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1、玉米秸秆发酵生产酒精的研究The Study on Ethanol Production from Corn Stover 分页下载 分章下载 整本下载 在线阅读 不支持迅雷等下载工具。如阅读文献显示异常,请下载并安装新版CAJ阅读器。 【作者】 张强; 【导师】 殷涌光【作者基本信息】 吉林大学, 农业机械化工程, 2011, 博士【摘要】 世界石油资源的日益枯竭以及不断增长的温室气体效应,使人们对非石油能源产生了极大的兴趣。据报道中国传统能源的储量并不乐观,石油大约可开采50年左右,另一项重要能源天然气可开采70年。2004年的一项数据表明:经过20年的开采,煤炭储藏量已经降低到了最低点。
3、上。这样不但缓解人类所面临的资源危机,食物短缺,环境污染等一系列问题,也为人类持续发展提供了保证。原料的成本在酒精生产中占有很大的比例,为了实现工业化生产,必须降低酒精生产成本,而充足便宜的原料是必须。因此利用玉米秸秆作为发酵工业原料具有巨大的潜力。为了充分利用玉米秸秆资源,找到适合的玉米秸秆生产酒精工艺,最终实现工业化生产。本文利用玉米秸秆为原料,对玉米秸秆发酵酒精进行了研究。主要研究内容分为五部分,一是研究了不同湿热预处理条件的优化。二是利用活性干酵母对经过湿氧化预处理后的玉米秸秆同步糖化发酵制备酒精进行了研究。三是利用树干毕赤酵母(Pichia stipitis)对玉米秸秆发酵制备燃料酒
4、精进行了研究。四是研究了不同脱毒方法对湿热预处理后的玉米秸秆水解液酒精发酵的影响。五是研究了水热预处理及脱毒结合对酒精发酵的影响.1.不同湿热预处理条件的优化玉米秸秆由于结构复杂致密,因此为提高酶解性首先要进行预处理。湿热预处理是高温条件下由水参与进行的反应。195预处理15分钟被报道是最佳的条件。与其它预处理方法相比,湿热预处理过程产生较少的发酵抑制剂。本文对湿热预处理条件进行了优化,主要研究了玉米秸秆在不同湿热预处理条件下,纤维素及半纤维素的回收率以及酶解率,结果表明:(1)在A (195,15min)、B (195,15min,O2 12bar)及C(195,15min, Na2CO3
5、2g/L, O2 12bar)三种预处理条件下,约90%纤维素都保留在固体中,大部分半纤维素和木质素被溶解或分解在水解液中,有效地解除了对纤维素的束缚。(2)最佳预处理条件为C,纤维素总回收率达到95.87%,高于其它预处理条件下的纤维素总回收率,固体部分24h酶解率达到了67.6%,而原料玉米秸秆酶解率仅为16.2%。2.玉米秸秆湿氧化预处理同步糖化发酵酒精目前大部分利用纤维质原料生产酒精实验并不是利用真实的水解液,往往在水解液中加入葡萄糖或木糖,为了验证真实的生产工艺过程,葡萄糖或木糖都应来自预处理后的酶水解液,也就是采用同步糖化发酵法(SSF)进行酒精发酵。发酵过程中采用生长旺盛,有较强
6、的耐抑制剂能力的活性干酵母(S. cerevisiae)作为生产菌种,将有利于实现工业化生产。本文主要研究了玉米秸秆经过湿氧化(195,15min,Na2CO3 2g/L,O212 bar)预处理后,纤维素及半纤维素的回收率以及预处理后固体部分的酶解效率。在底物浓度8%(WV)情况下,对活性干酵母同步糖化发酵制备酒精进行了研究。结果表明:(1)玉米秸秆经过湿氧化预处理并过滤后主要分为固体和水解液两部分预处理后90%纤维素保留在固体中,纤维素总回收率达到95.87%。而半纤维素总回收率为68.2%,纤维素的回收率明显高于半纤维素。主要是因为半纤维素很不稳定,在高温、较长时间的湿氧化预处理条件下易
8、量,发酵过程不需脱毒程序,减少了步骤,降低了成本,有利于实现工业化生产。3.利用树干毕赤酵母发酵玉米秸秆制备酒精纤维素和半纤维素水解主要产物分别是葡萄糖和木糖,有效地利用木糖和其它半纤维素单糖是纤维原料酒精工业化生产的关键。但工业上广泛应用的酿酒酵母不能利用木糖。能够同时利用葡萄糖和木糖的微生物主要有树干毕赤酵母(Pichia stipitis),休哈塔假丝酵母(CandidaShehatae),嗜鞣管囊酵母(Pachysolen tannopHilus)。目前人们研究得最多、最深入且最具有工业应用价值的是树干毕赤酵母(Pichia stipitis),但树干毕赤酵母对抑制剂非常敏感,往往发酵
10、部分半纤维素主要降解为木糖。(2)在温度30,pH5.5,摇床转速130rpm,底物浓度5%(WV)情况下,采用树干毕赤酵母(Pichia stipitis 58376)经过192h同步糖化发酵,酒精浓度为12.12g/L,对应的酒精产量和酒精生产效率分别为0.34g/g(葡萄糖+木糖)和0.065gLh。(3)工业生产上常用的酿酒酵母只能利用葡萄糖,而树干毕赤酵母能够同时利用葡萄糖和木糖,提高了原料的利用率。另外发酵过程不用进行脱毒处理,有利于降低生产成本.4.不同脱毒方法对玉米秸秆水解液酒精发酵的影响玉米秸秆预处理过程中由于糖类及木质素等的降解,会释放一些微生物生长的抑制剂,例如糠醛,5-
11、羟甲基糠醛(5HMF)以及酚类等物质,从而影响菌体生长及发酵.目前使用的脱毒方法较多,其中饱和生石灰法和Na2SO3法是常用的有效的脱毒方法,广泛应用于各种水解液的脱毒处理,而中和法是比较简单易行的脱毒方法。但由于原料、预处理方式以及发酵微生物不同,各种脱毒方法之间很难进行比较。本文主要考察了三种脱毒方法中和法、饱和生石灰法和Na2SO3法对湿热预处理(195,15min)后的玉米秸秆水解液中抑制剂的醛类物质(糠醛及5HMF)以及总酚类物质的去除效果,并利用树干毕赤酵母(Pichia stipitis 58376)对脱毒后的玉米秸秆水解液酒精发酵进行了研究。结果表明:(1)湿热预处理后的玉米秸
13、种有效实用的脱毒方法。5.玉米秸秆水热预处理及脱毒发酵生产酒精的研究本文采用玉米秸秆经过水热处理后的固体与水解液作为原料,研究了pH调控与饱和生石灰脱毒法结合对酒精发酵的影响.结果表明:(1)采用水热处理后的固体与水解液进行酒精发酵,当加入100%水解液时,由于抑制作用,酒精浓度仅为0.31g/L,理论酒精得率为9.48%。预水解后将pH从4.8分别调整到5.5,6.0和6.5后,酒精得率都有了明显的提高,当PH为5.5时,酒精得率达到56.4%,酒精浓度为10.67g/L。当pH为5.5时经过饱和石灰石法脱毒处理后酒精浓度达到了10,96 g/L,酒精得率达到57.9%,与pH在4.8时酒精
15、研究。2.筛选高产纤维素酶生产菌株,或者利用基因工程手段构建高产纤素酶基因工程菌,从而降低纤维素酶的生产成本。3.纤维原料酒精发酵不仅要考虑微生物的性质,同时也要考虑发酵工艺,比如分批发酵或者连续发酵工艺。为了实现纤维质原料生产酒精,所有的工艺过程应当全面综合考虑。总之纤维质原料生产酒精需要探索最佳途径和生产工艺,才能取得最好效果。更多还原【Abstract】 The depletion of the worlds petroleum supply and the increasing problem of greenhouse gas effects have resulted in an
16、increasing worldwide interest in alternative non petroleum-based sources of energy. It is reported that the stockpiles of Chinas traditional energy resource are not optimistic as we think. The exploitable year of oil is about 50 years. Another main energy sourcesnatural gas is 70 years. In 2004, the
