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1、俄罗斯留学申请书如果没有找到您想要的内容,点击申请书格式观察更多俄罗斯留学申请书范文Dear-I am a person keen on challenges. Law will provide me with the kind of constant challenge I have always craved, while helping me to improve my analytical, practical & communication skills. Also my concern and curiosity about society and its people inspi
2、red me to pursue this subject for my higher education, as I believe Law plays an essential role in the changing nature of society.My upbringing has honed my perception of society and people leading me to be acutely aware of social injustice, inequality, exploitation, discrimination, and religious fu
3、ndamentalism, especially in a society such as the one I come from - Bangladesh. I possess a desire, to struggle if necessary through my life in establishing a society which will be free from exploitation and inequality. As such, I have chosen to study Law, for I believe the proper implementation of
4、Law is the only potent weapon to obliterate injustice. I believe throughout the history of the world, working classes have been deceived by the upper class bourgeoisie and1the elites - my ultimate goal in life is to establish the rights of the socially deprived classes. I always have wondered why La
5、w has not been used to raise the voice of the working class, and why it has been used to safeguard the interests of people who are exploiting. I seek a new definition of human rights - the true definition, without exploitation and corruption colouring the notion. My greatest wonder is why our societ
6、y and the legal system, do not point out economic exploitation as an abuse of human rights; for it is the root of poverty, which elicits crime. If the creation of Law is to curb injustice, why has it not been used to eradicate this injustice? Taking law as a subject for higher education will hopeful
7、ly help me find answers to my questions, and will teach me the proper method of implementation.I am someone who is passionate to evaluate problems. I am not an extremist but I do not hesitate to resort to radical measures if the situation forces it. I believe, in a society, co-operation is more desi
8、red than competition; competition doesn/t necessarily bring rapid prosperity. I adhere to a socialistic political ideology, and aim to devote myself in establishing true socialism. I am from a country, which has been subject to military dictatorship for over twenty years after her independence. My p
9、olitical consciousness grew during the time, when my father was imprisoned by the military just because he was a leader of a political party who opposed military regime. Police and military jointly ran a brutal campaign throughout the country to repress politicians, where they imprisoned and sometim
10、es killed thousands of students, politicians, professionals, workers, and even soldiers. These incidents severely affected my family, making my childhood a turbulent time. After the military regime failed, a western style democratic political structure was set up, which gave nothing, yet increased t
11、he discontent of the masses, and created some elites, who virtually control the country. Wealth and power both are centralized to them, law is a puppet in their hand, and they control everything, from economy to politics. Millions of people live below the poverty level, and there is nobody, not one
12、strong and resilient political party to represent them. Extreme form of capitalism has taken over our countrys social and human values, and morality is at the brink of extinction. Corruption is everywhere, human rights abuses are innumerable, political repression is paramount, money is power and pow
