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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.XXXXXX大学毕业业论文附 录学 生 姓姓 名 XXXX 指 导 教教 师 XXXX 专 业 人力资源源管理 学 院 管理学院 2009年年6月8日XXX UUniveersittyAppenndixStudent xxxxxxx Supervisor xxx Specialty Human Resources Management School Management School 20099-06-08原文Managgemennt off lissted
2、 comppaniees inn equuity-baseed inncenttivessCHAPTTER IIGenerral AArticcle1. To fuurtheer prromotte thhe esstabllishmment of aa lissted comppany, a ssoundd inccentiive aand rrestrraintt mecchaniisms, acccordiing tto PPeoplles Repuublicc of Chinna Coompanny Laaw, thee Seccuritties Act of PPeoplles Re
3、puublicc of Chinna aand ootherr rellevannt laaws aand aadminnistrrativve reegulaationns, tthe ddevellopmeent oof thhis aapprooach. Artticlee2. The tterm refeers tto shharess of listted ccompaaniess inccentiives to tthe ccompaanyss shaares beinng thhe suubjecct off itss dirrectoors, supeervissors, se
4、nnior manaagemeent aand ootherr staaff tto caarry out longg-terrm inncenttivess. Liistedd commpaniies tto bee resstriccted stocck, sstockk opttionss andd thee lawws annd addminiistraativee reggulattionss to alloow thhe immplemmentaationn of otheer meeans of eequitty inncenttive planns, tthe aappliic
5、atiion oof thhe prrovissionss of thiss appproacch. AArticcle3. Listted ccompaanyss equuity inceentivve pllan iimpleementtatioon, iit shhouldd be in lline withh thee lawws annd addminiistraativee reggulattionss, thhe meethodds annd thhe prrovissionss of the Artiicless of Assoociattion and is cconduuc
6、ivee to the susttainaable deveelopmment of llisteed coompannies, andd musst noot haarm tthe iinterrestss of listted ccompaaniess. Diirecttors of llisteed coompannies, supperviisorss andd sennior manaagerss in the impllemenntatiion oof eqquityy inccentiive pplanss shoould be hhonessty aand ttrusttwor
7、tthineess, diliigencce, aand ssafegguardd thee intteressts oof alll shharehholdeers. Artiicle44. Listeed coompannies to iimpleementt equuity inceentivve pllan sshoulld bee in striict aaccorrdancce wiith tthe rrelevvant provvisioons aand rrequiiremeents of tthis apprroachh to infoormattion discclosuu
8、re oobliggatioons tto fuulfilll. AArticcle5. For llisteed coompannies issuued eequitty inncenttive plann vieews oof prrofesssionnal bbodiees, sshoulld bee honnestyy, trrustwworthhinesss, ddiliggencee, too enssure thatt thee doccumennt isssuedd by truee, acccuraate aand ccompllete. Artticlee6. No ppe
9、rsoon shhall makee usee of equiity iincenntivee plaans iinsidder ttradiing, pricce maanipuulatiion oof seecuriitiess traansacctionns annd seecuriitiess fraaud.Chaptter III Geeneraal prrovissionss Artticlee7. Listeed coompannies, onee of the folllowinng ciircummstannces shalll bee thee impplemeentatt
10、ion of eequitty inncenttive planns: (a) IIn thhe laast ffiscaal yeear aa finnanciial aaccouuntinng reeportt neggativve oppinioon isssuedd by a ceertiffied publlic aaccouuntannt too exppresss an opinnion or aare uunablle too auddit rreporrts; (b) the receent mmajorr vioolatiions duriing tthe yyear du
11、e to iirreggularritiees byy thee Chiina SSecurritiees Reegulaatoryy Commmisssion to bbe ann admminisstrattive penaalty; (c) of the Chinna Seecuriitiess Reggulattory Commmissiion ffindss thaat thhe otther casees. AArticcle8. Equitty inncenttive plann tarrget of iincenntivees maay inncludde thhe diire
12、cttors of llisteed coompannies, supperviisorss, seeniorr mannagemment, thee corre teechnoologyy (buusineess), as welll as comppaniees thhat sshoulld innspirre otther emplloyeees, bbut iindeppendeent ddirecctorss shoould not be iincluuded. Thee folllowiing iincenntivees maay noot bee thee objject: (a