17、 newest data showed that the coal stockpiles had been plunged into its lowest level after 20 yearsdigging. Ethanol produced from biomass is one attractive alternative for partial replacements of fossil fuels. Large scale application of fuel ethanol will contribute to reduction of CO2 and other emiss
18、ions from the transport sector. Unlike fossil fuels, ethanol as a renewable energy source can be produced through fermentation of sugars.Lignocellulosic residues such as corn stover are considered as attractive raw materials for the production of fuel ethanol because of their availability in large q
19、uantities at low costCorn stover is an abundant agricultural residue and consists of cellulose、hemicellulose and lignin. Corn stover is ubiquitous in China comprising more than 100 million tonnes every year. Only small part of corn stover is collected and used and the most part is buried in the air
20、in our country. This causes great pollution and waste. This method of direct combustion results in low thermal efficiency, only about 10%. If direct combustion is converted into gas or liquid fuel (ethanol、hydrogen、diesel、etc.), thermal efficiency can reach up to 30%.This will not only alleviate the
21、 resource crisis,food shortages, environmental pollution and other issues, but also provide a guarantee for the sustainable development of society.The cost of raw material dominates the cost of total ethanol production.To attain commercial interest, the costs of bioethanol production mustbe reduced,
22、 and a sufficient amount of cheap and readily available rawmaterial is a necessity. Therefore, it has potential as an industrial fermentation substrate.In order to make full use of corn stover resources, find out the appropriate process for ethanol production from corn stover and ultimately to reali
23、ze industrialization, the study on ethanol production from corn stover was carried out. Main contents are divided into five parts. The first part is that optimization of different hydrothermal pretreatment conditions.The second part is that ethanol production from wet oxidized corn stover by simulta
24、neous saccharification and fermentation. The third part is that ethanol production from corn stover by Pichia stipitis. The four part is that effect of different detoxification methods on ethanol production from corn stover hydrolysate. The fifth part is that the study on ethanol production from cor
25、n stover adopting hydrothermal pretreatment and detoxification1. Optimization of different hydrothermal pretreatment conditionsDue to the close association to lignin in the plant cell wall, pretreatment is necessary to make the carbohydrates available for enzymatic hydrolysis. Hydrothermal pretreatm
26、ent was carried out in high temperature. The pretreatment temperature and residence time were chosen to be 195and 15min, which was reported to be optimum. Compared to other pretreatment processes, Hydrothermal pretreatment has been proven to be more efficient for treating some lignocellulosic materi
27、als because of the advantage of producing fewer by products.Hydrothermal pretreatment conditions was optimized by this work. Recovery of cellulose and hemicellulose、enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose were studied under the three conditions.The results showed:(l)Under three different hydrothermal pret
