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1、独创性声明独创性声明 -1-标题(原文)孔子是怎样炼成的孔子是怎样炼成的论语人生课堂(第一论语人生课堂(第一七七章)章)(译文)How Confucius was Tempered Life Class of the Analects of Confucius (Chapter17)Chapter:1,2,3 4,5 6,7 Translator:许磊 吕春晖 王若楠 原文 译文 第一章第一章 孔子的真面目孔子的真面目 从历史流传下来的一些画像上看,孔子是一副温文尔雅、一团和气的样子,这些画像自然有许多理想化孔圣人的成分。但对大部分人来说,孔子这个人,是既熟悉又陌生的。在全世界范围内,知名度最
2、高的中国人应该数孔子了。现在世界上很多国家开办了学习中国语言文化的学校孔子学院,但是对于孔子这位大名人、这位全天下中国人共同的老师,我们绝大多数人并不十分了解。今天,重读论语,重新面对孔子,发现历代留存于人们心目中的,并不是一个真实的孔子,而只是一个被圣贤化了的孔子面具。孔子的真面目如何呢?Chapter 1 The True Face of Confucius Confucius is considered as a man who is gentle and cultivated,amiable and accessible seen from some portraits passed
3、down from the history.In the portraits,Confucius is naturally idealized as a great sage to a large extent.But for most people,Confucius is both familiar and strange.Worldwide,Confucius is supposed to be the best-known Chinese.In many countries,Confucius Institutes,have been established as schools wh
4、ere Chinese language and culture are learned.However,in general,most of us may not fully know about Confucius,even though he is notable as the teacher of all the Chinese in this world.At the present,when re-reading the book Analects of Confucius and refacing Confucius,it is 黑龙江大学硕士学位论文黑龙江大学硕士学位论文 -2
5、-not hard for us to figure out that the Confucius who has been ever known to us all is not authentic but a sainted image of Confucius.What is Confucius true face like?孔子是个威猛男人孔子是个威猛男人 孔子的外貌是什么样的?打眼儿一看会给人一种什么感觉呢?Confucius:A Powerful and Bold Man What does Confucius look like?How will people feel when
6、 they are watching Confucius at one glance?从外貌上看,孔子首先是一个威猛男人。他的身材魁伟,而且因为他的身材,大家给孔子起了外号。孔子的外号是什么呢?Judging from the appearance,we can make certain that Confucius is actually a powerful and bold man.Tall and strong as Confucius is,he got a nickname from others because of his great stature.While,what is
7、 his nickname then?司马迁的史记孔子世家记载了孔子的外号。史记说,孔子的身高是“九尺有六寸”,“人皆谓之长人而异之”。The book Records of the Grand Historian the Hereditary House of Confucius,which is written by Sima Qian,recorded Confucius nickname.As mentioned in the book,Confucius height was nine chi and six cun,and was called the Tall Man,which
8、 surprised others.”九尺六寸是什么概念?我们梳理一下历史上身高九尺的男人。三国演义里谁身高九尺?刘How tall is 9 chi 6 cun?Firstly lets sort out those men whose height are over 9 chi in history.In 独创性声明独创性声明 -3-备身高七尺五寸,诸葛亮“身长八尺,面如冠玉”,张飞身高八尺,关公是九尺的身高。水浒传中谁身高九尺?梁山好汉的头领宋江约六尺,打虎的武松八尺,能倒拔垂杨柳的鲁智深八尺,八十万禁军教头林冲身高八尺,大刀关胜八尺五六,水浒传中身高九尺的男人是玉麒麟卢俊义。the R
9、omance of the Three Kingdoms,whose height reaches nine chi?Guan Gong.Besides,Liu Bei was seven chi five cun tall and Zhuge Liang,very handsome,together with Zhang Fei,were both recorded eight chi tall.While,in the Heroes of the Marshes,who was nine chi in height?Its Lu Junyi,a hero also known as“Jad
10、e Kirin”.By the way,Songjiang,the captain of Liangshan heroes,was around six chi tall;Wu Song,the tiger killer,and Lu Zhishen,who pulled down the weeping widow tree,were both eight chi in height;However,Guan shengs height was eight chi fifty-six cun.孔子的身高呢?九尺六寸。古代的尺寸与今天不同,换算方法学者们还有争议。孔子的身高换算到今天有两种说法
11、:一是一米九六,二是两米二一。两个数字都是惊人的,孔子身高两米左右是大家的共识。What about Confucius height?He is 9 chi 6 cun.The definitions of“chi”and“cun”in ancient times differed from those of them today,and the scholars still have controversy over the conversion method between them.Through conversion,there remain two statements about
12、 Confucius height in present-day unit of measure:1.96 meter or 2.21 meters.It can be seen that these two 黑龙江大学硕士学位论文黑龙江大学硕士学位论文 -4-numbers are extremely astonishing,but weve got the general consensus,that is,Confucius height is around 2 meters.可以说孔子是一个比张飞、武松、鲁智深、林冲、关胜、卢俊义还有关公个子更高,也更威猛的男人。他站在人群中的效果就像
13、姚明来到了我们中间,可以去 NBA 打篮球了。所以人们才给孔子起了个外号,叫“长人”。孔子真实的气质、风度应是超出了温文尔雅,而更是阳刚风采。We could tell that Confucius is a man who is much taller,more powerful and bolder than Zhang Fei,Wu Song,Lu Zhishen,Lin Chong,Guan Sheng,Lu Junyi and Guan Yu.If Confucius stands among us,he would look tall enough to play for NBA,
