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《新职业英语职业综合英语Unit_5_Trade幻灯片课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新职业英语职业综合英语Unit_5_Trade幻灯片课件.ppt(68页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、职业综职业综合合合合英英英英语语 1 1 1 1Unit 5 Tade新职业英语职业综合英语Unit_5_Trade职业综职业综合合合合英英英英语语 1 1 1 1Unit 5 TadeWarm-1Task Task 1 1 Work in pairs.Discuss with your partner and match slogans A-H with pictures 1-8.()A.Shift the future.()B.Think Different.()C.Just do it.()D.Ideas for life!()E.Good to the last drop!()F.Le
2、ts make things better.()G.Enjoy myself on my zone.()H.Fresh-up with Seven-up!7 71 15 53 32 24 48 86 6职业综职业综合合合合英英英英语语 1 1 1 1Unit 5 TadeWarm-2Task 2Task 2 Work in pairs.Please tell where you have seen or heard the above slogans.Discuss with your partner and list three places.poster,newspaper,TV comm
3、ercial,outdoor signs,etc.职业综职业综合合合合英英英英语语 1 1 1 1Unit 5 TadeReading AReading ATextTask 1Task 2Business Know-how职业综职业综合合合合英英英英语语 1 1 1 1Unit 5 TadeText A-1 International Trade Every time we walk into a store,restaurant,theater or any other place of business to buy something,we trade.Basically,interna
4、tional trade does not differ from trade with other people in our country.The key to understanding trade is to remember why it takes place.The reason people trade,regardless of where they live,is that they believe they will be better off by trading.When we consider the alternativeeach of us producing
5、 everything for ourselvestrade simply makes more sense.Reading A职业综职业综合合合合英英英英语语 1 1 1 1Unit 5 TadeText A-2 The The processprocess of of importing importing and and exportingexporting creates creates a a greater greater variety variety of of goods goods and and servicesservices because because it it
6、 permits permits countries countries to to specialize specialize inin whatwhat they they do do best.best.By By specializing specializing in in the the goodsgoods it it can can produce produce most most efficiently,efficiently,a a country country cancan increase increase production production and and
7、 have have the the opportunityopportunity to to make make more more sales sales and and profitsprofits.Profits Profits cancan turn turn into into increased increased wages wages for for the the workwork force force and and additional additional investment investment in in plantsplants and and equipm
8、ent.equipment.The The process process also also providesprovides consumersconsumers with with more more goods goods at at lower prices.lower prices.Reading A职业综职业综合合合合英英英英语语 1 1 1 1Unit 5 TadeText A-3 The The benefitsbenefits of of trade trade can can be be explainedexplained using using the the eco
9、nomic economic principles principles of of absoluteabsolute andand comparativecomparative advantage.advantage.For For example,example,supposesuppose there there are are a a lawyer lawyer and and a a legallegal assistant.assistant.If If it it takes takes the the lawyer lawyer less less time time to t
10、o prepare prepare briefsbriefs or or to to type type letters letters than than it it does does the the assistant,assistant,in in economic economic language,language,the the lawyer lawyer has has anan “absolute“absolute advantage”advantage”both both in in preparing preparing legallegal briefs briefs
11、and and in in typing typing letters.letters.If If we we stopped stopped here,here,we we might might be be inclined inclined toto say say that that the the lawyerlawyer should should produce produce both,both,because the lawyer isbecause the lawyer is better at both.better at both.Reading A职业综职业综合合合合
12、英英英英语语 1 1 1 1Unit 5 TadeText A-4 According According to to comparative comparative advantage,advantage,the the lawyer lawyer should should specialize specialize in in his his or or herher strongest strongest skillthe skillthe law,law,and and the the legallegal assistanttyping assistanttyping letter