28、reatment conditions, A (195,15min)、B (195,15min,O2 12bar) and C (195,15min,Na2CO3 2g/L,O2 12bar),about 90% of cellulose was remained in the solid cake and most of hemicellulose and lignin were solubilized and degraded. Pretreatment significantly increased the digesty of cellulose.(2)Under the best c
29、ondition(195,15min,Na2CO32g/L,O2 12bar), the recovery of cellulose was 95.87% which was higher than those under other pretreatment conditions. After 24h hydrolysis using cellulase (Cellubrix L), the achieved conversion of cellulose to glucose was 67.6% compared with 16.2% for raw corn stover2. Ethan
30、ol production from wet oxidized corn stover by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation At present, many experiments about ethanol production from lignocellulosic materials were not made on real fibrous substrate but only in filtrate using added glucose and xylose as sugar components. In order
31、 to test the real process, the glucose and xylose should be derived from enzymatic treatment of the wet oxidized fiber material as performed in the well-known simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF).In experiments, we chose S. cerevisiae in the form of dried bakers yeast because it has
32、often been proposed as the best organism for the fermentation.Dried bakers yeast has the advantage of being quite robust and less sensitive to inhibitors than other cultivated yeast strains.This will be conductive to realize industrialization.Recovery of cellulose and hemicellulose and the achieved
33、conversion of cellulose to glucose was studied after wet-oxidation pretreatment (195,15min,Na2CO32g/L, O2 12bar) with substrate concentration of 8%, simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) were adopted to produce ethanol by Dried bakers yeast.The results showed(1)After wet-oxidation pre
34、treatment solid fraction and hydrolysate were filtered and collected respectively.90% of cellulose remained in the solid fraction and the recovery of cellulose was 95.87%, whereas recovery of hemicellulose was only 68.2% after pretreatment. The recovery of cellulose was obviously higher than that of
35、 hemicellulose. In wet oxidation, the hemicellulose was converted or degraded at high temperature. This relatively low recovery was owing to hemicellulose oxidation to other products, such as carboxylic acids, CO2 and H2O.(2)After 24h hydrolysis at 50using Cellulase, enzymatic conversion of pretreat
36、ed cellulose in the remaining solid was 67.6% compared with 16.2% for the native corn stover. This was expected because this pretreatment most significantly modified the composition of the solid portion of pretreated corn stover compared with the untreated corn stover. The pretreatment more effectiv
37、ely increased the conversion of cellulose to glucose.(3)After 142 h of SSF with substrate concentration of 8%, ethanol yield of 79.0% of the theoretical was obtained. The estimated total ethanol production was 262.7 kg/ton raw material by assuming the consumption of both C-6 and C-5. No obvious inhi
38、bition effect occurred during SSF. No obvious inhibition effect occurred during SSF.High ethanol concentration was obtained with simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) by robust dry yeast.Detoxification procedures was not used in fermentation process. This will reduce process steps and
39、 low production costs. It is conductive to realize industrialization.These offered experiment evidences for ethanol production from corn stover.3. Ethanol production from corn stover by Pichia stipitisCellulose and hemicellulose can be hydrolyzed to mainly liberate glucose and xylose respectively.Th
