《六级英语写作补充范例3319.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六级英语写作补充范例3319.docx(13页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、六级写作作补充范范文1(220055年1月六级真题题)Direectiionss:Foor tthiss paart, yoou aare allloweed tthirrty minnutees tto wwritte aan oopenn leetteer oon bbehaalf of thee Sttudeent Uniion askkingg peeoplle tto ggivee heelp to a sstuddentt whho iis sseriioussly illl. YYou shoouldd wrritee att leeastt 1550 wwordds ffoll
2、lowiing theeouttlinne ggiveen bbeloow:1 对病人的的简单介介绍:目目前的病病情和家家庭情况况2 目前的困困难:无无法承担担医疗费费用,需需要护理理3 希望捐助助;联系系方式Yourr Heelp NeeededdDearr frriennds,I amm wrritiing to youu, oon bbehaalf of theeStuudennt UUnioon, to askk foor yyourr heelp forr Lii Miing, a schhoollmatte oof oourss frrom thee Deeparrtmeent o
3、f Commputter Sciiencce. He iis sseriioussly illl noow aand hass too haave a hhearrt ttrannspllantt att onnce. To mmakee thhinggs wworsse, he commes froom tthe wesst oof oour couuntrry aand hiss faamilly iis qquitte ppoorr. Li MMingg iss noow cconffronntedd wiith thee foolloowinng ddiffficuultiies. T
4、o bbegiin wwithh, hhe ccant aaffoord thee meediccal exppensses. His fammilyy dooesnnt haave a ggoodd fiinannciaal bbackkgrooundd. MMoreeoveer, hiss paarennts havve aalreeadyy beeen deeep iin ddebtt inn orrderr too seend himm too unniveersiity. In adddittionn, hhis fammilyy iss faar aawayy annd hhe n
5、needds ssomeeonee too taake carre oof hhim dayy annd nnighht. Onlyy wiith inttensse ccaree caan oour friiendd reecovver froom hhis disseasse. On nno aaccoountt caan wwe ssee ourr frriennd ssufffer or diee. HHe iis iin ddespperaate neeed oof yyourr heelp, esspecciallly finnancciall doonattionns tto h
6、helpp hiim ppay forr hiis eexpeensees. Lets aall givve hhim ourr haandss. AAnyoone whoo waantss too offferr heelp cann coontaact us at 8855888858 or youu caan eemaiil uus bby lloveem. Pleaase actt wiithoout dellay. Yourrs ssinccereely, Zhanng HHuaChaiirmaan oof tthe Stuudennt UUnioon2(220055年6月六级真题题
7、)Direectiionss:Foor tthiss paart, yoou aare allloweed tthirrty minnutees tto wwritte aa shhortt esssayy enntittledd Saay NNo tto PPiraatedd Prroduuctss. YYou shoouldd wrritee att leeastt 1550 wwordds ffolllowiing theeouttlinne ggiveen bbeloow:1 目前盗版版的现象象比较严严重2 造成这种种现象的的原因及及其危害害3 我们应该该怎么做做Usefful wor
8、rds andd exxpreessiionss:盗版:ppiraacy (n.)盗版产品品:pirrateed pprodductts知识产权权:inttelllecttuall prropeertyy riightts侵犯版权权:inffrinnge sbs ccopyyrigght; coopyrrighht iinfrringgemeentSay No to Pirrateed PProdducttsPiraacy is a sseriiouss prrobllem witth wwhicch tthiss coounttry is connfroonteed. In maany pl
9、aacess wee seee ppeopple pedddliing pirrateed bbookks oor ddiskks. Actuuallly, pirracyy haas bbecoome so widdesppreaad tthatt itt haas sseveerelly hhinddereed ttheddeveeloppmennt oof tthennatiions ecconoomy. A nnumbber of facctorrs aaccoountt foor tthe proobleem, butt thhe ffolllowiing aree thhe mmo
10、stt crritiicall onnes. Fiirstt, ppiraatedd prroduuctss arre mmuchh chheapper thaan ccopyyrigghteed ooness, sso ttheyy arre vveryy atttraactiive to peooplee, eespeeciaallyy yoounggsteers, whho aare nott fiinannciaallyy weell-offf. SSecoondlly, witth hhighhly devveloopedd teechnnoloogy, itt iss noot d
11、diffficuult to mannufaactuure pirrateed pprodductts. Witth oone autthorrizeed ccopyy, tthe illlegaal pprodduceers cann maake thoousaandss off faake onees aat aa veery loww coost, thhus makkingg huuge proofitts. As aa reesullt, inttelllecttuall prropeertyy riightts aare sevvereely inffrinngedd uppon.
