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1、 400-618-25002012MBA MPA MPACC联考英语真题Sectiion 11 Usee of EninnglisshDirrectiions :Milllionns off Ameericaans aand fforeiignerrs seee GII.Joee as a miindleess wwar ttoy ,the symbbol oof Ammericcan mmilittary adveenturrism, butt thaats noot hoow itt useed too be .To the men and womeen whho 1 )in Worlld
2、 Waar III andd thee peoople theyy libberatted ,the GI.wwas tthe 22) maan grrown intoo herro ,tthe ppool farmm kidd torrn awway ffrom his homee ,thhe guuy whho 3) alll thee burrdenss of batttle ,who sleppt inn colld fooxholles,wwho wwent withhout the 4) oof foood aand ssheltter ,who stucck itt outt a
3、ndd droove bback the Nazii reiign oof muurderr .thhis wwas nnot aa vollunteeer ssoldiier ,not someeone welll paiid ,55) ann aveeragee guyy ,upp 6 )the bestt traainedd ,beest eequippped ,fieercesst ,mmost bruttal eenemiies sseen in ccentuuriess。Hiss namme iss nott mucch.GII. iss jusst a miliitaryy ab
4、bbreviiatioon 7) Govvernmment Issuue ,aand iit waas onn alll of the artiicle 8) tto sooldieers .And Joe? A ccommoon naame ffor aa guyy whoo nevver 99) itt to the top .Joee Bloow ,JJoe MMagraac a woorkinng cllass namee.Thee Uniited Stattes hhas 110) hhad aa preesideent oor viiceprresiddent or ssecree
5、taryy of statte Jooe。GI .joee hadd a (11)ccareeer fiightiing GGermaan ,JJapannese , annd Kooreann trooops . Hee apppers as aa chaaractter ,or aa (122 ) oof ammericcan ppersoonaliitiess, inn thee 19445 moovie The Storry off GI. Joee, baased on tthe llast dayss of war corrrespoondennt Errnie Pylee. So
6、ome oof thhe sooldieers PPyle(13)pportrraydee theemsellves in tthe ffilm. Pylle waas faamouss forr covverinng thhe (114)siide oof thhe waarl, writting abouut thhe diirt-ssnow and-mud solddierss, noot hoow maany mmiless werre(155)or whatt towwns wwere captturedd or libeerateed, HHis rreporrts(116)thh
7、e “willlie” carrtoonns off fammed SStarss andd Strripess arttist Billl Mauuldenn. Booth mmen(117)thhe diirt aand eexhauustioon off warr, thhe (118)off civvilizzatioon thhat tthe ssoldiiers sharred wwith eachh othher aand tthe ccivillianss: cooffeee, toobaccco, wwhiskkey, shellter, sleeep. (19)Egyppt
8、, FFrancce, aand aa dozzen mmore counntriees, GG.I. Joe was any Amerricann solldierr,(200)thee mosst immporttant persson iin thheir livees。1.A pperfoormedd Bservved Creebellled Dbeetrayyed2.A aactuaal BBcommmon Csspeciial Dnoormall3.Aboore Bcaased Crremovved Dlooadedd4.Aneecesssitiees BBfaccilittice
9、 Cccommooditiies Dprroperrtoess5.Aannd BBnorr Cbut Dhhencee6.Afoor BBintto CC foorm Daggainsst7.Ameeaninng BBimpplyinng CCsymmboliizingg Dclaiimingg8.Ahaandedd outt Bturnn oveer CCbrooughtt bacck DDpasssed downn9.Apuushedd Bgot Cmmade Dmmanagged10.Aeever Bnneverr Ceithher Dneeitheer11.Addisguuisedd
10、Bdistturbeed CCdissputeed DDdisstingguishhed12.Accompaany Bcoollecctionn Ccommmunitty DDcollony13.Aeemplooyed Baappoiintedd Cinteervieewed Dqquesttioneed14.Aeethiccal Bmiilitaary Cpoolitiical Dhhumann15.Arruineed BBcommmuteed CCpattrollled Dgaainedd16.Apparallleleed BBcouunterracteed CCdupplicaated
