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1、20xx医学专业个人留学申请书 现代社会的信息已经非常发达,你可能觉得在媒体、互联网上可以了解到发达国家的一切,完全可以想象得到在国外是如何生活的。但是这种想象绝对与你实际在国外生活是两码事。这里给大家分享一些20xx医学专业个人(留学)(申请书),欢迎阅读! 20xx医学专业个人留学申请书 Dear _, Changing the bandage on an angry bulldogs paw or trimming the hooves of a 2000-pound draft horse can be an intimidating venture. Curing animals r
2、equires compassion, precision, and confidence; it is also an excellent way to learn about practicing medicine and to feel the satisfaction of helping someone in need. Due to my rural background, knowledge of animals, and love of science, I began working for a local veterinarian at a young age. Later
3、 in life, when I decided to become a physician, I saw that my veterinary experiences had prepared me well for a career in health care. When I started volunteering in an emergency room, I learned that humans really arent so different from other animals - I needed to show my compassion in order to ear
4、n their trust before I could heal or comfort them. When a child or widow brought me their dying pet and pleaded for me to cure it, I had to soothe the person as well as the animal. I used this calm compassion in the emergency room when comforting the family of a father who had just suffered a heart
5、attack, or when talking with a husband frantic about his wifes car accident. I saw further similarities between human and animal medicine when I shadowed Dr. Harry Williams in his family practice. I saw that his close relationship with his patients led him to keep thinking of them long after his off
6、ice closed for the day. Likewise, as a veterinary technician, I had often carefully considered how to help each animal. Compassion is truly a prerequisite for any career in health care. In my work with animals, I learned that perseverance is key to successful treatment. Interruption of that treatmen
7、t can lead to disastrous results. In many rural communities near my home, I witnessed the consequences of the absence of consistent medical care. As a farrier, I have worked in many old-order Mennonite communities whose needs arent being met: when one clients daughter injured her hand in a corn shel
8、ler, she was unable to get medical care because facilities were far away and no doctors could come to their farm. The girls hand was infected and not healing well. I did what I could, but I was troubled that I didnt have the expertise to treat the injury. On my next visit, I saw that her hand had gr
9、own deformed. Had she been able to see a physician more frequently, her hand might have healed correctly. Encounters of this kind have revealed to me the consequences of medically underserved communities. I look forward to working toward a solution to this problem when I am a physician. A good veter
10、inarian operates with precision. I have applied the careful, exacting skills I learned with animals to my lab work. I am currently involved in research on corneal endothelium with Dr. Carson Kennedy. In the lab, we study mammalian corneal cells; eventually, we would like to describe and prevent opht
11、halmic diseases such as glaucoma. Through this work, I have honed my scientific skills and sharpened my analytical mind. It is exhilarating to catch a glimpse of valuable knowledge, not yet known by anyone, which has the potential to help many people. It is also very rewarding to know that I have co
12、ntributed to the advancement of medicine by providing research results that will improve peoples health. Perhaps the most important quality required to practice human or animal medicine is confidence. In the lab, in the emergency room, and in the field, I have had many opportunities to observe the i
13、mportance of confident leadership to a medical practice. Over the years, I have observed that the best veterinarians and physicians handle each issue swiftly and appropriately, delegating tasks to others with self-assurance. In every medical situation, someone must take the lead role while working t
