Prehistoric Planet《史前星球(2022)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
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1、(大卫爱登堡主持)恐龙毫无疑问是曾经存在过的最了不起Surely one of the most remarkable animals that had ever existed,也绝对是最著名的动物之一and certainly one of the most famous, is a dinosaur.霸王龙Tyrannosaurus rex.这是一种能够激发我们所有人想象力的动物An animal to spark the imagination for all of us.恐龙是一种什么样的动物What kind of an animal was it?它长什么样如何生活What di
2、d it look like? How did it live?现在科学研究已经给出了这些问题的答案Now, scientific research has answered such questions.不仅仅是霸王龙And not just about T. rex,还有和它生活在同一时期的其他物种but the other species that lived alongside it.而最新的成像技术能够把它们活灵活现地展现在我们面前And the latest imaging technology enables us to bring them all to life.这是六千六百
3、万年前的地球Planet Earth, 66 million years ago.天空中遍布飞翔的巨兽The skies are filled with flying giants.海洋深处游弋着巨大的爬行动物In the seas, monstrous reptiles patrol the depths.陆地上的各种恐龙And on land, dinosaurs of every kind,都面临着生存的威胁all facing the struggle to survive.如今我们对那个曾被恐龙统治的世界之甚多We now know so much about a world tha
4、t was ruled by the dinosaurs.这就是它们的故事This is their story.海岸这是巨大内海的南部海岸The southern shores of the great inland sea这片内海分割了北美大♥陆♥that splits North America.海岸上随处可见这片土地上顶级掠食者的足迹Fish and shrimp pick scales shed from his body.浮出水面小憩可以让这只在海中遨游的蜥蜴Resting at the surface allows this sea-going, ai
5、r-breathing lizard 呼吸新鲜空气 to fill his lungs,和放松and relax.敌人来了A rival.一只年轻的雄性霍夫曼沧龙来争夺这块领地A younger male, challenging for this territory.年长的沧龙超过15吨♥比年轻的更重一些The old male is heavier, over 15 tons.但它的对手那么更灵活But his rival is more nimble.当它们势均力敌的时候这场战斗必将拼个你死我活When they are as evenly matched as this,
6、 these battles can be lethal. 人们发现的有些沧龙头骨里Mosasaurs have been found with the shattered teeth of rivals 嵌着对手破碎的牙齿 embedded in their skulls.年长的雄性沧龙快速喘了 口气The old male snatches a breath.现在它占了上风Now he has the advantage.它将对手拖下水深处就能淹死它By dragging his rival down, he could drown him.最终年长的雄性沧龙获胜了The old male
7、 has triumphed.至少在当下这片暗礁仍是它的领地For now, at least, this reef is still his territory.北美海岸附近挂着一弯新月A crescent moon off the coast of North America.随之而来平静而黑暗的夜晚会触发一场罕见的美丽事件The calm, dark nights that follow trigger a rare and beautiful event. 今夜即使是在大海深处也有了光亮Tonight, even in the deep, there is light.闪着光的菊石从海
8、底深渊中升起Glowing ammonites rise from the abyss.菊石是软体动物与章鱼和觥鱼有亲缘关系Ammonites are mollusks, related to octopus and squid.这些船菊石还没有人的手掌大These scaphitids are no bigger than a human hand.数周以来它们一直在沿海深处聚集For weeks, theyve been gathering in the coastal depths.在深海处它们可以用这些光把浮游生物吸引来当食物In the deep, these lights may
9、help lure plankton as food.但在今晚这些光发挥了不同的作用But tonight, they serve a different purpose.它们被吸引到水面上进行交&hearts酒己♥Theyve been drawn to the surface to mate.很快每个鱼群中就有数千只船菊石And soon there are thousands in each shoal.它们互相触碰制J♥造♥出一片片生物光的波浪Neighbor triggers neighbor, creating waves of biolu
10、minescence.它们有复杂的神经系统They have complex nervous systems,控制着制♥造♥亮光的细胞也叫做发光细胞controlling light-producing cells called photocytes.雄性船菊石在较大的雌船菊石周围争抢位置The males jostle for a place around the larger females.让雌性从雄性的求偶表演中看出谁才是最合适交&heag配♥的最好伴侣Clues from their displays tell her who is the
11、fittest and who is the best mate.当情侣们纠缠在一起时它们会共同进行灯光表演As couples entwine, they coordinate their light displays.如果雄船菊石跟不上雌船菊石的节奏它的求偶就会被拒绝If he cant match her precise rhythm, hell be rejected.但也有完美的同步But there is perfect synchrony.这一对菊石现在将产卵并帮助生产下一代This pair will now spawn and help produce the next ge
12、neration.受精后After fertilization,雌船菊石会进入浅水区产卵the females enter the shallows to release their eggs.和大多数头足类动物一样As with most cephalopods,繁殖是它们短暂生命中最后一个篇章breeding is the final act of their short lives.到了早晨这些亮光会变弱然后熄灭By morning, these lights will have flickered and died.这个神奇的夜晚将是它们生命的最后一晚This magical nigh
13、t will be their last.在整个地球上海岸对动物来说是一个理想的地方All over the globe, the coast provides an ideal place 无数动物在海岸交&hearts酒己♥养育后代及捕食for countless animals to mate, raise their young, and to feed.回到西兰蒂亚的浅海中Back in the shallow waters of Zealandia,大群的蛇颈龙聚集在一起large groups of tuarangisaurs have come together.
