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1、高盛财经词典 - 汉英对照0-9中文词句EnglishhEnglishh Defiinitioons144A 条例例Rule 1444AAn SEC rule that modiffied aa two-year holdiing peeriod requiiremennt on privaately placeed seccuritiies byy permmittinng Quaalifieed Insstituttionall Buyeers (QQIBs) to trrade tthese posittions amongg themmselvees. 18定律Rule off 18A
2、 rule whereeby thhe summ of tthe innflatiion raate annd thee P/E ratioo of tthe Doow Jonnes Inndustrrial AAveragge is an inndicattor off the direcction of thhe stoock maarket. If tthe tootal iis aboove 188, stoocks aare suupposeed to decreease. If thhe tottal iss undeer 18, thenn the stockk ma1940年投
3、资资公司法Investmment CCompanny Actt of 11940Createdd in 11940 tthrouggh an act oof Conngresss, thiis pieece off legiislatiion cllearlyy defiines tthe reesponssibiliities and llimitaationss placced uppon fuund coompaniies thhat offfer iinvesttment produucts tto thee publlic.72定律Rule off 72A rule statiing
4、 thhat inn ordeer to find the nnumberr of yyears requiired tto douuble yyour mmoney at a givenn inteerest rate, you dividde thee comppound returrn intto 72. The resullt is the aapproxximatee numbber off yearrs thaat it will take for yyour iinvesttment to doouble.A-Z中文词句EnglishhEnglishh Defiinitioons
5、APICS(美美国生产及库库存控制协议议)商业前景景指数 APICS BBusineess Ouutlookk Indeex A natioonal mmanufaacturiing inndex tthat ssurveyys sevveral manuffacturring ffirms on a monthhly baasis. If thhe inddex iss abovve 50 it siignalss expaansionn, if it diips beelow 550 it indiccates contrractioon.CAMELS评评级制度 CAMELS Ratinn
6、g Sysstem An inteernatiional bank-ratinng sysstem wwith wwhich bank superrvisorry autthoritties rrate iinstittutionns acccordinng to six ffactorrs. Thhe sixx areaas exaaminedd are repreesenteed by the aacronyym CAAMELS. CEDEL CEDEL One of two pprinciipal ccleariing hoouses for EEuromaarket securriti
7、ess. Nottice tthat tthe foormulaa may also be wrrittenn as: accouunts ppayablle / (cost of saales/nnumberr of ddays). Notiice thhat thhe forrmula may aalso bbe wriitten as: aaccounnts reeceivaable / (creedit ssales/numbeer of days). Net Opeeratinng Inccome Tottal Deebt Seervicee Net Inccome Shaareho
8、llderss EquiityThe ROEE is uusefull in ccomparring tthe prrofitaabilitty of a commpany to otther ffirms in thhe samme inddustryy. Callculatted ass totaal taxx paidd diviided bby taxxable incomme. 2. In tthe caase off fixeed inccome, a bonnd witth a rratingg of BBBB orr highher. OOperatting ccash ffl
9、ow iis callculatted thhroughh a seeries of addjustmments to neet inccome. It caan be foundd on tthe sttatemeent off cashh flowws. ? 2. Thhe diffferennce beetweenn the swap rate and tthe leendingg ratee offeered tthrouggh othher innvestmment vvehiclles wiith coomparaable ccharaccterisstics. GDP平减数 GD
10、P Defflatorr An econnomic metriic useed to accouunt foor infflatioon by conveertingg outpput meeasureed at curreent prrices into consttant-ddollarr GDP. The GDP ddeflattor shhows hhow muuch a changge in the bbase yyearss GDP reliees upoon chaanges in thhe priice leevel. GDP差距 GDP Gapp The saccrificc
11、ed ouutput withiin a ccountrrys eeconommy duee to tthe faailuree to ccreatee suffficiennt jobbs forr all thosee willling tto worrk. H股 H-Sharees A sharee of aa Chinnese ccompanny lissted oon thee Hongg Kongg Stocck Excchangee. 一划中文词句EnglishhEnglishh Defiinitioons一次性偿还Bullet RepayymentA singlle payym
12、ent for aan enttire lloan aamountt thatt is ppaid aat matturityy. 一次总付分配Lump Suum DisstribuutionA one ttime ppaymennt forr the entirre amoount ddue, rratherr thann breaaking paymeents iinto ssmalleer insstallmments. Somee lumpp-sum distrributiions rreceivve speecial tax ttreatmment.一级资本Tier 1 Capitt
