
2、inna, and the RRegulaation of Shhanghaai munnicipaality on leease oof Urbban Hoouse (hereiinafteer refferred too as: Regullationn), Parrty A annd Parrt B tthrouggh neggotiattion, have execuuted tthis CContraact inn the matteers off leassing tthe Prremisees leggally ownedd by PParty A to Partyy B. TT
3、his CContraact iss baseed upoon thee prinnciplees of equallity wwillinngnesss, equuity aand goood faaith. 一、出租或预预租房屋情况况One、Thee situuationn of lleasinng or pre-lleasinng Preemisess:1-1 甲方出出租给乙方的的房屋座落在在本市水城路16弄8号楼302室。该该房屋出租(【出租租】实测)建建筑面积为 平方米,土土地用途为 居住 ,房房屋类型为 、结结构为 。该该房屋的平面面图见本合同同附件(一)。1-1 Thee Pre
4、mmises leaseed to Partyy B byy Partty A llocatee at RRoom3002 , BBuildiing 8 , Lane 16 Shhui Chheng RRoad , Shannghai .The buuildinng areea of the PPremisses (leasiing) actuaal meaasure is squaare meeters, thee usagge of the lland iis for rresideentiall purpposes, the type of thhe Preemisess is , th
5、e consttructiion iss . The floorr plann of tthe Prremisees is attacched hhave aas apppendixx (onee). 1-2甲方作为为该房屋的 与乙方建立立租赁关系。签签定本合同前前,甲方已告告知乙方该房房屋 设定抵押。1-2 Parrty A reegardss as buildds up the rrelatiionshiip of leasiing wiith Paarty B. BBeforee signning tthe coontracct Parrty A haas alrready inforr
6、med PParty B thhe Preemisess sett colllateraalize.1-3该房屋的的公用或合用用部位的使用用范围、条件件和要求;现现有装修、附附属设施、设设备状况和甲甲方同意乙方方自行装修和和增设附属设设施的内容、标标准及需约定定的有关事宜宜,由甲、乙乙双方分别在在本合同附件件(二)、(三)中加以以列明。甲、乙乙双方同意该该附件作为甲甲方向乙方交交付该房屋和和本合同终止止时乙方向甲甲方返还该房房屋的验收依依据。1-3 Thee use rangee condditionn and requiiremennt Preemisess commmon pllaces;
7、 the preseent deecorattion、attacched ffaciliities、the ddecoraation and tthe coontentt stanndard and oother relevvant oof thee decooratioon andd attaached facillitiess incrreasedd by PParty B, whhich iis agrreed bby Parrty A, shalll be listeed in appenndix (2), (3) byy Partty A aand Paarty BB. Parrty
8、 A and PParty B botth agrree thhat thhis apppendiixes sshall be coonsideered aas thee insppectioon reccord wwhen PParty A hannds ovver thhe Preemisess to PParty B andd whenn Partty B rreturnns thee Premmises to Paarty AA uponn comppletioon of this leasiing teerm inn accoordancce witth thiis Conntrac
9、tt.二、租赁用途Two、Usaage off The Prremisees2-1乙方向甲甲方承诺,租租赁该房屋作作为 居住 使用,并遵遵守国家和本本市有关房屋屋使用和物业业管理的规定定。2-1 Parrty B prromisees to PParty A thhat thhe Preemisess is oonly for reesidenntial purpooses , andd shalll obeey thee releevant statee and locall reguulatioons abbout uuse annd thee manaagemennt of the hh
10、ousinng.2-2乙方保证证,在租赁期期内未征得甲甲方书面同意意以及按规定定须经有关部部门审批而未未核准前,不不擅自改变上上述约定的使使用用途.2-2 Parrty B prromisees thatt it sshall not cchangee the usagee of tthe Prremisees witthout gettiing thhe wriitten conseent off Partty A annd thee apprroval of thhe rellated deparrtmentt accoordingg to tthe teerms hhereinn dur
11、iing thhe Leaasing term. 三、交付日期和和租赁期限Three、DDeliveery daate annd leaasing term3-1甲乙双方方约定,甲方方于 年 月 日前且合同同补充条款第第一条规定的的首月租金和和保证金到达达甲方指定账账户后向乙方方交付该房屋屋。【出租】房房屋租赁期自自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。甲方方需在房屋交交付日前做好好各项整修及及清洁工作。3-1 Botth Parrties agreee thatt Partty A shhall hhand oover tthe Prremisees to Partyy B beefore aft
12、err Partty A rreceivved thhe firrst moonthlyy renttal annd depposit. Leasiing the leasiing Teerm iss commmencedd fromm tto . All mainttenancces annd cleeaningg workks havve to be fiinisheed beffore tthe Chheck-iin Dayy.3-2租赁期满满,甲方有权权收回该房屋屋,乙方应如如期返还。乙乙方需继续承承租该房屋的的,则应于租租赁期满前两个月,向向甲方提出续续租书面要求求,经甲方同同意后签
