《MBAMPAMPACC考试英语真题2214.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《MBAMPAMPACC考试英语真题2214.docx(23页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、MBA/MPA/MPACC考试英语真题本试卷满分100分,考试时间为180分钟) PART I STRUCTURE AND VOCABULARY (20%)1. Smith is to study medicine as soon as he _ military service。A. willl ffiniishB. hass fiinissheddC. finnishhD. wouuld finnishh2. He wass laaid _ forr siix wweekks wwithh wee brrokeen rribss。A. inB. outtC. upD. dowwn3. He
2、 _ tto bbe aaffeecteed bby mmanyy thhinggs。A. forrceddB. perrmittteddC. advviseedD. tenndedd4.Didd yoou rremeembeer tto ggiveer AAnnee thhe mmoneey yyou ownn heer。Yees, _ I saww heer, I rremeembeeredd.A. mommenttariilyB. whiileC. sudddennlyD. thee innstaant4. _ tthe forrmattionn off thhe ssun, thhe
3、pplannetss annd ootheer sstarrsbeggan witth tthe connsidderaatioon oof aan iinteersttelllar clooud。A. It accceptted thaatB. Accceptted thaatC. It is accceptted thaatD. Thaat iis aacceepteed6. He is a mman _ no onee haas aa beetteer rrighht tto sspeaak。A. whoomB. to whoomC. thaan wwhoD. thaan wwhomm7
4、._ wouuld havve kknowwn tthe ansswerr。A. Cleeverr annyonneB. Anyyonee clleveerC. Anyyonee iss clleveerD. Cleeverr iss annyonne8. Whyy arre yyou stiill smookinng? Youu _。A. shoouldd haave givven up itB. shoouldd haave givven it upC. ougght to havve ggiveen uup iitD. shoouldd giivenn itt upp9. No viss
5、it torr orr reelattivee caan eenteer tthe pattienntss rooom unllesss_ by thee dooctoor。A. theey aare invviteedB. he is invviteedC. invviteedD. beeen iinviitedd10. Thhe ssickk _aand thee loost _。A. havve ccureed; havve ffounndB. hass cuuredd; hhas fouundC. havve bbeenn cuuredd; hhavee beeen fouundD.h
6、has beeen ccureed; hass beeen fouund11. HHumaan bbehaavioor iis mmosttly a pprodductt off leearnningg, _tthebehhaviior of aniimall deepennds maiinlyy onn innstiinctt。A. wheereaasB. soC. unllesssD. thaat12. Muumpss _ a vveryy coommoon ddiseeasee whhichh ussuallly afffectts cchilldreen。A. wassB. isC.
7、areeD.wweree13. Thhe _laargeest staate is, annd hhas beeen ssincce AAlasskasadmmisssionn innto thee Unnionn, CCaliiforria。A. thrreeB. thiirdC. firrst thiirdD. mosst14. _ thhe ssurffacee off meetall, bbut alsso wweakkenss itt。A. Nott onnly doees rrustt coorroodeB. Nott onnly russt ccorrrodeeC. Russt,
8、 whiich nott onnly corrroddesD. Russt nnot onlly ccorrrodees15. Itts nicce tto ggo ffor a wwalkk _ a summmerr evveniing。A. onB. inC. atD. durringg16. AAre theese twoo isssuees ssetttledd?Noo, ttheyy sttilll weere _ connfliict.A. durringgB. onC. witthD. in17. DDid thee meediccinee maake youu feeel be
9、ttterr?Noo, _ thee woorsee I feeel.A. takkingg moore meddiciineB. thee moost meddiciine I ttakeeC. thee moore meddiciine I ttakeeD. wheen II taake morre mmediicinne18. Hiis hheallth is _。A. as pooor, if nott poooreer tthann, hhis sissterrB. pooor aas hhis sissterrs iif nnot pooorerrC. as pooor aas,
10、if nott poooreer tthann, hhis sissterrsD. as pooor, if nott poooreer tthann hiis ssistters19. Suusannne hadd woorkeed ffor thrree yeaars to be a ccompputeeranaalysst bbut fouund herr prrogrresss _。A. disscouuraggingg annd uunsaatissfieedB. disscouuraggeabble andd diissaatissfacctioonC. disscouuraggi
11、ngg ann diissaatissfacctioonD. unssatiisfaactoory andd diiscoouraaginng20. Thhat deffiniitioon lleavves _ forr diisaggreeemennt。A. mucch rroommB. a ssmalll rroommC. greeat deaal rroommD. nott soo biig aa rooomPASSSAGEE 1 JAMMAICCA TTherress noo pllacee liike homme HHeree arre yyou , aat hhomee inn J
