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1、英汉被动句的翻译611 1第1页,本讲稿共43页Chapter 17lChapter 17 英汉被动句的翻译英汉被动句的翻译(Translation of Passive Sentences)612第2页,本讲稿共43页各简单句不同时态和体的被动语态句式如下:各简单句不同时态和体的被动语态句式如下:lHe is asked to make a contribution to the insurance scheme.(一般一般现现在在时时)lHe was asked to.(一般一般过过去去时时)lHe will be asked to.(一般将来一般将来时时)lHe would be ask
2、ed to.(过过去将来去将来时时)lHe is being asked to.(现现在在进进行式行式)lHe was being asked to.(过过去去进进行式行式)lHe has been asked to.(现现在完成式在完成式)lHe had been asked to.(过过去完成式去完成式)lHe will have been asked to.(将来完成式将来完成式)lHe would have been asked to.(过去将来完成式过去将来完成式)613第3页,本讲稿共43页17.1 英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译 l17.1.1 17.1.1 英语被动句译成汉语
3、被动句英语被动句译成汉语被动句 l汉语被动句除了使用汉语被动句除了使用“被被”这个词之外,这个词之外,还使用其他一些词语,如还使用其他一些词语,如“受受”、“遭遭”、“挨挨”、“给给”、“让让”、“叫叫”、“由由”、“获获”、“使使”、“把把”、“得到得到”、“受到受到”、“遭到遭到”、“予以予以”、“加以加以”、“经过经过”、“为为所所”等等。等等。614第4页,本讲稿共43页17.1 英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译 lThey are deprived of their rights.l他他们们被剥被剥夺夺了了权权利。利。lAny minute we wo
4、uld surely be spotted by enemy planes flying in and out of the airfield.l我我们们随随时时都会都会被被出入机出入机场场的的敌敌机机发现发现。lIf the scheme is approved,work on the project will start immediately.l如果方案如果方案被批准被批准了,工程将即刻了,工程将即刻动动工。工。lAt the end of the month he was fired for incompetence.l由于能力太差由于能力太差,月底他就月底他就被解雇被解雇了。了。61
5、5第5页,本讲稿共43页17.1 17.1 英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译 lHow long will it be before black and white television sets are found only in museums?l还还要要过过多久黑白多久黑白电视电视机才会机才会成成为为博物博物馆馆的的陈陈列品呢?列品呢?lThe dictionaries have been affected with damp.l这这些字典些字典受潮受潮了。了。lThe town was destroyed by an earthquake.l这这座城座城镇镇在一次地震中在一次地震中受到
6、受到了了严严重重破坏破坏。lHe was carefully nursed by Carries mother.l他他受到受到嘉莉母亲的细心嘉莉母亲的细心护护理理。616第6页,本讲稿共43页17.1 英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译 lHe was set upon by two masked men.l他他遭到遭到两个蒙面人的两个蒙面人的袭击袭击。lLast year the region was visited by the worst drought in 100 years.l去年去年这这个地区个地区遭受遭受了了100年来最年来最严严重的重的旱灾旱灾。lA lot of houses
7、 were damaged in the earthquake.l许许多房屋在地震中多房屋在地震中遭到遭到了了破坏破坏。617第7页,本讲稿共43页17.1 英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译 lThis time he was tipped over by his buddies.l这这次他次他挨挨了哥儿了哥儿们们一一顿顿揍揍。lThe little boy was criticized three times last week.l这这个小男孩上周个小男孩上周挨挨了三次了三次批批评评。lI started to explain that I could not do my best sinc
8、e my spectacles had been taken away from me,but she wouldnt let me finish.l我我开开始始解解释释说说,我我不不可可能能干干得得最最好好,因因为为我我的的眼眼镜镜已已给给拿走拿走了,但她不准我了,但她不准我讲讲完。完。lAll the money I had saved was stolen.l我所有的积蓄都我所有的积蓄都给偷给偷走走了。了。618第8页,本讲稿共43页17.1 17.1 英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译 lThe crops were washed away by the
9、flood.l庄稼庄稼让让洪水洪水冲冲毁毁了。了。lShe was caught in the downpour.l她她叫叫暴雨暴雨淋着淋着了。了。lEarly fires on the earth were certainly caused by nature,not by man.l地地球球上上早早期期的的火火肯肯定定是是由由大大自自然然引引燃燃的的,而而不不是是人人类类所所为为。lThe three machines can be controlled by a single operator.l这三台机器可以这三台机器可以由由一人单独一人单独操操纵纵。619第9页,本讲稿共43页17.