14、凭借四个龙鳍的推动它们几乎毫不费力地前进They propel themselves with all four fins and travel almost effortlessly 找到了夏天聚集在这里的鱼群to find the fish shoals that gather here in summer.它们会时不时冲出水面大口吸气Occasionally, they break the surface to gulp air然后再继续潜入水下前进before continuing on their underwater flight.但有一只雌蛇颈龙没有像往常那样优雅地游泳But o
15、ne female is not swimming with her usual grace.它和两岁大的幼崽落在了蛇颈龙群的后面She and her two-year-old calf are lagging behind the rest of the group.她移♥动♥得相当吃力She*s moving rather laboriously.这个情况并没有被忽视And that has not gone unnoticed.一个致命猎手巨型海蜥蜴出现了A deadly hunter, Kaikaifilu.这只明显身体不适的雌性蛇颈龙是一个诱人的目标Th
16、e apparently stricken female is a tempting target.潜入更深的水域可能会让它不那么脆弱Diving to deeper water might make her less vulnerable.对幼崽来说试图分散沧龙的注意力是一个危险游戏For the calt trying to distract the mosasaur is a dangerous game.但这是在为母亲争取时间But its buying time.母亲和幼崽不完全是孤立无援The mother and calf are not entirely alone.这些动物之
17、间也许有血缘关系These individuals may be related,把巨型海蜥蜴赶走对它们都有好处and itrs in all their interests to drive Kaikaifilu away.这就是这只雌性蛇颈龙明显痛苦的原因This is the reason for the females apparent distress.它怀孕了Shes pregnant.而现在在怀孕一年半之后And now, after a one-and-a-half year pregnancy, 宝宝终于被生了下来a baby.它身长超过3米几乎是它母亲身长的一半Over t
18、en feet long, nearly half the length of its mother.真的是史上最大的婴儿之一One of the biggest babies of all time.它需要到水面上去进行出生后的第一次呼吸It needs to get to the surface to take its very first breath.这只幼年蛇颈龙能活80年This young tuarangisaur could live for 80 years.现在在家族的支持下Now, supported by her family, 它可以作为一个掠食者she can ta
19、ke her place as a predator.生活在地球上最富饶的栖息地之一in one of the richest habitats on Earth, 我们这个史前星球海岸周围的海洋里 the seas around the coasts of our prehistoric planet.(Prehistoric Planet)下集预告Next on Prehistoric Planet,巨型恐龙在炙热的沙漠中为了争夺伴侣而搏斗giant dinosaurs wrestle to win a mate in baking-hot deserts. 在地球各地And across
20、 the globe,了不起的生存专家必须使出浑身解数remarkable specialists must use every trick they can to survive 才能在地球上最荒凉的地方存活下来in the most inhospitable places on Earth.要想了解这些故事背后的科学To discover the science behind the stories, 请去Prehistoric Planet网页了解更多 go now to the Prehistoric Planet show page.And the tracks of the lan
21、ds top predator.一只霸王龙正在游泳A Tyrannosaurus rex taking a swim.中空的骨骼充满了空气再加上强有力的后肢Hollow, air-filled bones and powerful hind limbs使霸王龙成为了不折不扣的游泳高手make T. rex very effective swimmers.这只成年雄性霸王龙正带着孩子们游泳This is an adult male with his young family.这些幼崽们的年纪刚刚够跟着爸爸踏上这段旅程His offspring are now just old enough to
22、 follow him on a journey 前往这个海岸边缘的众多离岸岛屿之一to one of the many offshore islands that fringe this coast.虽然这段旅程的路途不远但仍然危机四伏Its a short enough crossing, but it can still be a dangerous one.一只沧龙出现了A mosasaur.这是一种体型比霸王龙大一倍的巨型海蜥蜴A giant marine lizard over twice the size of a tyrannosaur体重超过了 15吨♥and
23、weighing over 15 tons.它是地球上最大的掠食者Its the largest predator on the planet.沧龙通常以海龟为食Turtles are normally on a mosasaurs menu.但这群小霸王龙会是很美味的点心But this brood would make a welcome snack.成年霸王龙即使是在水里An adult T. rex, even in water,仍然可以非常有效地保护自己could still defend itself very effectively.但幼崽们必须跟紧爸爸But the young
24、 must stay close.在霸王龙一窝大约15只幼崽中Tyrannosaurus rex often lose at least two-thirds至少有三分之二会在第一年不幸遇难of their original brood of 15 or so in the first year.现在这只霸王龙爸爸只剩下四只幼崽了Now there are only four.这个岛为它们提供了平安和食物保障The island offers safety and the promise of food.2吨♥重的巨型海龟在这里筑巢Giant two-ton turtles ar
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