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1、外贸业务务的英文文书信经经典实用用引:工作作之余,最最近整理理了一点点关于外外贸业务务的有关关资料,仅供初入外贸的同行们参考!1.向长长期客户户推销新新产品I eencllosee ann illlusstraatedd suuppllemeent tooour cattalooguee. IIt ccoveers thee laatesst ddesiignss whhichh arre nnow avaailaablee frrom stoock. Wee arre mmostt grratiifieed tthatt yoou hhavee, ffor sevveraal yyeass.
2、 IInclludee a sellecttionn off ouur pprodductts iin yyourr maail-ordder cattalooguees. Thee reesulltinng ssalees hhavee beeen verry ssteaady. Wee beelieeve thaat yyou willl ffindd ouur nnew dessignns mmostt atttraactiive. Thheysshouuld gett a verry ggoodd reecepptioon iin yyourr maarkeet. Oncce yyou
3、 havve hhad timme tto sstuddy tthe uppplemmentt , pleeasee leet uus kknoww iff yoou wwoulld llikee too taake thee maatteer ffurttherr. WWe wwoulld bbe vveryy haappyy too seend sammplees tto yyou forr clloseer iinsppecttionn. FFor youur iinfoormaatioon, we aree pllannningg a rannge of claassiicall En
4、ngliish dinnnerr seerviicess whhichh ,sshouuld do welll iin tthe Norrth Ameericcan marrkett. WWe wwilll keeep youu innforrmedd onn ouur pproggresss aand loook fforwwardd too heeariingffromm yoou.随函寄寄奉配有有插图的的商品目目录附页页,介绍绍最新设设计的产产品。贵贵公司的的邮购目目录多年年来收录录本公司司产品,产产品销售售成绩理理想,特特此致以以深切谢谢意。最最新设计计的产品品巧夺天天工,定定能吸引引
5、顾客选选购。烦烦请参阅阅上述附附页,需需查看样样本,请请赐复,本本公司乐乐意交劳劳。 本本公司现现正设计计一系列列款式古古典的英英国餐具具,适合合北美市市场需求求。如感感兴趣,亦亦请赐知知。 愿愿进一步步加强联联系,并并候复音音。2. 为商贸贸指南兜兜揽广告告Thaank youu foor yyourr buusinnesss. YYou areecurrrenntlyy reepreesenntedd inn ouur ddireectoory. Thhis is thee onnly dirrecttoryy off itts kkindd whhichh reeachhes alll
6、coompaaniees iin tthe buiildiing andd coonsttrucctioon iinduustrry iin tthe UK. Addverrtissingg inn ouur ddireectoory wass a wisse mmovee onn yoour parrt. We aree cuurreentlly ccomppiliing a nnew ediitioon oof tthe dirrecttoryy whhichh wiillbbe ppubllishhed in Aprril 19995.TThe neww edditiion willl
7、bbe eexpaandeed tto iinclludee maajorr maanuffacttureers of pluumbiing equuipmmentt inn thhe EEuroopeaan CCommmuniity. Foor ppropper covveraage in thee diirecctorry, youu ouughtt too apppeaar iin mmoree thhan onee caateggoryy. IIf yyou do optt foor aa muultiiplee liistiing, yoou wwilll bee abbletto
8、bbuy spaace in addditiionaal ccateegorriess att haalf priice. Yoou ccan be asssureed tthatt thhe nnew ediitioon wwilll bee onn thhe ddeskks oof aalltthe majjor deccisiion makkerss inn thhe bbuilldinng aand harrdwaare traadess. PPleaase commpleete thee enncloosedd foorm andd reeturrn iit wwithh thhe
9、aapprroprriatte ffee. Thhankks aagaiin ffor youur bbusiinesss. 衷心感谢谢惠顾。贵贵公司商商号已刊刊登在本本公司的的商贸指指南中。该该指南乃乃唯一覆覆盖英国国全部建建筑公司司的刊物物,在此此刊登广广告确是是明智之之举。 现下筹筹备19998年年4月版版 的贸贸易批南南,新版版会罗列列欧洲贡贡同体的的主要铅铅管业制制造商。为为达到出出色的宣宣传效果果,贵公公司宜考考虑在不不同类别别刊登广广告。如如蒙惠顾顾,除首首个广告告外,其其余类别别的广告告将可获获半价优优惠。 该指南南将分送送给所有有建筑公公司和五五金器具具公司主主管。烦烦表填妥
10、妥随附表表格,连连同广告告费用一一并寄回回。 专专此盼候候佳音。3. 请求客客户作推推荐人Thaank youu foor yyourr leetteer oof 22 Noovemmberr. WWe aare dellighhtedd too heear thaat yyou aree too plleassed witth tthe reffurbbishhmennt oof yyourr hootell. AAs yyourr knnow .inn ouur llinee off woork, wee deepennd oon ggoodd ,rrepoortss abboutt ou
11、ur pprojjectts tto wwin furrtheer bbusiinesss. Ourr clliennts alwwayss shhop arooundd annd llookk foor rrefeerenncess beeforre ccommmitttingg thhemsselvves. Wiith youur ppermmisssionn, wwe wwoulld llikee too usse yyourr hootell ass a reffereencee whhen we disscusss ssimiilarr reefurrbisshmeentss inn
12、 thhe hhoteel iinduustrry . Woouldd yoou aagreee tto oour sugggesstinng tthatt fuuturre cclieentss shhoulld ccalll yoou? It wouuld alsso bbe mmostt heelpfful if we couuld occcasiionaallyy brringg a cliientt too loook at youur hhoteel . Wee woouldd , of couursee , staay ooverrnigght at leaast.Illl cc
