《unit1新目标第一课时教案3634.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit1新目标第一课时教案3634.docx(8页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、Unit 1 How often do you exercise?Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)StruccturresWh qquesstioons: Whatt doo,How ofttenAdverrbs of freequeencyy: AAll/mosst/ssomee/nooneTargeet llangguaggeWhat do youu ussuallly do on weeekennds?I sommetiimess goo too thhe bbeacch.How oofteen ddo yyou eatt veegettablles
2、?Everyy daay.Most stuudennts do hommewoork eveery dayy.Vocabbulaaryalwayys, usuuallly, oftten, soomettimees, harrdlyy evver , nevver, Howw offtenn, ooncee, ttwicce, thrree timmes a wweekk, eveery dayy, mmilkk, jjunkk foood, heealtth, unhheallthyy, hhabiitLearnningg sttrattegiiesUsingg coonteext;Tran
3、ssforrminng iinfoormaatioonSECTION AGoalssTo ttalkk abboutt hoow oofteen yyou do thiingssTo iimprrovee sttudeentss abbiliity of commmunnicaatioonProceedurresWarmiing up by leaarniing graammaarTo beeginn wiith letts tturnn too paage 2 tto llearrn tto uuse wh queestiionss Whatt doo,How oftten andd add
4、verrbs of freequeencyy: AAll/mosst/ssomee/noone.What do youu ussuallly do oon wweekkendds?I usuuallly pplayy soocceer.What do theey do oon wweekkendds?What doees hhe do oon wweekkendds?They oftten go to thee mooviees.He soomettimees wwatcchess TVV.How oofteen do youu shoop?I shoop ooncee a monnth.Ho
5、w oofteen doees CChenng wattch TV?He waatchhes TV twiice a wweekk.Warmiing up by disscusssinngGood morrninng! Frrom noww onn yoou aare in thee eiightth ggradde. Conngraatullatiionss too yoou aand I wwishh yoou aa grreatt suucceess in youur sstuddiess! IIll be youur nnew Engglissh tteaccherr thhis te
6、rrm. I hhopee weell gett allongg veery welll.Todayy wee shhalll taake up thee fiirstt unnit in thiis nnew terrm: Uniit1HHow oftten do youu exxerccisee? PPleaase opeen yyourr boookss att paage 1. Loook aat tthe piccturre aand ansswerr myy quuesttionn. T: WWhatts tthiss? WWangg Weei, cann yoou nnamee
7、itt?Wang Weii: YYes. Itts aa caalenndarr.T: VVeryy goood. Loook, thhis is thee weeekeend. Saaturrdayy annd SSundday aree thhe wweekkendds. Whaat ddo yyou do on weeekennds? Noow tto llearrn mmoree abboutt thhe tthinngs youu doo, ppleaase finnd oout morre wwithh yoour parrtneers aboout thee acctivviti
8、ies.For eexammplee:Writiing lettterrs pplayyingg teenniis ggoinng sshopppinng pllayiing commputter gammesModells:A: Whhat do youu doo onn weeekeendss?B: I oftten plaay ffoottballl.B: Whhat do youu doo onn weeekeendss?A: I sommetiimess goo shhopppingg.1a. MMakiing a llistt Open youur bbookk att paage
9、 1. Letts llookk att 1aa. EEachh thhougght bubbblee shhowss soometthinng aa peersoon ddoess onn weeekeendss. NNow pleeasee loook at thee piictuure carrefuullyy annd ddesccribbe iit. Name eacch aactiivitty: T: Goood. Plleasse llookk att thhe ppictturee aggainn annd llistt alll tthe acttiviitiees. If
10、youu fiinissh iit ffirsst, wriite thee annsweer oon tthe boaard.Now llets cchecck tthe ansswerrs oon tthe blaackbboarrd ttogeetheer.Keys: 1. goo skkateeboaardiing 2. wattchiing TV 3. reaadinng 4. exeerciisinng 55. sshopppinng1b Liisteeninng aand wriitinng Look at thee piictuuress aggainn annd ttelll
11、 whhat thee peersoon ddoess onn weeekeendss.Good. Neext, plleasse llistten to thee coonveersaatioon. Thee peeoplle aare tallkinng aabouut wwhatt thhey do on weeekennds. Fiirstt liisteen tto tthe tappe ccareefullly andd fiind howw offtenn thhey do on weeekennds. Next lisstenn aggainn annd wwritte tth
12、e lettterr off onne aactiivitty aafteer tthe worrd iin tthe lisst. Forr exxampple, onn thhe rrecoordiing sommeonne ssayss, “I aalwaays go shooppiing.” SShopppinng iis llettter a iin tthe piccturre iin aactiivitty 11a.SSo yyou putt ann a affterr thhe wwordd allwayys iin tthiss liist. Then lisstenn to
13、o thhe ttapee thhe tthirrd ttimee annd cchecck tthe ansswerrs.Finallly youu arre tto rreadd thhe ttapeescrriptt, uundeerliininng aall thee exxpreessiionss annd ccirccle alll thhe WWh queestiionss.Answeers: alwaays: a ussuallly: c offtenn: ee someetimmes: d haardlly eeverr: dd neeverr: aa1c Dooingg p
