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《业绩管理流程44276.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《业绩管理流程44276.docx(18页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、2003/1/288To: KKey mmanaggersCC: MMr. 林林Re关于: Perrformmancee Mannagemment Proggram业业绩管理计计划Startting fromm 20003, Cofeeed CChinaa plaan too tryy Perrformmancee Mannagemment Proggram in tthis fisccal yyear. To let you undeerstaand tthis proggram moree cleearlyy, I woulld liike bbrieffly eexplaaininng
2、thhe whhole proggram as ffolloows: 2003年年始,科菲菲特中国执执行PMPP业绩管理理计划,现现将管理程程序简要解解释如下,以以便部门理理事清晰理理解程序,详详细制订计计划:1) Progrram OObjecctivee该计划的的目标 (atttachmment 1附件一一)2) Progrram pproceess 该该计划的程程序(atttachhmentt 2附件件二)3) Phasee I该计计划的第一一阶段 Perrformmancee Mannagemment Plannningg 业绩目标的的制订( attaachmeent 33附件三)-E
3、xammple Perfformaance Manaagemeent PPlannning Formm 业绩管理计计划表样例例(atttachmment 4附件四四)4) S.M.AA.R.TT goaal. 设设立目标的的.M.A.R.T原则(atttachhmentt 5附件件五)请将完成的的中英文业业绩管理计计划交至公公司人事部部归档。Thankks foor yoour ssuppoort! 谢谢支持持! Attacchmennt 1附附件一Progrram OObjecctivees业绩管管理计划目目标Suppoort ccofeeed Chhina busiinesss as it
4、 ccontiinuouus too groow byy: 通过达到如如下目标来来支持科菲菲特公司不不断发展的的业务:1. Ensurres tthat you undeerstaand wwheree thee Commpanyy is headding ( coommonn unddersttandiing)确保你理解解公司的经经营方向(就公司司的目标达成共识)2. Ensurres tthat you undeerstaand eexacttly wwhat the orgaanizaationn exppectss froom yoou annd hoow yoour ggoal co
5、nttribuute tto ouur ovveralll suuccesss ( Cleaar exxpecttatioon )明确了解公公司对你的的期望以及及你个人业业绩目标的的完成对企企业的贡献献(明确期期望)3. Helpss youu to undeerstaand tthe sskillls yoou neeed tto deeliveer onn thee orgganizzatioons expeectattionss, ass welll ass howw to builld thhose skillls ( inccreassed ccapabbilitties)帮助你理解
6、解完成业绩绩目标你需需要掌握的的知识与技技能以及如如何获得这这些知识与与技能(能能力提高)4. Ensurres tthat you feell youur efffortts heere aare wworthh it throough rewaards and oppoortunnitiees thhat aare mmeaniingfuul too youu ( ccommiitmennt)使你的付付出得到相相应回报奖励或获获得对你有有意义的机机会。(认认同)Attacchmennt 2 附件二 -1Progrress proccess业业绩管理计计划的程序序COFEEED Chinaa
7、 impplemeents perfformaance manaagemeent aas a conttinuoous ccyclee thaat inncluddes ffour phasses:科菲特公司司业绩管理理计划通过过以下四个个阶段组成成的循环连连续进行,以以一个财政政年度为一一个周期,周周而复始。Phasee Onee 第一阶阶段: PPerfoormannce PPlannning业业绩目标制制订At thhe beeginnning of tthe pperfoormannce pperiood, pperfoormannce eexpecctatiions are esta
8、ablisshed accoordinng too jobb desscripptionns annd aggreedd to as ppart of tthe pplannning proccess在流程初初期,根据据工作描述述制订业绩绩目标并就就业绩期望望达成共识识。Phasee Twoo第二阶段段: Cooachiing aand FFeedbback反反馈与指导导The eemplooyee workks too acccompllish the perfformaance expeectattionss thaat haave bbeen estaablisshed . thhe m
9、aanageer obbservves pperfoormannce , andd givves ffeedbback and coacchingg forr conntinuuous imprrovemment在员工努力力完成制订订的业绩目目标的过程程中,其主主管观察其其业绩,不不断给予反反馈及相应应指导,以以帮助员工工不断提高高。Phasee Thrree第三三阶段: Perfformaance Reviiew业绩绩评估The eemplooyee offeers aand rreceiives feeddbackk aboout hhis oor heer peerforrmancce
10、coomparred tto thhe pllan tthat was estaablisshed根据预先确确定的业绩绩目标对员员工进行评评估Phasee Fouur 第四四阶段: Rewaards奖奖励Basedd on the perfformaance reviiew, the comppany deteerminnes rrewarrds ffor tthe eemplooyee thatt aree botth meeaninngfull to the emplloyeee andd appproprriatee forr thee levvel oof peerforrmancce
11、 deemonsstratted.基基于业绩评评估的结果果,公司决决定对员工工进行适当当的褒奖。Attacchmennt 2 附件二 -2The ffolloowingg graaphicc illlustrratess thee fouur phhasess of the Perfformaance Manaagemeent PProceess.以下图示出出业绩管理理程序的四四个阶段。Attacchmennt 3 附件三 -1Phasee I该计计划的第一一阶段 Peerforrmancce Maanageementt Plaanninng 业绩绩目标的制制订Theree aree fouu
12、r coomponnentss to the perfformaance plann.( SSee EExampple PPerfoormannce MManaggemennt Pllanniing FForm)业绩目标标计划包含含四个组成成部分(见见附件业绩绩管理计划划样例)I)Daiily JJob RRespoonsibbilitties日日常工作职职责II)Suuccesss Meeasurres成功功标准III) Perfformaance Goalls业绩目目标IV)Peersonnal DDevellopmeent GGoalss个人自我我提高的目目标I) Dailyy Jobb
13、 Ressponssibillitiees日常工工作职责Normaal , day-to-dday ttaskss thaat yoou arre reesponnsiblle foor exxecutting effeectivvely指指你日常须须负责的工工作II) Perfoormannce GGoalss业绩目标标Perfoormannce ggoalss reffer tto Whhat yyou ddo orr thee ressultss youu aree exppecteed too achhievee业绩目标标指期望你你去做或取取得的结果果May ddescrribe可可以
14、是:- Achieevemeent oof buusineess rresullts业务务目标的完完成- Achieevemeent ffrom innoovatiive oor “ exceeptioonal” effoorts通通过革新变革所取取得的成果果- Measuurablle miilesttoness towward comppletiing sspeciial oor loong-tterm projjectss长期项目目的阶段性性成果- Some combbinattion of tthe aabovee以上方面面的组合Your perfformaance plann wil
15、ll inncludde thhree to ffive Perfformaance Goalls一般般业绩目标标包含到到个目标标。III) Succeess MMeasuure 成成功标准The mmeasuurablle thhat sshow yourr succcesss by perfformaance expeectattionss 衡量业业绩期望下下是否成功功)Perrsonaal Deeveloopmennt Gooals个个人自我提提高的目标标Persoonal Deveelopmment goalls foocus on wwhat you needd to deveelo
16、p to bbe moore eeffecctivee in you job.Exampples of ppersoonal deveelopmment goalls maay bee to enhaance yourr preesenttatioon skkillss by atteendinng a univversiity ccoursse , or tto leearn anotther langguagee to incrreasee youur abbilitty too conntribbute to tthe oorgannizattion个个人自我提提高的目标标主要指为为使工
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- 业绩 管理 流程 44276