13、alll yoou nnextt weeek to heaar yyourr reeacttionn. TThannks agaain forr yoou kkindd woordss. 从11月月2日的的来函得得悉阁下下对贵饭饭店的整整修感到到满意,此此消息对对本公司司实是一一鼓励。 设计行行业重视视声誉,客客人在选选择设计计公司时时必然会会有所比比较。如如蒙允许许,本公公司欲请请贵饭店店作推荐荐人,证证明有关关整修的的质素。未未知可否否让其他他客户来来电垂询询? 此此外,如如获允准准间或联联同客户户前来参参观贵饭饭店整修修,定必必有莫大大帮助。当当然,本本公司会会预订房房间,至至少留宿宿一
14、晚。4. 通知客户价格调整We enclose our new catalogue and price list. The revised prices will apply from 1 April 1997. You will see that there have been number of changes in our product range. A number of improved models have been introduced. Out range of washing machines has been completely revamped. Many popu
15、lar lines, however, have been retained unchanged. You will be aware that inflation is affecting industry as a whole .Ws have been affected like everyone else and some price increases havebeen unavoidable. We have not, however, increased our prices across the board, In many cases, there is a small pr
16、ice increase, but in others, none at all. We can assure you that the quality of our consumer durables has been maintained at a high standard and that our service will continueto be first class. We look forward to receiving your orders. 谨谢上新新的商品品目录和和价格表表。修订订价格定定于19997年年4月11日起生生效。产产品系列列有一大大革新,增增加了不不少改
17、良良的型号号,扒出出一系列列新款的的洗衣机机,但许许多款的的开动号号仍保持持不变。通通货膨胀胀影响整整个工业业连带令令货品价价格上涨涨。虽然然如此,本本公司并并未全面面提升价价格,调调整幅度度亦不大大。 本本公司坚坚守一贯贯信念,务务求出产产优质之之耐用消消费品,迎迎合顾客客的需要要。 谢谢谢贵公公司多年年惠顾,盼盼继续合合作。55. 说说明价格格调整原原因II enncloose ourr neew ppricce llistt , whiich willl ccomee innto efffectt ,ffromm thhe eend of thiis mmontth. Youu wiil
18、l seee thhat we havve iincrreassed ourr prricees oon mmostt moodells. We havve ,howweveer , reefraaineed ffromm dooingg soo onn soome moddelss off whhichh wee hoold larrge stoockss. WWe ffeell wee shhoulld eexpllainn whhy wwe hhavee inncreeaseed oour priicess. WWe aare payyingg 100% mmoree foor oour
19、 raww maaterrialls tthann wee weere payyingg laast yeaar. Somme oof oour subbconntraactoors havve rraissed theeir by as mucch aas 115%. Ass yoou kknoww , we takke ggreaat ppridde iin oour macchinnes andd arre jjeallouss off thhe rrepuutattionn foor qquallityy annd ddepeendaabillityy whhichh wee haav
20、e achhievved oveer tthe lasst 440 yyearrs. We willl nnot commproomisse tthatt reeputtatiion beccausse oof rrisiing cossts. Wee hoope, thhereeforre ddeciidedd too raaisee thhe ppricce oof ssomee off ouur mmachhinees. We hoppe yyou willl uundeersttandd ouur pposiitioon aand loook fforwwardd too yoour
21、ordderss. 现谨附上上本公司司新价格格表,新新价格将将于本月月底生效效。除了了存货充充裕的商商品外,其其余大部部分货品品均已调调升价格格。是次次调整原原因是原原材料价价格升幅幅上涨110%,一些些承包商商的价格格调升到到15%。 过过去400年,本本公司生生产的机机器品质质优良、性性能可靠靠。今为为确保产产品质量量,唯有有稍为调调整价格格。上述述情况,还还望考虑虑。愿能能与贵公公司保持持紧密合合作。6.回回复感谢谢信WWe ggreaatlyy apppreeciaate youur llettter desscriibinng tthe asssisttancce yyou recc
22、eivved in sollvinng yyourr aiir-ccondditiioniing proobleems. Wee arre nnow in ourr fiiftyy yeear of opeerattionn, aand we recceivve mmanyy leetteers likke yyourr inndiccatiing a hhighh leevell off cuustoomerr saatissfacctioon wwithh ouur iinsttalllatiion. Wee arre ppleaasedd thhat ourr teechnnicaal
23、sstafff aassiisteed yyou so cappablly. We wouuld likke yyou to knoow tthatt itt yoou nneedd too coontaact us at anyy tiime in thee fuuturre. Ourr ennginneerrs wwilll bee eqquallly ressponnsivve tto yyourr reequeest forr asssisstannce. Iff wee caan bbe oof sservvicee too yoou aagaiin, pleeasee leet u
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- 外贸 业务 英文 书信 经典 实用 22470