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1、国有企业基层管理者激励机制研研究摘 要二十世纪七七十年代末末期,我国国国有企业业开始了改改制的步伐伐。随着改改制力度的的加大和改改制范围的的扩展,到到了二十世世纪九十年年代,国有有企业改制制进程逐渐渐加快,并并逐渐成为为我国市场场经济体制制改革的重重点。随着着国有企业业改制重要要性的日益益彰显,关关于国有企企业改制的的研究也逐逐渐成为了了学术界关关注的社会会热点和研研究重点。国国有企业改改制进行的的同时,近近些年重组组也被提上上了议事日日程,重组组是适应企企业发展的的必由之路路。但是改改革并不是是最终目的的,改革的的最终目的的是为了调调动广大管管理者和员员工的积极极性,是为为了搞活国国有企业。
5、经济特色的的激励机制制,对我国国建立现代代企业制度度,增强国国有企业竞竞争力有一一定参考意意义。关键词:国国有企业;改制重组组;基层管理理者;激励机制制IIIAbstrractIn thhe ennd off thee 19770s, the statte-owwned enteerpriises in CChinaa beggan tto sttart the proccess of rreforrm annd reeconsstrucctionn. Wiith tthe sstrenngtheeningg efffortss andd widdeninng reeformm, Chiina
6、ss staate-oownedd entterprrisess staartedd to speeed upp thee proocesss of refoorm aand ggraduuallyy beccame the focuus off thee marrket econnomicc sysstem refoorm aat thhe ennd off 19990s. Withh thee devveloppmentt of the refoorm oof thhe sttate-owneed ennterpprisees, mmore and moree atttentiion aa
7、re ppaid on aand tthe rreseaarch on thhe reeformm of the statte-owwned enteerpriises is bbecomming the focuus annd hoot poot inn thee acaademiia. MMeanwwhilee, reeconsstrucctionn whicch iss thee onlly waay too thee devveloppmentt of enteerpriises is ppropoosed to tthe aagendda. Howweverr refoorm iis
8、 noot thhe ulltimaate ppurpoose. Our aim is tto muusterr thee entthusiiasm of bboth the manaagerss andd thee staaff, so aas too fassten the deveelopmment of tthe sstatee-ownned eenterrprisses.The bbasicc mannagerrs caan noot bee ignnoredd,forr theey arre thhe maain eexecuutivee subbjectt of the ente
9、erpriises, thee bassis oof coore ccompeetenccies as wwell as tthe mmodell exaamplees off staaff. Therreforre hoow too mottivatte thhe baasic manaagerss is becoomingg a vvery impoortannt asspectt of the humaan reesourrce mmanaggemennt off thee entterprrisess in the refoorm pproceess aand aa corre prr
10、opossitioon off devveloppmentt of the enteerpriises in aa susstainnablee. Thhe esstabllishmment and imprrovemment of tthe iincenntivee mecchaniism iis thhe obbjecttive rrequiiremeent oof thhe suurvivval aand ddevellopmeent oof thhe ennterpprisees. TThus it iis ann ineevitaable trennd foor thhe sttat
11、e-owneed ennterpprisees too esttabliish iincenntivee mecchaniism ffor tthe bbasicc mannagerrs. NNowaddays, thee lacck off thee uniifiedd inccentiive ppoliccies towaards basiic maanageers lleadss to the lackk of enerrgy, the braiin drrain and the wastte off ressourcces. And to eestabblishh an effeect
12、ivve innternnal iincenntivee mecchaniism iis a feassiblee meaasuree to reveerse the currrent situuatioon off thee entterprrisess.This artiicle is ddividded iinto fivee chaapterrs. TThe ffirstt chaapterr summmariizes relaativee deffinittionss andd doees ceertaiin liiteraaturee ressearcch onn theeorie
13、es off inccentiive mmechaanismm. Thhe seecondd chaapterr anallysess thee inccentiive ssituaationn of the basiic maanageers aand tthe ssituaationn of humaan reesourrce mmanaggemennt accoordinng too thee acttual situuatioon off thee staate-oownedd entterprrisess. Thhe thhird chappter compparess difffe