13、s.letters.If If they they do,do,theythey actually actually will will produce produce more more than than if if eacheach of of them them had had tried tried to to do do both both tasks tasks alone.alone.Specializing Specializing in in what what they they do do best best and and thenthen trading tradi
14、ng their their products products for for the the other other thingsthings they need will make both they need will make both partiesparties better off.better off.Reading A职业综职业综合合合合英英英英语语 1 1 1 1Unit 5 TadeText A-5 Through international trade,countries exchange goods they produce most efficiently for
15、 goods other countries produce most efficiently.The more consumers there are in the market,the greater the ability of each country to specialize in what it does best.It is important to note that both the lawyer and the legal assistant would benefit from specialization and trade.Likewise,internationa
16、l trade is a win-win situation for all countries that participate.Reading A职业综职业综合合合合英英英英语语 1 1 1 1Unit 5 TadeA-Trans-1Reading A国际贸易国际贸易 每每当当我我们们走走进进商商店店、餐餐馆馆、剧剧院院或或者者任任何何别别的的商商业业场场所所进进行行消消费费的的时时候候,我我们们就就在在进进行行交交易易。从从根根本本上上说说,国国际际贸贸易易同同我我们们在在国国内内进进行行的的贸贸易易并并无无差差别别。理理解解贸贸易易的的关关键键是是牢牢记记贸贸易易发发生生的的原原因因。
17、不不管管是是哪哪里里的的人人,他他们们进进行行贸贸易易的的理理由由是是因因为为他他们们相相信信通通过过贸贸易易可可以以获获益益。当当我我们们想想想想另另一一种种选选择择,即即我我们们每每个个人人都都自给自足,那么贸易的意义就更容易理解了。自给自足,那么贸易的意义就更容易理解了。职业综职业综合合合合英英英英语语 1 1 1 1Unit 5 TadeA-Trans-2 通通过过进进出出口口可可以以创创造造出出更更加加多多样样化化的的商商品品和和服服务务,因因为为各各个个国国家家都都可可以以专专注注于于自自己己最最有有优优势势的的产产品品。一一个个国国家家通通过过专专门门生生产产自自己己生生产产效效
18、率率最最高高的的商商品品,就就能能提提高高产产量量,就就有有机机会会来来提提高高销销量量,并并增增加加利利润润。更更多多的的利利润润则则可可转转化化为为员员工工更更高高的的工工资资和和对对工工厂厂及及设设备备更更多多的的投投资资。进进出出口口也也会会为为消消费费者者提提供供更多廉价的商品。更多廉价的商品。Reading A职业综职业综合合合合英英英英语语 1 1 1 1Unit 5 TadeA-Trans-3 我我们们可可以以用用绝绝对对优优势势和和相相对对优优势势的的经经济济学学原原理理来来解解释释贸贸易易带带来来的的好好处处。假假设设有有一一名名律律师师和和一一名名法法律律助助理理,如如果
19、果这这个个律律师师准准备备案案情情摘摘要要或或打打印印信信件件所所花花费费的的时时间间比比法法律律助助理理少少,那那么么用用经经济济学学术术语语来来说说,该该律律师师在在准准备备案案情情摘摘要要和和打打印印信信件件方方面面都都拥拥有有“绝绝对对优优势势”。如如果果到到此此为为止止,我我们们就就有有可可能能会会说说这这个个律律师师两两件件事事都都应该做,因为他这两方面都更在行。应该做,因为他这两方面都更在行。Reading A职业综职业综合合合合英英英英语语 1 1 1 1Unit 5 TadeA-Trans-4 按按照照相相对对优优势势的的原原理理,该该律律师师应应专专注注于于发发挥挥其其最最
20、强强项项打打官官司司,而而法法律律助助理理则则应应专专注注于于打打印印信信件件。如如果果各各取取所所长长,他他们们实实际际的的工工作作效效率率会会比比各各自自都都做做这这两两项项工工作作要要高高。通通过过专专门门从从事事各各自自最最擅擅长长的的事事情情,然然后后以以自自己己的的产产品品去去换换取取所所需需,双双方方均均可可获获益。益。Reading A职业综职业综合合合合英英英英语语 1 1 1 1Unit 5 TadeA-Trans-5 通过国际贸易,不同国家得以用自己最高效通过国际贸易,不同国家得以用自己最高效生产的产品去换取别国最高效生产的产品。市场生产的产品去换取别国最高效生产的产品。
21、市场上的消费者越多,每个国家专营自己优势产品的上的消费者越多,每个国家专营自己优势产品的能力就越强。需要着重强调的是,律师和法律助能力就越强。需要着重强调的是,律师和法律助理都会从专业化分工和贸易中获益。同样,国际理都会从专业化分工和贸易中获益。同样,国际贸易对所有参与国来说都是一个双赢的局面。贸易对所有参与国来说都是一个双赢的局面。Reading A职业综职业综合合合合英英英英语语 1 1 1 1Unit 5 Tadepaying no attention toReading Aregardless ofe.g.e.g.The law requires equal treatment for
22、 all,regardless of race,religion or sex.职业综职业综合合合合英英英英语语 1 1 1 1Unit 5 Tadee.g.e.g.Since my husband was made the manager,we are better off.Reading Abetter offin a better situation,especially in financial terms职业综职业综合合合合英英英英语语 1 1 1 1Unit 5 Tadee.g.e.g.Is there an alternative to what you propose?Read
23、ing Aalternativen.n.something you can choose to do or use instead of something else职业综职业综合合合合英英英英语语 1 1 1 1Unit 5 Tadee.g.e.g.Read this and tell me if it makes sense.Reading Amake senseto have a clear meaning and be easy to understand职业综职业综合合合合英英英英语语 1 1 1 1Unit 5 Tadee.g.e.g.Getting fit again has b
24、een a long slow process.Reading Aprocessn n.a series of actions that are done in order to achieve a particular result职业综职业综合合合合英英英英语语 1 1 1 1Unit 5 Tadee.g.e.g.Finally Alice decided to specialize in contract law.Reading Aspecialize(in)v.v.to limit all or most of your study,business,etc.to a particul
25、ar subject or activity职业综职业综合合合合英英英英语语 1 1 1 1Unit 5 Tadee.g.e.g.There are a wider choice of goods for the consumers in big cities.Reading Aconsumern.n.someone who buys and uses products and services职业综职业综合合合合英英英英语语 1 1 1 1Unit 5 Tadee.g.e.g.This aid program will bring lasting benefits to the region
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