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1、此材料由网络搜集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。材料共分享,我们负责传递知识。中学生圣诞晚会主持词刘;尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾陈:亲爱的老师,同学们易;大家合;晚上好!易:this is the XX christmas party held by the foreign languagecollege,这里是XX年外国语学院圣诞嘉年华rdquo;圣诞晚会的现场,welcome you all !刘:说起圣诞节啊,我想在场的同学都不会陌生,它作为西方的传统节日之一,就好似中国的春节一样,意味着新的一年的开始。易:christmas day is the most important fes
2、tival in westerncountries which is celebrated as a new beginning of the new year, jut like spring festival to our chinese people.陈:是的。在圣诞节期间,西方人家家户户都享受着合家团聚的圣诞晚会主持词欢乐,一家人在一起装饰圣诞树啊,互送圣诞礼物啊,走访亲朋好友,用最真诚的笑容和最愉快的方式送上节日的祝愿。易:and after nearly a months preparation, today, we gonna sing,we gonna dance, we go
3、nna show, we gonna play, we gonna bring our best performance to celebrate the holy spirit of the christmas. and i bet you guys gonna be crazy tonight ! 陈:是如此的,接下来就让我们一起来欣赏由艺术团带来的节目:中文歌曲联唱。2.跟寅吃卯粮say goodbye刘:易晨姐,你知不明白有个成语叫寅吃卯粮rdquo;呢?易:这个我因此明白啦!比喻经济困难,入不敷出,预先支用了以后的进项。用我们现在的话来说确实是提早消费。刘:对的。现在提早消费的现象在
4、我们大学生中已经是司空见惯了,接下来这几位大学生也不例外。让我们一起来看看他们终究发生了什么吧? 下面请欣赏小品跟寅吃卯粮say goodbye3.secret party刘:丽梅,have you ever attended to a party before?陈:yes! i think all of you guys here must have attended to yourfriends birthday parties before.刘:well, here we also have a party tonight. its a secret party. 陈:wow,i can
5、t wait to attend the secret party。刘:now lets give our big hands to welcome the dancers in thissecret party。陈:下面请欣赏艺术团舞蹈队带来的secret party。掌声有请。4.瑜珈天堂刘:易晨。i want to ask you a question. do you know what is yoga? 易:yes, yoga is a modern exercise which can keep us fit andhealthy.刘:exactly! there is a grou
6、p of girls in our college who canexercise yoga quite well. and tonight, they also come to this stage to show their performance to us.易:really?ok,now lets welcome these beautiful girl to give usa yoga show。刘:下面掌声有请来自我们外院的瑜珈高手给我们带了瑜珈表演。5.相声刘:相声,作为我国一项传统的文化艺术,在我国甚至是世界广为流传。陈:yes。crosstalk plays an impor
7、tant role in chinese art field. notonly is it very popular in china, but also it spread widely all over the world.刘:好的,话不多说,下面有请徐军、常亮学长给我们带了一段相声。陈: a warm welcome!6.外语歌曲联唱陈:do you know that we have many talented singers who can notonly speak good foreign languages, but can also sing foreign language
8、s songs just like native speakers.易:ha. really? if so, it seems that we gonna celebrate the christmas ina western way. and i believe this will make our christmas atmosphere stronger and stronger.陈:没错,接下来掌声有请来自外院的才男靓女们带给我们英文歌曲联唱。易:lets welcome!7.现代舞蹈串烧dancing christmas陈:在听了那么多好听英文歌曲之后,那让我们精彩接着,下面有请艺术
