《论网络舆情对司法审判的影响_徐洋.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《论网络舆情对司法审判的影响_徐洋.docx(48页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、 摘 要 在经济快速发展的大数据时代,民众通过网络参与社会热点案件呈上升趋 势,网络舆情对司法审判产生重大影响,从而引发网络舆情与司法间关系的思 考。 本文由七个章节组成。第一章引言部分,表明本文写作动机,点明本文主 题以及研究的意义,并以两起经典的网络舆情影响司法审判的案件为起点引出 本文论述观点,简单介绍何为网络舆情以及当下的网络舆情是在秉持监督作用 还是已经发展到千涉司法的境地。第二章论述 网络輿情的概念以及网络舆情之 所以能够影响司法审判的自身特点。主要包括网络主体的匿名性与自发性,参 与主体的非普遍性,传播速度快捷性和较强从众性等。第三章阐述网络舆情影 响司法审判的原因和社会条件。较
2、为深入细致地论述了网络舆情影响司法审判 的原因以及社会条件。任何事情的发生都存在自身原因和外在的环境条件,网 络舆情同样并无例外。加之网络舆情己然成为当下表达民意的重要方式,因此 对待网络舆情必须审慎。目前所处的社会环境亦给网络舆情影响司法审判创造 条件。社会贫富差距持续拉大,社会各阶层矛盾重重,社会大众对所涉 案件当 事人身份的过度关注,稍有不慎,就会引起舆情风波。舆情使得围观人数众多, 无形中给司法机关造成巨大压力,媒体的不当介入行为会刺激网络舆情的变向 发展,导致舆情中感性道德思想泛滥,缺乏客观理性,造成网络輿情的感性与 司法理 1 生之间的对弈。网络舆情之所以能够影响司法审判,是因为司
3、法裁判不 但注重法律效果,而且重视社会效果,终究司法是为民。第四章主要论述网络 舆情影响司法审判的积极方面。其中包括网络舆情可以助力司法监督,减少暗 箱操作的可能。有助于司法公开化、民主化,拉近司法与民意的距离,同时激 发社会公众的公民意识,促进司法民主化的进一步发展。在网络舆情的监督下, 督促司法机关能够及时准确判案与自我约束,有利于当事人的权利救济,使人 们在每一个司法案件都能够感受到公平正义。通过司法裁判实现公平正义,也 可缓解社会各方的矛盾,使网络舆情中少些私愤,多些理性,社会和谐统一。 第五章丨闻述了网络舆情对司法审判的消极影响方面。主要体现在两大部分,五 个方面:第一,网络舆情的过
4、度干涉削弱了司法审判的独立性。第二,舆情致 使改判白勺不断发生有损司法审判的权威与公信力。第三,网络舆情中非理性私 愤经过 -诱导易形 成公愤而有碍司法理性判案。第四,大量水军混迹于网络之中 , 使真正的民意无法传达。第五,网络舆情影响法官的独立理性审判,稍有不慎, 裁判结果有引发不良畸形社会现象的危机,导致社会道德滑坡等现象。第六章 主要针对完善网络舆情促进司法公正审判所提出的对策建议。通过借鉴国外先 进经验,并结合我国的国情,就完善网络舆情促进司法公正审判提出了针对性 的对策建议。对网络舆情的有效规制,如美国陪审制度,英国藐视法庭罪,日 本网络实名制,澳大利亚互联网强制过滤等。其次要健全我
5、国自己的网络舆情 法律法规,如组建网络舆情快速反应机制,建立机制阻隔网络舆情对司法审判 的负面影响,制定网络不当言论所负刑事责任的相关法律,完善人民陪审员制 度等。当下是一个沟通的时代,涉法网络舆情出现后,司法机关首先要做的并 不是 围追堵截 ,而是沟通 尊重、选择理性的网络舆情,在法院的判决理由 中正当的回应网络舆情并具有说服力,使舆情与司法能够形成良性互动。最后 要通过司法机关的自我提升增强国家的司法权威与公信力。内部的自省与反思, 坚持程序与实体的正 义,使正义以人们看得见的方式实现,重拾公民对法律的 信仰。 关键字:网络舆情,司法审判,公平正义,司法权威 ABSTRACT In the
6、 era of rapid economic development of big data,people through the network to participate in social hot spot case is on the rise,the network public opinion the word into peoples horizons.Network public opinion refers to the network public sphere,the public through the network to a social event or jud
7、icial cases occurrence,development and change ,to express their-thoughts and ideas,for communication and interaction between each other,influence,is a form of social consensus.Continuous development of network public opinion,today already developed to have the influence character by environment impa
8、ct on judicial adjudication,causing reflections on the relationship between public opinion and judicial network.At present,more and more people through the network to express their views on some hot cases and attitude,the Internet is beginning to show its amazing power of public opinion in China.Thi
9、s paper consists of seven chapters.First chapter is the introduction section, it shows that this writing motivation, named this article topics and research significance.The second chapter expounds the concept of network public opinion and the characteristics of network public opinion can influence t
10、he judicial. First aetwork subject of anonymity and spontaneity is the biggest characteristic of its expression is different from other, behind the media network discourse and excess and true, in real life cant say the truth in the network can talk, but those who have two-sided, large pools of Inter
11、net rumors are inevitable. Second, to participate in the characteristics of the main body of the universality and not all of the cases will be rushed to the forefront of public opinioa, in cases of network public opinion has its own special break in1. Again, the network public opinion is influential
12、, mainly due to the network characteristics of the speed of fast speed and strong conformity.The third chapter in this paper, the network public opinion influence the cause of justice and social conditions. Everything happens has its reasons and external environment condition, network public opinion
13、 and also without exception. Combined with the network public opinioa has become the important way to express public opinion, so treat network public opinion must be prudent. The current social environment also create conditions for network public opinion influence the judicial trial. Social gap bet
14、ween rich and poor widening, the contradictions of social each stratums, and to the public in case the parties as to the identity of the involved too much attention to, have a bit inadvertent, will cause the wave of public opinion* Public opinion has the largest number of onlookers, virtually put hu
15、ge pressure on the judicial organs, the medias improper intervention behavior will stimulate the development of network public opinion to, lead to public opinion in the perceptual moral ideas, lack of objective rationality, causes the sensibility of network public opinion and judicial rationality be
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- 网络 舆情 司法 审判 影响 徐洋