《技术援助报告三江平原项目自然保护区生态旅游生态农业试点项目.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《技术援助报告三江平原项目自然保护区生态旅游生态农业试点项目.doc(15页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、技术援助报告项目编号能力建设技术援助(CDTA) 2011年4月中华人民共和国:三江平原湿地保护项目期自然保护区生态旅游/生态农业试点项目亚洲开发银行I.概述1.三江平原湿地保护项目是由亚行贷款:2157-中国和全球环境基金赠款:4517-中国共同出资启动的生态项目。项目主要在黑龙江省东部13个市/县和6个国家级、省级保护区,开展水源管理、自然保护区管理、替代生计示范和能力建设等工作。目前项目I期已经圆满结束。2011年2月,亚行派评估团来华对三江平原湿地保护项目II期拟定内容进行评估。本报告基于技援报告、政府可研报告和亚行评估团与利益相关方讨论的结果,总结了项目II期内容的影响、产出、工作详
4、护区生态环境保护体系和实现可持续发展。预期成果为通过提供科学可行的、替代生计的发展模式,协调自然生态系统保护和传统生计之间的矛盾,实现多方共赢。B.方法和主要产出6.此次技术援助成功实施的预期产出包括:(i). 调研国内外生态旅游/生态农业最佳实践、三个自然保护区的现状等方面;(ii). 制定生态旅游/生态农业发展规划、详细施工图和工程采购指南;(iii). 管理及评估土建工程施工情况;(iv). 培训及成果推广。7.各项产出具体要求及描述如下:(i). 调查研究国内外生态旅游/生态农业最佳实践、三个自然保护区的现状等方面。此项内容将包括(a)调研国内外生态旅游先进经验和最佳实践,以及生态旅游
5、的环境管理认证方面的发展现状;(b)调研国内外生态农业先进经验和最佳实践,以及国内注册商标、绿色农产品认证方面的要求和程序;(c)调研珍宝岛保护区、兴凯湖保护区和七星河保护区地理、气候、人文、已有旅游设施/农业模式等方面情况。(ii). 制定生态旅游/生态农业发展规划、详细施工图和工程采购指南。此项内容将包括(a)制定珍宝岛生态农庄、兴凯湖生态渔村及七星河生态农业发展规划,主要涉及主体建筑及各设施选址和规模设计,温室大棚/生态农田、养殖场、生物质供暖系统、沼气发酵系统、污水处理系统等设施的设计,和新型生态旅游项目/生态农业种植计划设计等;(b)选择具有资质的建筑设计公司,为建设生态农庄、生态渔
6、村及生态农田及其配套设施制作施工图;(c)为土建工程制定采购指南。(iii). 管理及评估土建工程施工情况。此项内容将包括(a)在三个示范工程建设期间,提供施工监理、设备采购咨询等服务;(b)评价和定期汇报土建工程实施情况。(iv). 培训及成果推广。此项内容将包括(a)结合试点项目的规划,调研未来工作人员的培训需求,设计培训大纲和准备培训资料,并开展对相关人员的培训和能力建设活动,应涉及设施使用和维护、安全、规范旅游项目管理/生态农业经营模式及生产技术、环境管理认证/绿色农产品认证等;(b)制定项目成果推广计划,宣传和推广生态旅游/生态农业发展经验。C.费用和投资8.此项技术援助预算为100
7、万美元。三江平原湿地保护项目管理办公室为项目提供配套管理人员工资、办公室以及后勤服务等费用。政府将保证按照技术援助的实施进度提供配套的服务、设施和资金。详细的费用预算和投资计划表见附件2 。D.实施安排9.三江平原湿地保护项目管理办公室将作为本技术援助活动的实施机构。咨询公司将会被邀请递交简版技术建议书(STP)。依照于亚洲开发银行使用咨询顾问的导则,基于质量和费用的选择(QCBS),质量和费用之比为80:20,将会被应用于招聘咨询公司。专家团队应由国际专家和国内专家共同组成,共提供61人月(国际专家共7人月,国内专家共54人月)的咨询服务。咨询专家团队设置和工作大纲详见附件3。10.项目实施
8、期为18个月,预计为2011年5月至2012年11月。要求的进展性产出如下:(i). 启动会及启动报告:项目启动后半个月内召开项目启动会,会后半个月内提交启动报告,总结初步进展、提出详细工作计划;(ii). 双月度进展报告:项目启动后每两个月提交一次,汇报项目进展及阶段成果;(iii). 中期研讨会及中期报告:项目启动后第10个月初召开中期研讨会,会后半个月内提交中期报告,总结项目进展及阶段成果,做好下一阶段工作安排;(iv). 终期报告初稿:项目启动后第17个月内提交,汇报项目运行情况,总结成果和经验;(v). 终期研讨会:终期报告初稿提交之后召开,邀请相关利益方,总结、宣传和推广项目成果;
9、(vi). 终期报告:根据终期研讨会上相关各方意见和建议,对终期报告初稿进行修改后,于项目(第18个月)结束前提交。IV.行长意见11.行长,受亚行董事会的权威授权,已经批准提供本技术援助不超过100万美元的赠款,为中华人民共和国政府开展三江平原湿地保护项目二期自然保护区生态旅游/生态农业试点项目提供技术援助,同时据此报告董事会。附件 1设计和监测框架设计摘要绩效目标/指标数据来源/报告机制假设/风险影响更科学的自然保护区生态环境保护体系和可持续发展到2015年 试点项目自然保护区生态环境得到明显改善 试点项目自然保护区居民经济收入得到明显增加 自然保护区管理部门相关统计和报告 当地政府统计和
10、报告假设 各级主管部门积极配合 专家组和项目办有效沟通 当地居民积极配合风险 当地居民支持力度不理想成果通过提供科学可行的、替代生计的发展模式,协调自然生态系统保护和传统生计之间的矛盾,实现多方共赢。产出产出1:调查研究国内外生态旅游/生态农业最佳实践、三个自然保护区的现状等方面;详细调研报告 国内外相关报告 亚行前期研究 当地相关调研报告 实地调研结果假设 收集资料迅速、有效 相关部门积极配合产出2:制定生态旅游/生态农业发展规划、详细施工图和工程采购指南;科学可行的规划设计、详细施工图、适用的采购指南 调研成果 相关利益方建议和意见假设 充分翔实的调研数据产出3:管理及评估土建工程施工情况
11、;详细土建采购和设备采购指导、双月度土建情况评估汇报 实地监测假设 专家组和项目办有效充分沟通产出4:培训及成果推广。咨询项目结束阶段, 4050个各试点自然保护区管理人员、运行人员通过培训 制定并实施项目成果推广计划 培训需求分析 问卷调查假设 充分分析培训需求和设计培训计划活动及阶段性目标产出1:调查研究国内外生态旅游/生态农业最佳实践、三个自然保护区的现状等方面1.1召开项目启动会,提交启动报告(1月)1.2调研国内外生态旅游先进经验和最佳实践,以及生态旅游的环境管理认证方面的发展现状(1月)1.3调研国内外生态农业先进经验和最佳实践,以及国内注册商标、绿色农产品认证方面的要求和程序(2
13、程制定采购指南(6月)报告:生态旅游 生态农业发展规划、生态旅游 生态农业建筑和设施施工图、工程采购指南产出3:管理及评估土建工程施工情况3.1在三个示范工程建设期间,提供施工监理、设备采购咨询等服务(7月-17月)3.2评价和定期汇报土建工程实施情况(7月-17月)3.3召开中期研讨会,提交中期报告(10月)报告:中期报告、土建工程评估报告 产出4:培训及成果推广4.1结合试点项目的规划,调研未来工作人员的培训需求,设计培训大纲和准备培训资料,并开展对相关人员的培训和能力建设活动,应涉及设施使用和维护、安全、规范旅游项目管理/生态农业经营模式及生产技术、环境管理认证/绿色农产品认证等(16月
14、)4.2制定项目成果推广计划,宣传和推广生态旅游/生态农业发展经验(16月)4.3总结项目成果、提交终期报告初稿(17月)4.4召开终期研讨会,宣传推广项目成果(18月)4.5提交终期报告(18月)报告:培训及能力建设报告、终期报告初稿、终期报告投入专家费:$530,000 设备费: $30,000研讨会费用、培训费用: $80,000调研费用:$50,000施工图设计服务费用:$160,000管理及支持费用、翻译费等:$100,000不可预见费: $50,000总计:$1,000,000附件 2费用预算及资助计划($000)项目费用(1)咨询专家a. 报酬i. 国际专家140ii. 国内专家
