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1、MBA英语写作资料第一部分:英语作文经典句式一、图画概述1. It goes without saying that drawings aim at revealing a common and series problem in the world: how to protect the ocean resources. 2. Lets take a closer look at the two pictures. The one on the left shows the state of the housing before the government implemented its
2、urban renewal project, whereas the one on the right illustrates the situation afterwards. 3. As described/portrayed/illustrated/shown in the picture, many people nowadays like to go to fitness centers to keep their bodies in shape. 二、图表概述1. The graph shows that the incidence of violent crime has in
3、fact dropped in most US cities over the past decade. 2. As we can see from the chart, divorce increased phenomenally up until about 1990, but has since remained at a fairly constant level.3. TThe salles figgurees ffor A aamouunt to thee coombiinedd saaless fiigurres forr B andd C. Thhe pproffitss ov
4、ver thee paast fivve yyearrs aadd up to an inccreddiblle 11.2 billlioon ddolllarss.4. Thhe ffiguuress fllucttuatte bbetwweenn 10000 andd 11100 uniits perr yeear. Thhe ssalees aare exppectted to go up andd doown oveer tthe nexxt ffew monnthss. 55. TThe nummberr off paandaas iin tthe resservve ssuddde
5、nlly rrosee too ovver 2000. 66. TThe birrth ratte ddecrreassed steeadiily aftter Worrld Warr 2. Thhe nnumbber of useers rosse ssmooothlly tthrooughhoutt thhe ddecaade.7. Houusinng ppricces soaar wwhenn thheree iss a sudddenn inncreeasee inn deemannd. 8. Theere wass a sluump in prooducctioon bbetwwee
6、nn 19980 andd 19985. 9. Thhe nnumbber of Intternnet useers shoouldd cllimbb frrom 20 milllioon iin 220044 too 500 miilliion in 20008. 10.Unnlesss tthe sittuattionn chhangges, thheree wiill be a ddecllinee frrom 20 in 20006 tto 112 iin 220100. 111. Jannuarry wwilll wiitneess thee laauncch oof ttwo ne
7、ww prroduuctss, wwhicch sshouuld inccreaase revvenuue ddrammatiicallly. 122. TThe poppulaatioon wwilll reemaiin sstabble thaankss too thhe oone-chiild pollicyy. 113. Thee peerceentaage of youung peooplee atttenndinng uunivverssityy reeachhed a ppeakk off 477% iin 220033. 114. Thee nuumbeer oof ppeop
8、ple whoo coouldd noot rreadd hiit iits lowwestt poointt inn 20003. 155. TThe nummberr off Innterrnett usserss iss onn thhe rrisee/inncreeasee att thhe mmomeent.三、图画画含义11. WWhatt dooes thee auuthoor rreallly wannt tto ttelll uss? IIn mmy oopinnionn, hhis reaal iimpllicaatioon iis tthatt evveryyonee h
9、aas tto mmeett diiffiiculltiees iin ttheiir llifee exxperrienncess. 22. TThe purrposse oof tthe piccturres is to warrn uus tthatt duue aatteentiion hass too bee paaid to thee deecreeasee off occeann reesouurcees. 3. Thee iddea connveyyed by thee caartooon is apppareent: thhe ffiniishiing poiint is j
10、usst aa neew sstarrtinng ppoinnt. 4. I ccannnot hellp rrelaatinng tthesse ddrawwinggs tto rreallityy. TTheyy cllearrly shoow hhow humman intterpperssonaal rrelaatioonshhipss haave devveloopedd. 四四、举例例论证11. AA caase in poiint is Wuhhan, whhichh haas aa peedesstriian shooppiing strreett. 22. TTakee th
11、he rreceent tsuunammi ffor exaamplle. 3. Takke mmy ffathher as an exaamplle. 4. Nummeroous exaamplles cann bee giivenn eaasilly. Butt thhesee wiill suffficce. 5. Anootheer ccasee inn poointt iss thhe mmislleaddingg paackaaginng uusedd onn maany prooduccts. 6. Itt iss thhe ssamee wiith Afrricaan ccou
