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1、高一听力教学工作总结第1篇:高一英语期中听力材料 (Text 1) 天气 M: Are you going out? Its a perfect day for staying inside.W: This rain hasnt stopped for 2 days.Im going crazy. 23 (Text 2) Sally品质 M: Just ten more minutes.Sally said she would come on time.Do you believe she will? W: Dont worry.Sally is as good as her word. 27
2、 (Text 3) 城乡生活 M: Id like to live in the city instead of going to work by train. W: But the rush hour traffic is terrible, and the country is beautiful in spring.M: My wife has the same opinion.She prefers to live out here in the beauty of nature. 48 (Text 4) 做客 M: Thanks a lot for inviting me over!
3、 All the dishes are delicious! Thats the best dinner Ive ever had! W: Its very nice of you to say so.More deert? M: YeahThanks.MmmWonderful! You are really a good cook.W: Im so glad you enjoyed it. 47 (Text 5) 相约去看首映 W: Hey, would you like to join me for a movie tonight? I have two tickets.M: Id lov
4、e to.Thanks for thinking of me.When will it start? W: It starts at 7:00, but we need to get to the cinema half an hour early.M: OK.Lets meet at 5:30 at the school gate. 56 (Text 6) 租房 M: Hello, Mary.Where are you? W: Oh, Mike, Im so sorry.I completely forgot our tennis appointment.I am helping Susan
5、 move out of her old apartment now.M: Susan is moving out? A friend of mine needs a place right away.How big is it? W: Its a one-bedroom apartment with a small kitchen and a bathroom.M: Nice.Im sure hell like it.How much did she pay every month? W: Only $1,000 a month, but it might go up a little.Wh
6、y dont you call your friend and come to see it yourselves? Its on 1213 Rose Avenue.M: Good idea. 105 (Text 7) 商量会面 W: Hello, Mary Smith.M: Hello, Mary, this is John.Im calling to ask if you got my e-mail about the meeting.W: Yeah, I did.Im sorry I didnt write back.I have been busy the whole morning.
7、 M: Thats OK.But you know I am leaving for Beijing tomorrow and we need to meet before I leave.Are you free this afternoon? W: Sorry, I have an appointment with another busine partner of mine at 2 pm.M: All right.How about lunch time? I will be in my office.W: Well, thats fine for me.I will go over
8、to your office then.M: Thank you, Mary.See you then.W: See you. 116 (Text 8) 酒店 M: Good morning.Im Mr.Green from Greece.My room number is 727.Would you mind showing me to my room? W: Sure.This way please.Its on the seventh floor.Are you in Hainan on holiday? M: No.Im here for the computer exhibition
9、.W: Mr.Green, here is your room. 1 M: But I reserved a single room.I dont like sharing a room with someone else.Whats more, this room is rather small and dark.Could you poibly find me a larger and brighter single room? W: Im so sorry, sir, but this is the high season.We dont have any spare rooms at
10、the moment.M: But my company booked a room for me ages ago! W: Mr.Green, Im so sorry.Ill call my manager right away. 131 (Text 9) 面试 M: Good morning, Jane Green.W: Good morning, sir.M: First, please tell me something about your education.W: Im a graduate of Wuhan University, with a major in internat
11、ional busine.M: Do you like your major? W: Of course, and I did very well at college.Here are the results of my examinations.M: Mm, you were indeed a good student.And I can see your spoken English is excellent, too.W: Thanks.I can easily talk with English speakers.When I was at college, I often took
12、 part in English corners, and I often talked to English teachers from abroad.M: Thats good.Well, let me tell you a little about this job.You should be good at computers, of course.You will earn about 360 dollars a month at the beginning.If you do well, you will get a raise in three months time. W: T