15、275b. 补助i. 国际专家10ii. 国内专家45c. 国际及国内交通50d. 翻译、通讯10(2)设备30(3)研讨会、培训80(4)调研50(5)施工图设计服务160(6)管理和支持费用、翻译费100(7)不可预见费50总计1,000附件 3咨询专家任务大纲1. 专家团队应由国际专家和国内专家共同组成,共提供61人月(国际专家共7人月,国内专家共54人月)的咨询服务。咨询专家团队设置和工作大纲如下:2.规划专家 (13人月,其中国际专家3人月,国内专家10人月)Planning Specialist and Team Leader (3 person-months, internati
16、onal; 10 person-months, national). The specialists shall have post graduate degree in environmental engineering or relevant field, strong planning and report-writing skills, and at least 15 years working experience. The national consultant will act as team leader of the consulting team and be respon
17、sible for all coordination activities, provide oversight, lead the preparation, and ensure quality and timely delivery of TA outputs. The international consultant will act as co-team leader and will be responsible for the coordination activities among the international consultants. The tasks of the
18、specialists will include, but will not be limited to:(ii). Take project team leadership and coordinate with all other experts on the assignment to ensure quality of work;(iii). Responsible for the overall management of the project and liaise with ADB and the implementation agency during the TA imple
19、mentation;(iv). Collect and review national and international studies on ecotourism and ecological agriculture, and national and international best practice on the planning and development in such fields;(v). Conduct field survey at the three pilot projects and review the data obtained;(vi). Recomme
20、nd the development plan for ecotourism/ ecological agriculture in the three pilot projects: for ecotourism development, include ecological villages, supporting ecological facilities, and ecological tour activities, etc.; for ecological agriculture, include ecological greenhouses, supporting ecologic
21、al facilities, and ecological agricultural production manual, etc.;(vii). Help organize the development plan seminar with stakeholders to gather comments and suggestions to optimize and finalize the plan;(viii). Help design and finalize the terms of reference for the services of construction working
22、 drawing and the construction services for the three pilot projects;(ix). Help select qualified firms/organizations to provide the construction working drawings for the three pilot projects and to provide the construction services;(x). Help analyze the training demands and prepare the training mater
23、ials;(xi). Help develop a public information and dissemination strategy to enlarge the impact of the pilot projects;(xii). Summarize TA results and draft the final report.3.环境专家 (7人月,其中国际专家2人月,国内专家5人月)Environment Specialist (2 person-months, international; 5 person-months, national). The specialists
24、 shall have post graduate degree in environmental management, environmental economy or relevant field, and at least 10 years working experience, including working experience in ecological agriculture. The tasks of the specialists will include, but will not be limited to:(i). Participate in project s
25、urvey and data analysis;(ii). Evaluate environmental impacts for each pilot project, and recommend environmentally friendly technologies for the design and construction, which emphasizes on (a) biodiversity conservation, (b) water resource conservation, (c) wetland conservation, (d) cultural resourc
