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1、Culture invasion or co-operationWhen DisneyCompany claimed that they will buildthe sixth Disney theme park in Shanghai, there spring up a wide variety of voices among general public. Based upon “globe newspaper” survey, about 56%of people consider that it will bring about a lot of serious economical
2、 problems. Meanwhile, they also regard it as a culture invasion, even as culture crusher.There are some possible reasons for this voice.On the top of list, some people regard the culture invasion as a countrys conquering another one through culture transformin peace time. Whats more, it is often ref
3、lected that the developed country try to control developing countrys culture market and customs.Last but on the least, some people think that it is harmful to Chinese companies, because we use our land resource to server American companies.So ffar as I amm coonceerneed, in ourr aggeinfformmatiion ti
4、mmes,cullturre ccommmuniicattionn haas bbecoomeaan eesseentiial commpossitiion of iinteernaatioonall coo-opperaatioon. It iis uunreeasoonabble thaat wwe pprottectt ouur ccultturee inn thhe wway of deffenddingg ottherr cuultuure. Theerefforee, II drraw my conncluusioon tthattvarriouus ccultturee coom
5、muuniccatiionss wiill proomptt thhedeevellopmmentt off soocieety.In aa woord, wee shhoulld rregaard it as a nnormmal intternnatiionaal cco-ooperratiion bettweeenChhineeseaandAAmerricaan.The expposuure druunk driiverr too soocieetyNowaadayys, Nanjingggovvernnmenntexxpossed 1106 druunk driiverrstosooc
6、ieety.Whenngovvernnmennt cclaiimedd thhat it willl cconttinuue ffor a wwhille, theere sprrungg upp a widde vvariietyy off vooicees ammongg geenerral pubblicc.Someepeooplee whho oobjeect itmmay arggue thaat tthe praactiice nott onnly invvadees ddrivverss prrivaacy, buut aalsoo afffeccts driiverrs lii
7、fe. Theyy offtenn saay, it is tooostrrictt thhat druunk driiverrs aare expposeed tto tthe soccietty aafteer bbeinng ppuniisheed. Whille ootheer ppeopple succh aas ppoliicemmen connsidder thaat tthe praactiice of expposuure warrn ddrunnk ddrivverss aggainnst thee neext timme ttheyy waant to do it aga
8、ain anddit madde ootheer ddrivversswhoo neeverr drrivee affterr drrinkkingg,andd itt wiill dedducee thhe ooccuurriingooppoortuunitty oof ttraffficc accciddencce. So ffar as I amm coonceerneed, I amm inncliinedd too suuppoort thee laaterr vooicee. IIt iis oof nno ddiffficuult forr mee too puut fforww
9、ardd soome arggumeentss too illlusstraate my staandppoinnt. For onee thhingg,drrunkk drriveer iis hharmmfull too ouur ssociietyy, baasedd uppon reccentt offficciall suurveey, aboout 32% off trrafffic acccideencees bbe ccaussed by druunk driiverrs. Drinnkinng hhas beccomee onne oof tthe majjor traaff
10、iic aacciidenncess reeasoons.For anootheer, thee puunisshmeent is nott reealllysttricctneess, thhus we wouuldiimprrovee thhe mmeassuree off prreveentiion.In aa woord, thhe eexpoosurre iis nnot strricttnesss. Needdlesss tto ssay, itt wiill be an acttivee roole of preevenntioon ddrunnk ddrivve.F. SSpo
11、rrts staars shoouldd nootearrn hhighh saalarriess. AAgreee oor ddisaagreee? &ruubA Thesse ddayss, ttherre aare an inccreaasinng hhot toppic amoong genneraal ppubllic whiich conncerrns thee phhenoomennon thaat ssporrts staars earrn hhighh saalarriess.Whenneveer iit ccomees tto tthiss isssuee, ttherre
12、 wwilll spprinng uup aa wiide varrietty oof vvoicces. Somee peeoplle cconssideer iit aas a norrmall phhenoomennon. Whille sstilll ssomee ottherrs cconssideer iit iis nnot suiitabble or acccepttablle ffor a ddeveeloppingg coounttry,likke CChinna. Theyy offtenn saay, thee spportts sstarrs hholdd thhe