11、Dccontrradiccted17.Annegleectedd Bavoiided Ceemphaasizeed DDadmmiredd18.Asstagees BBilllusioons Cfrragmeents Daadvanncea19.AWWith BTTo CCAmoong DBeeyondd20.Aoon thhe coontraary B bby thhis mmeanss Cfromm thee outtset Daat thhat ppointtSecctionn II Resddiongg CommprehhensiionParrt ADirrectiions:Reaad
12、 thhe foollowwing fourr texxts. answwer tthe qquesttion afteer eaach ttext by cchoossing A,B,C orr D. Markk youur annswerrs onn ANSSWER SHEEET 1.(40 poinnts)Text 1Hommeworrk haas neever beenn terrriblly poopulaar wiith sstudeents and evenn manny paarentts, bbut iin reecentt yeaars iit haas beeen ppa
13、rtiiculaarly scorrned. Schhool disttrictts accrosss thee couuntryy, moost rrecenntly Los Angeeles Uniffied, aree revvisinng thheir thinnkingg on his educcatioonal rituual. Unfoortunnatelly, LL.A. Uniffied has prodducedd an infllexibble ppoliccy whhich manddatess thaat wiith tthe eexcepptionn of some
14、e advvanceed cooursees, hhomewwork may no llongeer coount for moree thaan 100% off a sstudeents accademmic ggradee。Thiis ruule iis meeant to aaddreess tthe ddiffiicultty thhat sstudeents fromm imppoverrisheed orr chaaoticc hommes mmightt havve inn commpletting theiir hoomewoork. But the poliicy iis
15、unncleaar annd coontraadicttory. Cerrtainnly, no hhomewwork shouuld bbe asssignned tthat studdentss cannnot do wwithoout eexpennsivee equuipmeent. But if tthe ddistrrict is eessenntiallly ggivinng a passs to studdentss whoo do not do ttheirr hommeworrk beecausse off commpliccatedd fammily livees, ii
16、t iss goiing rriskiily cclosee to the impllicattion thatt staandarrds nneed to bbe loowereed foor pooor cchilddren。Disstricct addminiistraatorss sayy thaat hoomewoork wwill stilll bee a ppat oof scchoolling: teaacherrs arre allloweed too asssign as mmuch of iit ass theey waant. But withh hommeworrk
17、coountiing ffor nno moore tthan 10% of ttheirr graades, stuudentts caan eaasilyy skiip haalf ttheirr hommeworrk annd seee veey liittlee difffereence on ttheirr repport cardds. SSome studdentss migght ddo weell oon sttate testts wiithouut coompleetingg theeir hhomewwork, butt whaat abbout the studden
18、tss whoo perrformmed wwell on tthe ttestss andd didd theeir hhomewwork? It is qquitee posssiblle thhat tthe hhomewwork helpped. Yet rathher tthan empooweriing tteachhers to ffind whatt worrks bbest for theiir sttudennts, the poliicy iimposses aa flaat, aacrosss-thhe-booard rulee。At the samee timme,
19、tthe ppoliccy adddressses nonee of the trully thhornyy queestioons aaboutt hommeworrk. IIf thhe diistriict ffindss hommeworrk too be unimmporttant to iits sstudeents acaademiic acchievvemennt, iit shhouldd movve too redduce or eelimiinatee thee asssignmmentss, noot maake tthem counnt foor allmostt n
20、otthingg. Coonverrselyy, iff hommeworrk dooes nnothiing tto ennsuree thaat thhe hoomewoork sstudeents are not assiigninng moore tthan theyy aree willlingg to reviiew aand ccorreect。Thee hommeworrk ruules shouuld bbe puut onn holld whhile the schoool bboardd, whhich is rrespoonsibble ffor ssettiing e
21、educaationnal ppoliccy, llookss intto thhe maatterr andd connductts puublicc heaaringgs. IIt iss nott tooo latte foor L.A. UUnifiied tto doo hommeworrk riight。21.It iis immplieed inn parragraaph 11 thaat noowadaays hhomewwork_。A is receeivinng moore ccritiicismmBis nno loongerr an educcatioonal ritu