26、es, (e) pollution prevention and abatement, (f) public health and safety, and (g) climate change mitigation, and ensure those aspects are documented and incorporated in the development plan;(iii). Work closely with ecological agriculture expert to recommend the development plan for ecological agricu
27、lture project; (iv). Carry out a review of costs of the proposed environmental mitigation measures and implementation of the three pilot projects;(v). Assess and quantify environment benefits brought by the pilot projects;(vi). Assess the capacity of the implementation agency on environmental monito
28、ring and management; identify areas for improvement and training needs; assist the training expert to prepare materials and conduct the training workshop;(vii). Help draft related reports.4.生态旅游专家 (12人月,其中国际专家2人月,国内专家10人月)Ecotourism Specialist (2 person-months, international; 10 person-months, natio
29、nal). The specialists shall have post graduate degree in ecotourism or relevant field, and at least 10 years working experience. The tasks of the specialists will include, but will not be limited to:(i). Participate in project survey and data analysis, especially on international and national best p
30、ractice for ecotourism development;(ii). Evaluate the benefits and recommend the reasonable developing pathways to establish ecotourism in two pilot projects, which includes (a) analysis on the existing tourism mode and its obstacles, (b) the general approach to develop ecotourism, (c) the general d
31、esign of the main buildings, such as location, scale, etc., (d) supporting facilities, such as greenhouse, eco-farm, small scale biogas project, wastewater treatment device, manmade wetland, etc., (e) ecotourism activities, (f) social benefits, (g) economic benefits, (h) environmental benefits, and
32、ensure those aspects are documented and incorporated in the development plan;(iii). Work closely with environment expert to assess the environmental impact of ecotourism projects;(iv). Work closely with procurement expert to select qualified firms/organizations to provide the construction working dr
33、awings for the ecotourism projects and to provide the construction services;(v). Assess the capacity of the implementation agency on ecotourism management; identify areas for improvement and training needs; assist the training expert to prepare materials and conduct the training workshop;(vi). Help
34、draft related reports.5.生态农业专家 (国内,5人月)Ecological Agriculture Specialist (5 person-months, national). The specialist shall have post graduate degree in ecological agriculture or relevant field, and at least 10 years working experience. The tasks of the specialist will include, but will not be limite
35、d to:(i). Participate in project survey and data analysis, especially on best practice for ecological agriculture development;(ii). Evaluate the benefits and recommend the reasonable developing pathways to establish ecological agriculture in one pilot project, which includes (a) analysis on the exis
36、ting agriculture mode and its obstacles, (b) the general approach to develop ecological agriculture, (c) the general design of the main buildings, such as location, scale, etc., (d) supporting facilities, such as small scale biogas project, wastewater treatment device, manmade wetland, etc., (e) soc
37、ial benefits, (f) economic benefits, (g) environmental benefits, and ensure those aspects are documented and incorporated in the development plan;(iii). Work closely with environment expert to assess the environmental impact of ecological agriculture project;(iv). Work closely with procurement exper