9、团舞蹈队的小姐们给我们带来现代舞蹈串烧dancing christmas,大家掌声欢迎。中场游戏:我来比划你来猜刘:在看了那么小品、舞蹈,听了那么多好听的歌曲之后,现在到了我们的中场游戏时间。易:是的。接下来我们进入一个互动单元:我来比划你来猜。相信大家都看过欢乐大本营吧。欢乐rdquo;作为其中的经典游戏,今天也搬到了我们的晚会现场。刘:规则特别简单,我们将邀请3组同学上台参与互动,每组5名同学。由第1名队员用肢体语言将标题意思表达给第2名队员,第2名队员再按照他所理解的意思用肢体语言表达给第3名队员,以此类推到最后,由第5名队员走到台前告诉大家他所理解的标题意思,再由第4、第3、第2名队员
10、按顺序向观众揭晓他们心中的标题。最后再由第一名队员说出正确答案。易:规则简单,参与者将有小礼品获赠噢。对了,能茂,今晚我们有一个主角,就在开始时亮相了一下就没再出现了,那到底谁给我们的同学发礼品呀。刘:我们今晚的主角,圣诞老人在哪里呢?让我们用掌声把我们的圣诞老人请出来好不好?(游戏完毕)刘:在通过我们有趣的互动环节之后,让我们来接着欣赏节目。 易:there are many famous bands in the world, such as beyond,michael learn to rock. we ,our foreign language college , also have
11、 our own band.刘:下面有请我院乐队给我们带了他们的show!易:welcome!9.小品好男孩是如何样炼成的陈:在一所大学里,有那么一间男生宿舍,他们平日无所事事,无心向学,但后来呀,他们觉悟了,变成了好男孩!他们到底发生了什么。让我们一起走进他们的小品吧。好男孩是如何样炼成的有请!10.英文圣诞歌曲串烧shining christmas刘:圣诞颂歌是以圣诞节为主题,从13世纪就被广为流传的歌曲。每逢圣诞节,人们都会聚拢在教堂,忠诚的唱着这首歌,怀着感恩的心。传递节日的祝愿。下面有请09级英语三班的同学带来英文圣诞歌曲串烧shining christmas11.现代舞get up
12、刘:在我们今天晚会的现场,有这么一组表演嘉宾。他们是来自琼台师范学校英语系的同学们。陈:今晚他们给我们带来了现代舞get up,让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎他们。有请。12.独唱poker face陈:do you know lady gaga?刘:of course, she is so popular all over the world. every two years,our college hold the top 10 campus singers competition, and today we are lucky enough to have the champion, 易晨 ga
13、ga to sing us a song. and now, you can enjoy the song, holding his or her hands, to feel the power and enthusiasm she brings to us. 陈;每两年,我院都会举办一次十大歌手大赛,今天我们也特别荣幸的请到了今年我院十大歌手的冠军易晨给我们演绎poker face。13.t台时装秀陈:as the environment of the earth becomes worse and worse,environmental problem comes to a hot is
14、sue in our world. and tonight we are glad to see that there is a group of guys use the used packages to make dress and clothes to show their behavior on protecting the environment of the world.刘:那么在今晚,10级日语1班的同学将给我们带了一场时装秀,他们所展示的衣服和裙子都是用废旧的塑料袋制成,以到达环保的效果。好的,下面让我们用热情的掌声欢迎他们。14. 日语圣诞歌曲联唱易:每个人都希望拥有美妙的生
15、活,美妙的生活都是我们所向往的,美妙的生活是喜悦,是欢笑,是幸福。下面有请10级日语2班的同学给我们带了日语圣诞歌曲联唱。希望大家能和他们一起狂欢起来,一起展望新的、美妙的一年的到来。完毕语:刘:ladies and gentlemen. with the sweet christmas melody, herecomes to the end of todays christmas carnival party.陈:the coming year is a wonderful year, it is like a chocolate box, younever know what is the taste the chocolate until you taste it.易:but we try our best, we can feel the great power of the great lifethat we are expecting. please put the socks beside your bed, then your dreams will be achieved. thanks for your coming .刘:感谢各位老师,各位同学的积极参与。海南师范大学外国语学院XX年华圣诞晚会到此完毕。最后再次祝大家:合:merry christmas!