22、ualCis nnot rrequiired for advaancedd couursessDis ggainiing mmore prefferennces22.L.A.Uniffied has madee thee rulle abbout homeeworkk maiinly becaause poorr stuudentts_。Atendd to havee modderatte exxpecttatioons ffor ttheirr eduucatiionBhavee askked ffor aa difffereent eeducaationnal sstanddardCmay
23、 havee prooblemms fiinishhing theiir hoomewoorkDhavee voiiced theiir coomplaaintss aboout hhomewwork23.Accoordinng too Parragraaph 33,onee prooblemm witth thhe poolicyy is thatt it may_。Adisccouraage sstudeents fromm doiing hhomewworkBresuult iin sttudennts indiifferrencee to theiir reeportt carrdsC
24、undeerminne thhe auuthorrity of sstatee tesstsDresttrictt teaacherrs ppowerr in educcatioon24. As menttioneed inn Parragraaph 44, a key quesstionn unaansweered abouut hoomewoork iis whhetheer_. A it shouuld bbe elliminnateddBit ccountts muuch iin scchoollingCit pplacees exxtra burddens on tteachhers
25、Dit iis immporttant for graddes25.A suuitabble ttitlee forr thiis teext ccouldd be_。AWronng Innterppretaationn of an EEducaationnal PPoliccyBA Weelcommed PPoliccy foor Pooor SStudeentsCThorrny QQuesttionss aboout HHomewworkDA Faaultyy Appproacch too HommeworrkText22Preetty in ppink: aduult wwomenn d
26、o not remeemer beinng soo obssesseed wiith tthe ccolouur, yyet iit iss perrvasiive iin ouur yooung girlls livves. Tt iis noot thhat ppink is iintriinsiccallyy badd, buut itt is suchh a ttiny slicce off thee raiinboww andd, thhoughh it may celeebratte giirlhoood iin onne waay, iit allso rrepeaatedlly
27、 annd fiirmlyy fusses ggirlss ideentitty too apppearaance. Theen itt preesentts thhat cconneectioon, eeven amonng twwo-yeear-oolds, bettweenn girrls aas noot onnly iinnoccent but as eevideence of iinnoccencee. Loookinng arroundd, I desppaireed att thee sinngulaar laack oof immaginnatioon abbout girl
28、ls livves aand iinterrestss。Girrls atttracttion to ppink may seemm unaavoiddablee, soomehoow enncodeed inn theeir DDNA, but accoordinng too Jo Paollettii, ann asssociaate pprofeessorr of Amerricann Stuudiess, itt is not. Chiildreen weere nnot ccolouur-cooded at aall uuntill thee earrly 220th centtur
29、y: in the era befoore ddomesstic washhing machhiness alll babbies woree whiite aas a praccticaal maatterr, siince the onlyy wayy of gettting clotthes cleaan waas too boiil thhem. Whatts moore, bothh boyys annd giirls woree whaat weere tthougght oof ass gennder-neuttral dressses.Whenn nurrseryy collo
30、urss werre inntrodducedd, piink wwas aactuaally conssiderred tthe mmore mascculinne coolourr, a pasttel vversiion oof reed, wwhichh wass asssociaated withh strrengtth. BBlue, witth itts inntimaationns off thee Virrgin Maryy, coonstaancy and faitthfullnesss, syymbollisedd femmininnity. It was not unt
31、iil thhe miid-19980s, wheen ammpliffyingg agee andd sexx difffereencess beccame a doominaant cchilddrens maarketting straategyy, thhat ppink fullly caame iinto its own, wheen itt beggan tto seeem iinherrentlly atttracctivee to girlls, ppart of wwhat defiined themm as femaale, at lleastt forr thee fi
