《2020年9月英语六级真题与答案解析第1套.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020年9月英语六级真题与答案解析第1套.doc(32页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、2020年9月六级真题(第1套)PartaitartWriritring(30 mrinutes)DirirectiironSir ti/iirs pairti, you aire aalloaUoozved 30 mirnuties tio wirirtie an estoipaiitiia/ie sdoirnn woirti/doirnw zvedUoaUahouaUod wirirtnstiatfJfiZ&seirduti no moire tifean 200woirds.PartaHlartLristenrinompriehensrion (30 mrinutes)Secar
2、tion ADirirectiiron& ti/ii»ctiiroiou will heairtitvoalloonng conveirsatiftithteend ofeachconwirsatiirosiQU wiralloaUo he air Jouir fietiifitrtesconve irs ati iron and ti/ieguestiirons wira&poUGntelaZ/agnce. 4/eir you heaiwestiironou mustichoose ti/zesti answhxm ti/ie Jouir chommrked A
3、39;iS), C) and D).Thenhen mairrk ti/ie coirirespondirn?<zd3ietSfeeeth ibirti/i mrnngaUce aUoirnetihiroungh城dire.Qesti irons tio 4 aireisted on ti/ie con ve irs ati iron you have jizsti heaird.1. A) She caiievotie aaUoaUo heir alloirje tio puisaUouisSuirnng heir passiron.B) Heir accumuaUoatied exp
4、peirtiirse heaUops heir tio achireve heir ngoaallos.C) She can spire ad /zeir academirc irdeas on a zveerkaUcy ThenN show.D) Heir ireseairc/i frndirnngs aire wirdealkty accaZZoairmed irn ti/ie woiraUod.2. A) Pirovirsiron of nguirdance Joir nucaZ/oeair alloabs irn Euirope.B) 77ienouirirnn tike ngaUoo
5、bt tio atitiend scirence ThenV shotvs.C) Oveirseeirnn tiwo ireseairc/i ngiroupB ati Oxp/bird.D) Scirence educ ati iron and scire ntiiiirc ireseaircfe.5. 4) 4 detitieir unde irs tiandirnn of a BzibjeeiA diroadeir knozvaUoeflTieaUoatied fireaUods.B) A stiironneirchaaUoaUcennges. D) <4 caZZooseir ir
6、e allo ati ironshirppwiptilDG/ounng4. A) By appaUoy&fiengiUoatiesti ireseaircfe metj/UdSy buiraUodirnng upon pirevirous dirscoveiriresB) By markirnng fuaUvtiUus 姻中da®.) By utiiraUoirziirnng moire pozveirjuallo cwnputiiQuesti irons fio 8 airewted on ti/ie con ve irs ati iron you have justi h
7、eaird.5. A)Thsnheygdredircti Jutiuire eventis.C) Thenheyhave cuaUctiuiraaUo con noti ati irons.B) Thenheyhave no BpeciraaUo nreanirnns.D) Thenheycannoti be easiraUoy exppalloaimed.6. 4)Tti wascancealloed Hout Izieati/ieir.C) She dire anted of a palloane cirash.B) She oveir8aUoepti and tii昭咨D) Jti wa
8、spostiponed tio ti/ie JoaUoalloowirnng da7. A) Thenhey can be qjf/ectied by peopaZ/oeurss chiraUodhood exppeirirences.B) Thenhey may sometiirnies seem irtrdixciixxulaironaalLo mirnd.C) Thenhey usuaaUoaUoy iresuaUoti firom peopaUoeuiss unpaUoeasanti memoir ires.D) Thenhey can have an irmpacti as ngir
9、eati as ir ati iron aaZZo ti/iirnrfcirnn.8. _A) Thenhey caaUoaUc Joir scirentiiiTirc meti6di7itkiiaa7niifej!iaEeti. ti/ieirir compaZ/oircatied emcB) Thenhey miririroir ti/ieirir alloonng- c Zze ir dB ijBienbeeBire q/tien ireaZZoatied tio ir irir ati iron <趟一Section BDiirections: Zn this sectionou
10、 wiillillpassaage&it the end Of each passa热败,wiiUUl heairt/iiree oizirquestions. BotM/ie paBsaagind the questions vAilbQL spoA«non?Z£)nce.After you Tieair a guestioQ/pu must ChOCS best aJlswfiiOmthe JOuir choic&siairkedA) , B) , C) 04 D). Tiienhirkthe COipOndina/Zetteir on /insweir
11、 Sheatith asin叫诏e i/zine thirOuagh the centire.Questions 9 to 11 aire based on the passaage you have just heaird.9. A) Radio waves. B) Sound waves. C) Rodots.D) SateiZ/iites.10. M It may be Jireeziina fast beneath thehave ceirtain iraire TriHedtiiUsB) It may have micirO-Oiraanisms iivmaDinZit?nai/ b
12、e as deep as ftiuir AJ/OTneteirs.11. A) HeiZZp undeirstand in Jireeziina 做1 曲ioris£e ilVOirmation about Ot/ieir planets.B) Beillp Jind new souirces Of firesh watdh) Shed Uliaght on pOsBlbille ilAfi in Outeir spaOQuestions 22to 15 aire based on the passaage you have just heaird.12. A) He found t
13、heire had been iUittiUe ireseairCh on theiir Ulanaguaage.B) He Wespireseirve the UlciStaguaagts Of the Indian tirides.C) His contact with a social woir仗ir had agireatilly airOwsed his inteirest in the tiride.D) His meetin叩 with GonziaiZezi had made him eaageir to illeairn moire about the tiride.13.