14、just like what Yao Ming did.That is the reason why Confucius got nickname“the Tall Man”.Accordingly,it can be sure that masculine beauty weighs much more than gentleness in the true character and personality of Confucius.孔子这样一个“山东猛男”,面孔长得如何呢?史记孔子世家中有侧面描述:As a powerful and strong man who is typical i
15、n Shandong Province,what does Confucius look like?The Records of the Grand Historian The Hereditary House of Confucius has given a description of Confucius from the side:孔子孔子适郑,与弟子相失,适郑,与弟子相失,孔子孔子独立独立郭东门。郑人或谓郭东门。郑人或谓子贡子贡曰:“东门有人,曰:“东门有人,其颡似尧,其项类其颡似尧,其项类皋陶皋陶,其肩类子产,其肩类子产,然自要以下不及禹三寸。累累若丧家之然自要以下不及禹三寸。累累若
16、丧家之狗。”狗。”子贡子贡以实告以实告孔子孔子。孔子欣然笑曰:。孔子欣然笑曰:Going on to Zheng,Confucius was separated from his followers.He was standing alone at the East Gate when a citizen of Zheng remarked to Zigong,“There is a man at the East Gate with a 独创性声明独创性声明 -5-“形状,末也。而谓似丧家之狗,然哉!“形状,末也。而谓似丧家之狗,然哉!然哉!”然哉!”forehead like Yao,a
17、neck like Gao Tao and shoulders like Zichan,and just three cun shorter below the waist than Yu.Lost as a stray dog he looks!”When this was repeated to Confucius,he chuckled.“The appearance is unimportant”,he said.“But its true that Im like a stray dog.That is certainly true!”孔子在周游列国十四年当中,有一次,他到郑国的时候
18、,跟学生们走散了,孔子就在郑国都城最繁华的东门站着等着自己的学生。他的一个学生子贡也赶到了郑国都城,向人们打听见没见到自己的老师。子贡在郑都跟另一个城门碰到了一个郑国人,这个郑国人见子贡着急找人,就跟他说:“刚才我在城东门看到一个人,额头像尧一样饱满,脖子长得像皋陶,肩膀长得像子产。但腰长腿短,腰以下比治水的大禹短了三寸。这人长得不一般,但瘦弱疲惫的样子好似丧家之犬。”子贡到东门与孔子会合,把这段话原封不动告诉了孔子。孔子笑着说:“把我的外貌说成那样未必恰当,不过说我像无家可归的狗,说Confucius travelled around the countries for 14 years.O
19、nce when he arrived in the Zheng State,he got separated from his disciples and therefore he waited for them at the most prosperous gate at the east of the capital city of the Zheng State.At this point,disciple Zigong arrived Zheng,inquiring the citizens if anyone had met his teacher Confucius,anxiou
20、s and worried.A citizen of Zheng told Zigong that he had just come from at the East Gate,where there was a man standing with a forehead like Yao,a neck like Gao Tao and shoulders like Zichan.He had a long body but short legs,three cun lower below the waist than 黑龙江大学硕士学位论文黑龙江大学硕士学位论文 -6-的确实对啊!”Yu.He
21、 looked like very poor as if he was a stray dog.Later,Zigong met Confucius and faithfully repeated this to him.Confucius smiled and said,“The description of my appearance may be inadequate,but he referred to me as a stray dogthat is absolutely true!”尧的额头、皋陶的脖子、子产的肩膀具体是什么样子,不得而知,但孔子给人的直观印象是相貌堂堂,应该是可以
22、确认的。We may not know the concrete image of Yaos forehead,Gao Taos neck and Zichans shoulders.Despite all this,it can be confirmed that Confucius is really a superb-looking man.孔子的个性气质孔子的个性气质 论语乡党中不仅有关于孔子仪态举止的静态描写,而且有关于他的个性气质的传神刻画:The Personality and Temperament of Confucius The Analects of Confucius
23、In his hometown,not only presented us the static description of Confucius posture and behaviour,but also made us know more about the personality and temperament of Confucius:孔子于乡党,恂恂如也,似不能言孔子于乡党,恂恂如也,似不能言者。其在宗庙朝廷,便便言,唯谨尔。者。其在宗庙朝廷,便便言,唯谨尔。Back in his hometown Confucius looked moderate and courteous,a
24、s if not good at speaking.When he was at the ancestral temple or at court,he spoke nimbly and fluently,except that he was cautious.独创性声明独创性声明 -7-朝,与下大夫言,侃朝,与下大夫言,侃侃如也;与上侃如也;与上大夫言,如也。君在,訚訚如也,与与大夫言,如也。君在,訚訚如也,与与如也。如也。The Master talked fluently and eagerly at court with ministers of lower grades.To min
25、isters of upper grades,he spoke righteously and amiably.Before the prince,he looked respectful and a little uneasy,but spoke gently and appropriately.君召使摈君召使摈,色勃如也色勃如也,足躩如也。揖足躩如也。揖所与立所与立,左右手左右手,衣前后衣前后,襜如也。趋进襜如也。趋进,翼如也。宾退翼如也。宾退,必复命必复命曰曰:“宾不顾矣。”“宾不顾矣。”When the prince summoned him to receive a guest,th
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- 1.4 HowConfuciuswasTempered Chapter1