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1、20122年同等等学力人人员申请请硕士学学位英语语考试真真题PPapeer OOne 试卷一一 (900minnutees)Partt Diialooguee Coommuuniccatiion (100 miinuttes, 100 poointts, 1 ffor eacch)Secttionn ADiaaloggue Commpleetioon Direectiionss: IIn tthiss seectiion, yoou wwilll reead 5 sshorrt iincoomplletee diialooguees bbetwweenn twwo sspeaakerrs, e
2、acch ffollloweed bby 44 chhoicces marrkedd A, B, C, annd DD. CChooose thee annsweer tthatt beest suiits thee siituaatioon tto ccompplette tthe diaaloggue. Thhen marrk tthe corrressponndinng llettter witth aa siinglle bbar acrrosss thhe ssquaare braackeets on youur mmachhinee-sccoriing ANSSWERR SHHEE
3、TT. 1. AA: FFrannk,wwherre aare thee coookiies? Doontt teell me youu atte tthemm alll!B: _TTheyy weere so goood.A. YYes,fforgget it. B. Yees, I ccoulldnt hhelpp itt.C. NNo,IIm sorrry. D. Noo, ddont bbe mmad2. A: Thee trrainn iss deelayyed agaain.B: _Howw loong do we havve tto wwaitt?A: Abboutt foort
4、yy miinuttes.A. WWhatt a pitty! B. HHow annnoyiing!C. IIm sorrry to heaar tthatt. D. SSo ffar so goood.3. A: Wheen LLisaa saaw mme aat tthe malll,sshe diddntt evven sayy heelloo too mee.B: I ccant uundeersttandd whhy_. I thooughht yyou werre ggoodd frriennds.A. yyou greeeteed hher firrst B. B. shee
5、waas aalsoo thheree att thhe ttimeeC. sshe gavve yyou thee coold shoouldderD. yyou shoouldd haave carred4. A: I uusedd too maake delliciiouss piies, buut tthiss onne ttasttes terrribble.B: I tthinnk yyoure reaallyy .A. oout of datte B. oout of touuchC. oout of hanndD. oout of praactiice5. A: Dr. Smm
6、ithh, wwhatts wroong witth mmy ffathher?B: Weell, _ cconssideerinng hhis advvancced agee.A. hhess inn prrettty ggoodd shhapee B. BB. ddont aask me succh aa quuesttionnC. II haave no ideea D. II haave notthinng tto ssay forr thhe mmomeentSecttionn B DDialloguue CCompprehhenssionnDireectiionss: IIn tt
7、hiss seectiion, yoou wwilll reead 5 sshorrt cconvverssatiionss beetweeen a mman andd a womman. Att thhe eend of eacch cconvverssatiion theere is a qquesstioon ffollloweed bby 44 chhoicces marrkedd A, B, C, annd DD. CChooose thee beest ansswerr too thhe qquesstioon ffromm thhe 44 chhoicces by marrkin
8、ng tthe corrressponndinng llettter witth aa siinglle bbar acrrosss thhe ssquaare braackeets on youur mmachhinee-sccoriing ANSSWERR SHHEETT.6. WWomaan: Bobb, iif yyou weeed tthe garrdenn,Ill do thee diishees.Maan: Its aa deeal.Quuesttionn: WWhatt dooes thee maan mmeann?A. HHe aagreees to thee prropoo
9、sall. BB. HHe rrejeectss thhe iideaa.C. HHe tthinnks its uunfaair. DD. HHe sstannds to gaiin.7. Womman: Caan II goo skkiinng wwithh yoou aand youur ffiennds thiis wweekkendd?Mann: TThe morre,tthe merrrieer.Queestiion: whhat doees tthe mann meean?A. TTherre aare alrreaddy ttoo manny ppeopple.B. HHe c
10、cant pprommisee thhe wwomaan nnow.C. TThe womman is wellcomme tto jjoinn thhem.D. TThe womman cann coome nexxt ttimee.8. Mann: TThiss suuitccasee coost me 2000 doollaars.Womman: 2000 ddolllarss foor aa piiecee off juunk likke tthatt? TThatts a rrip-offf!Queestiion: Whhat doees tthe womman meaan?A. I
11、Itss a bitt exxpennsivve. BB. IItss a reaal bbarggainn.C. IItss noot wwortth tthe priice. D: Itts uneexpeecteed.9. Womman: Thhe hhousse sseemms iin aa baad sshappe.Mann: YYes, weevee deecidded to rebbuilld iit ffromm sccrattchQueestiion: Whhat wouuld thee maan pprobbablly ddo-tto tthe houuse?A. HHe
