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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.国际贷款合合同适用用贷款人本协议由AABC公司司(简称为为“借款人人”或“借借款方”),国公司,与信贷银行(简称为“银行”),国家银行机构,于日订立。This ACREEEMENNT enntereed innto aas Off_,_, betwweenABCcomppany,aNNameOfCCounttrycomppany(thee Boorrowwer)andBAANK,NA.,anatiionsllbannkingg aSSSoCiaa“On Of
2、 tthe UUn“edd StaateS Of(thee“Bannk”)此证:WITNEESSETTH:鉴于借款人人已向银行行要求基于于本协议规规定的条件件和款项,向向借款人提提供一笔本本金为美元(UUS$)的定期期贷款;WHEREEAS,tthe BBorroower has requuesteed thhe Baanktooexteend tto 1tthe BBorroower a teerm 110an in tthepprinccipallamoount OfUnitted SStatees Doollarrs(UUS$)uponn thee terrms aand ssubjee
3、ct tto thheConnditiiohS Of tthis Agreeemennt;aand鉴于银行已已准备基于于本协议规规定的条件件和款项,向向借款人提提供此项定定期贷款;WHEREEAS,theBankkispreppareddtomakeeSUCChaloann aVaailabblettothheBoorrowweruuponthetermmsanndsuubjeccttoothee connditiions Of tthis Agreeemennt;据此,以双双方相互承承诺为对价价,就下述述内容达成成一致:NOW,TTHEREEFOREE,inccOnSiideraa“onoo
4、fthee muttual prommisess Conntainned tthereein,the par“es aagreee as f01110ws:第一条定义Articcle 11DefiinitoonS11基基于本协议议之目的,下下列词语可可定义为:Sectiion111FOOrthhePuurpossesOOfthhisAAgreeementt,thhe foollowwing exprressiions havee thee meaaninggs seet foonh bbeloww:“营业日”指位于和的银银行开始正正常银行业业务的任何何一天,以以及同同业银行拆拆借市场进进行美元
5、拆拆借交易的的任何一天天。Busiinesss Dayy:aany dday oon whhich bankks arre oppen tto coonducct thheirreguularbankkingbusiinesssin,englland,andLos Angeeles,andonwhichdealingsinDOllardeposits between banks are carried out in theinterbank market;“承诺”:指银行在在本协议生生效日即承承担向借款款人贷款的的义务。Commmitmeent: thee oblligattion of tt
6、he BBank to mmake the loann to the Borrrowerr on the datee herreof;“信贷贷”;指位位于的的信贷银行行的国际分分部。Creddit: CCrediit Baank, Inteernattionaal Diivisiion,;“美元”:及“$”符合,指指美利坚合合众国的法法定货币与与本协议项项下所有支支付有关的的现汇。Dolllars andd thee siggn $ : lawfful mmoneyy of the Unitted SStatees off Ameericaa andd , iin reelatiion tto
7、 alll paaymennts hhereuunderr, immmediiatelly avvailaable fundds;“违约事件件”:指依依本协议第第八条中所所列举的所所有事件。Evennt off Deffaultt: aany oof thhe evventss speecifiied iin Arrticlle Vllll oof thhis AAgreeementt;“担保人”:指银行。Guarrantoor:Bannk Liimiteed;“负债”:任何人或或借款人的的负债是指指依据国通常接接受的会计计准则所包包括的在债债务被确认认之日该人人或借款人人之资产负负债表负债债
8、一侧所表表明的确定定负债的全全部债务项项目,其也也包括其他他被承继或或被担保的的,或属借借款人次要要或偶发的的债务(有有别于在托托收过程中中文件背书书)在内的的债务及负负债,无论论是源于任任何协议所所引起的负负债,或是是提供款项项及预付款款项或其他他方式引起起的负债均均属此范围围。Indeebteddnesss: oof anny Peersonn, orr thee Borrroweer, mmeanss alll iteems oof inndebttedneess wwhichh, inn acccordaance withh gennerallly aacceppted accooun
9、tiing pprincciplees inn Naame oof Coountrry WWouldd be inclludedd in deteerminning liabbilitties as sshownn on the liabbilitty siide oof a balaance sheeet off succh Peersonn or the Borrrowerr as of tthe ddate indeebteddnesss is to bbe deetermminedd , aand sshalll alsso inncludde alll inndebttedneess
10、 aand lliabiilitiies oof ottherss asssumedd or guarranteeed oor inn resspectt of whicch thhe Boorrowwer iis seeconddarilly orr conntinggentlly liiablee (otther thann by endoorsemment of iinstrrumennts iin thhe cooursee of colllectiion), whetther by rreasoon off anyy agrreemeent tto accquirre suuch i
11、indebbtednness or tto suupplyy or advaance sumss or otheerwisse;“分期付款款日”:指指根据41的规定定自协议生生效之日起起达到188个月,224个月,330个月,336个月,442个月,448个月,554个月和和60个月月之日。Insttallmment Paymment Datees: subjject to SSectiion 44.1, the datees whhich are eighhteenn monnths, twennty-fourr monnths, thirrty mmonthhs,thhirtyy-siix
