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1、7年制药 理 学 教 学 大 纲 Syllabus for Pharmacology 药理教研室7年制药 理 学 教 学 大 纲 Syllabus for Pharmacology前 言1 药理学的特点与学习目标药理学是研究药物与机体(包括病原体)之间相互作用及其规律的一门科学,是7年制临床医学专业的主要基础医学课程之一。药理学是基础医学与临床医学间的桥梁,为临床合理用药、防治疾病提供理论依据。药理学可分为总论与各论两大部分。在总论中,重点叙述药物效应动力学与药物代谢动力学的基本概念及其影响因素;在各论中,着重阐明各类药物的作用及作用机制、药动学特点、临床应用及主要不良反应;学生应掌握每一类药
3、语教学、正确理解与掌握药理学英文教科书的基本知识。在掌握药理学基本知识的基础上,培养学生在学习中学会运用辩证的、全面的、发展的科学思维方法;以启发式、互动式的教学方法,将对学生的正确引导与培养学生的自学能力相结合,使学生在学习药理学的过程中,逐步培养学生获得药理学相关新知识的能力、观察、分析、逻辑推理、综合所学知识及解决问题的能力,为从事临床医疗及其相关工作奠定良好基础。1 The characterization and aim of pharmacologyPharmacology is a science to study the law of drug-body interaction
4、 (including pathogen). It is one of the basic curriculum of medicine necessary for students majoring in 7-year clinical medicine. Pharmacology serves as a bridge between basic and clinical medicine and provides scientific principles for prevention and treatment of diseases.This textbook of pharmacol
5、ogy is divided into two parts: general principles and subdivisions. The basic concepts of both pharmacokenetics and pharmacodynamics (PP) and PP related factors are illustrated in general principles. The mechanism of action, pharmacological effects, pharmacokinetic characteristics, clinical applicat
6、ion, and major adverse effects of drugs are covered in subdivisions. Students should focus on the common contents of each class of drugs, and specific characteristics of important drugs (they are in boldface type and are underlined, such as aspirin), including the mechanism of action, pharmacologica
7、l effects, clinical applications, and major adverse effects. Teachers should guide students to master the basic theories, basic knowledge, and the ability to perform experiments during study. Examination is an important way to test whether students master the knowledge or not. In the examination, “m
8、aster” part makes up about 75%, “understand and familiarize” part about 20%, and “understand” part about 5%. “Self-learn”part is not included in examination. It must be kept in mind that “non-key” parts do not mean that they are not important or not influential in the future. Students should learn t
9、o comprehensive understand and integrate knowledge one has learned. We aim at teaching the basic knowledge of the pharmacology and helping students to obtain potential ability to use the knowledge in the future. During the whole teaching-learning process, teachers should guide students to suit the b
10、ilingual education gradually, and to help them to understand and master the basic knowledge of pharmacology in English textbook. Moreover, teachers should encourage and assist students to develop a scientific mode of thinking with an all-round, dialectical, developing eye. To establish a keystone fo
11、r future clinical works during the course of learning pharmacology, teachers should guide and help students to acquire the ability in observing, analyzing, reasoning, logically thinking and integrating the knowledge they have learned, and to gain the ability in solving the problems in practice, thro
12、ugh interactive and heuristic tuition.2. 适应专业临床医学相关专业七年制2. Specialities 7-year Clinical Medicine related specialties 3. 教材英文教材:Fundamental Medical Pharmacology 林原主编. 吉林科学技术出版社(2004)中文教材:药理学 杨世杰主编。人民卫生出版社(2001)3. TextbookEnglish textbook:Fundamental Medical Pharmacology; Editor in chief: Yuan Lin; Ji
13、lin Science and Technology Publishing House(2004).Chinese textbook: Pharmacology; Editor in chief Yang Shi-Jie; Peoples medical Publishing House4 教学时数分配 学时:78 学时内 容 学时数第一部分 (第1- 7章)12第二部分 (第8-13章)10第三部分 (第14 - 22章)10第四部分 (第23-27章)15第五部分 (第28- 34章)8第六部分 (第35-37章)6第七部分 (第38- 47章)14第八-九部分(第48- 49章)3总计7