38、t to select qualified firms/organizations to provide the construction working drawings for the ecological agriculture project and to provide the construction services;(v). Select proper crops and plants and design working manual for ecological agriculture operation and production;(vi). Assess the ca
39、pacity of the implementation agency on ecological agriculture operation and management; identify areas for improvement and training needs; assist the training expert to prepare materials and conduct the training workshop;(vii). Help draft related reports.6.生物质专家 (国内,3人月)Biomass Specialist (3 person-
40、months, national). The specialist shall have professional knowledge and skill in the field of biomass utilization and development, and have at least 5 years working experience of biomass utilization in ecological projects. The tasks of the specialist will include, but will not be limited to:(i). Par
41、ticipate in project survey and data analysis, especially on best practice for biomass utilization;(ii). Evaluate the potentials for biomass utilization and development in the three pilot projects, and recommend the reasonable pathways to promote biomass utilizations, which emphasizes on (a) the exis
42、ting biomass projects and its obstacles, (b) the general approach to promote biomass utilizations, (c) the general design of biomass projects, such as biogas production, energy generation, etc., (d) supporting facilities (e) social benefits, (f) economic benefits, (g) environmental benefits, and ens
43、ure those aspects are documented and incorporated in the development plan;(iii). Work closely with environment expert to assess the environmental impact of construction of biomass facilities;(iv). Work closely with procurement expert to select qualified firms/organizations to provide the constructio
44、n working drawings for the biomass facilities and to provide the construction services;(v). Assess the capacity of the biomass facility users on operation, management and maintenance; identify areas for improvement and training needs; assist the training expert to prepare materials and conduct the t
45、raining workshop;(vi). Help draft related reports.7.建筑及景观设计专家 (国内,4人月)Architecture and Landscape Design Specialist (3 person-months, national). The specialist shall have professional knowledge and skill in the field of architecture and landscape design, and have at least 5 years working experience.
46、The tasks of the specialist will include, but will not be limited to:(i). Participate in project survey and data analysis, especially in the geographic-topographic survey;(ii). Conduct architecture and landscape design for the three pilot projects, which includes (a) general design for the projects,
47、 (b) design the style of main buildings and supporting facilities, (c) garden layout design, and ensure those aspects are documented and incorporated in the development plan;(iii). Work closely with environment expert to assess the environmental impact of construction of buildings;(iv). Work closely with procurement expert to select qualified firms/organizations to provide the construction working drawings and to provide the construction services;(v). Help draft related reports.8.社会专家 (国内,3人月)Social Specialist (3 person-months, national). The specialist shall have professional knowledge