12、nntriies, whhichh haave hugge ddebtts. 7. Perrhapps tthe mosst sstriikinng iinsttancce hhapppeneed tto mme wwhenn I wass a chiild at priimarry sschoool. 8. Thhe llistt off suuch exaamplles cann goo onn annd oon. Exaamplles likke tthesse ccan forrm aa loong lisst. 五、原因因分析11. AA nuumbeer oof ffacttors
13、s caan aaccoountt foor tthe inccreaase in deaathss frrom heaart disseasse. 2. Anootheer iimpoortaant facctorr iss thhe aavaiilabbiliity of thee Innterrnett. 33. FFinaallyy, tthe creeatiion of morre jjobss iss reespoonsiiblee foor tthe chaangee/ iincrreasse/ deccreaase/ grrowtth. 4. WWhy doees tthiss
14、 phhenoomennon apppearr? II thhinkk thheree arre sseveerall poossiiblee reeasoons forr thhis sittuattionn. 六六、建议议措施11. IIt iis hhighh tiime thaat ppareentss, eeduccatoors andd thhe ggoveernmmentt maade conncerrtedd effforrts to putt ann ennd tto tthiss siituaatioon. 2. Thee beest wayy too soolvee th
15、his proobleem II thhinkk iss too giive youung peooplee oppporrtunnitiies to do thiingss inndeppenddenttly. 3. Itt iss immperratiive thaat ddrassticc meeasuuress shhoulld bbe ttakeen tto eend povvertty wworlldwiide. 4. Thhesee arre nnot thee onnly thrree meaasurres we cann taake. Buut iit sshouuld be
16、 notted thaat wwe nneedd too taake strrongg acctioon tto eelimminaate thee usse oof iilleegall drrugss. 55. OOnlyy inn thhis wayy caan wwe ooverrcomme tthiss diiffiicullty, annd .we willl hhavee a briightt fuuturre.第二部分分:英语语作文常常用套句句一、开头头Wheen iit ccomees tto ., soome thiink . Thheree iss a pubblicc
17、deebatte ttodaay tthatt . AA iss a commmonn waay oof ., buut iis iit aa wiise onee? RReceentlly tthe proobleem hhas beeen bbrouughtt innto foccus. 二、提出出观点 Noww thheree iss a groowinng aawarreneess thaat. IIt iis ttimee wee exxploore thee trruthh off . NNowhheree inn hiistoory hass thhe iissuue bbeen
18、n moore vissiblle. 三、进一一步提出出观点 . buut tthatt iss onnly parrt oof tthe hisstorry. Anootheer eequaallyy immporrtannt aaspeect is . A is butt onne oof tthe manny eeffeectss. AAnottherr iss . BBesiidess, ootheer rreassonss arre. 四、提出出假想例例子的方方式 SSuppposee thhat. Jusst iimagginee whhat wouuld be likke iif
19、. IIt iis rreassonaablee too exxpecct. IIt iis nnot surrpriisinng tthatt. 五、举例例 Forr exxampple (innstaancee),. . suuch as A, B, C aand so on (soo foorthh) AA goood casse iin ppoinnt iis. AA paartiicullar exaamplle ffor thiis iis. 六、引用用 Onne oof tthe greeateest earrly wriiterrs ssaidd . “Knoowleedgee
20、 iss poowerr”, succh iis tthe reggardd off . “.”. Thaat iis hhow sb. coommeent (crritiicizze/ praaisee.). “.”. Hoow oofteen wwe hhearr suuch worrds likke ttherre. 七、讲故故事 (先说故故事主体体), thiis sstorry iis nnot rarre. ., ssuchh diilemmma we oftten meeet iin ddailly llifee. ., thhe sstorry sstilll hhas a r
21、reallisttic siggnifficaancee. 八、提出出原因 Theere aree maany reaasonns ffor . Whhy., foor oone thiing, Thhe aanswwer to thiis pprobblemm innvollvess maany facctorrs. Anyy diiscuussiion aboout thiis pprobblemm woouldd inneviitabbly invvolvves . Thhe ffirsst rreasson cann bee obblivviouuslyy seeen. Moost p
22、eooplee woouldd aggreee thhat. Somme ppeopple mayy neegleect thaat iin ffactt . OOtheers sugggesst tthatt. Paart of thee exxplaanattionn iss . 九、进行行对比 Thee addvanntagges forr A forr ouutweeighh thhe ddisaadvaantaagess off. Allthooughh A enjjoyss a disstinnct advvanttagee . IIndeeed, A carrriees mmuc
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- MBA 英语 写作 经典 解析 习题