14、84 Teaching Schedule Time:78 hrcontents hrPart 1(1- 7 Chapter)12P art 2(8-13 chapter)10Part 3 (14 22 Chapter)10Part 4 (23-27 Chapter)15Part 5 (28- 34 Chapter)8Part 6 (35-37 Chapter) 6Part 7 (38- 47 Chapter)14Part 8-9(48- 49Chapter)3Total 78 执行大纲的有关说明本大纲所列教学时间分配及讲课顺序只供参考,教学时,可根据具体情况做出适当的调整与增减。药理学实验课内
15、容包括在机能学实验课中。Explanation One can take the time schedule and the order of lectures in the lecture-table for references, and can modify the schedule in accordance to your own program. 教学内容与要求第一部分 总论Part 1 General Principles 学习导航:总论部分包括1-7章;该部分的学习目的为掌握药理学的基本概念;熟悉与药理学基本概念相关的知识;了解药动学与药效学的相关公式与知识。Learning
16、guide: General Principles comprise chapter 1-7. The purpose of the study in this part is to master the basic concepts of pharmacology, familiarize with the knowledge related to these concepts, understand the formula correlated with pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. 第1章绪言掌握药物、药理学的概念;了解药理学的研究对象、任
17、务与方法以及药理学的学习方法。Chapter1 IntroductionMaster the concepts of pharmacology and drug and the purpose of learning pharmacology; Understand research object, task and methodology of pharmacology and the way to study pharmacology.第2章药物代谢动力学掌握药物代谢动力学、首关效应、肝肠循环、生物利用度、一级消除动力学、零级消除动力学、半衰期、表观分布容积及清除率的基本含义与意义。熟悉药
18、物吸收的概念与影响因素、与血浆蛋白结合对药物作用的影响、肝脏细胞色素P450酶、药酶的诱导与抑制, 药物生物转化与影响因素。了解 Handerson-Hasselbalch公式的应用、房室模型、药物分布的概念及影响因素(血脑屏障等)、药物转化类型、药物的跨膜转运机制(被动转运与载体转运)药物排泄途径与机制、时量曲线、多次给药的时量曲线和稳态浓度、不同给药剂量与给药间隔时间对稳态浓度的影响。 Chapter 2 PharmacokineticsMaster the following important concepts: first-pass elimination, bioavailabil
19、ity, clearance, apparent volume of distribution, compartment model, drug plasma half-life, first-order kinetics and zero-order kineticsUnderstand and familiarize with the concepts of absorption and factors affecting absorption, the consequence of plasma-drug binding, biotransformation and the factor
20、s affecting biotransformation, e.g., hepatic microsomal mixed function oxidase system. Understand the application the formula of Handerson-Hasselbalch, the concepts of the One and Two compartment Model, drug membrane transfer (active and passive), drug distribution and related factors, e.g., Blood B
21、rain Barrier concentration-time relationship and concentration-time curve, drug kidney excretion, concentration-time curve of continuous administration and relationship between multiple dosage and drug steady state concentration.第3章药物效应动力学掌握药物效应动力学、药物作用与药理效应、药物与受体的亲和力与内在活性、激动药、完全激动药、拮抗药、竞争性拮抗药、非竞争性拮
22、抗药、药物作用的选择性、效能、效价强度、阈剂量、半数有效量、半数致死量、治疗指数、药物的治疗作用(对因治疗与对症治疗)、副作用与毒性作用的基本含义。熟悉受体分类、配体的概念、后遗效应、继发反应、变态反应、特异质反应、药物的耐受性与依赖性。了解药物作用机制分类,药物作用的基本类型、部分激动药、反向激动药的概念、量效关系、量反应、质反应、pA2值、跨膜信息传递方式与细胞内第二信使。Chapter 3 PharmacodynamicsMaster the following important concepts: pharmacodynamics, pharmacological action an
23、d effect, affinity and intrinsic activity of drug-receptor interaction, agonist, antagonist (competitive and noncompetitive), therapeutic effects and adverse reaction (e.g., side effects, toxic effects) of drugs, threshold dosage, potency, (drug) maximal effects, ED50, LD50 and therapeutic index, ag
24、onist and antagonist. Understand and familiarize with the concepts of the relationship between drug dosage and effect, the interaction between drug and receptor; after effect, secondary effect, allergy, idiosyncratic reaction, tolerance, and dependence.Understand drug classification according to mec
