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2、签 名 : 日 期 : 苏州大学学位论文独创性声明本人郑重声明:所提交的学位论文是本人在导师的指导下,独立 进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中己经注明引用的内容外,本论文 不含其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不含为获得苏 州大学或其它教育机构的学位证书而使用过的材料。对本文的研究作 出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人承担本 声明的法律责任。论文作者签名 : i Ry 曰期:基于产业集群的小微企业信贷风险管理研宄 中文摘要基于产业集群的小微企业信贷风险管理研究一一以民生银行为例中文摘要小微企业是我国经济社会发展的重要力量,但长期以来融资难问题一直掣肘着小 微企业的发
3、展。作为小微企业融资主要渠道的银行信贷便成为解决其融资困难的焦点 所在。信贷风险管理是现代商业银行经营管理的核心内容,对信贷风险管理水平的高 低直接关系到商业银行经营的成败。作为以经营金融资产和金融负债为对象的特殊企 业,商业银行的经营目标是追逐利益,而小微企业信贷市场的不确定性很强,因此银 行开展小微企业信贷业务的风险很高。为了研宄商业银行信贷风险,探索控制小微企 业信贷风险、提高信贷风险管理水平的办法,本文结合产业集群背景,梳理了银行信 贷风险管理和集群企业信贷研宄的相关文献,选择民生银行作为“理论一一现实”转 化的案例实践。民生银行为了有效管理小微企业信贷客户,广泛组建小微企业城市商业合
4、作社; 为了解决信贷过程中的“信息不对称”和“规模不经济”问题,民生银行大力建设小 微金融专业化支行,其关键业务指标呈现专业聚集效应。在对民生银行小微企业金融 服务模式与信贷风险管理体系进行研宄的基础上,本文分别结合轮轴式产业集群和弹 性专精产业集群背景,选取张家港金港镇氨纶纱产业集群和苏州农副产品商圈为案 例,探讨民生银行在不同集群模式下的小微企业信贷风险管理方式。通过对民生银行 富有特色的信贷风险管理方式的借鉴与思考,本文提出商业银行在开展小微企业信贷 业务时要注重利用企业非财务信息来评价信用状况,优化小微企业信贷决策流程,细 分行业,加强精细化管理,提供专业化、特色化服务,利用“地缘信贷
5、”优势,创新 金融产品,通过链式、圈式开发客户来解决小微企业贷款信息不对称难题。关键词:产业集群信贷风险风险管理民生银行小微企业作 者 : 吴 凡指导老师:王则斌Research on Credit Risk Management of Small and Micro Enterprises Based on Industrial Cluster AbstractResearch on Credit Risk Management of Small and MicroEnterprises Based on Industrial Cluster-A Case Study of CMBCAbst
6、ractSmall and micro enterprises (SM enterprises) are an important force in Chinas economic and social development, but the problem of financing difficulty has always held back the development of them. Bank credit, as the major access to capital, is according to become the focus of solving the diffic
7、ulties. Credit risk management is the core content of modern commercial bank management, and the level of it is directly related to the success of the commercial banks operation. As special businesses of operating financial assets and financial liabilities, the objective of commercial banks is to pu
8、rsue the interests, while the uncertainty of micro and small enterprises credit market is very strong,thus it is of high risk to carry out credit loan of small and micro enterprises. In order to study the credit risk of commercial banks, to explore the approach to control and manage the credit risk
9、of small and micro enterprises, this paper combines with the development of industrial cluster and SM enterprises, combs the literature of credit risk management and the industrial cluster credit, chooses CMBC as the case study oftheory to reality” transformation.In order to manage small and micro e
10、nterprises credit customers effectively, CMBC establishes a wide range of urban commercial cooperatives; in order to solve the problem of information asymmetry and diseconomies of scale, CMBC put efforts to build specialized small and micro financial branches, the key indexes of which show the aggre
11、gation effect. On the basis of researching the SM enterprises financial services model and credit risk management system of CMBC, this study selects spandex industry clusters of Jin gang Town of Zhang Jia Gang and agricultural district of Suzhou Stories as the examples of axle type of industrial clu
12、sters and flexible specialization mode respectively,explores CMBCs credit risk management of small and micro enterprises in different cluster models. By referring to and thinking about CMBCs distinctive credit riskAbstract Research on Credit Risk Management of Small and Micro Enterprises Based on In
13、dustrial Clustermanagement, this paper presents that the commercial banks should focus on evaluation of non-fmancial information, optimizing the credit decision process, segmenting industries, strengthening fine management, providing professional and special services, making use of “geo credit” to i
14、nnovate financial products and to solve the problem of asymmetric information through chain and cluster development of small and micro enterprises credit loan.Keywords: industrial cluster, credit risk, risk management, CMBC, small and micro enterprisesWritten by WuFan Supervised by Wang Zebin目 录第 一
15、章 绪 论 .11.1研宄背景与本文切入点 .11.1.1小微企业发展现状 .11.1.2商业银行开展小微企业金融业务的现状 .11.1.3商业银行小微企业信贷风险管理存在的问题 .21.1.4本文切入点 .31.2研宄方法与内容框架 .41.3国内外文献综述 .41.3.1国外相关研宄文献概述 .41.3.2国内相关研究文献概述 .61.3.3文献评述 .81.4本文核心概念界定 .91.4.1产业集群的概念 .91.4.2小微企业的界定 .121.4.3信贷风险的涵义 .121.4.4信贷风险管理的概念 .131.4.5集群式风险管理与传统风险管理的区别 .131.5本文可能的创新 .14
16、第二章相关理论分析 .152.1信贷配给理论 .152.2信息不对称理论 .162.3产业集群理论 .182.3.1产业集群理论的产生与发展 .182.3.2产业集群作为信贷主体的优势 .202.3.3产业集群授信风险管理存在的问题 .22第三章民生银行小微企业金融业务及信贷风险管理 .233.1民生银行小微企业金融业务概况 .233.2民生银行小微企业信贷风险管理手段 .233.2.1民生银行“商贷通” .243.2.2小微企业城市商业合作社 .253.2.3小微企业互助担保基金 .263.2.4小微企业金融专业支行 .273.3民生银行小微企业信贷风险管理体系 .303.3.1民生银行小微
17、企业集群信贷风险管理模式 .303.3.2民生银行小微企业集群信贷业务流程 .353.3.3民生银行小微企业信贷风险管理信息技术 .36第四章民生银行小微企业信贷风险管理案例分析 .384.1轮轴式产业集群一张家港金港镇德积氨纶纱特色产业集群项目 .384.1.1区域与产业基本情况 .384.1.2产业集群特色 .384.1.3集群项目风险分析 .394.1.4民生银行信贷风险管理方式 .414.1.5项目开发结果与案例启示 .454.2弹性专精产业集群一苏州农副产品商圈小微企业城市商业合作社项目 .454.2.1项目整体情况 .454.2.2项目存在的主要问题 .464.2.3民生银行信贷风险管理方式 .474.2.4项目开发结果与案例启示 .484.3民生银行小微企业信贷风险管理的经验借鉴与建议 .504.3.1民生银行小微企业信贷风险管理的经验借鉴 .504.3.2对商业银行小微企业信贷风险管理的建议 .53第五章总结与展望 .575.1本文主要结论 .575.2研究不足之处 .585.3研究展望 .58主要参考文献 .59攻读硕士学位期间公开发表的论文 .62附录:中小企业划型标准暂行规定 .63 i射 .65