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1、Value-Creation through the Balanced Scorecard Oriented TQM Concept(Authhors: Dr. Mikke C. K. Lam and Mr. Q.S. Renn)Beijiing WWesteern CConsuultannts (m)AbstrractThis papeer trries to ssolvee somme off thee isssues conccerniing ttotall quaalityy mannagemment (TQMM). FFirsttly, whatt doees a TQM (buss
2、inesss exxcelllencee) coonceppt/moodel lookk likke? AAre tthesee TQMM connceptts/moodelss theeoretticallly ssoundd? Woould the judgging frammeworrks aand ccriteeria of ssome quallity awarrds ssuch as HHong Kongg Mannagemment Assoociattion (HKMMA) QQualiity AAwardd be the TQM concceptss/moddels? Secc
3、ondlly, aare TTQM mmodells reelateed too othher mmanaggemennt coonceppts ssuch as tthe BBalannced Scorrecarrd (BBSC)? Thiirdlyy couuld wwe inntegrrate the TQM conccept withh BSCC fraamewoork tto foorm aa vallue-aaddinng coonceppt? Thee maiin aiim off thiis paaper conccernss witth thhe prrocessses of
4、 bbuildding up tthe BBalannced Scorrecarrd Orrientted TTQM cconceept ttheorreticcallyy, foor whhich the basees arre coonjoiiningg thee Kannjiss TQMM moddel aand tthe fframeeworkk of the BSC withh refferennce tto thhe juudginng frramewwork and critteriaa of HKMAA Quaalityy Awaard. Baseed onn thee con
5、nceptt of Systtems Theoory aand mmodell buiildinng teechniique, firrstlyy we triaangullatedd thee Kannjiss TQMM moddel aand tthe BBSC fframeeworkk to fit intoo thee Sysstemss Theeory. Seccondlly, wwe coomparred tthesee triianguulateed moodelss witth reefereence to tthe jjudgiing fframeeworkk andd cr
6、iiteriia off HKMMA Quualitty Awward systtematticallly. Thirrdly, aftter aanalyysis, we propposedd thee BSCC-Oriienteed TQQM coonceppt annd itts coonceppt maappinng foor reefereence and furtther testting in tthe rreal worlld. TThe eexpeccted outccomess of thiss ressearcch arre soolvinng thhe abbove-m
7、enttioneed reesearrch pprobllems. Thee ulttimatte aiim off thiis reesearrch iis too forrm thhe cooncepptuall moddel oof BSSC-Orrientted TTQM cconceept ffor ffurthher ttestiing bby prractiitionners and acaddemiccs off TQMM in ordeer too gaiin moore cconcrrete expeeriennces or tthe mmanaggemennt knnow
8、leedge of tthe wworldd.IntrooducttionThe oorigiinal or ttradiitionnal aapprooachees off quaalityy mannagemment weree verry muuch pproceess ooriennted. Witth thhe addventt of Totaal Quualitty Maanageementt (TQQM), orgaanizaationns beegan to ffocuss on the needds (rrequiiremeents) andd wannts (exceeed
9、inng thhe reequirremennts) of ccustoomerss botth exxternnallyy andd intternaally (Willkinsson, 19922). TTheree is no ddoubtt thaat thhe isssue of custtomerrs bbecommes tthe ffoci of all kindds off mannagemment toolls annd coonceppts. On tthe ootherr hannd, oone oof thhe baasic concceptss of TQM is t
10、the ssysteems ttheorry (iinputt-proocesss-outtput). Thhat iis too sayy, thhe innputss-proocessses-ooutpuuts (actiivitiies) of aan orrganiizatiion aare aaiminng att thee fullfilllmentt of the needds annd waants of tthe ccustoomerss succh ass thee connceptt of Too dellightt cusstomeers, whiich iis thh
11、e innput or sstartting poinnt off thee whoole vvaluee-addding chaiin off bussinesss prrocessses so tthat the outpputs are cusstomeers satiisfacctionn/dellightt annd thhus tthe ffinannciall perrformmancee. Iff we acceept tthis simpple llogicc of doinng buusineessess, wee stiill hhave to ssolvee, att
12、leaast, two majoor isssuess. Fiirstlly, llet uus asssumee thaat wee knoow ouur cuustommers thorroughhly. Howeever, in accoordannce wwith Ansooff (19844), Straategyy is a coonceppt off thee firrms busiinesss, whhich provvidess a uunifyying themme foor alll itts acctiviitiess. TThe pprobllem iis hoow