12、 moonthss, foorty-twoo monnths, fortty-eeightt monnths, fiftty-ffour montths aand ssixtyy monnths fromm thee datte heereoff;“付息日”:是指每每一个计息息期的最后后一日。Inteerestt Payymentt Datte: the lastt dayy of eachh Intteresst Peeriodd;“计息期”:指自协协议生效日日起个个月之后止止的一段期期间,每一一计息期自自上一计息息期最后一一日始,到到借款人所所选择的三三个月后或或六个月后后止,但是是(I)
13、,如如果每一计计息期的最最后一日不不是银行营营业日者,则则顺延到下下一营业日日,或(III)假若若一个计息息期早于或或晚于分期期付款日开开始或截止止,则计息息期将在该该分期付款款日结束。Inteerestt Perriod: thhe peeriodd commmenccing on tthe ddate hereeof aand eendinng onn thee dayy whiich iis_ montths aafterr succh daate, andeeach periiod tthereeafteer beeginnning on tthe llast day of tthe
14、iimmeddiateely ppreceedingg Intteresst Peeriodd andd endding on tthe dday wwhichh is threee moonthss or six montths aafterr succh daate, as tthe BBorroower may elecct;prrovidded, howeever, thatt ( II ) aany IInterrest Periiod wwhichh wouuld ootherrwisee endd on a daay whhich is aa Bussinesss Daay sh
15、hall be eextennded to tthe nnext succceediing dday wwhichh is a Buusineess DDay , and ( I ) anny Inntereest PPeriood coommenncingg beffore and whicch woould otheerwisse ennd affter an IInstaallmeent PPaymeent DDate shalll ennd onn succh Innstalllmennt Paaymennt Daate;“利率”指指依244、266和277中规定,或或另有规定定的利率
16、。Inteerestt Ratte: the ratee of inteerestt to be ddeterrmineed ass proovideed inn secctionns 2.4, 22.6annd 2.7, aas thhe caase mmay bbe:“贷款机构构”:是指指国际银行行机构,或或根据其意意愿随时指指定的分行行、分理处处、分支机机构或支行行:贷款将将自此类机机构发放,且且未偿付及及全部偿付付款项亦由由此类机构构收取。Lendding Offiice: thee Intternaationnal BBankiing FFacillity of tthe BBank
17、, or ssuch otheer brranchh, offficee, afffiliiate or ssubsiidiarry off thee Bannk ass it may at iits ddiscrretioon frrom ttime to ttime desiignatte, ffrom whiich tthe LLoan willl theereaffter be mmade and for the accoount of wwhichh thee Loaan wiill bbe ouutstaandinng annd alll paaymennts hhereuunde
18、rr willl bee madde;“贷款”:指依本协协议211款规定定由银行向向借款人发发放的贷款款。Loann: tthe lloan madee by the Bankk to the Borrrowerr purrsuannt too Secctionn 2.11 herreof;“票据”:指由借款款人开业以以银行为指指定付款的的依附录AA基本内容容的期票,其其证明因银银行依本协协议向借款款人发放贷贷款而产生生的借款人人对银行的的负债。Notee: tthe ppromiissorry noote oof thhe Boorrowwer tto thhe orrder of tthe
19、 BBank in ssubsttantiiallyy thee forrm off Exhhibitt A hheretto, eevideencinng thhe inndebttedneess oof thhe Boorrowwer tto thhe Baank rresulltingg froom thhe Baankss Loaan too thee Borrroweer;“人”,指指任何自然然人、公司司、商号、团体、政政府、政府府机构或除除借款人以以外的任何何以个人、团体或其其他名义的的实体。Persson: anyy natturall perrson, corpporattio
20、n, firmm, asssociiatioon,ovvernmment , goovernnmenttal aagenccy orr anyy othher eentitty otther thann be Borrrowerr andd wheetherr actting in aan inndiviiduall, fiiduciiary or ootherr paccity.第二条贷款Articcle 22The Loann21承承诺Sectiion 22.1 The Commmitmeent.根据本协议议规定的条条件和款项项并基本借借款人作出出的陈述与与保证,银银行同意通通过其贷款款机
21、构借出出,且借款款人也同意意借人本金金为万万美元($)的的贷款。Upon the termms annd suubjecct tootheeconnditiionshereeinssetfforthh,anndreelyinnguppontthe rrepreesenttatioons aand wwarraantiees off thee Borrroweer, tthe BBank agreees, actiing tthrouugh iits LLendiing oofficce; oon thhe daate hhereoof too lennd too thee borrroweer
22、, aand tthe BBorroower agreees tto boorroww, thhe prrinciipal amouunt oofDDollaars ($).22释释放Sectiion22.2DDisbuursemment.自协议生效效之日起,依依协议第六六条规定,银银行应向借借款人在纽纽约指定的的账号汇入入协议约定定的数额款款项。如借借款人未能能完成第六六条中规定定的贷款先先决条件,则则银行无义义务提供此此项贷款。Onthhedaatehhereoof,uupon fulffillmment of tthe ccondiitionns seet foorth in AArti
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- 适用贷款人 国际 贷款 合同 适用 贷款人 eaol