14、aairwworkkAfterr taalkiing aboout thee piictuure, wee geet tto uundeersttandd thhe aactiivittiess. NNow in paiirs askk yoour parrtneer aabouut tthe peooplee inn thhe ppictturee.What do theey ddo oon wweekkendds?or2a Liisteeninng aand nummberringg Now llets ggo tto ppagee 2. LListten to thee taape an
15、dd nuumbeer tthe acttiviitiees yyou heaar.This is an inttervvieww abboutt whhat a bboy nammed Cheeng usuuallly ddoess. LListten to thee reecorrdinng aand nummberr thhe aactiivittiess inn thhe oordeer ttheyy taalk aboout theem iin tthe inttervvieww. TThe firrst thiing theey ttalkk abboutt iss waatchh
16、ingg TVV, sso yyou putt a nummberr inn frrontt off waatchhingg TVV. YYou musst ppay morre aatteentiion to thee acctivvitiies.Now yyou reaad tthe lisst.Listeen tto tthe tappe tthe firrst timme. Youu onnly lisstenn. Listeen tto tthe tappe aa seeconnd ttimee. TThiss tiime youu shhoulld wwritte aa nuumb
17、eer iin ffronnt oof eeachh acctivvityy. Let cheeck thee annsweers.Keys:Finallly letts rreadd thhe ttapeescrriptt, uundeerliininng aall thee exxpreessiionss annd ccirccle alll thhe WWh queestiionss.2b Liisteeninng aand mattchiingListeen aagaiin aand mattch eacch aactiivitty wwithh hoow oofteen CChenn
18、g ddoess thhat acttiviity. Whhilee liisteeninng, payy atttenntioon tto tthe heaadinng HHow oftten? in thee chaart. 2c Dooingg paairwworkkHow oofteen ddo yyou do thee acctivvitiies? Loook at thee chhartt. Zhangg Lii: CCan youu reead thee liist of acttiviitiees tto tthe claass.Zhangg Lii: YYes. go to
19、thee mooviees, wattch TV, shhop, exxerccisee, rreadd.T: Goood. Doo yoou kknoww thhe mmeanningg off thhe vvocaabullaryy?Ss: YYeahh. T: OKK. HHow oftten do youu doo thhesee acctivvitiies? Noow ffilll inn thhe ccharrt.Afterr fiinisshinng tthe chaart, maake connverrsattionns liike thiis wwithh yoour par
20、rtneer. 3a Reeadiing thee maagazzinee arrticcle andd fiilliing in thee bllankksWe arre ggoinng tto rreadd thhe artticlle on pagge 33. FFirsst wwe sshalll rreadd too thhe ccharrt ttogeetheer. Pleeasee paay aatteentiion to thee deefinnitiionss annd tthe perrcenntagges. This chaart shoows howw offtenn
21、Grreenn Higgh SSchoool stuudennts exeerciise, annd oftten theey ddo hhomeeworrk, annd sso ffortth. T: Whhat acttiviity do ninnetyy-fiive perrcennt oof GGreeen Higgh SSchoool stuudennts do eveery dayy?Ss: DDo hhomeeworrk.T: Riightt. NNineety-fivve pperccentt off Grreenn Higgh SSchoool stuudennts do h
22、ommewoork eveery dayy. (Mostt sttudeentss meeanss moore thaan hhalff. SSomee sttudeentss meeanss leess thaan hhalff.) Now, letts rreadd thhe aartiiclee annd ffilll inn thhe bblannks in thee arrticcle acccorddingg too thhe ssurvvey. Whhilee yoou aare reaadinng ttry to blaackeen aall thee exxpreessiio
23、nss.T: Haave youu fiinisshedd itt?S: Yees.T: Goood. Whoo reeadss hiis aanswwer to thee cllasss? PPleaase raiise up youur hhandd. LLi WWen.4 Doiing grooupwworkkT: Enngliish is diffficcultt, bbut it cann bee eaasy if yyou havve ssomee goood metthodds. Howw doo yoou sstuddy EEngllishh? HHow oftten do y
24、ouu sttudyy Enngliish? Plleasse wworkk inn grroupps oof ffourr annd wwritte aabouut yyourr annsweers in thiis ccharrt.Closiing dowwn bby aaskiing andd annsweerinngHow oftten do youu exxerccisee? II offtenn exxerccisee.How oftten do youu waatchh TVV? II soomettimees wwatcch TTV.How oftten do youu suu
25、rf thee Innterrnett? II haardlly eeverr suurf thee Innterrnett.How oftten do youu reead Engglissh bbookks? I rreadd Enngliish boooks eveery dayy.How oftten do youu goo too thhe mmoviies? I go to thee mooviees ooncee a weeek. How oftten do youu pllay thee guuitaar? I uusuaallyy pllay thee guuitaar.How oftten do youu goo skkateeboaardiing? I go skaatebboarrdinng tthreee ttimees aa weeek.How oftten do youu shhop? I shoop ooncee a monnth. How oftten do youu pllay foootbaall? I nevver plaay ffoottballl.