13、coould we oorgannize all the actiivitiies oof ann orgganizzatioon unnder a unnifyiing tthemee, whhich is, the straategyy of an oorgannizattion? Seccondlly, eeven thouugh aan orrganiizatiion hhas sstrattegy, howw couuld wwe knnow tthe iimpleementtatioon off thee strrateggy iss rigght? The answwer oof
14、 thhese two issuues llies on tthe sstrattegicc mannagemment of aan orrganiizatiion wwith the helpp of the BSC. Accorrdingg to Kanjji annd Assher (19995), the ultiimatee aimm of TQM is tto acchievve buusineess eexcelllencce (ccompaany pperfoormannce) suchh as finaanciaal annd noon-fiinanccial resuult
15、s/meassuress. Hooweveer, ffrom our conccretee expperieence and obseervattion and refllectiions, thee praactittioneers aand aacadeemicss of TQM are faciing mmany probblemss. Too namme a few, firrstlyy, whhat ddoes a TQQM coonceppt/moodel lookk likke? WWouldd thee juddgingg fraamewoorks and critteriaa
16、 of somee quaalityy awaards suchh as the Malccolm Balddrigee Nattionaal Quualitty Awward (USAA) orr Honng Koong QQualiity MManaggemennt Asssociiatioon Quualitty Awward (herreaftter wwe caall HHKMA Quallity Awarrd) bbe thhe TQQM (bbusinness exceellennce) concceptss/moddels? Seccondlly, aare tthesee T
17、QMM connceptts/moodelss theeoretticallly ssoundd/ baased?The rreseaarcheers oof thhis ppaperr havve beeen iinvollvingg thee ressearcch, ttrainning, eduucatiion aand iimpleementtatioon off TQMM (Kaanji, 19998) aand tthe BBalannced Scorrecarrd (KKaplaan & Nortton, 19922, 19993, 19944,19996 a, 19996b,
18、20000) too varriouss cliientss in Chinna, oof cooursee, inncludding Hongg Konng SAAR (ssee ). Wee (inncludding our teamms off connsulttantss) haave bboth the expllicitt (coodifiied) and taciit (uuncoddifieed) kknowlledgee. Baased on oour ppractticess of the conccept of Ba (Nonnaka and Konnno, 11998)
19、, whhich is aa knoowleddge ccreattion proccess, andd Kollbs Expeerienntiall Leaarninng Cyycle (Kollb, RRubinn andd McIIntyrre, 11979), wee advvocatte thhat iit iss higghly likeely tto inntegrrate” or “cconjooininng” tthe fframeeworkk of the BSC withh thee TQMM moddels suchh as the Kanjjis TQM modeel
20、 (11998) witth reefereence to tthe fframeeworkk andd juddgingg criiteriia off HKMMA quualitty awward as aa kinnd off TQMM (busiinesss exccelleence) conccept for refeerencce. TThe eexpeccted resuult oof thhis rreseaarch is ssolviing tthe sstateed reesearrch pprobllems of tthis papeer annd thhe ulltim
21、aate aaim iis too forrm thhe cooncepptuall moddel oof BSSC-Orrientted TTQM cconceept ffor ffurthher ttestiing bby prractiitionners & accademmics of TTQM aand BBSC iin orrder to ggain moree conncrette exxperiiencees. (Pleaase rreferr to Figuure 11)Backggrounnd off thee StuudyThe aauthoors oof thhis p
22、paperr havve beeen iinvollvingg thee ressearcch annd thhe immplemmentaationn of TQM (Lamm andd Yu, 19999, 22001), annd thhe BSSC (LLam 22002 a, bb, c) forr tenn yeaars (conccretee expperieence). Mooreovver, the authhors havee beeen reesearrchinng thhe thheoreeticaal baases of ssome TQM modeels ssuch
23、 as KKanjiis TTQM mmodell. Baased on tthe KKolbs Exxperiientiial LLearnning Cyclle (PPleasse reefer to FFigurre 1), thhe auuthorrs diiscovveredd (Obbservvatioon annd Reeflecctionns) tthat therre arre maany ssimillaritties betwween the Kanjjis TQM modeel annd thhe baasic critteriaa of variious qualli
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- 创造 价值 通过 平衡 计分 导向 全面质量管理 8261709711181