《供应商审核检查表18543.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《供应商审核检查表18543.docx(22页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、供应商审核检查表ADVANNCED MICRRO DEEVICEES SUUPPLIIER AAUDITT CHEECKLIIST供应商(SSUPPLLIER):_地址(LOOCATIION):_AMD审核核成员(AMD AUDIITORSS):_ _日期(DAATE):_现场审核(ON-SITE AUDIT)_ 书面审核(MAIL AUDIT)_注意:审核核员在每个个空格将输输入一些关关键数字,应应答者应回回答YESS或NO,如如果不适用用回答N/A NOTE:On-ssite audiitorss willl ennter the key numbber rratinng inn eacc
2、h spacce. For maill auddit survveys, ressponddentss willl annswerr yess or no, or uuse tthe kkey nnumbeer raatingg sysstem in eachh spaace. If aqueestioon dooes nnot aapplyy, annswerr N/AA.1.0 质质量承诺(QUALITY COMMITMENT)1.1 是否有质量量方针、目目标或质量量手册? IIs thhere a quualitty poolicyy, sttatemment, or manuual?
3、_ 11.1.11是否定期期评审、更更新质量方方针及手册册? Is tthe qqualiity ppoliccy orr mannual updaated reguularlly? _ 11.1.22质量方针针或手册是是否包括本本检查单提提及的基本本系统? Doess thee pollicy or mmanuaal inncludde baasic systtems as iidenttifieed inn thiis chheckllist? _ 1.22 对质量量有影响的的人员的职职责与权限限有无明文文规定? Is the Quallity funcctionns aauthoorit
4、yy andd ressponssibillitiees cllearlly deefineed inn wriitingg? _ 1.33 有无组组织结构图图? Is therre ann orgganizzatioon chhart whicch iddentiifiess quaalityy funcctionn eleementts? _ 1.44 是否负负责质量的的人员有权权拒绝不符符合规定要要求的物品品? Doees thhe Quualitty fuunctiion cclearrly hhave the authhoritty too withhholdd iteems tth
5、at havee nott mett an acceeptabble qqualiity stanndardd? _ 1.55 有无书书面的持续续改进计划划? Is therre a docuumentted qqualiity iimproovemeent pplan? _意见(COOMMENNTS): _总计(POOINT TOTAAL):_2.0 总体质量量体系的要要求(GEENERAAL QUUALITTY SYYSTEMM REQQUIREEMENTTS) 2.11 有无定定义了过程程质量控制制点的过程程流程图? Is therre a currrent proccess floww
6、 chaart wwith proccess or qqualiity iinspeectioon poointss deffinedd? _ 2.22 有无追追溯交付到到原材料的的系统并能能贯穿在进进出货检验验、过程检检验之中? Is therre a systtem ffor llot ttraceeabillity of mmaterrialss thaat wiill ttracee matteriaals ffrom raww supppliees too shiippedd prooductt, whhich conttainss, quuantiity iin/ouut, iin
7、speectioon perrformmed? _ 2.33 有无进进料检验的的管理程序序? Is therre a systtem wwhichh inddicattes tthe aaccepptancce off matteriaal thhrougghoutt thee proocesss? _ 2.44 有无描描述过程检检验,使产产品达到规规定要求的的整个生产产过程的验验收? Doees thhe Quualitty fuunctiion mmainttain a syystemm forr thee usee andd conntroll of insppectiion staam
8、ps or aan allternnate methhod oof inndicaatingg accceptaance and idenntifiicatiion oof thhe perrson makiing tthe ddecission? _意见(COOMMENNTS): _总计(POOINT TOTAAL):_3.0 统计程序序及质量控控制(STTATISSTICAAL PRROCESSS ANND QUUALITTY COONTROOL) 3.11 有无书书面的SPPC系统文文件? Is a SPPC syystemm deffinedd andd doccumennted? _
9、 3.22 是否有有最高管理理层参与评评审SPCC控制系统统? Is therre evvidennce oof toop maanageementt invvolveementt? _ 3.33 是否用用统计的方方法进行持持续改进,以以证明公司司的质量方方针、目标标,是否达达到? Do comppany poliiciess/objjectiives refllect manaagemeentss commmitmeent tto coontinnuouss impproveementt thrroughh thee usee of stattistiical methhods? _ 3.4
10、4 是否建建立了通过过适当的特特性来监控控每个关键键过程的程程序,并且且指明用何何种统计技技术? Havve prrocedduress andd tecchniqques beenn esttabliishedd to deteerminne thhe appproppriatte chaaractterissticss to be mmonittoredd forr eacch crriticcal ooperaationn? _ 3.55 是否有有书面的文文件规定当当超出控制制线时应提提供适当的的书面反应应,并给予予必要的行行动? Is therre a docuumentted ppr
11、oceeduree deffininng ouut off conntroll limmits and signnificcant pattternns wiithinn conntroll limmits whicch prroviddes aapproopriaate wwrittten rrespoonsess forr acttionss takken? _ 3.6 有否否使用控制制图? Arre coontrool chhartss in use? _3.7 控控制图是否否简明、扼扼要、清晰晰? AAre tthe cchartts cllear and conccise? _ 3.
