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《山西医科大学研究生复试英语面试5245.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山西医科大学研究生复试英语面试5245.docx(17页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
2、我我介绍,对对于英语语的自我我介绍,我我觉得不不要太长长,对于于家庭介介绍还有有个人爱爱好可以以不作介介绍,因因为面试试的老师师不会让让你说完完,基本本上到后后来,每每个学生生的自我我介绍都都会被打打断,所所以你们们只是需需要在最最短时间间内流利利的说一一些就好好。只要要在开始始就把自自己的个个人情况况介绍清清楚。然后就会会抽签进进行回答答,下面面是20010年年的英语语面试的的题目汇汇总,大大家可以以先做一一下联系系。PS:题题目是英英语的题题目,这这里我翻翻译过来来了1购物My VVieww onn Shhopppingg Onnlinne Witth tthe devveloopmeen
3、t of thee Innterrnett,shhopppingg onnlinne iis bbecoominng mmoree annd mmoree poopullar nowwadaays.Theere is no douubt thaat sshopppinng oonliine hass soome advvanttagees.FFirsst oof aall,its qquitte cconvveniientt,wee neeednnt go to thee shhopss too buuy tthe thiingss,soo wee caan ssavee a lott off
4、 tiime.Seccondd,wee caan uusuaallyy geet aa diiscoountt whhen buyyingg thhe pprodductt onnlinne.TThirrd,ttherre aare manny kkindds oof pprodductts oon tthe Intternnet,whiich cann meeet ourr deemannds.Howeeverr,shhopppinggonllinee,liike othhertthinngs,hass soome dissavaantaagess.Thhe ssecuuritty ppro
5、bblemm iss onne oof tthemm.Soomettimees wwe mmay gett chheatted.We havve ooffeeredd ouur mmoneey,bbut cannt gett thhe pprodductt wee waant.Whaatss moore,thee prroduuct we reccievve iisnt tthe onee wee haave orddereed oonliine.In addditiion,ourr peersoonall innforrmattionn maay bbe llet outt whhen sh
6、ooppiing onllinee.Anywway,in my opiinioon,sshopppinng oonliine is a ttrennd aand willl bbe uusedd byy moore andd moore peooplee inn thhe ffutuure.2你喜欢欢的节日日是什么么一段随笔笔:(中中秋节) 用英文文描述一一个节日日 现在在大城市市都流行行过西方方的节日日 你最最喜欢的的西方节节日我最最喜欢的的西方节节日Mid-auttumnn Feestiivall Mid-auttumnn Daay iis oone of thee keey ttradd
7、itiionaal CChinnesee Feestiivalls. On thee sppeciial occcasiion, thhe wwholle ffamiily gott toogettherr annd eenjooy ttasttingg thhe ddeliicioous andd swweett mooonccakees aat hhomee. TThe fesstivval fallls on thee fiifteeentth dday acccorddingg too thhe llunaar ccaleendaar, on whiich thee mooon is
8、fulllesst aand briighttestt. TThe mooon ssymbboliizess thhe uunioon aand proospeeritty. Whaat aa cooinccideencee! NNo wwondder manny ppeopple willl ssendd thhe pprecciouus aand luxxuryy mooonccakees tto ttheiir hhonnnoraablee teeachherss. IIn CChinnesee cllasssicss, mmanyy taalenntedd annd ffameed p
9、poetts ddeliineaatedd thhe ffasccinaatinng vvieww off thhe ffulll mooon. Thhe mmostt immpreessiive is thee Suu shhi Tunne oon wwateer mmeloody. Howw loong willl tthe fulll mmoonn appperrar? Winee cuup iin hhandd, II assk tthe skyy.现在大城城市都流流行过西西方的节节日,如如圣诞节节、愚人人节等,请请对这一一现象发发表你的的看法。Nowaadayys, theere a
10、pppearrs aa phhenoomennon thaat tthe wessterrn ccusttomss arre sspreeadiing intto tthe easst ccounntriies steep bby sstepp, tthuss maakinng mmanyy innhabbitaantss whho llivee inn biig ccitiies enjjoy theemseelvees oon tthesse wwestternn feestiivalls ssuchh ass Chhrisstmaas DDay, Apprill Foools DDay,
11、 ettc. Succh pphennomeenonn shhowss uss thhat thee woorldd peeoplle aare getttinng cclosse ggradduallly andd thhe wworlld iis bbecoominng ssmalllerr annd ssmalllerr ass weell. Thhereeforre, in my opiinioon, its aa noormaal pphennomeenonn s welll aas aa neecesssarry ttrennd.Firsst oof aall, itt shhow
12、ss thhat we Chiinesse hhavee beecomme mmuchh oppeneer rrathher thaan cclinnginng tto ssomee veery oldd cuustooms, whhichh arre ooppoositte oour livvingg. LLookkingg baack on thee hiistoory, wee caan ffindd thhe aanswwer to whyy ouur CChinna wwas verry ppoorr annd wweakk inn thhe 118000s. Yees, thee
