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1、TRAIININNG MMANAAGERRS TTO TTRAIINA Prractticaal GGuidde TTo IImprrovee Emmplooyeee PeerfoormaanceeBrottherr Heermaan EE. ZZacccareellii, CC.S.C.CREDDITSSEdittor: MIICHAAEL CriispDesiigneer: Carrol HarrrissTypeesetttinng: Intterffacee SttudiioCoveer DDesiign: Caaroll HaarriisArtwworkk: RRalpph MMaps
2、sonAll rigghtss reeserrvedd. NNo ppartt off thhis boook mmay be repprodduceed oor ttrannsmiitteed iin aany forrm oor bby aany meaans noww knnownn orr too bee innvenntedd, eelecctroonicc orr meechaaniccal, inncluudinng pphottocoopyiing, reecorrdinng, or by anyy innforrmattionn sttoraage or rettrieeva
3、ll syysteem wwithhoutt wrrittten perrmisssioon ffromm thhe aauthhor or pubblissherr, eexceept forr thhe bbrieef iincllusiion of quootattionns iin aa reevieew.Copyyrigght 19998 bby BBrottherr Heermaan EE. ZZacccareellii, CC.S.C.Prinntedd inn thhe UUnitted Staatess off AmmeriicaCrissp bbookks aare dis
4、striibutted in Cannadaa byy Reeid Pubblisshinng, Ltdd.,P.O.Boxx 72267, Oaakviillee, OOntaarioo, CCanaada L6jj 6LL6In AAusttrallia by Carreerr Buuildderss, PP.O.Boxx 10051 Sprringgwoood,Brissbanne, Queeensslannd, Ausstraaliaa 41127.And in Neww Zeealaand by Carreerr Buuildderss, PP.O.Boxx 5771,Manuure
5、wwa, Neww Zeealaand.Librraryy off Coongrresss Caatallog Carrd NNumbber 87-731183Zacccareellii, HHermman E.Traiininng MManaagerrs TTo TTraiinISBNN 0-93119611-433-2PREFFACEEManaagerrs aat aall orgganiizattionnal levvelss, wwhettherr thhey ownn thheirr owwn bbusiinesss oor wworkk foor ssomeeonee ellse,
6、 muust suppervvisee peeoplle. Donne ccorrrecttly, evveryyonee beeneffitss annd tthe mannageer wwilll reeceiive creeditt foor aa joob wwelll doone. Iff, oon tthe othher hannd, empployyeess arre nnot mannageed eeffeectiivelly, no onee wiill bennefiit, andd thhe mmanaagerr wiill quiicklly gget thee bll
7、amee! TThe tassk oof ddireectiing peooplee att woork is nott eaasy beccausse eemplloyeees, ass huumann beeinggs, aree veery commpleex. Howweveer, empployyeess caannoot pperfformm weell on thee joob nno mmattter howw haard theey ttry andd reegarrdleess of howw muuch theey wwantt too unntill thhey kno
8、ow wwhatt thhey aree suuppoosedd too doo annd hhow theey aare supppossed to do it. A welll-ddeveelopped traainiing proograam aaddrressses botth oof tthesse iissuues.TRAIININNG MMANAAGERRS TTO TTRAIIN ffocuusess onn annsweerinng tthe queestiion: Hoow eexacctlyy dooes a mmanaagerr prrepaare forr, ppla
9、nn, ppressentt, aand follloww upp onn trrainningg prrogrramss deesiggnedd too yiieldd coompeetennt eemplloyeees? Thhe aanswwer to thiis qquesstioon iis ppressentted in thee paagess whhichh foolloow.Traiininng pproggramms ccan be funn too deevellop andd too prreseent. Annd ttheyy caan mmakee a siggni
10、fficaant diffferrencce iin yyourr orrgannizaatioonss suucceess. Reeadeers willl ffindd thhis boook eeasyy too reead andd usse. Thee effforrts speent leaarniing aboout traainiing by putttinng tthe bassic priinciiplees iin tthiss boook to worrk ccan be rewwarddingg too evveryyonee-maanaggemeent, emmpl
11、ooyeees, andd cuustoomerrs.Werre eexciitedd too brringg thhis matteriial to youu. WWe hhopee yoou eenjooy uusinng iit. Turrn tthe pagge aand letts gett sttartted!ABOUUT TTHISS BOOOKWhy willl llearrninng ffromm thhis boook bbe iinteeresstinng aand funn? BBecaausee yoou aare nott gooingg too juust rea
12、ad iit; youu arre ggoinng tto uuse it! Yooulll bbe wworkkingg wiith a ppenccil or penn ass muuch as youulll bee reeadiing. Inn thhe pproccesss, yyoull leaarn morre bbecaausee thheree wiill be oppporttuniitiees tto aapplly wwhatt yoou aare leaarniing.Thiss prrogrram is dessignned forr yoou iif:-Yoou
13、aare asppiriing to beccomee a mannageer aand wannt tto llearrn mmoree abboutt thhe mmanyy requuireemennts of mannagiing.-Yoou aare alrreaddy aa maanagger andd waant to leaarn morre aabouut ttraiininng.-Yoou aare a ttraiinerr annd wwantt too geet ssomee iddeass abboutt prrogrramss whhichh caan bbe uu
14、sedd to hhelpp ottherr peeoplle llearrn hhow to traain.-Yoou aare a sstuddentt annd wwantt too leearnn moore aboout thee innstrructtionnal dessignn asspeccts of ttraiininng.In aaddiitioon tto uusinng tthiss boook as youu woork thrrouggh iit, youu wiill alsso bbe aablee too usse iit llateer. If youu
15、enncouunteer aa prrobllem thaat ccan be adddresssedd thhrouugh traainiing oncce yyou aree baack on-thee-joob, thiis bbookk wiill proovidde aa reevieew oof ttechhniqquess whhichh wiill hellp yyou devveloop aand impplemmentt trrainningg prrogrramss.Thiss boook is parrt oof tthe “FIIFTYY-MIINUTTE” SERR
16、IESS. TThiss immpliies youu caan wworkk yoour wayy thhrouugh it in onee seessiion. Yoou wwilll prrobaablyy fiind it hellpfuul tto ffolllow up youur iinittiall acctivvityy wiith a mmoree deetaiiledd sttudyy off seelecctedd paartss ass yoou aactuuallly ddeveelopp trrainningg prrogrramss. IIn eeffeect,
17、 thhen, thhis boook iis aa “rreciipe” to shoow yyou, inn a steep-bby-sstepp maanneer, howw too trrainn.DEDIICATTIONNThiss boook is deddicaatedd too:Dr. andd Mrrs. Lewwis J. MinnorAndGeorrge andd Tooodiie SSt. LauurenntWe rreadd inn ouur ddailly nnewsspapper aboout bussineess exeecuttivees wwho takke
18、 aadvaantaage of theeir possitiionss too exxplooit othherss.At tthe samme ttimee, ttherre aare exccepttionnal enttrepprenneurrs wwithh hiigh ethhicaal sstanndarrds andd suucceessfful bussineessees. Theese inddiviiduaals rarrelyy maake newws bbut theeir quaalitty oof llifee iss ann innspiirattionn to
19、o buusinnesss coommuunitty.Dr. andd Mrrs. Lewwis Minnor andd Geeorgge aand Tooodiee Stt. LLaurrentt arre ssuchh peeoplle.Theyy innspiiredd mee too “ttakee thhe llesss trraveeledd rooad” andd beecauuse of thee sttanddardds ttheyy seet, my serrvicce tto hhumaankiind hass beeen ricchlyy bllesssed.Brott
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- 培训 经理 英文 4457