12、aamaiica in youur vveryy owwn vvillla, alll paasteels andd prrivaacy. Wiith Evaangeelinne tto sspoiil yyou: shhess gooingg shhopppingg sooon, too suurprrisee yoou wwithh a lobbsteer ffor dinnnerr. MMadlly eextrravaagannt? Nott att alll. Theere aree huundrredss off viillaas ffor rennt, alll ovver Jam
13、maicca. Briing youur ffamiily, orr shharee onne wwithh yoour besst ffrieendss annd tthe cosst bbecoomess innc_ reaasinnglyy atttraactiive. A d wwhatt niicerr waay tto eexpeerieencee thhe bbounntifful wonnderrs oof JJamaaicaa thhan to havve yyourr owwn sspecciall pllacee too reeturrn tto ee_ aach eve
14、eninng wwherre yyou cann siit bbackk wiith a rruinn puunchh, ttalkk abboutt toomo_ rrrow, annd tto yyourrsellf, Thhereesnno pplacce llikee hoome. MMakee itt Jaamaiica. Aggainn。21. VVillla in thiis aadveertiisemmentt reeferrs tto aa _。A. boaardiing houuseB. mudd huutC. logg caabinnD. smaall houuse22.
15、 MMadlly eextrravaagannt in thiis aadveertiisemmentt meeanss _。A. verry ccheaapB. faiirlyy chheappC. verry eexpeensiiveD. faiirlyy exxpennsivve23. Thhe aadveertiisemmentt immpliies thaat yyou _。A. enjjoy sigghtsseeiing in forreiggn pplaccesB. donnt havve tto sspennd aa loot oof mmoneeyC. mayy reequi
16、ire entterttainnmennt bby wwelll-knnownn siingeers。D. neeed aa loot oof eexciitemmentt onn yoour vaccatiion。24. Thhe aadveertiisemmentt apppeaals to thee reeadeerss neeed forr _。A. quiiet pleeasuureB. delliciiouss fooodC. rellaxaatioonD. alll off thhe aabovve25. BBounntifful meeanss _。A. abuundaantB
17、. ferrtilleC. greeatD. proospeerouusPASSSAGGE 22BL hass diismiisseed ffighht wworkks ffireemenn alllegged to havve bbeenn assleeep aat iits Lannd-RRoveer wworkks aat SSoliihulll wwhenn twwo wworkks iinsppecttorss p_ aiid aan uunexxpecctedd viisitt too thhe ddutyy fiirerroomm shhorttly befforee daawn
18、 on Monndayy. AAll firremeen oon tthe nigght shiift, inncluudinng tthe offficeer iin ccharrge, arre ssaidd too haave beeen ssleeepinng iin cchaiirs or strretcchedd ouut oon tthe flooor. Thhis is thee seeconnd ttimee inn reecennt yyearrs tthatt a grooup of BL emppl_ oyeees at Sollihuull hass beeen di
19、ssmisssedd foor ssleeepinng oon ddutyy. TTwo andd a hallf yyearrs aago 13 nigght shiift worrkerrs ttherre wwer e ffounnd aa_ ssleeep. Theey hhad brooughht ssleeepinng bbagss, bblannketts, andd buuiltt maakesshifft bb_ uunkss. BBut it is unddersstoood tthatt noo suuch preeparratiionss haad bbeenn m_
20、adde bby tthe firremeen. Thee eiightt weere brooughht bbefoore a ddisccipllinaary heaarinng oon TTuessdayy annd ccharrgedd wiith connducct iin bbreaach of theeir dutty. Theey wweree suum_ marrilyy diismiisseed. Alll eiightt haave givven voiice of theeir inttenttionn too apppeaal uundeer tt_ hhe ccom
21、ppanyys dissputtes proocedduree. TThe heaarinng iis eexpeecteed tto ttakee pllacee neext weeek wwithh offficcialls oof tthe Traanspportt annd GGeneerall Woor_ kerrs UUnioon rreprreseentiing theem。26. Acccorrdinng tto tthe passsagge, insspecctorrs ppaidd ann unnexppectted viss_ iit tto tthe dutty ffi
22、reerooom jjustt _。A. befforee thhe mmoonn seetB. aftter thee mooon settC. aftter thee suun ssetD. befforee thhe ssun rosse27. Whhat werre tthe firremeen ddoinng?A. Theey wweree buuilddingg a kinnd oof bbed。B. Theey wweree meendiing sleeepiing baggs。C. Theey wweree atttenndinng aa meeetiing。D. Theey
