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1、Richard M. Nixon: The Great Silent Majority Good evenning, my felllow AAmeriicanss.Tonigght II wannt too tallk too youu on a suubjecct off deeep cooncerrn too alll Ameericaans aand tto maany ppeoplle inn alll parrts oof thhe woorld, thee warr in Viettnam.I bellievee thaat onne off thee reaasonss for
2、r thee deeep diivisiion aaboutt Vieetnamm is thatt manny Ammericcans havee losst coonfiddencee in whatt theeir GGoverrnmennt haas toold tthem abouut ouur poolicyy. Thhe Ammericcan ppeoplle caannott andd shoould not be aaskedd to suppport a poolicyy whiich iinvollves the overrridiing iissuees off war
3、r andd peaace uunlesss thhey kknow the trutth abbout thatt pollicy.Tonigght, therreforre, II wouuld llike to aansweer soome oof thhe quuestiions thatt I kknow are on tthe mmindss of manyy of you listteninng too me.How aand wwhy ddid AAmeriica gget iinvollved in VVietnnam iin thhe fiirst placce?How h
4、has tthis admiinisttratiion cchangged tthe ppoliccy off thee preeviouus Addminiistraationn?What has reallly hhappeened in tthe nnegottiatiions in PPariss andd on the batttlefrront in VVietnnam?What choiices do wwe haave iif wee aree to end the war?What are the prosspectts foor peeace?Now llet mme be
5、egin by ddescrribinng thhe siituattion I foound whenn I wwas iinaugguratted oon Jaanuarry 200: Thhe waar haad beeen ggoingg on for fourr yeaars. Thirrty-oone tthoussand Amerricanns haad beeen kkilleed inn acttion. Thee traaininng prrograam foor thhe Soouth Viettnameese wwas bbeyonnd bbehinnd sschedd
6、ule. Fivve huundreed annd foorty-thouusandd Ameericaans wwere in VVietnnam wwith no pplanss to reduuce tthe nnumbeer. NNo prrogreess hhad bbeen madee at the negootiattionss in Pariis annd thhe Unnitedd Staates had not put fortth a comppreheensivve peeace propposall.The wwar wwas ccausiing ddeep divi
7、isionn at homee andd criiticiism ffrom manyy of our frieends, as welll as our enemmies, abrroad.In viiew oof thhese circcumsttancees, ttheree werre soome wwho uurgedd thaat I end the war at oonce by oorderring the immeediatte wiithdrrawall of all Amerricann forrces. Froom a poliiticaal sttandppointt
8、, thhis wwouldd havve beeen aa poppularr andd eassy cooursee to folllow. Afteer alll, wwe beecamee invvolveed inn thee warr whiile mmy prredeccessoor waas inn offfice. I ccouldd blaame tthe ddefeaat, wwhichh wouuld bbe thhe reesultt of my aactioon, oon hiim - andd comme ouut ass thee peaacemaaker. S
9、omme puut itt to me qquitee bluuntlyy: Thhis wwas tthe oonly way to aavoidd alllowinng Joohnsoons war to bbecomme Niixons waar.But II hadd a ggreatter oobliggatioon thhan tto thhink onlyy of the yearrs off my Admiinisttratiion, and of tthe nnext elecctionn. I had to tthinkk of the effeect oof myy de
10、ccisioon onn thee nexxt geeneraationn, annd onn thee futture of ppeacee andd freeedomm in Amerrica, andd in the worlld.Let uus alll unndersstandd thaat thhe quuestiion bbeforre uss is not whetther somee Ameericaans aare ffor ppeacee andd somme Ammericcans are agaiinst peacce. TThe qquesttion at iiss
11、uee is not whetther Johnnsons waar beecomees Niixons waar. TThe ggreatt queestioon iss: Hoow caan wee winn Ameericaas ppeacee?Well, lett us turnn noww to the funddamenntal issuue: WWhy aand hhow ddid tthe UUniteed Sttatess beccome invoolvedd in Viettnam in tthe ffirstt plaace? Fiftteen yearrs aggo N
12、oorth Viettnam, witth thhe loogistticall suppportt of Commmunisst Chhina and the Soviiet UUnionn, laaunchhed aa cammpaiggn too imppose a Coommunnist goveernmeent oon Soouth Viettnam by iinstiigatiing aand ssuppoortinng a revoolutiion.In reesponnse tto thhe reequesst off thee Govvernmment of SSouthh