12、wwoulld sscraatchh thhe ppainnt ooff itss suurfaace.B. HHe wwoulld ttearr itt doown firrst.C. HHe wwoulld mmakee soome reppairrs.D. HHe wwoulld rrebuuildd itt byy hiimseelf.10.Tedd: II atte ffourr haambuurgeers, Momm. MMothher: Weell,yyouve madde aa piig oof yyourrsellf. QQuesstioon: Whaat ddo wwe l
13、learrn ffromm thhe cconvverssatiion?A. PPigss loove hammburrgerrs ttoo. BB. TTed loooks oveerweeighht.C. TThe hammburrgerrs wweree deelicciouus. D. Tedd atte ttoo manny hhambburggerss.Partt III Voocabbulaary (200 miinuttes, 100 poointts, 0.55 foor eeachh)Secttionn ADireectiionss:Inn thhis secctioon,
14、 theere aree 100 seenteencees, eacch wwithh onne wwordd orr phhrasse uundeerliinedd. CChooose thee onne ffromm thhe 44 chhoicces marrkedd A, B, C, annd DD thhat besst kkeepps tthe meaaninng oof tthe senntennce. Thhen marrk tthe corrressponndinng llettter witth aa siinglle bbar acrrosss thhe ssquaare
15、 braackeets on youur mmachhinee-sccoriing ANSSWERR SHHEETT.11. In hiss cllosiing remmarkks, thee chhairrmann exxpreesseed hhis thaankss too alll tthosse wwho hadd coontrribuutedd too thhe ssucccesss off thhe cconffereencee.A. ccommmentts B. sppeecch C. crritiicissm DD leectuure12. Booth Tomm annd hh
16、is brootheer ttakee affterr thheirr faatheer nnot onlly iin aappeearaancee buut aalsoo innchharaacteer.A. rreseemblle BB. aassiimillatee C. foolloow DD. rrefllectt13. Thhe hhurrricaane wass inncreedibbly devvasttatiing andd leeft thoousaandss hoomellesss.A. fforccefuul BB .mmighhty CC .ddesttrucctiv
17、ve DD. ddanggeroous14. Reeadeers aree reequiiredd too coomplly wwithh thhe rrulees oof tthe libbrarry aand minnd ttheiir mmannnerss.A. eevalluatte B. meemorrizee C. prootecct D. obbserrve15. Ecconoomicc faactoors asiide, thhe iimbaalanncedd diistrribuutioon oof eeduccatiionaal rresoourcces alssoaaff
18、eectss faairnnesss off edducaatioon.A .uunjuust B .immparrtiaal C. uneevenn DD. iimprropeer16. Waatchhingg mee puulliing thee caalf awkkwarrdlyy too thhe bbarnn, tthe Iriish millkmaaid fouughtt haard to holld bbackk heer llaugghteer.A. cchecck B. keeep CC. sstopp D. reetaiin17. Thhe ggoveernmmentt h
19、aas ccallled forr ann inndeppenddentt innquiiry intto tthe inccideent.A. rrequuireemennt BB. eexamminaatioon C. annalyysiss D. invvesttigaatioon18. A greeat nummberr off hoousees wwoulld hhavee too bee reemovved to makke wway forr thhe nnew amuusemmentt paark.A. ttakee thhe pplacce oof BB .ggivee sp
20、pacee foor C. buuildd upp D. worrk oout19. Drrug usee acccouuntss foor aapprroxiimattelyy thhreee-quuartterss off alll rrepoorteed ccaseed oof HHIV in thee coounttry.A. pposssiblly BB .rrougghlyy C .genneraallyy DD. sspeccifiiclyy20 .Foor ttheiir oown saffetyy, hhoussehoold petts sshouuld be connfin
21、ned to theeir ownn yaard.A. ttameed B. reggainned C. resstriicteed D .conntaiineddSecttionn BDireectiionss: IIn tthiss seectiion, thheree arre 110 iincoomplletee seenteencees. Forr eaach senntennce theere aree 4 chooicees mmarkked A, B, C, andd D. Chhoosse tthe onee thhat besst ccompplettes thee see
22、nteencee. TThenn maark thee coorreespoondiing lettterr wiith a ssinggle barr accrosss tthe squuaree brrackketss onn yoour macchinne-sscorringg ANNSWEER SSHEEET.21. By a sstraangee_, botth ccanddidaatess haave comme uup wwithh thhe ssamee sooluttionn too thhe pprobblemm.A. ccoinnciddencce BB. EEncoou
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- XXXX 同等学力 人员 申请 硕士学位 英语考试