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1、英语范文MPA英语联考必背作文1、There are many ways of traveling, the most common ways being by train, by air, by bus or in a car.Traveling by train is currently the most economical way, far cheaper than traveling by air. However, air travel is timesaving and therefore often the top choice for people traveling on
2、business or traveling abroad. Traveling by bus is probably convenient mostly for short-distance trip. But with the development of expressways in China, and with more people having their own car, traveling by bus or in ones own car would become fashionable and enjoyable in China.For me, myy faavorrit
3、ee waay oof ttourringg iss trraveelinng bby ttraiin, beccausse iit ssavees mmoneey aand givves us thee deeligght of enjjoyiing thee scceneery aloongssidee ouur jjourrneyy.2、Toodayy inn Chhinaa, wwithh peeoplless liivinng sstanndarrd ggreaatlyy ennhanncedd, ffatnnesss haas bbecoome a hheaddachhe ffor
4、 morre aand morre ppeopple.Gainningg tooo mmuchh weeighht ddoess haarm to ourr heealtth. To figght agaainsst ffat, maany peooplee tuurn to thee nuumerrouss tyypess off meediccinee, wwhicch aall claaim to havve sspecciall efffeccts, buut ddo nnot acttuallly leaad tto ppermmaneent weiightt looss. Otth
5、errs wwoulld cchooose to be on dieet bbut onlly tto ffindd thhem forreveer hhunggry andd haave greeateer aappeetitte. Stiill othherss woouldd goo too faatneess cennterr, mmakiing it a ffashhionnablle wway of moddernn liife.Perssonaallyy, II thhinkk innacttiviity is an impporttantt coontrribuutorr to
6、o faatneess andd thhereeforre eexerrcisse iis tthe onlly hheallthyy waay tto rreduuce apppetiite, taakinng ooff weiightt annd kkeeppingg itt offf.3、Soome peooplee woork to livve. Forr thhem thee onnly reaasonn foor wworkkingg iss thhat theey nneedd mooneyy too keeep theemseelvees aalivve, to payy fo
7、or ttheiir sshellterr, aand to suppporrt ttheiir ffamiily.Howeeverr, ttherre aare alsso ppeopple whoo liive to worrk. Theey wworkk foor tthe sakke oof ssucccesss, pposiitioon aand conntrool iin ssociietyy. FFor theem, worrk iis aa waay oof llifee, aa meentaal cchalllennge, orr ann emmotiionaal iinvo
8、olveemennt. Takke ssomee woomenn foor iinsttancce, theey ggo oout to worrk bbecaausee itt giivess thhem a ssensse oof iindeepenndennce awaay ffromm thhe ffamiily.As ffor me, too woork is a ffunddameentaal hhumaan nneedd annd aa meeanss too ann ennd. Howweveer, I wworkk noot jjustt foor mmoneey, becc
9、ausse II allso seee itt ass a baddge of fullfilllmeent. 4、POOSITTIVEE ANND NNEGAATIVVE AASPEECTSS OFF SPPORTTS. SSporrts bennefiit uus iin mmanyy reespeectss. WWhenn taakinng ppartt inn spportts, we gett thhe cchannce to traain almmostt alll ppartts oof oour boddiess. TTherre iis nno ddoubbt tthatt
10、prropeer ssporrts acttiviitiees kkeepp ouur pphyssicaal ffitnnesss. FFurttherrmorre, spoortss caan eenriich ourr liife andd maainttainn ouur ppsycchollogiicall heealtth. Thrrouggh ppartticiipattionn, eeverryonne ccan leaarn thaat oon tthe plaaygrrounnd hhe nnot onlly sstruugglles forr hiimseelf butt
11、 allso figghtss foor hhis teaam. Spoortss teeachh uss abboutt coonsiiderratiion, cooopeerattionn annd ooptiimissm tto ffailluree.Buut ssporrts cann doo soome harrm tto tthosse wwho cannnott pllan theeir acttiviitiees ppropperlly. Tooo haard traainiing mayy huurt theeir boddiess, eexhaaustt thheirr v
12、iigorr, aand eveen ccausse tthemm too beecomme ssickk.Inn geenerral, I lovve ssporrts. I enjjoy spoortss. FFor spoortss noot oonlyy heelp me to livve aa weell-ballancced liffe, butt allso proovidde mme wwithh oppporrtunnitiies to gett clloseer tto nnatuure. Spportts aadd happpinnesss too myy evveryy
13、dayy liife wheen II peerfoorm in a ddeceent wayy.新东方110大功功能段落落:第一段:1.现象/现状说说明段 2.图图画/图图表描述述段 第二段:3.对立观观点陈诉诉段(四,六六级多用用) 4.利利弊说明明段 5.意义阐阐述段 66.原因因列军段段 7.举例段段 第三段:8.归纳结结论段 9.趋势预预测段 10建建议措施施段(其中说说明文只只有三篇篇8,99,100书信,所以前前七篇是是重点,毕竟是是20分分啊!在在以后的的时间里里,我也也会把说说明文110分的的必背篇篇整理出出来的,谢谢大大家的支支持.)第一部分分 图画画作文 (四篇篇)1.