23、wweree slleeppingg onn niightt shhiftt。28. Hoow ccoulld tthe preevioous breeachh off duuty at BL be besst ddesccribbed?A. 13 nigght shiift worrkerrs wweree fooundd pllayiing carrds 30 monnthss aggo。B. 13 nigght shiift worrkerrs wweree fooundd slleeppingg soounddly 30 monnthss aggo。C. 8 nnighht sshif
24、ft wworkkerss weere fouund driinkiing alccohool tthreee yyearrs aago/D. 8 nnighht sshifft wworkkerss weere fouund aslleepp twwo aand a hhalff yeearss aggo。29. Wee leearnned thaat aas aa reesullt oof tthiss laatesst ccasee _。A. eigght firremeen wweree saackeedB. thhirtteenn fiiremmen werre ddismmisss
25、edC. eigght firremeen wweree prromooteddD. thiirteeen firremeen wweree fiiredd。30. Whhichh off thhe ffolllowiing staatemmentt iss trrue?A. Alll fiiremmen of thaat wworkks hhavee beeen dissmisssedd。B. Thee fiiremmen whoo haave beeen ffireed wweree gooingg too leeavee thhe ffacttoryy。C. Thee Woorkeers
26、 Uniion suppporrt tthatt thhesee fiiremmen shoouldd bee fiiredd。D. Thoose firremeen wwoulld aappeeal。PASSAGE 3Proompttnesss iis iimpoortaant in Ameericcan bussineess, accadeemicc, aand socciall seettiingss. TThe impporttancce oof ppuncctuaalitty iis ttaugg_ hht tto yyounng cchilldreen iin sschoool.
27、Taardyy sllopss annd tthe usee off beellss siig_ nall too thhe cchilld tthatt puuncttuallityy annd ttimee ittsellf aare to be resspecctedd. PPeopple whoo keeep apppoinntmeentss arre cconssideeredd deepenndabble. Iff peeoplle aare latte tto jjob inttervviewws, apppoinntmeentss, oor cclasssess, ttheyy
28、 arre oofteen vvie_ weed aas uunreeliaablee annd iirreespoonsiiblee. IIn tthe bussineess worrld, ttimee iss mooneyy aand commpanniess maay ffinee thheirr exxecuutivves forr taardiinesss tto bbusii_ nnesss meeetiingss. OOf ccourrse, itt iss noot aalwaays posssibble to be punnctuual. Soociaal aand bus
29、sineess etiiqueettee allso prooviddes rulles forr laate arrrivaals. Caalliing on thee teelepphonne iif oone is goiing to be morre tthann a feww miinutte_ s llatee foor sscheedulle aappoointtmennts is connsiddereed ppoliite andd iss offtenn exx_ ppectted. Keeepiing a ddatee off a friiendd waaitiing b
30、eyyondd teen tto ttwennty minnutee_ ss iss coonsiiderred rudde. On thee ottherr haand, arrrivvingg thhirtty mminuutess laate to somme pparttiess iss acccepptabble. Reespeectiing deaadliiness iss allso impporttantt inn accadeemicc annd pproffesssionnal ci_ rccless. IIt iis eexpeecteed tthatt deeadlli
31、nees ffor claass asssignnmennts or bussineess repportts wwilll bee meet. Stuudennts whoo haand in asssignnmennts latte mmay be surrp_ rissed to finnd tthatt thhe pproffesssor willl lloweer ttheiir ggraddes or eveen rrefuus_ e tto ggradde ttheiir wworkk. WWhettherr itt iss a queestiion of arrriviing
32、on timme oor oof mmeettingg a deaadliine, peeoplle aare cullturrallly ccondditiioneed tto rreguulatte tt_ iime。31. Thhe bbestt tiitlee foor tthiss paassaage is _。A. ProompttnesssB. TimmeC. DeaadliinessD. Etiiqueettee32. Inn thhe UUnitted Staatess thhe cchilld wwho musst ggo tto bbed earrly, bee prro
33、mppt aat sschoool, orr brringg a tarrdy sliip iif hhe iis llatee_A. is leaarniing thee immporrtannce of timme aand punnctuualiity in hiss cuultuure。B. Is leaarniing to dissobeey hhis parrentts aand teaacheers。C. Is beiing punnishhed forr diisobbeyiing hiss mootheer aand schhooll offficcialls。D. Is b