13、hats great.What are the work hours every day? M: Seven hours every day and two days off each week.W: Do you offer housing to your employees? M: Not at the present.My aistant will tell you more if you are interested.W: OK. 192 (Text 10) (W) 天才 Nicholas McMahon is a 4-year-old child.He is studying at
14、college because he is too clever for school.Nicholas has computer leons at the West London Institute.He spoke well before he was one year old.At 18 months old, he took telephone meages for his parents.At the age of two he began to learn French.The strange thing about Nicholas is that he taught himse
15、lf to read before he could speak.His father said, “We knew immediately that he could read.When he could speak, he corrected my spelling.” When Nicholas went to school, his teachers just gave him pictures to color and toys to play with and didnt have time to prepare special leons for him.Then his par
16、ents decided that he couldnt stay at an ordinary school.Nicholas now spends more time in the West London Institute, and he also studies at home.He reads newspapers every day, and he can play the violin well. 158 第2篇:高一教学工作总结 高一年级教学工作总结 本学期,高一年级以学校的工作计划为指导,以学校的教学计划为提纲,坚持”以生为本,为国树人”的办学理念,强化“以生为本,自主发展”
17、的育人观念,努力践行“事事是教材,处处是学堂,人人是教师”的育人模式,从教育策略、教学策略、管理策略、形象策略等方面深入探索,不断改进,继续深入地推进课堂教学改革,为提高雷州一中的教学质量作出我们的一份努力。 一个学期结束了,我们在郑良胜副校长的指导下,我们年级认真贯彻落实学校的各项工作要求,认真实践学校的教学理念,现把我们的一学期以来的工作总结如下: 一、为树立学生学习的自信和远大的目标,对学生进行理想教育。 针对高一新生,他们刚刚从初中毕业,对于高中一切都感到新鲜和富有挑战性,我们给他们树立信心,我们专门组织一个主题班会站在新的起跑线上,让他们树立自信心和远大目标,同时我们请了2022届的
18、优秀高三毕业生,给他们作关于高中学习经验介绍会,让他们从中体会到高中的学习应该如何学习。 二、狠抓常规教学,确保教育质量优质化 开学不久,我们级组根据学校教导处和教研室的工作要求和学校的教学管理细则,教导处在不同时间对全体教师进行教学业务检查。为真正起到业务检查的有效性,我们级组对老师的业务还有体现如下。比如对教师备课、作业批改等的检查,有统一上交检查形式,对学生作业的检查,有抽查、有上交统一检查,有进教室直接检查。这些工作对教师的教和学生的学起到了很好的推动作用。 更好的让学生规范作业、规范答题,规范各备课组导学案的制作,我们分别要求备课组组织老师和学生进行作业展评,模块检测优秀试卷展评和各
19、科优秀导学案展评。 三、科研兴教,狠抓教育科研 在年级管理组的正确领导下,高一年级以“科研兴教,以研导行”的教育科研思想,全面规范年级科研工作,着力提高教育科研水平,进一步促进教师的专业化发展。具体说,主要抓了以下几项工作: 1、教研活动组织。 每周一到周五分科类在统一地点,以备课组为单位,实行领导包组,进行集体教研活动。在教研会上,老师们积极发言、讨论。统一教学目标和教学重点,依据,单元备课课时备课,的思路,集思广益,准确确定教学目标、教学重点和难点,结合本周的学生出现的常见错误,学生出现陷入疑难问题,大家拿出来一起讨论。大家各出自己的观点 ,加强老师之间的能力合作。加强了理论与实践的相结合
20、,做到了知识共享。 在分时备课上各学科教师严格按照备课规范的要求,认真备课。从各学科的教案总数上看,时数足、一课一案。 2、坚持、落实听课与评课活动。 高一处级的新老师很多,同时又有许多从高三留下来的骨干老师,所以相互听课就非常关键,所以我们认真开展听课评课活动。为加强教师间的业务沟通和相互学习,及时解决教学工作中出现的问题,根据年级的实际情况,年级部作出相应相要求,从下级领导到级长,到老师,我们老师作了详细的要求,从听课数量、听课组织、教师听课要求都作了强调。 3、坚持数据分折和评比落实 每次月考后,我们都组织老师认真评卷,然后录分,在教研室指导下,对学生成绩进行不同方向评比,其中体现老师个
21、人比较,班级比较,老师个人教学等级评定,班主任工作评定。同时突出尖子生成绩跟踪,临界生成绩跟踪,图音体学生成绩跟踪。学生干部成绩跟踪 四、青年教师培优工程 鉴于高一年级青年教师多,教学经验不足的实际情况,我高一级部依据学校的有关精神,秉承学校重视青年教师培养的优良传统,本着“新老结合,由老帮新,知学好问,敢于担当、敢于创新”的原则,从开学伊始就制订并实施了一系列的青年教师培优工程,具体工作的开展情况作以下陈述: 1、教育先行,理念为先青年教师理论学习 由于青年教师一般都是由学校直接进入学校,由学生直接转变为老师,知识丰富但运用能力较弱,工作激情有余但经验不足,在开学初始,学校组织教导处和教研室
22、对对新进一中的所有青年教师进行了理论培训。会上陈鹏隆副校长,教研室陈衡主任分别带领大家学习了新课改的有关文件,并针对我校的具体实际情况做了详尽的说明和阐释。 理论学习的开展使青年教师在理性上认清了自己的角色转换,意识到了教育必须与时俱进的真理,为以后的教学工作开展奠定了良好的理论基础。 2、新老结合,以老帮新新老教师结对子活动 1、得益于郑保书校长的重视,返聘了特级教师“郑如鹏主席”,下管我们高一语文组,让我们高一语文组老师倍感高兴,特别是刚刚毕业的老师。他们有了名师的指导,更是如虎添翼。同时其他科组新老结合,以老帮新,他们结对子,帮助年青老师快步成长。同时我们认真落实新老师的“汇报课”,备课
23、组长认真组织老师进行听课,然后集中评课,让老师从中学习如何进行有效教学。结合学校举行的青年老师说课比赛,本年级进行级内比赛,推选出优秀选手参加学校比赛。其中有卓小绢,李琴珠,梁海娟等优秀选手,同时利用学校的对外公开周,本级先在备课组内部推荐,然且级组老师认真听课评,利用集体的力量,为兄弟学校推出最优质的公开课。其中梁海涓,陈金连等被评为优质课 4、教学业务,紧抓不懈常规业务检查 为更好的促进青年教师在业务方面的成熟,在10月26日对高一年级全体教师业务检查后,在教务处的领导下,我高一年级又专门针对青年教师做了一次全面实际的常规业务检查,检查内容涵盖教案(详案)、导学案、作业本、纠错本、作业批改
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- 听力 教学工作 总结