12、8 统计计的控制线线是否用于于管制图中中? Arre sttatissticaal coontrool liimitss useed onn thee conntroll chaarts? _ 3.9 由谁谁发现失控控情况? Whho deetectts ouut off conntroll connditiion(ss)? 操作作工opeeratoors? _ 主管ssuperrvisoors? _ 维护护人员maainteenancce? _ 工程程师enggineeers? _ 经理mannagerrs? _ _ 3.10 谁谁对失控现现象作出反反应? WWho rrespoonds t
13、o oout oof coontrool coondittion(s)? 操作作工opeeratoors? _ 主管ssuperrvisoors? _ 维护护人员maainteenancce? _ 工程程师enggineeers? _ 经理mannagerrs? _ _ 3.111 当发发生时有无无及时的解解决方案? Iss theere ppromppt reesoluutionn of out of ccontrrol ccondiitionns? _ 3.112 有无无制定记录录控制图上上的相关信信息的程序序,且被执执行? Haas a proccedurre beeen iimplee
14、mentted ffor rrecorrdingg perrtineent iinforrmatiion oon coontrool chhartss? _ 3.113 有无无调整控制制线的控制制程序并执执行? Haas a proccedurre beeen iimpleementted ffor eestabblishhing and adjuustinng coontrool liimitss? _ 3.114 有无无建立减小小过程变差差的目标? Haave ggoalss beeen esstabllisheed too redduce variiatioon inn thee pro
15、ocesss? _意见(COOMMENNTS): _总计(POOINT TOTAAL):_4.0 人员培训训及证明(PERSONNEL TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION) 4.1 有无无建立关键键过程、操操作、检验验员工的培培训程序? Arre thhere traiiningg prooceduures for perssonneel asssignned tto woork oon crriticcal pproceessess, opperattionss, annd innspecctionns? _ 4.2 培训计计划是否包包括下列几几个方面? Dooes tth
16、e ttrainning proccedurre inncludde thhe foollowwing? 4.22.1 操作姿势势指导及测测试? Handds-onn insstrucctionn andd tesstingg. _ 4.22.2 在特定的的时期结束束时或效果果不好的特特定时期,再再测试和再再培训? Reteestinng orr rettrainning of ppersoonnell at the end of aa speecifiic tiime pperiood orr whenn perrformmancee inddicattes ppoor perfformaa
17、nce for a sppeciffied timee perriod. _ 4.22.3 有无取消消颁发能力力资格证的的标准规定定? The critteriaa forr deccertiifyinng annd reecerttifyiing ppersoonnell. _ 4.3 培训训记录及培培训人员名名单是可利利用的、可可保留的? Arre trrainiing rrecorrds aand aa lisst off traainedd perrsonnnel aavaillablee andd maiintaiined? _ 4.4 人员员是否被培培训在工作作中用到的的统计方法法
18、, Arre peersonnnel traiined to uuse sstatiisticcs wiithinn thee jobb,esppeciaally SPC/SQC methhods? _ 人员员达到了何何种水平? Whhat llevell of perssonneel? _意见(COOMMENNTS): _总计(POOINT TOTAAL):_5.0 测量设备备的控制(TEST AND MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT CONTROL) 5.1 有无无程序规定定测量设备备的周期性性校验? Iss theere aa doccumennted systtem ffor
19、 tthe aautommaticc reccall and periiodicc callibraationn of testt andd meaasuriing eequippmentt andd meaasureementt staandarrds? _ 5.11.1 若若员工被允允许使用自自已的量测测设备、那那么此设备备是否在公公司规定的的控制之中中? IIf emmployyees are permmitteed too usee theeir oown ttest and meassurinng eqquipmment, is ssuch equiipmennt inncorppo
20、ratted iin thhe syystemm? _ 5.2 测试试及测量设设备的标准准的校对是是否基于制制造商的定定期(时间间间隔)统统计数据的的基础上? Arre teest aand mmeasuuringg equuipmeent aand sstanddardss callibraated baseed onn an estaablisshed maanufaacturrerss inttervaal orr upoon cuurrennt sttatissticaal daata? _ 5.3 关于于测量设备备及测量标标准的校对对是否有文文件化规定定? Arre prrocedd
21、uress doccumennted for the caliibrattion of ttest and meassurinng eqquipmment and Meeasurremennt sttandaards? _ 5.33.1 公公差的定义义是否已被被文件化? AAre ttolerrancees deefineed annd doocumeentedd? _ 5.33.2 这这份文件是是否定义了了对于超出出公差的纠纠正措施? DDo thhe prrocedduress speecifyy corrrecttive actiion ffor aan ouut off tollera
22、nnce ccondiitionn? _ 5.33.3 这这些校验是是否遵循NNISN、AASTM等等标准? IIs caalibrratioon trraceaable to nnatioonallly acccepttablee staandarrds ssuch as NNIST, ASTTM, eetc.? _ 5.33.4 校校验记录是是否包含以以下信息? DDoes the caliibrattion recoord iincluude tthe ffolloowingg infformaationn? 校验日日期Callibraationn datte. _ 5.