34、eiing punnishhed forr pllayiing tooo muuch。33. Iff a perrsonn iss laate forr a bussineess meeetinng, he mayy bee _A. criiticcizeedB. firredC. madde tto ppayD. givven a ppay risse34. Soociaal eetiqquettte in thee Unniteed SStattes alllowss peeoplle_A. to be a ffew minnutees llatee foor iinteerviiewss
35、 annd bbusiinesss mmeettinggs。B. to comme eearlly tto pparttiessC. to be up to a hhalff-hoour latte ffor somme pparttiess。D. to calll aa daate wheen hhe iis tthirrty minnutees llatee。35. Thhe llastt seenteencee meeanss _A. peooplee evveryywheere reggulaate timme iin tthe samme wway。B. Conndi tioons
36、deccidee hoow ppeopple speend timme。C. Reggulaar ttimeetabble is impporttantt inn evveryy cuultuure。D. Diffferrentt cuultuuress haave diffferrentt cuustooms conncerrninng ttimee。PASSSAGGE 44Urbban liffe hhas alwwayss innvollvedd a ballanccingg off oppporrtunnitiies andd reewarrds agaainsst ddanggers
37、s annd sstreess; itts mmotiivattingg foorcee iss, iin tthe brooadeest s_ ensse, monney. Oppporrtunnitiies to makke mmoneey mmeann coompeetittionn annd ccomppetiit_ ionn iss sttresssfuul; it is oftten at itss moost inttensse iin tthe larrgesst ccitiies , wwherre ooppoortuunittiess arre ggreaatesst. T
38、hee prreseencee off huuge nummberrs oof ppe_ oplle iinevvitaablee innvollvess moore connfliict, moore traavellingg, tthe oveerlooadiing of pubblicc seerviicess annd eexpoosurre tto tthosse ddeviiantts aand criiminnalss whho aare draawn to thee riich picckinngs of greeat cittiess. CCrimme hhas alwway
39、ss fllourrishhed in thee reelattivee annonyymitty oof uurbaan llifee, bbut toddays eeasee off moovemmentt maakess itts cconttroll moore diffficcultt thhan eveer; theere is mucch eeviddencce tthatt itts eexteent hass a dirrectt reelattionnshiip tto tthe sizze oof ccommmuniitiees. Citty ddwelllerrs mm
40、ay beccomee trrappped in theeir hommes by thee feear of criime arooundd thhem. Ass a deffensse aagaiinstt thhesee deevellopmmentts ccityy dwwelllerss teend to usee vaari_ ouus sstraateggiess too trry aand redducee thhe ppresssurres upoon tthemmsellvess: cconttac_ tss wiith othher peooplee arre ggene
41、erallly madde bbrieef aand impperssonaal; dooors aree keept locckedd; tteleephoone nummberrs mmay be ex-dirrecttoryy; jjourrneyys ooutssidee thh_ ee hoome aree ussuallly hurrrieed, rattherr thhan a ssourrce of pleeasuure. Thheree arre ootheer sstraateggiess tooo, whiich aree poosittiveely harrmfuul
42、tto tthe inddiviiduaal; f_ or ex ampple, reeduccingg awwareenesss tthrooughh drrugss orr allcohhol. Fuurthhermmoree, aa_ lll tthesse ddefeensiive forrms of behhaviior aree haarmfful to soccietty iin ggeneerall; ttheyy caausee wiidesspreead lonneliinesss aand desstrooy tthe commmunnityys conncerrn ff
43、or itss meembeers. Laack of infformmal socciall coontaact andd inndiffferrencce tto tthe mi_ sfforttunees oof ootheers, iff thhey aree noot pperssonaallyy knnownn too onneseelf, arre aa_ mmonggst thee maajorr caausees oof uurbaan ccrimme。36. Acccorrdinng tto tthe autthorr, lliviing in a ccityy caausees sstreess beccausse tthe_ ree arre sso mmanyy peeoplle wwho aree _。A. anxxiouus tto ssuccceeddB. in neeed oof hhelppC. natturaallyy agggreessiiveD. likkelyy too coommiit ccrimme37. Thhe aauthhor thiinkss thhat criime is inccreaasinng iin ccitiies beccausse _。A. peoop