13、Vieetnamm, Prresiddent Eiseenhowwer ssent econnomicc aidd andd millitarry eqquipmment to aassisst thhe peeoplee of Soutth Viietnaam inn theeir eefforrts tto prrevennt a Commmunisst taakeovver. Seveen yeears ago, Preesideent KKenneedy ssent 16,0000 mmilittary perssonneel too Vieetnamm as combbat aadv
14、issers. Fouur yeears ago, Preesideent JJohnsson ssent Amerricann commbat forcces tto Soouth Viettnam.Now mmany beliieve thatt Preesideent JJohnssonss deccisioon too sennd Ammericcan ccombaat foorcess to Soutth Viietnaam waas wrrong. Andd manny ottherss, I amonng thhem, havee beeen sttronggly ccritii
15、cal of tthe wway tthe wwar hhas bbeen condducteed.But tthe qquesttion faciing uus tooday is: Now thatt we are in tthe wwar, whatt is the bestt wayy to end it?In Jaanuarry I coulld onnly cconcllude thatt thee preecipiitatee witthdraawal of aall AAmeriican forcces ffrom Viettnam woulld bee a ddisasste
16、r not onlyy forr Souuth VVietnnam bbut ffor tthe UUniteed Sttatess andd forr thee cauuse oof peeace.For tthe SSouthh Vieetnammese, ourr preecipiitatee witthdraawal woulld innevittablyy alllow tthe CCommuunistts too reppeat the masssacrees whhich folllowedd theeir ttakeoover in tthe NNorthh 15 yearrs
17、 beeforee. Thhey tthen murdderedd morre thhan 550,0000 peeoplee andd hunndredds off thoousannds mmore diedd in slavve laabor campps.We saaw a prellude of wwhat woulld haappenn in Soutth Viietnaam whhen tthe CCommuunistts enntereed thhe ciity oof Huue laast yyear. Durring theiir brrief rulee theere,
18、therre waas a blooody rreignn of terrror iin whhich 3,0000 ciiviliians weree cluubbedd, shhot tto deeath, andd burried in mmass gravves.With the suddden ccollaapse of oour ssuppoort, thesse attrociitiess at Hue wwouldd beccome the nighhtmarre off thee enttire natiion aand ppartiiculaarly for the mil
19、llion-and-a haalf CCathoolic refuugeess whoo fleed too Souuth VVietnnam wwhen the Commmunissts ttook overr in the Nortth.For tthe UUniteed Sttatess thiis fiirst defeeat iin ouur naationns hhistoory wwouldd ressult in aa colllapsse off connfideence in AAmeriican leaddershhip nnot oonly in AAsia but t
20、hrooughoout tthe wworldd.Threee Ameericaan Prresiddentss havve reecognnizedd thee greeat sstakees innvolvved iin Viietnaam annd unndersstoodd whaat haad too be donee.In 19963 PPresiidentt Kennnedyy witth hiis chharaccteriisticc elooquennce aand cclariity ssaid,We wwant to ssee aa staable Goveernmeen
21、t ttheree, ccarryying on tthe a sstrugggle to mmainttain its natiionall inddepenndencce. We bbelieeve sstronngly in tthat. We are not goinng too witthdraaw frrom tthat effoort. In mmy oppinioon, ffor uus too witthdraaw frrom tthat effoort wwouldd meaan a colllapsee nott onlly off Souuth VVietnnam bb
22、ut SSouthheastt Asiia. SSo weere goinng too staay thhere.? Presiidentt Eissenhoower and Pressidennt Joohnsoon exxpresssed the samee connclussion duriing ttheirr terrms oof offficee.For tthe ffuturre off peaace, preccipittate withhdrawwal wwouldd be a diisastter oof immmensse maagnittude. A nnatioon
23、caannott remmain greaat iff it betrrays its alliies aand llets downn itss friiendss. Ouur deefeatt andd hummiliaationn in Soutth Viietnaam wiithouut quuestiion wwouldd proomotee reccklesssnesss inn thee couuncills off thoose ggreatt powwers who havee nott yett abaandonned ttheirr goaals oof woorldss
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- 尼克松 演讲 英文 原稿 29171