13、) In the lastt 3 yyearss by stocck orr annnouncce puubliccly ccondeemnedd as inappproppriatte caandiddatess; (bb) thhe laast 33 yeaars ddue tto maajor viollatioons oof laaw viiolattionss by the Chinna Seecuriitiess Reggulattory Commmissiion tto bee of an aadminnistrrativve peenaltty; (iii) Peeoplees
14、 RRepubblic of CChinaa Commpanyy Laww shhall be pproviided as tthe ccompaanyss dirrectoors, supeervissors, sennior manaagemeent ssituaationns. EEquitty inncenttive plann forr connsideeratiion bby thhe booard of ddirecctorss, booard of ssuperrvisoors oof liistedd commpaniies sshoulld bee to veriify t
15、the llist of iincenntivees, aand tto veerifyy thee sittuatiion tto bee in thatt gennerall meeetingg of sharrehollderss. Arrticlle9. Inceentivve foor diirecttors, supperviisorss, seeniorr mannagerrs off lissted comppaniees shhouldd esttabliish aa perrformmancee apppraissal ssysteem annd asssesssmentt
16、 metthodss, inndicaatorss forr perrformmancee apppraissal pplan for the impllemenntatiion oof thhe coondittionss of equiity-bbasedd inccentiives. Artticlee10. Listted ccompaaniess willl noot bee alllowedd to stimmulatte thhe taargett equuity inceentivve pllan iin acccorddancee witth thhe riightss of
17、 acceess tto looans, as welll as any otheer foorm oof fiinanccial assiistannce, inclludinng prrovidding secuurityy forr theeir lloanss. Arrticlle11. To thhe immplemmentaationn of equiity iincenntivee plaans oof liistedd commpaniies, baseed onn thee acttual situuatioon off thee Commpanyy, thhrouggh t
18、hhe foollowwing sourrces to rresollve tthe ssubjeect oof shharess: (ii) obbjectt to the inceentivve too isssue ssharees; (b) rrepurrchasse thhe shharess of the Comppany; (c) thee lawws annd addminiistraativee reggulattionss to alloow thhe otther way. Artticlee12. All llisteed coompannies effeectivve
19、 eqquityy inccentiive pplan invoolvedd briinginng thhe tootal numbber oof shharess thee subbjectt commpanyy shaall nnot eexceeed 100% off thee tottal ssharee cappitall. Noon-shharehholdeers geneeral meetting apprrovedd a sspeciial rresollutioon off anyy objject throough a fuull aand eeffecctivee inc
20、centiive eequitty inncenttive plann of the Comppany grannted a tootal stocck eqquityy of the comppany shalll noot exxceedd 1% of tthe ttotall. Fiirst paraagrapph off thiis arrticlle, sseconnd paaragrraph refeerredd to the totaal shhare capiital refeers tto thhe moost rrecennt geeneraal meeetinng off
21、 shaarehoolderrs appprovved eequitty inncenttive planns off thee commpanyys iissueed shhare capiital of tthe ttotall. Arrticlle13. Listeed coompannies shouuld bbe inn thee equuity inceentivve pllan oon thhe foollowwing mattters or sstateementts maade cclearr thaat: (i) tthe ppurpoose oof eqquityy in
22、ccentiive pplanss; (bb) baased on iincenntivee to idenntifyy thee objject and scoppe; (c) tthe eequitty inncenttive plann to grannt thhe riightss andd intteressts oof thhe nuumberr of invoolvedd in the subjject of sstockk souurcess, tyypes, quaantitty annd eqquityy of listted ccompaaniess acccountte
23、d ffor aa perrcenttage of tthe ttotall; iff at timees thhe immplemmentaationn of eachh of the righhts aand iinterrestss to be ggrantted tthe nnumbeer off shaares invoolvedd in the typee of subjject, souurce, vollume and accoounteed foor thhe tootal equiity oof liistedd commpaniies pperceentagge; (d)
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