13、lleveel oof rrespponssibiilitty llesss thhan thee toop oof sscieentiist, buut tthe sciienttistts saalarriess caan nnot commparre wwithh thhespportts sstarrs.So ffar as I amm coonceerneed, I amm inncliinedd too suuppoort thee foormeer vvoicce. It iis oof nno ddiffficuult forr mee too puut fforwwardd
14、soome arggumeentss too illlusstraate my staandppoinnt. For onee thhingg, spportts sstarrs aare esssenttiall coompoosittionn offcullturre mmarkket, annd ttheyy arre tthe driivinng fforcce oof ssporrts marrkettdevveloopmeent. Due to thaankss too thhe ssporrts staars ,thhe ccomppanyy whhichhthee spport
15、ts sstarrs bbeloongtto ccoulld eearnn a lott off mooneyy, aand it madde aa loot oof ppeopple earrn lliviing froom tthatt. FFor anootheer, spoortss sttarss pllay an acttivee roole in socciall cuultuure, yooungg peeoplle ddo mmoree phhysiicall trrainningg beecauuse theey wwantt siimillar to thee sppor
16、tts sstarrs.Therre iis nno ddenyyingg faact thaat tthe peooplee wiill havve ddiveersee viiewss onn thhis isssue, buut mmy sstanndpoointt iss cllearr annd wwelll fooundded in thee fooreggoinng ddisccusssionn. TTherrefoore, I beelieeve, thhe ssporrts staars shoouldd eaarn higgh ssalaariees.The cauuses
17、s annd ssoluutioons of genneraatioon ggap QS%,7EGG As wwe ccan seee frrom thee siituaatioon, thee geenerratiion gapp haas bbecoome a ccommmon pheenommenoon. The parrentts cconssideer tthatt thheirr chhilddrennaree ouut oof cconttroll annd ttheyy diisliike whaat ttheiir cchilldreen tthinnk aand do. O
18、n tthe othher sidde, thee chhilddrenn offtenn coompllainn thheirr paarennts missunddersstannd aabouut tthemm, ttheyy thhinkk thhey havve bbecoomettheiir ppareents ggoodds rrathher thaan iindiividduall peersoon.Therre aare somme pposssiblle rreassonss foor tthisspheenommenoon. For onee thhingg, tthe
19、majjor reaasonn iss thhe llackk off coommuuniccatiion bettweeen ppareentss annd cchilldreen. The chiildrren wannt tto iindeepenndennt, butt thhe ppareentss thhinkk thheirr chhilddrenn caan nnot reaalizze ggoodd orr baad. For anootheer,tthe envviroonmeent whiich thee paarennts livved is diffferrentt
20、frrom theeir chiildrrens.Therrefoore, thhey oftten hollddiiffeerennt oopinnionns onn vaarioous proobleems.Accoordiing to my unddersstanndinng, thee waay oof ssoluutioon iis tthe efffecttiveecommmunnicaatioon bbetwweenn paarennts andd chhilddrenn. TTheyy shhoulld hhavee ann oppen tallk aand telll eea
21、chh ottherr whhat theey tthinnk aabouut tthe cerrtaiin pprobblemms. Thee paarennts shoouldd teell theeir chiildrren whaat sshouuld be donee whhen theey wwantt too inndeppenddentt, aand thee chhilddrenn shhoulld ttelll thheirr paarennts whaat ttheyy reeallly wwantt. IIn aa woord, thhe ccommmuniicatti
22、onn maay rresuult in bettterr reelattionnshiip bbetwweenn chhilddrenn annd ppareentss.TV aalieenattes fammiliies reelattionnshiips. Aggreee orr diisaggreee? As TTV sstattionn pllay morre aand morre pproggramms, peooplee sppendd moore andd moore timme iin tthe froont of TV. Therrefoore, soome peoople
23、e thhinkk thhat TV aliienaatess faamilliess reelattionnshiip.TTheyy offtenn saay, peooplee sppendd moore timme oon wwatcchinng TTV, thee tiime whiich fammilyy meembeers useed tto ttalkk orr pllay.It wwas truue?Accoordiing to my unddersstanndinng, onnly ourr seelf cann afffecct tthe fammilyys rrelaat
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- MBA 联考 英语 作文 练习