25、hanism, the concepts partial agonist, inverse agonist, dose-effect relationship, transmembrane signaling and second messenger.第4章影响药物效应的因素及合理用药 熟悉影响药物效应的因素(药物方面的因素及机体方面的因素)及合理用药原则。Chapter 4 Factors affecting drug action and rational drug useUnderstand and familiarize with the factors (both body syst
26、em and drug related factors) affecting drugs effects and principles of rational drug use.第5章 遗传药理学了解遗传药理学的基本含义。自学遗传研究的内容与疾病的关系。Chapter 5 PharmacogeneticsUnderstand with the concepts of PharmacogeneticsSelf-learn the relationship between Pharmacogenetics and diseases.第6章 基因治疗原则 熟悉基因治疗的基本含义。自学基因治疗的方式。
27、Chapter 6 Principle of gene therapyUnderstand and familiarize with the meaning of gene therapy.self-learn the way of gene therapy. 第7章 动物模型与新药的开发了解本章所述动物模型与新药的开发之间的关系Chapter 7 From Animal model to new drug discoveryUnderstand the relationship between animal model and development of new drugs.第二部分 自主
28、神经系统药理学Part II Drugs acting on efferent nervous system学习导航:传出神经系统药理学包括8-13章;该部分的学习目的为熟悉自主神经的分类与功能、激动与阻断M、N2 、受体所产生的药理效应。掌握每一类药物作用的共性、重点药物的药理作用与机制、临床应用与主要不良反应。Learning guide: Part II comprises chapter 8-13. The purpose of study in this part is to familiarize with the classification and function of ef
29、ferent nervous system, effects of activation and blockade of and adrenergic receptors. Master the pharmacological effects and mechanism of action shared in common of same drug class, master the pharmacological effects, major clinical uses, and major adverse effects of Key drugs. 第8章 自主神经系统与递质熟悉自主神经系
30、统递质和按递质的分类、受体类型、自主神经递质的生物合成、释放和消除、自主神经系统药物的作用靶点与药物分类。了解自主神经系统效应的信号转导方式。Chapter 8 Autonomic nervous system and neurotransmitters Familiarize with the classification of efferent nerves according to the difference of neurotransmitter, type of receptor, biosynthesis, release and elimination of neurotran
31、smitter; drug classification and drug-receptor relationship in this chapter. Know the signal transmission in efferent nervous system.第9章拟胆碱药 掌握M 胆碱受体激动药毛果芸香碱、抗胆碱酯酶药新斯的明的作用、应用及主要不良反应。熟悉拟胆碱药的分类、M、N样作用、毒扁豆碱的作用、应用及主要不良反应;有机磷酸酯类中毒解救原则、胆碱酯酶复活药碘解磷定的作用机制和临床用途。了解乙酰胆碱直接产生的M、N样作用、抗胆碱酯酶药间接产生M、N样作用方式。自学胆碱酯酶水解乙酰胆
32、碱的过程。Chapter 9 Cholinomimetic drugsMaster the pharmacological action, clinical application and major adverse reaction of pilocarpine (M receptor agonist) and of neostigmine(anti-cholinesterase).Understand and familiarize with the classification of cholinergic agents, M effects, N effects, and also t
33、he pharmacological effects, clinical application and adverse reaction of physostigmine. Understand the direct M and N effects of acetylcholine and indirect M and N effects of anti-cholinesterase Self-learn the process of hydrolysis of acetylcholine by cholinesterase.第10章抗胆碱药掌握M胆碱受体阻断药阿托品的作用、应用、不良反应、
34、中毒解救与禁忌证;熟悉N2胆碱受体阻断药琥珀胆碱、筒箭毒碱作用的特点与应用。了解其它M胆碱受体阻断药的作用特点与用途。自学神经节阻断药(N1胆碱受体阻断药)的作用特点.Chapter 10 Anti-cholinergic drugsMaster the pharmacological effects, clinical application, major adverse reaction, intoxication, and contraindication Atropine.Understand and familiarize with the main traits of N2 rec
35、eptor blocking drugs, d-tubocurarine and succinylcholine. Understand the main traits and clinic uses of other M receptor antagonist.Self-learn the main traits of neurogangalionic blocking drugs.第11章 有机磷酸酯类中毒与解救熟悉有机磷酸酯类中毒原理及症状与解救原则、胆碱酯酶复活药碘解磷定的作用机制和用途。Chapter 11Organophosphate intoxication and cholin
36、esterase regenerators Understand and familiarize with the mechanism of toxicological action, the symptoms of the acute poisoning and the rescue principle of organophosphates; the pharmacological action and clinical application of resurrecting drugs of cholinesterase, e.g., pralidoxime iodide.第12章 拟肾
