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1、做最好的自己英语主题演讲讲话发言稿参考范文(精选16篇)发布时间:2022-09-04 做最好的自己英语演讲稿(精选16篇) 做最好的自己英语演讲稿 篇1 无论成败 但求做最好的自己-be the best of whatever you are! if you can't be a pine on the top of the hill, 如果你当不成山巅的一棵劲松, be a scrub in the valley-but be 就做山谷里的小树吧-但务必 the best little scrub by the side of the rill; 做溪流边最棒的一棵小树; be
2、a bush if you can't be a tree. 当不了树就做一丛灌木, if you can't be a bush be a bit of grass- 当不成灌木还可以做小草-但务必 and some highway happier make. 做路边最快乐的一株小草。 if you can't be a muskie then just be a bass- 如果你不是大梭鱼就做一尾鲈鱼吧, but the liveliest bass in the lake! 但要做湖里最活泼的小鲈鱼! we can't all be captains,
3、we've got to be crew, 我们不能都做船长,必须有人当船员, there's something for all of us here, 可每个人都有自己的事儿, there's big work to do, and there's lesser to do, 有的事情大,有的事情小, and the task you must do is the near. 而你要完成的任务就近在咫尺。 if you can't be a highway then just be a trail, 如果你不能做大道就做一条小径, if you ca
4、n't be the sun be a star; 若是不能做太阳就做星星; it isn't by size that you win or you fail- 决定成败的不是你的大小- be the best of whatever you are! 只要你做最好的自己! 做最好的自己英语演讲稿 篇2 I believe that everyone will have the moment that they envy others, they wantto be others. It is so common, people will see other peoples
5、advantages easily,while at the same time, they feel they are not equal with the others. Actually,everyone has something special, there is no need to envy others, we might beenvied by others. We can just be ourselves, just do what we want to do. Today,more and more people are doing plastic surgery, b
6、ecause they are not confidentwith themselves, they think the beautiful face makes them outstand, this iswrong idea. Just be yourself, you have the shinning point that makes yououtstand. Dont be jealous other blindly. 我相信每个人都会有这样的时刻,他们嫉妒别人,想要成为别人。这样很正常的,人们很容易看到别人的长处,但是同时,他们觉得自己比不上别人。事实上,每个人都有特别之处,没有必
7、要去羡慕别人,我们可能也是受到别人的羡慕。我们做自己,做我们自己想做的。今天,越来越多的人都说整容手术,因为他们对自己不自信,他们觉得美丽的脸庞让他们出众,这是错误的想法。做自己,你有闪光点,那才是让你出众的地方。不要盲目羡慕别人。 做最好的自己英语演讲稿 篇3 Referring to friendship, we often focus on building relationships with othersand we always forget the essential first step:being friends of ourselves. Thisis the most i
8、mportant first step if you want to have good relationships withothers. How can you be friends of others if you are not friends ofyourselves? 说到友谊,我们经常注重的是与别人建立关系,而且我们总是忘了基本的第一步:成为自己的朋友。如果你想与别人有良好的关系,这是最重要的第一步。如果你不是你自己的朋友,你怎么能成为别人的朋友? To be a friend of yourself, you should always care about yourself
9、and be kindto yourself. To be a friend of yourself can help you better understand yourfriends around you and bring more happiness to you and your friends. Others maynot know every thing about you and they can't always pat attention to you, soyou have to do these things yourselves. You must be go
10、od to yourself when yourfriends are not around you. Sometimes, it's yourself who can pull you out fromtrouble or upset. 要成为自己的朋友你应该经常关心自己,善待自己。成为自己的朋友能帮助你更好的理解你身边的朋友,给你和你的朋友带来更多快乐。别人可能不了解关于你的一切,而且他们不能总是注意到你,所以你必须自己做这些事。当你朋友不在你身边的时候你必须善待自己。有时候,只有你自己能帮你走出麻烦或苦恼。 做最好的自己英语演讲稿 篇4 The moment that I wen
11、t to middle school, I changed a lot. Firstly, I realizedthat I was not a little girl anymore, I had grown up and should be independent.So I tried to solve the problem by myself. If I figure out many ways and cantfix it, then I will turn to my parents for advice. Secondly, I becomeresponsible for mys
12、elf. My mother supervised me to do the homework before, now Ican finish it without anyones reminding, because I know the importance ofgetting improve. My parents are so happy about my changes, and they no longertreat me as a little kid. 我上中学的时候,改变了很多。首先,我意识到自己不再是个小女孩了,我长大了,应该要独立了。所以我试着自己去解决问题。如果我找遍方