40、e ability of microorganisms to ferment both glucose and xylose in biomass to ethanol is of importance for an economically feasible process. Native strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are unable to utilize xylose. Naturally occurring yeasts such as Pichia stipitis, Candidashehatae, and Pachysolen tan
41、nopHilus are able to ferment both glucose and xylose to ethanol. Among the xylose-fermenting yeasts, P. stipitis has shown the most promise for industrial application. But Pichiia stipitis is sensitive to fermentation inhibitors and need to detoxify in advance for fermentation process. So the curren
42、t study focuses on utilizing detoxified hydrolysate for fermentation. Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) with the mixture of pretreated solid cake and diluted hydrolysate will not only lift the inhibition effect, but also low production costs because both glucose and xylose are der
43、ived from enzymatic treatment of the pretreated materials.The ratio of solid cake and hydrolysate of Hydrotherm-pretreated (195,15min) corn stover was optimized. With substrate concentration of 5%(W/V), Additional experiments were performed to investigate the effects of temperature (30、35、40), initi
44、al pH (5.5、5.5、6.0) and shaking rate (100 rpm,130 rpm) on the fermentation. The results showed:(1)After Hydrothermal pretreatment (195,15min) solid fraction and hydrolysate were filtered and collected respectively.86.5% of cellulose were remained in solid cake and most of hemicellulose were solubili
45、zed after pretreatment.(2)The highest ethanol concentration of 12.12 g/L was achieved at initial pH of 5.5, temperature 30and 130 rpm shaking rate with substrate concentration of 5%(w/v) by Pichia stipitis after 192 h fermentation. The corresponding ethanol yield and volumetric productivity were 0.3
46、4g/g (glucose+xylose) and 0.065g/L.h respectively.(3)Native strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are unable to utilize xylose. Pichia stipitis is able to ferment both glucose and xylose to ethanol and improve the utilization of raw materials. Detoxification procedures was not used in fermentation pro
47、cess. This will reduce production costs.4. Effect of different detoxification methods on ethanol production from corn stover hydrolysateDuring pretreatment process of corn stover, several compounds such as furfural,5-hydroxymethyl furfural, acetic acid are released as a result of sugar or lignin deg
48、radation processes.The degradation products inhibit the metabolism of fermentative microorganisms and negatively affect the efficiency of fermentation. At present, there are many detoxification methods. Among them, overliming and Na2SO3 addition detoxification are widely used and neutralization meth
49、od is relatively simple.However, the effect of the different methods cannot be compared with each other because different hydrolysate and different microorganisms are used in the fermentations. In this study, the influence of three different detoxification methods (neutralization、overliming and Na2SO3 addition) on inhibitors were evaluated using corn stover hydrolysate prepared with hydrothermal pretreatment. (195,15min).Ethanol fermentability of detoxified corn stover hydrolysate was investigated by Pichia stipitis 58376.