10、1 英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译 lHe was released immediately after Batisth escaped Cuba.l在巴蒂斯塔逃离古巴后,他在巴蒂斯塔逃离古巴后,他马马上上获释获释。lThe application of computers should be paid enough attention to.l计计算机的算机的应应用用应应予以予以足足够够的的重重视视。lIt must be dealt with at the appropriate time with appropriate means.l这种事情必须在适当的时候用适当的手段这种事情必须在
11、适当的时候用适当的手段予以予以处处理理。6110第10页,本讲稿共43页17.1 英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译 lPopulation growth can be controlled if we make up our mind.l如果下定决心,人口增如果下定决心,人口增长长是能是能够够加以控制加以控制的。的。lo separate iron from the impurities the iron ores must be melted.l为为了使了使铁铁跟跟杂质杂质分离,分离,铁矿铁矿石必石必须须经过经过冶冶炼炼。lI was so impressed by these words
12、that I used them later for a Christmas card.l我我为为这这些些话话所所深深深深感感动动,后后来来我我就就把把它它们们写写在在圣圣诞诞贺贺卡卡上。上。6111第11页,本讲稿共43页17.1 英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译 lAll the buildings were destroyed by a big fire.l所有建筑物均所有建筑物均为为大火大火所焚所焚毁毁。lThis new theory has now been adopted by many scientists who are searching for life in outer
13、 space.l这一新理论现在已这一新理论现在已为为许多寻找外层空间生命的科学家许多寻找外层空间生命的科学家所采所采纳纳。lBut one hundred years later,the Negro is still not free.One hundred years later,the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination.l然然而而100年年过过去去了了,黑黑人人依依旧旧没没有有获获得得自自由由,100年年过过去去了
14、了,黑黑人人的生活仍然很悲惨,的生活仍然很悲惨,为为种族隔离的镣铐和种族歧视的锁链种族隔离的镣铐和种族歧视的锁链所摧残所摧残。6112第12页,本讲稿共43页17.1 英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译 l17.1.2 英英语语被被动动句句译译成成汉语汉语主主动动句句 lOur plan has been approved by the president of our university.l校校长长批准了我批准了我们们的的计计划。划。lLarge quantities of steam are required by modern industry.l现现代工
15、代工业业需要大量蒸汽。需要大量蒸汽。lA new way of displaying time has been given by electronics.l电子技术提供了一种新的显示时间的方法。电子技术提供了一种新的显示时间的方法。6113第13页,本讲稿共43页17.1 英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译 lBy the end of the war 800 people had been saved by the organization,but at a cost of over 200 Belgian and French lives.l大大战战结结束束的的时时候候,这这个个组组织织拯
16、拯救救了了800人人,但但那那是是以以200多比利多比利时时人和法国人的生命人和法国人的生命为为代价的。代价的。lThe news was passed on by word of mouth.l众口相众口相传传就把就把这则这则新新闻传闻传开了。开了。lTo explore the moons surface,rockets were launched again and again.l为了探测月球的表层,人们一次又一次地发射火箭。为了探测月球的表层,人们一次又一次地发射火箭。6114第14页,本讲稿共43页17.1 英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译 l Mr.
17、Billings cannot be deterred from his plan.l人人们们不能阻止比林斯先生不能阻止比林斯先生实实行他的行他的计计划。划。lCopper articles have been used for several thousand years.l人人们们使用使用铜铜器已有数千年了。器已有数千年了。lThe workers were seen repairing the machine.l有人看有人看见见工人工人们们在修理机器。在修理机器。lThe lecture is considered very important for beginners.l大家认为这讲
18、座对初学者很重要。大家认为这讲座对初学者很重要。6115第15页,本讲稿共43页17.1 英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译 l Rivers are controlled by dams.l拦拦河堤河堤把把河流河流控制住控制住了。了。lOther forms of energy can be changed to electric energy by generators.l发电发电机能机能把把其他形式的能其他形式的能转变为转变为电电能。能。lHe was regarded as a Republican by everyone,even though he had always though
19、t of himself as an“Independent”.l所所有有人人都都把把他他看看做做共共和和党党人人,尽尽管管他他一一直直认认为为自自己己是是“无党派人士无党派人士”。6116第16页,本讲稿共43页17.1 英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译 l The famous hotel had been practically destroyed by the big fire.l大火大火使使这这家著名的家著名的旅旅馆馆几乎全部几乎全部毁毁掉掉。lWe are kept strong and well by clean air.l洁净洁净的空气的空气使使我我们们身体健壮身体健壮。lTh
20、eir friendship was turned to enmity through idle gossips.l流言蜚语流言蜚语使使他们之间的他们之间的友友谊变谊变成成了怨仇。了怨仇。6117第17页,本讲稿共43页17.1 英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译 l 17.1.3 英英语语被被动动句句译为译为不不带带被被动标动标志性志性词语词语但包含被但包含被动动 l许许多多汉汉语语句句子子不不带带表表被被动动意意义义的的标标志志性性词词语语,看看上上去去好好像像是是主主动动句句,但但实实际际上上包包含含被被动动意意义义,这这样样的的汉汉语语句句子子的的被被动动意意义义是是通通过过其其主主谓谓
21、成成分分表表达达的的逻逻辑辑意意义义关关系系来来确确定的。定的。6118第18页,本讲稿共43页17.1 英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译 lHe was assassinated in a theater last night.l他昨晚在一家他昨晚在一家剧剧院遇刺身亡。院遇刺身亡。lRoger,you are wanted on the phone.l罗罗杰,你有杰,你有电话电话。lSolution to the problem was ultimately found.l问题问题的解决方法的解决方法终终于找到了。于找到了。lHis leg was broken in an accident
22、.l他的腿在一次事故中折断了。他的腿在一次事故中折断了。lA new student is kept on probation for one semester.l新学生要新学生要见习见习一个学期。一个学期。6119第19页,本讲稿共43页17.1 英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译英语被动句的翻译 lMost of the questions have been settled satisfactorily,and only a few questions of secondary importance remain to be discussed.l多多数数问问题题已已圆圆满
23、满解解决决,只只剩剩下下几几个个次次要要问问题题有有待待讨讨论论。lThe Great Hall of the People was built in 1959.l人民大会堂人民大会堂是是在在1959年建造年建造的的。lPrinting was introduced into Europe from China.l印刷印刷术术是是从中国从中国传传入欧洲入欧洲的的。lThe first explosive in the world was made and used in China.l世界上最早的炸药世界上最早的炸药是是在中国制造和使用在中国制造和使用的的。6120第20页,本讲稿共43页17
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