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1、教师资格考试真题精选及答案8卷教师资格考试真题精选及答案8卷 第1卷案例:厨房交响曲 当你走进我家“乌烟瘴气”的厨房时,便会看见一个笨手笨脚的小姑娘正在炒菜,旁边有一位老奶奶在着急地为她指点迷津:“嘿嘿,不要放太多!哎呀,快把它翻过来呀!”原来是我在学厨。 平日里,厨房可是妈妈和奶奶的“领地”。一到家,妈妈便轻装上阵,同奶奶一道风风火火地奔赴“战场”,婆媳俩大显身手,不多时,一道道色香味具全的佳肴便做好了。 目睹妈妈、奶奶的潇洒后,梦想成为一代女厨掌门人的我,手指头开始蠢蠢欲动,恳求妈妈将“厨林秘藉”传授给我。在我的苦苦哀求下,妈妈终于同意我做“实习生”,不过如果发生什么“意外事件”,立即“下
2、岗”!尽管是“实习生”,我也心满意足了。当当当当!看着吧,一代“厨林女王”就要诞生了。 我胸有成竹而又忐忑不安地接过妈妈递来的锅铲开始做第一道菜煎荷包蛋。这小小的荷包蛋看似简单实则高深莫测,它主要是试探你对火候的掌握和时间的把握这两项内功修为。待油烧到七八成热时,把蛋敲了下锅煎,还要放适量的盐,接下来“荷包翻身”。我开始手忙脚乱起来。蛋的一面都快与锅“浑然一体”了,我却还在一旁傻乎乎地站着。身旁的“助理教练”奶奶忙说:“哎呀,赶紧翻过来。” 原本以为做饭是件很简单的事,可自己做过才知道不容易,看来事情真是看着简单,做起来难啊!指出该习作的两个优点,并结合具体内容分析。答案:解析:本题是一个自由
3、发挥的题目,注意要结合材料分析。此题是一道写作评析题。作文评析主要从以下四个方面入手,分别是作文的主题(立意或主旨)、材料(选材)、结构、语言。(1)对于主题可以从主题是否集中、明确、深刻来进行考虑。(2)对于选材可以从是否紧扣主题、真实可靠、生动形象来进行考虑。(3)对于结构可以从结构是否完整、合理、严谨,同时开篇结尾是否扣题,过渡是否自然这些方面来进行考虑。(4)对于语言可以从修辞、风格等方面入手。 资本主义社会的教育建立的现代学校制度比古代社会学校体系更完备和更先进的地方体现在以下哪些方面?( )A实行义务教育制度B创办幼儿园并纳入到学制中C创办实科中学、工科大学和职业技术学校D产生了各
5、育向终身教育过渡。 17世纪捷克教育家夸美纽斯在( )中对班级授课制给予了系统的理论阐述。A教学与发展B大教学论C普通教育学D大教育论点正确答案:B “学习是人类倾向或才能的一种变化。这种变化要持续一段时间,而且,不能把这种变 化简单地归之于成长的过程。”这是下列哪位学者的观点? ( )A希尔加德B加涅C潘菽D邵瑞珍正确答案:B 如何建立良好的学生集体?其策略有( )。A善于向学生提出教育要求B树立明确的共同目标C建设一支好的学生干部队伍D培养健康的集体舆论E开展各种形式的活动正确答案:BCDE 某儿童活泼好动、反应迅速灵活、善交际、兴趣广泛而不稳定,由此可推断他的气质基本属于( )。A胆汁质
6、B多血质C黏液质D抑郁质正确答案:B多血质气质的人情感丰富、外露但不稳定,思维敏捷但不求甚解,活泼好动、热情大方、善于交往但交情浅薄,行动敏捷、适应力强。 下列关于学习策略的说法,不正确的一项是( )。A凡是有助于提高学习效果和效率的程序、规则、方法、技巧及调控方式均属于学习策略B学习策略等于具体的学习方法,是学习方法的集合体C学习策略不能与具体的学习方法截然分开,要借助具体的学习方法表现出来D学习策略是调节如何学习、如何思考的高级认知能力,是会不会学的标志正确答案:B学习策略是学习者为了提高学习的效果和效率,有目的有意识地制订的有关学习过程的复杂方案。学习策略离不开具体的学习方法,但并不等于
7、具体的学习方法。 标准化成就测验是指由专家或学者们所编制的适用于大规模范围内评定个体学业( )。A成就水平的测验B能力形成的测验C结构的测验D智力发展的测验正确答案:A略。教师资格考试真题精选及答案8卷 第2卷 反复检查个人的衣服鞋袜是否整齐属于下列哪种强迫行为?( )A强迫性洗手B强迫性计数C刻板的仪式性动作D强迫性自我检查正确答案:D略。新学期开始了,小张担任了三年一班的数学老师。为了高质量地完成教学工作,张老师对班级45位学生进了调查。她请市心理学研究所的专家对这些学生进行了智力测试。过了几天心理学专家把这个班级学生智力检测的结果告诉了她。她发现,这45名学生中,智商在130分以上的有2
8、人,120-129分的5人,110119分的有11人,90109分的有21人,8089分的5人,7019分1人。请根据相关理论分析,面对这些学生:张老师应该树立什么样的教学理念才能高质量地完成教学任务?答案:解析:(把各要点展开)(1)面向全体学生(2)正确对待不同智力学生(3)综合评价每一个学生(4)尊重、关爱每一个学生 学校教育制度在形式上的发展经历的过程有( )。A前制度化教育B义务教育C普及教育D制度化教育E非制度化教育正确答案:ADE教育制度的发展经历了从前制度化教育到制度化教育,再到非制度化教育的过程。农历中的二十四节气,反映气候、物候的变化,用以指导农事。下列节气中,白昼最长的是
9、()A.春分B.夏至C.秋分D.冬至答案:B解析:B,夏至Campaigning on the Indian frontier is an experience by itself.Neither the landscape nor the people find their counterpartsin any other portion of the globe.Valley walls rise steeply five or six thousand feet on every side.The columns crawl througha maze of giant corridor
10、s down which fierce snow-fed torrents foam under skies of brass.Amid these scenes of savagebrilliancy there dwells a race whose qualities seem to harmonize with their environment.Except at harvest time,whenself-preservation requires a temporary truce,the Pathan tribes are always engaged in private o
11、r public war.Every man is awarrior,a politician and a theologian.Every large house is a real feudal fortress made,it is true,only of sun-baked clay,butwith battlements,turrets,loopholes,drawbridges,plete.Every village has its defence.Every family cultivates itsvendetta;every clan,its feud.The numero
12、us tribes and combinations of tribes all have their accounts to settle with oneanother.Nothing is ever forgotten,and?very few debts are left unpaid.For the purposes of social life,in addition to theconvention about harvest-time,a most elaborate code of honour has been established and is on the whole
