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1、高中英语优秀说课稿I. Ana lysis of I earners:They are students of sen i or 1, who are I earners of d i fferent comprehend i ng I eve Is. Although they have f i n i shed Modu I e 1, some of them have adapted themse I ves to sen i or stud i es while most of them are still strugg Ii ng i n read i ng c I ass. The
2、y need further gu i dance from the teacher and he I p from the i r peers. Bes i des, more practice i s necessary and more I earn i ng strategies shou I d be deve I oped. (点评:对学生的适应性、学习需求等分析得很到位。学生学习 本课在英语语言能力、英语知识等方面的起始状态的分析略显不 足。)I I. Ana lysis of the teach i ng mater i a I:The strange h i story of
3、 the Amber Room, a cu I tura I re I i c,i s to I d i n the read i ng passage. It i s wr i tten chrono logical I y and the structure of the story i s we I I-organ i zed. The f i rst paragraph i s a good samp I e of how to descr i be an object while the other four paragraphs te I I a story. The I angu
4、age i n th i s passage i s c I ear and simple. There are few Iong comp I icated sentences i n it. Although there are some proper nouns, they ad dto no difficulty i n understand i ng the passage if proper guidance i s offered by the teacher.Therefore the passage i s des i gned to be taught i n two pe
5、r iods. Per iod 1 : Reading comprehension. Per iod 2: Learning how to wr ite about a cuIturaI relic and its h i story.I n order to he I p students to ach i eve more i n Per i od 1, the ideas from Pre-reading part and Reading & writing part on Page 7 are combined with Reading part. (点评:又寸语料 的分析较深刻,抓住
6、了文章的特点,找到了施教点)III. Teaching aims:(点评:目标总体说来比拟适切、具 体。)Knowledge aims:To he I p students fully understand the story of the Amber Room.To he I p them have a better knowledge of how to descr i be an object and teI I a story.Skill aims:To improve Ss reading skills I ike predicting, scanning , skimming an
7、d summar izing.To deveI op autonomous I earners.Emot i on aims:To enhance students awareness of cher i shing and protect i ng cuIturaI re Ii cs.To encourage students to study cooperat iveIyKey points and difficult pointsKey points:1. Understand i ng the who Ie passage.2. I dent i fy i ng the author
8、s craft i n telling a story and descr i b i ng an object.Difficult point:I dent i fy i ng the author s craft i n te I I i ng a story and descr i b i ng an object.V. Teach i ng theor i es and I earn i ng strategiesIn order to achieve the teaching aims, Task-based Approach i s suitable for th i s cI a
9、ss. Four tasks are designed. They are: understanding the passage, identifying the craft of developing a story and descr ibing an object, drawing a schema and having a discussion. What s more, bottom-up theory and schema theory underp i n the tasks above.Speaking of I earn i ng strategies, construct
10、i ng knowledge by drawing a schema and cooperat i ve I earn i ng are stressed.Note: Four schemas are introduced: web map, timeI ine,5W map and form.VI. Teach i ng aids: A projector and a multi med i a courseware.VII. Teaching procedures:(点评:这个局部应该是任何 说课的重点。本案对环节交代得较详细,教学设计符合认知规律 和语言学习特点,符合新课程理念。在环节与
11、目标的对应性方面 的说明略显缺乏。)Pre-reading (2 minutes):Topic introduced through pictures about Yuan Ming Yuan and the Amber Room to generate students i nterest and the i r sympathy for the s imi I ar fate of the two cu I tura I re I i cs.Reading (23 minutes):1. Seanning for the owners of the room.2. Seanning for
12、 what the owners did with the room and the pI aces the room traveIed a Iong.3. Carefu I read i ng of Para 1 for the deta i I s of the room. Aspects of descr i b i ng an abject i s clarified through a form on the screen.4. Carefu I read i ng of the other 4 paragraphs for detai I s of its hi story. Me
13、anwhi Ie, meaning behind I ines are to be stressed. For examp I e, why did the two k i ngs give each other va I uab Ie gifts? Why was it poss ib Ie for the Nazi army to steaI the room?Note: Key po i nts of the per i od are so I ved by fu I f i I I i ng these tasks above.5. Summar i z i ng of the eIe
14、ments of the story and the structure of the passage accord i ng to the key words on the bI ackboard.Note: The difficult point of the per iod is broken through now.Post - reading (15 minutes):1. Test on comprehending by schema-draft ing. The task of drawing a schema is designed to test how much stude
15、nts have ach i eved i n th i s per i od and a way to make what they have I earned i nternaI i zed. It i s a I so a learning strategy that students can deveI op i n th i s per i od.2. Extens ion of the topic by d i scuss i ng who the room would be I ong to i f it were found? The task i s des i gned to enhance the awareness of cher i sh i ng and protect i ng cuIturaI re I i cs through cooperat i ve I earn i ng.3. Homework assignment: co I Iect i ng the i nformat i on about Yuan Ming Yuan and get ready for the writing task in the next per i od.BI ackboard pI anIn Search of the Amber Room