13、法还无法解决时,我就会向我的父母寻求建议。其次,我开始对自己的言行负责。之前,我总要妈妈监督我完成作业,现在我可以自己完成,不用任何人的提醒,因为我知道学业进步的重要性。我的父母很开心我的改变,他们也不再把我当作小孩子。 做最好的自己英语演讲稿 篇5 Be True To Yourself 做真实的自己 To be true to yourself means to act in accordance with who you are and whatyou believe. 做真实的自己/真诚面对自己意味着按自己的本性和信仰行事。 If you know and love yourself
14、you will find it effortless to be true toyourself. 如果你了解自己、爱自己,你会发现真诚面对自己真的很容易。 Just as you cannot love anyone else until you love yourself, you cannot betrue to anyone else until you are true to yourself. 如果你不能首爱自先己,你就不可能爱别人;同样地,如果你不能真诚面对自己,你也不能真诚面对他人。 Be who you are. 做自己。 Do not take action or pre
15、tend to be someone else for the sake of gainingacceptance. 不要为了赢得他人的认可而做某件事或者扮演某种色。 Many young people believe that when they do things to please their peers,such as drink when they shouldn't, or behave and party in inappropriate ways,they will be popular and liked. 很多年轻人认为,要想受到欢迎并赢得好感,他们得做些事情来讨好
16、同伴,比如:在本来不应该喝酒的场合喝酒,或者行为不端,或者参加一些不当的聚会。 They go against the advice of their parents or their own common sense only tofind themselves in trouble and not accomplishing what they set out to do. 他们置父母的忠告和自己的常识于不顾,结果是自找麻烦,事与愿违。 When you do things that are not genuine or a reflection of the real you, youw
17、ill not be happy with yourself and will end up confused. You'll be confusedbecause you won't know whom to please, or how. 如果你的所作所为并非体现真实的自己,你也不会真正开心而只会不知所措;因为你不知道究竟应该取悦谁,怎么取悦他/她。 Self-respect comes from being true to who you really are and from acting inaccordance with your fundamental natur
18、e. 自尊源自真诚面对自己,自尊源自按自己的本性行事。 When you respect yourself, others will respect you. They will sense that youare strong and capable of standing up for yourself and your beliefs. 只有当你尊敬自己的时候,别人才会尊敬你;他们会认为你足够强大、足够有能力直面自己和自己的信仰。 When you are true to yourself, you allow your individuality and uniqueness tosh
19、ine through. You respect the opinions of others but do not conform tostereotypes or their expectations of you. 只有当你真诚面对自己的时候,你与众不同的个性才会展现出来。尊重别人的观点,但不迎合(屈从)他们的期待。 To be true to yourself takes courage. It requires you to be introspective,sincere, open-minded and fair. 做真实的自己需要勇气、内省、真诚、公正和开放的心态。 Being
20、 true to yourself does not mean that you are inconsiderate ordisrespectful of others. 做真实的自己并不意味这你可以不尊重别人或不考虑别人的感受。 It means that you will not let others define you or make decisions for youthat you should make for yourself. 做真的的自己意味着不按别人的方式定义你自己的生命,不让别人为你做本该由你自己做的决定。 做最好的自己英语演讲稿 篇6 老师们、同学们: 大家早上好!
21、今天是我校全体学生到校的第二周,因新冠肺炎疫情的原因,我们通过校园广播网与操场分会场举行一次特殊的开学典礼。 同学们:国家经过近三个月努力,控制住了新冠肺炎在中国土地上的肆虐。在这里让我们共同为 我们伟大的祖国点赞。 一、为中国速度点赞。有一则来自海外的评论是这样说的:中国政府在处理这种病毒方面一直表现出色。除非您是神话中的圣诞老人,否则您无法做到中国政府迄今为止所能提供的服务。在20_年的西非埃博拉病毒流行期间,从获得第一个患者样品到鉴定完整的基因组序列,他们花了2个月的时间。20_年美国的猪流感最终感染了5500万美国人,并导致11,000人死亡,从首例病例出现,到对其进行了识别花了1个月
22、时间,而新冠病毒在中国呢?从第一个患者样品到完成病毒鉴定和基因测序,仅仅历时1周;我们只用了10天的时间建设好了火神山医院;我们短时间内向武汉市派出数千名一流传染病专家、医生和护士,我们只用了2个多月就控制住了疫情在抗疫斗争中中国速度一次次上演,中国高效的组织管控能力让世人瞠目结舌。同学们,让我们为中国速度点赞! 二、为中国政府点赞。在这个遭遇疫情的新年里,正当中国上下一心对抗病毒时,我们屡屡看到了西方世界的傲慢与偏见:远在1月22日,美国纽约时报在报道中称中国在武汉“封城”的做法是“侵犯人权”、“反应过度”。对中国的作法冷嘲热讽。但中国政府珍视人民的生命安全,始终认为生命权才是最大的人权;在
23、中国疫情严重时,一部分西方国家隔岸观火、幸灾乐祸;当疫情在他们的国土上漫延时,他们又拼命甩锅给中国,号召“全民免疫”,无视国民生命财产安全。同学们,中国政府才是负责任的政府,始终将人民生命安全摆在第一位,让我们为中国政府点赞! 三、为敢于担当的中国人点赞。17年前SARS爆发时,在坐的很多同学都还没有出生,当年带领我们战胜Sars的是一个叫钟南山的人。今年武汉新冠肺炎爆发,84岁的钟南山再一次成为了我们心中的超级英雄。钟南山的一个好友说,“谁出来说话可能都不信,但钟南山一出来说,大家就都信了。” 17年过去了,为什么大家还是只相信钟南山,这种信任超越了学术范畴,而信任的源头,恐怕就是钟南山坚持
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- 最好 自己 英语 主题 演讲 讲话 发言稿 参考 范文 精选 16