14、o manage the team. Leadership roles have always come naturally to me - I spent twelve years working toward becoming an Eagle Scout and helping my younger brother to do the same. The composure I gained as a troop leader helped me to excel in my role as supervisor at a large walking horse farm. Since
15、then, I have grown into leadership roles that required more significant responsibilities. I am comfortable as a leader because I am confident in my ability to ensure the health and safety of others. The leadership skills I have developed will be a vital part of my work as a physician. When I began w
16、orking as a veterinary technician, I did not fully realize that the skills I gained would be so applicable to my eventual career as a physician. Yet my experiences with animals have provided me with an excellent foundation to continue my studies of human health and well-being. I am eager to develop
17、the medical knowledge I have gained thus far in order to become the kind of physician my community will be able to rely on. Yours sincerely, xuexila 留学澳大利亚申请要求一览 1、商科 首先先讲一下商科。在历年的澳洲申请中,学生最多申请的专业便当属商科了,其中就包括会计,金融,国际商务,(市场营销)等专业。 而随着大数据时代的进展,商科中商业分析,管理信息系统等专业也是近年学生申请专业的首选。 澳洲政府一直致力于将自身打造成为亚太地区金融中心,全球
18、各大银行也纷纷在澳洲设立分支机构,金融行业进入高速进展期,当地对金融人才的需求也日益强劲,这也促成了澳洲各大学府的商学院的实力雄厚。 而多样性的学位设置,2年学制项目不限本科专业背景,让很多其他专业的学生可以跨专业申请商科,这也是商科专业申请人数众多的另一个原因。 而在商科录取要求方面,还是存在着比较大的差异。例如新南威尔士大学Master of Commerce学位,同一学校同一学位,对于985/211院校背景的学生,GPA72分即可,而对于双非院校的学生则需要88分。 而同一校的不同学位,也会有所不同,例如,同是昆士兰大学商科学位,双非院校背景的学生申请Master of Commerce
19、学位需要85分,而Master of Business学位则需要80分。 而在澳洲商科申请上,如果你在均分条件无法满足学校要求的时候,有些学校也是可以接受通过GMAT的成绩来弥补,例如悉尼大学,如果你的GMAT成绩在650+的分数,则可以大概弥补GPA上3分的差距。 2、工科 说完商科,我们再看一下工科。 澳洲的工科专业,是除了商科之外的第二大申请专业类别,其中包括电气工程,土(木工)程,机械工程,化学工程及IT等专业。 而我们这边说的IT,信息技术,就是指计算机相关专业。 与其他留学国家相比,除了名称不同,IT及计算机专业也被大多数学校归类到工程学院当中,而不是理学院。 那么申请工科的要求是
20、什么呢?澳洲工科的申请要求和商科的申请要求也略有不同。 在录取要求方面,例如墨尔本大学的电气工程专业,学校就给了非常细致的要求,针对C9院校75分,985院校80分,211院校85分,而双非院校的学生则需要90分。 另外,由于工程专业的侧重性,澳洲学校在审核学生的时候,不仅需要满足学校的GPA要求,学校也会审核同学们的成绩单,查看学生专业背景及本科专业课程匹配度,之后再决定是否给同学们下offer,在这个部分差的比较严格的通常是新南威尔士大学和莫纳什大学。 但是,也并不是所有的学校的工科项目都是需要查看课程相关度的哈,一些学校的项目还是允许学生申请工科的。 比如,悉尼大学有3年的工程项目,同学
21、们如果想要跨专业申请工程类项目,悉尼大学可以是你不错的选择。 关于计算机专业,墨尔本大学和新南威尔士大学等学校的两年的项目都是不需要相关专业背景的哈,同学们可以放心申请。 而就在近期,还有一个好消息跟同学们分享一下,那就是拥有澳洲工程(教育)的新南威尔士大学工程学院降分了! 具体是在20年的申请GPA上面降4分,985/211院校的学生72分,双非院校的学生76分,所以想申请的同学们可以安排起来了 3、文科 而说到文科类专业,学生常常申请的专业包括传播,教育学,法律,语言翻译,策展,(文化)管理等专业。 不同于商科、工科专业对于本科院校背景不同而产生的不同均分划分,大部分学校的很多专业的要求都
22、是比较统一的,比如昆士兰的文科通常就需要80分,莫纳什大学需要75分,甚至有很多项目是case by case的。 不过,文科专业也有自身的特点,那就是很多项目的语言要求是比较高的。例如教育里Teaching专业对雅思分数要求较高,一般要求听力7/口语7/阅读8/写作8,或者7/7/7.5/7.5,很少学校可以配备语言班。 再例如法律专业,大多学校的语言要求也是如此,同学们在申请法律相关项目的时候,一般申请的都是商法,主要也是商法是较为适用于国际通用的法律。 当然,文科当中也有一些特殊的专业,比如墨尔本的marketing communication专业,C9的需要78分,985/211院校需
23、要80分,并且这个学校明确表示不招收双非院校的学生来。 4、理科 最后,再来说一下理科。在澳洲申请中,比较少申请的就是理科专业了,理科专业主要包括物理,化学,地球科学,生物技术,环境科学等。 申请少的主要原因是,澳洲申请中,大部分学生选择的是授课型硕士,而很多学校并不开设这一类的授课型项目,而是讨论型项目,特别是物理,化学这样的专业,这就意味着学生需要通过套磁来申请。 针对可以申请的授课型项目,跟文科的GPA要求类似,很多学校也没有非常细分的要求。在语言方面,通常就是6.5单项6的常见分数要求。 通过上面的介绍,你也不难(总结)出澳洲申请中的录取规律,那就是以硬件分数为主要的录取评判标准,所以
24、当你在仔细了解澳洲学校具体的申请要求之后,再结合自身的实际情况,就可以给自己的目标院校做一个科学合理的批次划分。 申请澳大利亚留学优势 1、门槛低易申请 澳洲的不像其他国家那样的严格、难以申请,反而,澳洲的实行的是宽进严出的(方法),当你申请的时候它并不会强制性的要求你提供GRE、GMAT、SAT等成绩,如果你的IELTS成绩不够的话,有时候也会有其他的录取机会。申请材料以及申请程序也十分的简单。 2、教育 澳洲十分的注重教育,因此20多年以来,澳洲的一系列的体系以及流程都一直处于世界的低位,而这些也在一定的程度上面保障了学生能够享受到的优质教育。不仅如此,澳洲颁发的学位也是受到全世界各国的认
25、可的。澳洲的专业也十分的多,能够让学生有很多的选择机会。 3、环境 从地图上来看,四面都是海洋,气候也十分的好,所以有许多的动物、植物以及自然景观,所以澳洲是一个十分美丽的国家。澳洲也是一个犯罪率十分低的国家,在排行榜上位居前20,并且澳洲也针对留学生颁布了法律,在一定的程度上给了留学生以及家长很大的安全感。而澳洲与国内仅仅只有两个小时的时差,所以十分方便与家里人联系。 4、打工 澳洲的政府以及学校是十分鼓舞学生利用课余生活去打工的,他们认为这是一个接触社会、积累(阅历)的大好机会。还有很多大学都会安排相应的课程,目的就是为了能够帮助学生提前的熟悉就业环境。 5、福利 澳洲不仅仅是一个高收入的国家,它还是一个高福利的国家,基本上每一个居民一生的都被包括了,所以,我们都能够享受到每年300澳元的OSHC项目,如果你留学期间生病了,他能够支付医疗费的80%,如果你(毕业)以后获得了PR,那么你就可以享受跟原居民一模一样的福利以及待遇。 6、移民 澳洲的移民率十分的高,被喻为“民族的拼盘”,这是因为澳洲的移民政策十分的宽松,途径也十分的多种多样,基本上来说,只要你符合要求,你就能够移民。而且,也有很多的移民律师能够给学生提供建议以及帮助。 20xx医学专业个人留学申请书