32、rrst ffew ccritiical yearrs。I hhad nnot rrealiised how proffounddly mmarkeetingg treends dicttatedd ourr perrcepttion of wwhat is nnaturral tto kiins, inclludinng ouur coore bbelieefs aaboutt theeir ppsychhologgicall devveloppmentt. Taake tthe ttoddller. I asssumeed thhat pphasee wass sommethiing ee
33、xperrts ddevellopedd aftter yyearss of reseearchh intto chhildrrens beehaviiour: wroong. Turnns ouut, aacdorrdingg to Daniiel CCook, a hhistooriann of chilldhoood coonsummerissm, iit waas poopulaariseed ass a mmarkeetingg triick bby cllothiing mmanuffacruurerss in the 19300s。Traade ppubliicatiions c
34、ounnsellled ddeparrtmennt sttoress thaat, iin orrder to iincreease salees, tthey shouuld ccreatte a “thirrd stteppiing sstonee” bettweenn inffant wearr andd oldder kkids cloothess. Ttt wass onlly affter “todddler”becaame aa commmon shoppperss terrm thhat iit evvolveed innto aa brooadlyy acccepteed d
35、eeveloopmenntal stagge. SSplitttingg kidds, oor addultss,intto evver-ttinieer caategooriess hass prooved a suure-ffire way to bboostt proofitss. Annd onne off thee eassiestt wayys too seggmentt a mmarkeet iss to magnnify gendder ddiffeerencces or inveent tthem wherre thhey ddid nnot ppreviiouslly ex
36、xist。26.By ssayinng iit iss.tthe rrainbbow(Linee 3, Paraa.1),tthe aauthoor meeans pinkk_。Ashouuld nnot bbe thhe soole rrepreesenttatioon off girrlhooodBshouuld nnot bbe asssociiatedd witth giirls innnocennceCcannnot eexplaain ggirlss laack oof immaginnatioonDcannnot iinfluuencee girrls livees annd i
37、nntereests27.Accoordinng too Parragraaph 22, whhich of tthe ffolloowingg is truee of coloours?AColoours are encooded in ggirlss DNNA。BBluee useed too be regaardedd as the coloour ffor ggirlss。CPinkk useed too be a neeutraal coolourr in symbbolissing gendders。DWhitte iss preefereed byy babbies。28.The
38、 authhor ssuggeests thatt ourr perrcepttion of cchilddrens pssychoologiical deveelopmment was muchh inffluennced by_。Athe markketinng off prooductts foor chhildrrenBthe obseervattion of cchilddrens naatureeCreseearchhes iinto chilldrenns bbehavviorDstuddies of cchilddhoodd connsumpptionn29.We mmay l
39、learnn froom Paaragrraph 4 thhat ddeparrtmennt sttoress werre addviseed too_。Afocuus onn inffant wearr andd oldder kkids cloothessBattaach eequall impportaance to ddiffeerentt gennderssCclasssifyy connsumeers iinto smalller grouupsDcreaate ssome commmon sshopppers terrms30.It ccan bbe cooncluuded th
40、att girrls attrractiion tto piink sseemss to be_。A cleearlyy expplainned bby thheir inboorn ttendeencyBfullly unndersstoodd by clotthingg mannufacctureersC maiinly impoosed by pprofiit-drrivenn bussinesssmennDwelll intterprretedd by psyccholoogicaal exxperttsText33In22010.afedderalljudggeshoookAmmer
45、kk-forrceurrgedrreforrmforrpateentsrrelattedtoogeneeticttestss.InOOctobberthheDeppartmmentoofJussticee“isnoolesssaprooducttofnaaturee.tthanaarecoottonnfibrresthhathaavebeeenseeparaatedffromccottoonseeeds。”Desspiteetheaappeaalscoourtsdeccisioon,biigqueestioonsreemainnunannswerred.FForexxamplle,ittisunncleaarwheetherrthessequeencinngofaawhollegennomevviolaatestthepaatenttsofiindivviduaalgenneswiithinnit.TThecaasemaayyettreacchtheeSuprremeCCourtt。AS the induustryy advvancees ,hhowevver,ootherr suiits