13、er is everything. This indisciplined violent condition of my country created a rebellious nature within me that is why I have set my ambition to restructure the socio-political structure of my country in a radical way. I would like to utilize the knowledge I acquire from my life at university and be
14、yond to clarify and show me the proper way of implementation of my thoughts.I have proved myself as an efficient and responsible student through primary and secondary school, I have been able to maintain and improve my grades, which are consistently good. Currently I am undertaking N levels in Histo
15、ry, Government & Politics, and Bengali. Being an ambitious and inquisitive person, even after completing a Foundation Programme with an overall A grade, I have chosen to do three A levels in one year to study in one of the top British universities. History has always fascinated me; though this is th
16、e first time I am studying this subject in detail. In Government & Politics, I am learning about the procedures of law making and the system of politics and government in different countries. Languages have always been of interest to me, and my favoured loyalty is to my mother tongue - Bengali.I hav
17、e spent my time productively on extra curricular activities. I have keenly taken part in debating, student politics and acting in television dramas. I headed my schools debating society for one year and independently achieved many prizes in speech competitions at local and national levels. My hobbie
18、s include reading, playing cricket and table tennis, web browsing, etc.The principal reason for my desire to study at UK is the quality of teaching here and particularly in my chosen subject, Law. I also find exciting the prospect of joining a university hee with international flavours and exception
19、al research facilities. I believe University is a place for accumulating more interests, for meeting people, for working hard, for finding a niche in life. I feel I have the commitment and confidence ofgiving my best during my university career and afterwardsYours sincerely,俄罗斯留学优势教育品质性价比高高考申请要求低,中国
20、学生申请俄罗斯本科,规定高考成绩最 低要占总分的45%以上。以中国全国卷总分750分举例,但凡高考成 绩338分以上的高考学生,都有资格申请。俄罗斯院校也有许多与全 球名校进行留学生交换的名额,如果个人对交换生这块感兴趣,真的 很想有机会体验国际平台,每年去世界不同名校体验当免费交换生, 建议考虑选择该地留学。一般来说,国外大学的本科教育都比拟严苛,不像国内的大部 分院校是松散管理的。而且俄罗斯申请研究生的话也要简单一些,比 欧美地区对GPA要求低一些。另外学费这一方面,俄罗斯政府为鼓励学生,要求所有院校都 设置了丰厚的奖学金制度。这意味着,如果你的成绩优异,你就可以 免除学费甚至是生活费用。
21、并且俄罗斯的物价是远远低于低于欧美等 大国,但是教育质量却并没有差多少,这也就是为什么说俄罗斯留学 的性价比很高。国家政策方面优待在移民政策上,俄罗斯的移民政策是不歧视何种族、性别、肤 色和宗教信仰,而且对海外优秀人才移民表示热烈欢迎,每年移民指 标平均超过2万以上。当今全球政治、经济形式仍然存在诸多动乱和不确定性,因此 出国留学首先要考虑的因素就是“人身平安。众所周知,国外很多地 区非常是欧美等地区,法律上是允许持枪的。但是俄罗斯有确定法律 规定,禁止持有枪支。总体而言,俄罗斯社会治安,比起欧美等国家 的治安程度,还是会高一些。同时俄罗斯政府也出台了一些,重视学生服务的相关政策。来 全方位保
22、障国际学生的教育。就业方面可供选择多随着世界经济开展,中国与俄罗斯的关系回暖,而且贸易越来 越频繁。再加上近几年来,俄罗斯政府也重视旅游业,也大力开展旅 游业,这使得两国之间缺少相关方面的人才储藏。因为俄罗斯是小语 种,就国内而言,精通俄罗斯语的相关人才非常少。而且开设俄罗斯 相关专业的大学院校也很少,几乎不超过十所。但是中国与俄罗斯国 际往来方面又急需这方面的人才,所以学习此语言就业前景广泛。同时近年来中国俄罗斯还签订了诸多就业方面合作协议。这等 于直接给予学生一个机会镀金,回国起步可更高更容易。俄罗斯留学前期准备.语言准备做好语言上的准备。大局部艺术的学生文化课都不太好,英语 更是可提可不
23、提的,有的人会觉得搞艺术吧,悟性好就可以了,但是 实际上如果你不深入了解它的语言,它给你解释只是字面的意思,不 能深层理解的话,很难把你的潜质开展到极致,所以我建议决定报名6学艺术之后,报一个国语初级班。1 .作品准备接触的大局部的学生都是学习艺术的学生,都是以美术为主, 其实俄罗斯本身的民族信奉东正教,在艺术上的修养有很高的造诣, 比方圣彼得堡列宾美术学院、莫斯科柴科夫斯基音乐学院,能够传承 下来毕竟有它的有优势特点,大局部的学美术的学生直奔美院去了, 大家不要担忧学校好与不好,觉得有这样的风险,实际上学艺术的考 生每个人的天分不一样,也许你跟着这个老师学和另外一个老师学是 不一样的,不要把这个看的非常的重.圣彼得堡列宾美术学院在评审作品的时候,并没有一个硬性要 求说一定要在中国的专业考试到达什么样的分数才经受你,不是这样 的,他经受所有爱艺术的学生,而且有一定的基础,这个基础你可以 是半路出家,你也可以是科班出身的,你还可以是已经在国内完本钱 科美术教育的学生,但是到了圣彼得堡列宾美术学院之后,进入他的 预科就要遵照他的系统和风格,以及教学大纲学习,抛开在国内的背 景,不要影响正常发挥就可以了。出国留学俄罗斯,做好思想准备,因为圣彼得堡列宾美术学院 的国际学生比拟多,但是不是学生都可以考上,要有一个平和的心态。