13、 faithfully observed.A man who knew it and observed it faultlessly might pass unarmed from one end of the frontier to another.The slightesttechnical slip would,however,be fatal.The life of the Pathan is thus full of interest;and his valleys,nourished alike by endless sunshine and abundant water,are
14、fertile enough to yield with little labour the modest material requirements of a sparsepopulation.Into this happy world the nineteenth century brought two new facts:the rifle and the British Government.The first was an enormous luxury and blessing;the second,an unmitigated nuisance.The convenience o
15、f the rifle was nowhere moreappreciated than in the Indian highlands.A weapon which would kill with accuracy at fifteen hundred yards opened a wholenew vista of delights to every family or clan which could acquire it.One could actually remain in ones own house and fire atones neighbour nearly a mile
16、 away.One could lie in wait on some high crag,and at hitherto unheard of ranges hit a horseman far below.Even villages could fire at each other without the trouble of going far from home.Fabulous prices were thereforeoffered for these glorious products of science.Rifle-thieves scoured all India to r
17、einforce the efforts of the honest smuggler.A steady flow of the coveted weapons spread its genial influence throughout the frontier,and the respect which the Pathan tribesmen entertained for Christian civilization was vastly enhanced.The action of the British Government on the other hand was entire
18、ly unsatisfactory.The great organizing,advancing,absorbing power to the southward seemed to be little better than a monstrous spoil-sport.If the Pathan made forays into theplains,not only were they driven back(which after all was no more than fair),but a whole series of subsequent interferencestook
19、place,followed at intervals by expeditions which toiled laboriously through the valleys,scolding the tribesmen andexacting fines for any damage which they had done.No one would have minded these expeditions if they had simply come,had a fight and then gone away again.In many cases this was their pra
20、ctice under what was called the“butcher and boltpolicy”to which the Government of India long adhered.But towards the end of the nineteenth century these intruders began to make roads through many of the valleys,and in particular the great road to Chitral.They sought to ensure the safety of theseroad
21、s by threats,by forts and by subsidies.There was no objection to the last method so far as it went.But the whole of thistendency to road-making was regarded by the Pathans with profound distaste.All along the road people were expected tokeep quiet,not to shoot one another,and above all not to shoot
22、at travellers along the road.It was too much to ask,and awhole series of quarrels took their origin from this source.Building roads by the British_.A.put an end to a whole series of quarrels.B.prevented the Pathans from carrying on feuds.C.lessened the subsidies paid to the Pathans.D.gave the Pathan
23、s a much quieter life.答案:B解析:本题考查推断。倒数第二句“All along the road people were expected to keep quiet, not to shoot one another, and above all not to shoot at travelers along the road”可知英国人筑路使得当地部落不能随意穿越公路攻打自己的敌人,客观上对于消除部落之间的世仇宿怨起了推动作用,综上,B选项正确。第三段谈到英国人筑路带来的后果。末句指出:“a whole series of quarrels took their o
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