14、关关于爱心心 (001年真真题) Lovee iss a lammp 1.现现象/现现状说明明段 Lovve iis oof uutmoost impporttancce tto uus hhumaans. Evveryyboddy nnot onlly nneedds llovee, bbut alsso sshouuld givve ootheers lovve. As cann bee seeen froom tthe piccturre, loove is a llampp whhichh iss brrighhterr inn daarkeer pplacces. Thiis iis
15、 iindeeed truue. Peooplee inn daarkeer pplacces neeed mmoree liightt thhan othher peooplee. MMaybbe eevenn a dimm liightt caan ggivee thhem mucch hhopee foor aa beetteer llifee. MMaybbe jjustt a thrreadd off liightt wiill calll ffortth ttheiir sstreengtth aand couuragge tto hhelpp thhem steep oout o
16、f theeir diffficculttiess.7.举举例段 I cann thhinkk off noo beetteer iilluustrratiion of thiis iideaa thhan thee foolloowinng eexammplee(s).Foor iinsttancce wwhenn soomeoone is staarviing to deaath, juust a llitttle foood aand watter froom yyou mayy saave hiss(heer) liffe. Agaain, whhen a llitttle girrl
17、 iin aa pooor rurral areea ddropps oout of schhooll beecauuse of povvertty, jusst aa smmalll suum oof mmoneey ffromm yoou mmay suppporrt hher to finnishh scchoool aand chaangee heer llifee. IIn tthesse ccasee/ciircuumsttancces youu haave givven lovve wwhicch iis llikee a lammp iin aa daark plaace wh
18、eere ligght is mosst nneedded.8.归归纳结论论段 To summ upp, wwe sshouuld offfer ourr heelp to alll thhe nneedded. Wee exxpecct tto gget lovve ffromm ottherrs aand we alsso ggivee loove to othherss. SSo wwhenn yoou ssee sommeonne iin ddiffficuultyy orr inn diistrresss annd iin nneedd off heelp, doontt heesi
19、ttatee too giive youur llovee too hiim (herr). I bbeliievee thhat thee reelattionnshiip bbetwweenn peeoplle wwilll bee haarmoonioous andd thhat ourr soocieety willl bbe aa beetteer pplacce ffor us to livve iin. 2. 空空气污染染(隐形形杀手)2.图图画/图图表描述述段 Pollluttionn iss beecommingg moore andd moore serriouus aal
20、l oveer tthe worrld. Ass iss shhownn inn thhe ccarttoonn, ttwo carrs aare givvingg offf wwastte ggas andd thhreee peeoplle aare tryyingg too avvoidd brreatthinng iin tthe poiisonnouss gaas bby mmaskkingg thheirr faace witth ttheiir hhandds. Thee pooisoonouus ggas sennt ooff by facctorriess, ddomeest
21、iic aappllianncess annd aautoomobbilees hhas madde tthe airr unnheaalthhy ffor peooplee too brreatthe. 5.意义阐阐述段 Thheree iss noo deenyiing thaat aautoomobbilees aare inddicaatioons of civviliizattionn, pproggresss aand devveloopmeent; neeverrtheelesss , auutommobiiless caausee thhe sseriiouss prrobll
22、em of airr poolluutioon. Sciienttistts hhavee waarneed tthatt unnlesss eeffeectiive meaasurres aree taakenn, tthe proobleem oof ppolllutiion willl eevenntuaallyy geet oout of hannd. Acttuallly, peeoplle aare shoowinng aa reeal conncerrn ooverr thhe pprobblemm. FFor exaamplle, theere is an inccreaasi
23、nnglyy looud voiice froom tthe pubblicc foor ffirmm acctioon aagaiinstt poolluutioon ffromm auutommobiiless. 100建议措措施段Inddeedd, tthe earrth is ourr hoome andd wee haave thee duuty to takke ccaree off itt foor ooursselvves andd foor oour desscenndannts. Inn myy oppiniion, wee shhoulld wworkk ouut cco
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- MPA MBA 英语 联考 作文