37、上腺素药 掌握肾上腺素、去甲肾上腺素、异丙肾上腺的作用、用途、主要不良反应与禁忌证。熟悉肾上腺素受体激动药的分类、麻黄碱及多巴胺的作用及应用。了解间羟胺、去氧肾上腺素的作用特点与应用。Chapter 12 Adrenergic drugsMaster the pharmacological effects, clinical application, major adverse reactions and contraindications of Adrenaline, Noradrenaline, and Isoprenaline.Understand and familiarize wit
38、h drug classification in this chapter, and the pharmacological effects and clinical application of dopamine and ephedrine.Understand the main traits and application of metaraminol and phenylephrine. 第13 章 抗肾上腺素药 掌握受体阻断药普萘洛尔、受体阻断药酚妥拉明的作用、用途、与主要不良反应。熟悉阻断受体及受体所产生的基本药理作用。了解酚苄明、哌唑嗪及育享宾的作用特点及应用。自学选择性1受体阻断
39、药美托洛尔的作用特点、应用及主要不良反应。Chapter 13Anti-adrenergic drugs Master pharmacological effects, clinical application, major adverse reaction, and contraindication of receptor blocking drug phentolamine, and receptor blocking drug Propranolol. Understand and familiarize with the basic pharmacologic effects from
40、 blocking and receptors.Understand the main traits and clinical application of phenoxybenzamine, prazosin and yohimbine.Self-learn the main traits, clinical application and main adverse reactions of selectively 1 receptor blocker metoprolol.第三部分 作用于中枢与传入神经系统的药物Part III Drugs affecting central and af
41、ferent nervous system学习导航:作用于中枢系统的药物包括14-22章;该部分的学习目的为了解中枢神经药物的分类;掌握每一类药物作用的共性、代表药物的药理作用与机制、临床应用与主要不良反应。Learning guide: Drugs acting on central nervous system are described in 14-22 chapter; The aim of study in this portion is to understand the classification of drugs of central nervous system, mast
42、er the common characteristics, pharmacological effects, mechanisms of action, clinical uses and adverse reaction of representative drugs. 第14章中枢药物引言了解中枢神经元、血脑屏障、膜电位与动作电位、中枢递质,如乙酰胆碱、氨基丁酸及其相应受体。Chapter 14 Introduction to drugs acting on the central nervous system Understand central neuron, blood brain
43、 barrier, membrane potential and active potential, center transmitter such as acetylcholine, -aminobutyric acid and corresponding receptor.第15章 局部麻醉药自学常用局部麻醉药的应用。Chapter 15 Local Anesthetics Self-learn the clinical uses of local anaesthetic.第16章镇静催眠药掌握地西泮、苯巴比妥的作用、应用及主要不良反应。了解苯二氮卓类、巴比妥类及其其他类药物的作用机制及各
44、种药物的临床应用。Chapter 16 Sedatives and HypnoticsMaster pharmacological effects, clinical uses and major adverse reaction of Diazepam and Phenobarbital.Understand the mechanisms of actions of benzodiazepines, barbiturates and the clinical uses of other drugs of this chapter.第17章抗癫痫药和抗惊厥药掌握苯妥英钠作用、应用及主要不良反应
45、,苯巴比妥、乙琥胺、卡马西平临床应用及主要不良反应。熟悉扑米酮、丙戊酸及硫酸镁的作用。Chapter 17 Drugs Effective in the Therapy of Epilepsies Master pharmacological effects, clinical uses and major adverse reactions of Phenytoin, and master clinical uses and major adverse reactions of phenobarbital, ethosuximides and carbamazepine. Understan
46、d and Familiarize with pharmacological effects of Valproate, primidone, magnesium sulfate. 第18章抗精神失常药掌握氯丙嗪的作用及机制、临床应用及主要不良反应。熟悉非经典抗精神病药氯氮平、舒必利的作用特点。了解抗躁狂药碳酸锂,抗抑郁药丙咪嗪、地昔帕明、氟西汀抗抑郁的作用特点。Chapter18 Psychopharmacologic DrugsMaster the major pharmacological effects, therapeutic application and adverse effe
47、cts of chlorpromazine.Understand and familiarize with pharmacological effects of clozapine, sulpiride. Understand pharmacological effects of lithium Carbonate, Imipramine, Desipramine and Fluoxetine.第19章抗帕金森病药 掌握左旋多巴、卡比多巴的作用、合用机理。 熟悉其它多巴胺受体激动药与M 受体阻断药抗帕金森病原理及其适应证。Chapter 19 Antiparkisonian agents Master the pharmacological effects and the mechanisms of combination treatment of levodopa and carbidopa.Understand and familiarize with the antiparkinsonian effects and indication of dopa