13、annsweer iis tthatt wee clloseed ooursselvves nott too leet ootheer ccounntriies knoow aabouut uus, andd thhis ledd uss too a verry hhardd rooad on whiich we suffferred manny wwarss thhat manny EEuroopeaan ccounntriies lauunchhed. Soo I thiink it is morre tthann neecesssarry tto aacceept othher cuss
14、tomms iinstteadd off cllosiing ourrsellvess. OOf ccourrse, feestiivalls aare jusst tthe begginnningg.Whatts morre, thee Oppen andd Reeforrm PPoliicy ressultts iin tthiss. SSo II waant to sayy itt iss a greeat achhievvemeent forr thhe ppoliicy. Siincee wee toook thee pooliccy iintoo prractticee, oour
15、 couuntrry iis ddeveeloppingg wiith a rrapiid sspeeed. No douubt it is an esssenttiall trrendd.Lastt buut nnot thee leeastt, wwe mmay gett clloseer aand clooserr noot oonlyy too ouur hhomee frriennds butt allso to manny fforeeignnerss. WWe ccan nevver feeel eembaarraasseed ffor nott knnowiing thee o
16、ttherrs cusstomms aand mannnerrs. Andd moore missunddersstanndinngs cann bee avvoidded as welll.To ssum up, thhe ttrennd hhas itss grreatt addvanntagge tto aa ceertaain exttentt. HHoweeverr, iif wwe aadmiire thee weesteern cusstomms ttoo mucch, it willl bbe aa diisaddvanntagge bbecaausee Chhinaa iss
17、 ouur oown couuntrry, alll off uss shhoulld eenjooy aa paatriiotiic hhearrt. Wissh iin tthe neaar ffutuure, wee caan ssee thee siituaatioon tthatt weesteerneers aree ennjoyyingg thhemsselvves on thee Spprinng FFesttivaal.3你所理理想的工工作Difffereent peooplee haave varriouus aambiitioons. Soome wannt tto bb
18、e eengiineeers or docctorrs iin tthe futturee. SSomee waant to be sciienttistts oor bbusiinesssmeen. Stiill somme wwishh too bee teeachherss orr laawerrs wwhenn thhey groow uup iin tthe dayys tto ccomee. Unliike othher peooplee, II prrefeer tto bbe aa faarmeer. Howweveer, it is nott eaasy to be a ff
19、armmer forr Iwwilll bee loookeed uuponn byy ottherrs. Anyywayy,whhat I aam ttryiing to do is to makke ggreaat cconttribbutiionss too aggriccultturee. IIt iis wwelll knnownn thhat farrminng iis tthe bassic of thee coounttry. Abbovee alll, farrminng iis nnot onlly aa chhalllengge bbut alsso aa goood o
20、ppporttuniity forr thhe yyounng. We cann allso makke aa biig pproffit by groowinng vvegeetabbless annd ffoodd inn a sciienttifiic wway. Beesiddes we cann appplyy whhat we havve llearrnedd inn scchoool tto ffarmmingg. TThuss ouur ccounntryysidde wwilll beecomme mmoree annd mmoree poopullar.I beelieev
21、e thaat aany mann wiith knoowleedgee caan ddo wwhatteveer ttheyy caan sso llongg ass thhis jobb caan mmeett hiis oor hher inttereest. Alll tthe worrkinng pposiitioon ccan proovidde hhim witth aa goood chaancee too beecomme aa taalennt.不同的人人有不同同的野心心。一些些想成为为工程师师或医生生的未来来。一些些想成为为科学家家或企业业家。还还有一些些希望成成为教师师
22、或laawerrs长大大后在未未来的日日子里。 4你与高高中同学学的一件件事5如何成成为一名名好的心心理医生生09理想想的工作作 Pssychhiattrisst 心心理医生生Maany of my friiendds ssay Imm allwayys rreaddy tto ggivee ottherr peeoplle aa haand。WWhatt caan II saay, Imm a peooplee peersoon。IIf II weere to be locckedd inn a ressearrch rooom oor aa whhiteecoollaar ooffiice
23、 witthouut ffreeedomm too meeet lotts oof ppeopple, I wwilll goo crrazyy。Soo myy iddeall joob sshouuld putt mee inn frrontt off peeoplle。AAnd psyychiiatrristt coomess too miind。Most people think psychiatrists deal with people who are mental,but this is hardly true。The people that need to make an app
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- 山西 医科大学 研究生 复试 英语 面试 5245