12、 Honeest prooduccerss wiill losse tthe mottivaatioon tto ddeveelopp neew pprodductts. Meannwhiile, piiratted prooduccts aree offtenn off loow qquallityy, tthuss daamaggingg thhe iinteeresst oof bbuyeers. In vvieww off thhe sseriioussnesss oof tthe proobleem, it is esssenttiall thhat lawws aand reggu
13、laatioons be forrmullateed aand enfforcced to bann thhe mmanuufaccturre aand cirrcullatiion of pirrateed pprodductts. Meaanwhhilee, ppeopple shoouldd bee edducaatedd too saay nno tto tthesse pprodductts. Witth tthesse mmeassurees ttakeen, we havve rreassonss too beelieeve thaat tthe proobleem ccan b
14、e sollvedd inn thhe nnearr fuuturre. 3(220055年12月六级真题题)Direectiionss:Foor tthiss paart, yoou aare allloweed tthirrty minnutees tto wwritte aa leetteer tto aa coompaany decclinningg a jobb offferr. Yoou sshouuld wriite at leaast 1500 woordss foolloowinng ttheooutllinee giivenn beeloww:1. 对公司提提供职位位表示感
15、感谢2. 解释为何何不能接接受所提提供的职职位3. 希望予以以谅解,并并表示对对公司的的良好祝祝愿A Leetteer DDeclliniing a Joob OOffeer Deccembber 24, 20005Dearr Siir oor MMadaam:I amm reespoondiing to youur jjob offfer on Deccembber 20, 20005. I waas iinfoormeed tthatt I woouldd bee offferred thee poosittionn ass ann innterrpreeterr foor yyourr
16、coompaany. I coordiiallly aapprreciaate youur ttrusst aandII amm muuch oblligeed tto yyou forr prroviidinng mme wwithh thhis valluabble oppporttuniity. Howeeverr, IIhavve tto ttelll yoou tthatt I caannoot aacceept it. The majjor reaasonn iss thhat Idont thhinkk I amm thhe mmostt appproopriiatee caan
17、diidatte ffor thiis ppostt. AAs aa noon-EEngllishh majjor, thhouggh mmy wwritttenn annd sspokken Engglissharreouutsttanddingg thhan mosst oof mmy ppeerrs, I amm noot wwelll trrainned in traansllatiion, noot tto mmenttionn innterrpreetattionn, wwhicch, I beelieeve is higghlyy deemanndinng. Maybbe mmy
18、 pperfformmancce iin tthe oraal eexamminaatioon hhas missledd yoou. Actuuallyy, II amm moore inttereesteed aand morre ccomppeteent in my ownn maajorr, tthatt iss, pproggramm deesiggninng. Lastt buut nnot leaast, I haappeenedd too haave beeen ooffeeredd suuch a pposiitioon wwithh annothher commpanny.
19、 Noneetheelesss, I, aagaiin, wannt tto eexprresss myy siinceere graateffulnnesss annd II eaarneestlyy appoloogizze ffor anyy innconnvennienncehhereeby cauusedd. FFinaallyy,I hoope youu caan ffindd thhe iideaal ccanddidaate as sooon aas pposssiblle. Bestt reegarrds.Yourrs ssinccereely LLi MMingg4(220
20、066年6月六级真题题)Direectiionss:Foor tthiss paart, yoou aare allloweed tthirrty minnutees tto wwritte aa shhortt esssayy enntittledd Travveliing Abrroadd. YYou shoouldd wrritee att leeastt 1550 wwordds bbaseed onn thhe ccharrt aand thee ouutliine givven bellow:Numbber of peooplee inn Ciity X ttravveliing
21、abrroadd inn 19995, 20000 andd 200051. 近近十年来来X市有越越来越多多的人选选择出境境旅游2. 出出现这一一现象的的原因3这种种现象可可能产生生的影响响Travveliing AbrroaddIt ccan be seeen ffromm thhe ccharrt tthatt thheree haave bbeenn shharpp inncreeasees inn thhe nnumbber of peooplee trraveelinng aabrooad in Cityy X in thee paast deccadee. AAs tthe cha
22、art shoows, thhe yyearr 19995 wiitneesseed oonlyy abboutt 100,0000peeoplle frrom thiis ccityy toouriing abrroadd. IIn 220000, tthe nummberr sooareed tto nnearrly 40,0000. LLastt yeear, moore thaan 1120,0000 peeoplle iin tthe citty cchosse tto sspennd ttheiir vvacaatioons outtsidde CChinna. A nuumbee
23、r oof ffacttorss acccouunt forr thhe cchannge in thee chhartt, bbut thee foolloowinng aare thee moost criiticcal onees. Firrst, thhankks tto tthe pollicyy off reeforrm aand opeeninng-uup, thee naatioons eeconnomyy haas bbeenn deevellopiing at a cconssideerabbly higgh sspeeed iin tthe passt ddecaades
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- 英语 写作 补充 范例 3319