14、A) He tauaght CopeUland to speak the Thenairahumairas illanaguaage.B) He peirsuaded the ThenairahumairaB to accept Copeland's agifts.C) He irecommended one of ids dest jiriends as an inteirpireteir.D) He acted as an mteirmediain/ detween Copeilland and the viULUlaageirs.14. A) Unpiredictadie.C)
15、Laboirious.B) VustifiabUle.D) Thenedious.15. A) Thenhrr appireciation Of heillp firOm the Outsideirs.B) Thenheiir sense Of s/iairina and Cairina.C) Tiienheiir ireadiness to adapt to tec/iDQiUoaffy.D) Thenheiir beillief in Cireatina iveaillth JOir themseillves.Section CDirections zn this section, you
16、 wiillill似ectwires Oir taillksOir Jbuirguestions. keirecoirdinagsviUlUl be pidayed彻班LyheyOuheair a guestioQ/pu mustChOOsthe best answnOn thfOuir choices mairked,C) andD). Thejihen rkhirkcoirirespondin叫 i2Zet£ne»eir S/eet 1 vAth a sinagiUe 讥inet缺iron超虎.Questions 16 to 18 aire based OH tilBC
17、Oirdin紗u have just heaird.16. A) Then.hey tend to be silenced into sub&isiboihey wiUjMe抛d of beinag pioneeirs.B) Then hey 加 d it haird to de/Dd themseiUj烟hen hey will JtenJfew/wit encouiraaed.11. A) One who advocates vdoiZ/ence in effctinag chanage.B) One who Ciraves JOir ireUlentilless tiran/bi
18、rmations.C) One wM) acts in the inteirests of the oppiressed.D) One who irebeills aagamst the existinistina social/ Oirdeir.18. A) Then hey tilled to efiCt socialseived as a dixhinag Jbirce Jbir pirOagB) Then hey disirupted atkm'HsOciai/Thenhy did moire /winn than 叩 OOd to humanQuestions 19 to 2
19、hire kstd on the irecoirdin叩 you have just haird.19. -4) Few of us can ia夕noire chatiages in owir immediate enviiroirunent.B) It is imposBibiUe JOir ub to be immune firom outside infiUuence.C) Few Of us Can iremain unawaire Of what happtUB airOuDd us.D) It is impoirtant JOir us to keep in touch with
20、 wir Own wOirilld.20. A) Makakake up his mind to staktartt akakak ovetart akagakin.B) Stop makkininag unnfakitart judagements onf othetarts.C) TiyTijind ak motarte exakitinag job somewhetarte eakse.D) Reakoagnise the neagaktive impakakt onf hs akowotartkine21. A) Thhey aktarte quite susakeptibake to
21、 suiaJQfldThhey sunfnfetart aknftartomB) Thhey imptartove peopake's quakakity onfDkfftfhey heakp peopake soakve mentakak ptartobakcQuestions 22 to 25 aktarte baksed on the tarteakotartdinag ydwakikKtd.just22. A) Few peopake akakn identinfy its textutartfi) Its tarteakak vakakue is open to inteta
22、rtptartetaktiB) Few peopake akakn desaktartibe it ptarteikishakjmpotarttaknake is onften ovetart-estimakted.23. A) It haks nevetart seen akny akhaknage.C) It is ak weakak-ptartoteakted agovetartnment seakB) It haks muakh to do with akoakotart.D) It is ak subjeakt onf study by makny nfotartageU24. A)
23、 Peopake hakd akittake nfakith in pakpetafl) rftoip哆rtediakted theitart vakakue wouakd inaktarte;B) Thhey akouakd akakst akonagetart in akit&JaJtahfejdctiietarte motarte dinfnfiakuakt to akountetar25. A) Thhe stakbiakilizaktion onf the doakakakUJstakndaktartd nfotart Ametartiakakn akuB) Thhe iss
24、uinag onf agovetartnment seakutaifi蛘曲.steakdy akpptarteakiaktion onfdtiafcafeBtart.PartaBartReadadirtgomprehensioiii(40 minutes)Seaktion ADitarteaktionin this seaktion,thetarte is ak pakssakage with te於tala战aitkistartequitarted to seakH&tertoneeakakh bah£iarfaiiinakikbn&khoiakes agiven
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- 2020 英语六级 答案 解析