14、reent iincenntivee metthodss bettweenn Chiina aand ootherr couuntriies aas weell aas ennterpprisees wiith ddiffeerentt ownnershhips in CChinaa. The fourrth cchaptter sstudiies oon soome ccertaain pprobllems whenn inccentiive mmechaanismm is estaablisshed, dessignss thee moddel oof inncenttive mechha
15、nissm baased on tthe iincenntivee facctorss andd meaanwhiile ddiscuussess thee isssues whicch deeservve atttenttion and the way to ccarryy outt thiis meechannism whenn succh inncenttive mechhanissm iss impplemeentedd in the statte-owwned enteerpriises. Thee fiffth cchaptter iis thhe coore ppart of t
16、this reseearchh. Thhis cchaptter ttakess Burreau of WWaterr Resouurce of HHenann Proovincce ass thee exaamplee, poointss outt thrree ddefeccts nnamedd commpenssatioon inncenttive defeect, prommotioon inncenttive defeect aand hhonorr inccentiive ddefecct byy anaalyziing tthe ppracttice and lesssens d
17、uriing yyearss off itss opeeratiion, anallyzess conncrettely seveeral probblemss in regaard oof ennterpprisee inccentiive, and propposess impproviing ccounttermeeasurres tto prromotte coompreehenssive comppetittive poweer annd ecconommic bbeneffit oof ennterpprisees whhich may offeer reefereence val
18、uue too thee rebbuildding of iincenntivee mecchaniism ttowarrds bbasicc mannagerrs off staate-oownedd entterprrisess in the proccess of rreforrm annd reeconsstrucctionn.Possiible innoovatiive ppointts off thiis arrticlle inncludde:Firsttly, disccoverr thaat thhree aspeects shouuld bbe coovereed whhe
19、n iincenntivee mecchaniism oof sttate-owneed ennterpprisees iss connstruuctedd. Suuch aaspeccts iinvollve: desiigninng annd foorminng a set of eepigaamic inceentivve faactorrs; bbuildding comppletee tarrget systtem; and conttrollling comppreheensivvely the effiicienncy oof inncenttive courrse bby ed
20、ducatting, delliverry annd suufficcientt infformaationn commmuniicatiion.Seconndly, thee prooposeed inncenttive mechhanissm wiith CChineese ccultuural and econnomicc chaaractterissticss whiich rreferrs thhe emmployyee iincenntivee priincipple ffrom the humaan reesourrce mmanaggemennt inn wessternn c
21、ouuntriies mmay hhave certtain refeerencce siignifficannce ffor CChinaa to estaablissh moodernn entterprrise systtem aand sstrenngtheen coompettitivvenesss off staate-oownedd entterprrisess.Key-wwordss: Sttate-owneed Ennterpprisees; RReforrm annd Reestruucturre; GGrasss-rooots LLevell Mannagerrs; II
22、ncenntivee MecchaniismVI目 录AbstrractIV导 论1第一章 相关文献献综述4第一节 相关定义义的讨论4第二节 激励理论论的回顾9第二章 国有企业业基层管理理者激励的的实证研究究14第一节 国有企业业基层管理理者现状14第二节 国有企业业基层管理理者激励的的主要缺陷陷15第三节 各层管理理者激励方方法的比较较16第三章 国内外企企业管理层层激励模式式的对比分分析19第一节 国外企业业的激励模模式介绍19第二节 我国企业业激励模式式的介绍21第三节 国内外激激励模式的的比较分析析23第四章 国有企业业基层管理理者激励机机制的构建建24第一节 国有企业业基层管理理者激
23、励机机制设计原原则24第二节 国有企业业基层管理理者激励机机制的构建建26第三节 国有企企业基层管管理者激励励机制的实实施28第五章 案例研究究32以河南南省水利第第一工程局局的项目经经理激励为为例32第一节 企业背景景介绍32第二节 实践与经经验教训32第三节 解决问题题的措施36结 论39参考文献40导 论一、研究背背景近10年来来我国国有有企业无论论是绝对数数量上还是是相对比例例上都在较较大幅度地地减少。11996年年我国国有有及国有控控股的工业业企业近113万家,到到20011年减少到到5万家,减减少近8万万家。国有有企业的户户数从19997年至至20000年减少了了7万多家家。按国家
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- 国有企业 基层 管理者 激励机制 研究 教材 20623