23、3.4.2 校验人人Persson wwho ccalibbrateed thhe eqquipmment. _ 下次校校验的时间间Nextt callibraationn duee datte. _ 适用的的条件Apppliccablee envvironnmenttal ccondiitionns. _ 超出公公差的设备备在校验前前有无保存存记录? Forr outt of toleerancce eqquipmment,inittial readding befoore aand ffinall reaadingg aftter ccali
24、bbratiion. _5.3.4.6 超差的情况况是否有相相应的纠正正措施? Corrrectiive aactioons ttakenn forr outt of toleerancce coondittionss. _5.3.4.7 校验使用的的基准物质质有否进行行校验? Uniqque iidenttifieer off thee equuipmeent bbeingg callibraated. _5.3.4.8 有无使用的的校验程序序? Refeerencce too thee callibraationn prooceduure uused. _5.3.5 在使用前是是否重新做做
25、测试及验验证? Aree acqquireed orr rewworkeed teest aand mmeasuuringg equuipmeent iinspeectedd andd callibraated ppriorr to use? _ 5.4 有无无预防性维维护程序与与日程安排排? Arre thhere prevventiive mmainttenannce pproceedurees annd sccheduules mainntainned iin eaach aarea? _ 5.5 对于于测量设备备是否经常常做相关的的措施? Arre reegulaar coorrell
26、atioon teests for meassuremment equiipmennt coonduccted? _ 5.6 测量量设备是否否有标识注注明:校验验日期、校校验人、下下次校验时时间? Arre laabelss utiilizeed onn tesst annd meeasurring equiipmennt annd meeasurremennt sttandaards to shhow tthe ccurreent ccalibbratiion ddate, nexxt caalibrratioon duue daate, and the persson wwho peerf
27、orrmed the lastt callibraationn? _ 5.7 是否否有标识或或其它方法法表明测量量设备或测测试标准是是过期的或或超出公差差范围的? Iss theere aa sysstem whicch usses ttags or aanothher mmethood too ideentiffy paast ddue oor ouut off tooleraance testt andd meaasuriing eequippmentt andd meaasureementt staandarrds? _ 5.8 对超超出公差的的测量设备备是否会缩缩短其校验验周期? Is
28、s thee callibraationn inttervaal foor teest aand mmeasuuringg equuipmeent ssubjeect tto deecreaase whhen iidenttifieed ass outt of toleerancce? _意见(COOMMENNTS): _总计(POOINT TOTAAL):_6.0 文件与资资料变更的的控制(DDOCUMMENTAATIONN ANDD CHAANGE CONTTROL) 6.11 书面化化的资料是是否包含以以下各项?Are the folllowinng doocumeentedd? 66.
29、1.11 主要要的设计特特性(适用用时)Maajor desiign ccharaacterristiics (if aappliicablle) _ 66.1.22 使用用的材料MMaterrialss useed. _ 66.1.33 过程程控制程序序Proccess proccedurres. _ 66.1.44 检验验程序Innspecctionn prooceduures. _ 66.1.55 有关关成品的制制造及测试试所必须的的程序和记记录是否被被控制? Alll otther neceessarry prrocedduress neeeded for manuufactturin
30、ng annd teestinng off finnisheed prroduccts. _ 6.22 有否建建立文件变变更的管理理系统? Hass a ssysteem beeen eestabblishhed tto maake cchangges iin coontroolledd doccumenntatiion? _ 6.33 有否建建立文件变变更的审批批准则? Is therre ann esttabliishedd levvel oof appprovval nneedeed foor doocumeentattion channges? _ 6.44 更改内内容、生效效日期是否
31、否在图纸、程程序等文件件上标明或或证实? Aree chaange leveels aand eeffecctiviity ddatess inddicatted aand vveriffiablle onn draawinggs, prooceduures, etcc.? _ 6.55 若允许许,手工的的改动是否否有受控文文件的控制制? If permmitteed, aare hhandwwrittten cchangges tto coontroolledd doccumenntatiion llimitted? _ 6.5.1 依依靠什么手手段?Byy whaat meeans?_6.5.2 在规定的期期限内,文文件总清单单上是否被被更新以反反映经认可可的手写变变动? Arre sppecifficattion mastters upgrradedd to refllectaauthoorizeed haandwrritteen chhangees wwithii n aa speecifiic tiime pperiood? _ 如如何控制?How is tthis conttrollled?_6.6 现行的文件件是否有有有效文件总总清单? Arre thhere mastter ddocumme