13、alA term used to deescribbe thee capiital aadequaacy off a baank. TTier II capiital iis corre cappital, thiss inclludes equitty cappital and ddiscloosed rreservves.一般义务债券Generall Obliigatioon BonndA municcipal bond backeed by the ccreditt and taxiing poower of thhe isssuing jurissdictiion, rratherr
14、thann the revennue frrom a givenn projject. 一般折旧制度Generall Deprreciattion SSystemmThe mosst commmonlyy usedd systtem foor callculatting ddeprecciatioon. Peersonaal proopertyy is ddeprecciatedd usinng thee declliningg-balaance mmethodd, whiich innvolvees appplyingg the depreeciatiion raate aggainstt
15、the undeppreciaated bbalancce.二划中文词句EnglishhEnglishh Defiinitioons七大工业国Group oof Sevven (GG-7)Seven oof thee worllds lleadinng couuntriees thaat meeet perriodiccally to acchievee a coooperaative efforrt on interrnatioonal eeconommic annd monnetaryy issuues.七大工业国G-7Seven oof thee worllds lleadinng co
16、uuntriees thaat meeet perriodiccally to acchievee a coooperaative efforrt on interrnatioonal eeconommic annd monnetaryy issuues.二级市场Secondaary MaarketA markeet in whichh an iinvesttor puurchasses ann asseet froom anoother invesstor, ratheer thaan an issuiing coorporaation.二级发行Secondaary OffferinngA
17、sale of seecuritties iin whiich onne or more majorr stocckholdders iin a ccompanny selll alll or aa largge porrtion of thheir hholdinngs. TThe unnderwrritingg procceeds are ppaid tto thee stocckholdders, ratheer thaan to the ccorporrationn.人寿保险Life InnsurannceA proteectionn agaiinst tthe loost innco
18、me that wouldd resuult iff the insurred weere too passs awayy. Thee nameed benneficiiary rreceivves thhe prooceedss and is thherebyy safeeguardded frrom fiinanciial immpactss of tthe deeath oof thee insuured.二级资本Tier 2 CapittalA term used to deescribbe thee capiital aadequaacy off a baank. TTier III
19、 cappital is seecondaary baank caapitall thatt inclludes itemss suchh as uundiscclosedd reseerves, geneeral lloss rreservves, ssuborddinateed terrm debbt, annd morre.三划中文词句EnglishhEnglishh Defiinitioons个人收入Personaal InccomeAn indiividuaals ttotal earniings ccomingg fromm wagees, buusinesss entterpri
20、ises, and vvariouus invvestmeents.个人消费开支PCESimilarr to CCPI, PPCE iss a reeport (actuually a parrt of the ppersonnal inncome reporrt) puut outt by tthe Buureau of Ecconomiic Anaalysiss of tthe Deepartmment oof Commmercee. PCEE is aa meassure oof priice chhangess in cconsummer gooods aand seervicees.
21、 Itt conssists of thhe acttual aand immputedd expeendituures oof houusehollds, aand inncludees datta perrtainiing too duraables, non-durabbles, and sservicces.个人理财Personaal FinnanceFinanciial pllanninng forr indiividuaals. GGeneraally, it innvolvees anaalyzinng theeir cuurrentt finaanciall posiition
22、, preddictinng shoort-teerm annd lonng-terrm neeeds, aand reecommeendingg a fiinanciial sttrateggy. Thhis maay invvolve advicce on pensiions, schoool feees, moortgagges, llife iinsuraance, and iinvesttmentss.子公司、附属公公司SubsidiiaryA compaany owwned bby anoother compaany thhat coontrolls morre thaan 50%
23、 of iits vooting stockk. 上市公司Public CompaanyA compaany thhat haas isssued ssecuriities throuugh ann offeering whichh are now ttradedd on tthe oppen maarket. 上市证券Listed SecurritySecuritties tthat hhave bbeen aacceptted foor traading purpooses bby a rrecognnized and rregulaated eexchannge.已充分反映实值值Full
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- 财经 词典 汉英 对照 13017