13、订租租赁合同。3-2 Parrty A shhall hhave tthe riight tto takke bacck thee Premmises from Partyy B annd Parrty B shhall rreturnn the Premiises tto Parrty A onn timee uponn the expirrationn of leaasing term. Partty B shaall appply ffor exxtensiion inn writting tto Parrty A two (2) moonths beforre thee expiira
14、tioon if Partyy B inntendss to ccontinnue thhe leaase, tthe neew leaase coontracct shaall bee signned affter ggettinng Parrty As appprovall.四、租金、支付付方式和期限限Four、Reent, PPaymennt Metthod aand teerm4-1甲、乙双双方约定,该该房屋每日每每平方米建筑筑面积租金为为( / 币) / 。【出租】月月租金总计为为( 人民 币) 元(大写: / 万 / 仟 / 佰 / 拾元 / 角整)。4-1 Thee two Pa
15、rtiies aggree tthat tthe reent off one squarre metter foor onee day is ( / ) / . Leaasing the mmonthlly rennt is ( RMB ) .该房屋租金 11 年内不不变。自第22 年起,双双方可协商对对租金进行调调整。有关调调整事宜由甲甲、乙双方在在补充条款中中约定. The rennt shaall noot be changged wiithin one yeears. Thee rentt shouuld bee incrreasedd or ddecreaased ffrom tth
16、e seconnd yearr. Thee releevant matteers onn adjuustingg shalll be speciified in thhe suppplemeentaryy clauuse byy bothh partties. 4-2乙方应于于每月 15日前向甲方方支付租金。逾逾期支付的,每每逾期一日,则则乙方需按月月租金的 0.5 %支付付违约金。4-2 Parrty B shhall ppay thhe rennt beffore tthe 15th day oof eacch monnth too Partty A. Partyy B shhall pp
17、ay thhe oveerdue paymeent fiine eqquivallent tto 0.5 % of the mmonthlly rennt, payabble foor eacch dayy fromm the date on whhich tthe ammount was ddue unntil tthe fuulfilllment of thhe payyment.4-3乙方支付付租金的方式式如下: 详见补充条条款。 4-3 Thee paymment mmethodd of tthe reent iss as ffollowws: RRefer to Apppendiix
18、. 五、保证金和其其他费用Five、Seecuritty Depposit and oother Fees5-1甲乙双方方约定,甲方方交付该房屋屋时,乙方应应向甲方支付付房屋租赁保保证金,保证证金为 贰 个月的租金金,即( 人人民 币) 元5-1Bothh Partties aagree that Partyy B shhall ppay Paarty AA secuurity depossit whhen Paarty AA handding oover PPremisses. TThe seecuritty depposit is twwo(2) monthhs rennt ( RMB )
19、 .5-2租赁期间间,使用该房房屋所发生的的水、电、天天然气、通讯讯、等费用用由 乙方 承担。5-2 Durring tthe leeasingg termm, Parrty B shalll be rresponnsiblee for the ffull ppaymennt of the PPremisses off the costss wateer, ellectriicity, natuural ggas annd commmuniccationn. 5-3 乙方 负责支付的的上述费用,计计算或分摊办办法,支付方方式和时间:详见补充充条款。5-3 Thee counnt, waay o
20、f the sshare, paymment mmethodd and date of thhe paiid feee are: Reffer too Appeendix. 六、房屋使用要要求的维修责责任Six、Thee respoonsibiilitiees on Repaiir of the PPremisses6-1租赁期间间,乙方发现现该房屋及其其附属设施有有损坏时,应应及时通知甲甲方修复;甲甲方应在接到到乙方通知后后 叁 日内进行维维修。逾期不不维修的,乙乙方可代为维维修,费用由由甲方承担。6-1 Durring tthe leeasingg termm, Parrty B shal
21、ll infoorm Paarty AA to rrepairr in tthe evvent tthat tthe daamage to thhe Preemisess or ffaciliities is occcurreed. Paarty AA shalll reppair iit witthin threee(3) day afterr receeivingg the noticce. Inn Casee Partty A ffails to reepair the ddamagee on ttime, Partyy B caan reppair iit insstead of Pa
22、arty AA and the PParty A shaall bee respponsibble foor thee feess. 6-2 租赁期期间,乙方应应合理使用并并爱护该房屋屋及其附属设设施。因乙方方使用不当或或不合理使用用,致使该房房屋及其附属属设施损坏或或发生故障的的,乙方应负负责维修。乙乙方拒不维修修,费用由乙乙方承担。6-2 Parrty B shhall ttake ggood ccare oof andd reassonablly usee the Premiises aand atttacheed faccilitiies duuring the lleasinng t
23、eaam. Paarty B shaall bee respponsibble foor thee immeediatee repaair orr comppensattion ffor thhe dammage tto thee Premmises or faacilitties ddue too Partty Bs iimpropper usse.6-3租赁期间间,甲方督促促物业管理公公司保证该房房屋及附属设设施处于正常常的使用和安安全的状态。甲甲方对该房屋屋进行检查、养养护,应提前前 壹 日通知乙方方。检查养护护时,乙方应应予以配合。甲甲方应减少对对乙方使用该该房屋的影响响。6-3 Pa
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- 上海市 租赁 合同 中英文 对照 版本 42876