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《市场营销英语讲义7371.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《市场营销英语讲义7371.docx(51页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、Unitt 1 Firrst ConttacttWORDD CHHECKK (II)markketiing Mannageerpersson in chaargee off thhe mmarkketiing depparttmenntcompputeer MManaagerr persson in chaargee off thhe ccompputeer ddepaartmmenttto bbe ooverr to bbe hheree onn a vissit froom aanottherr coounttryhostt persson whoo innvittes or reccei
2、vves gueestssthesse pparttsthiss arrea1. LISTTENIING (I)You aree gooingg too heear a nnumbber of peooplee inntrooduccingg thhemsselvves. Soome of thee inntrooducctioons invvolvve ttwo peooplee, ssomee innvollve thrree. Ass yoou llistten, nuumbeer tthesse cconvverssatiionss inn thhe oordeer yyou heaa
3、r tthemm.A HHelllo, Im NNicee too meeet youu, MMy nnamees.B HHelllo, lett mee inntrooducce mmyseelf. Myy naames. PPleaasedd too meeet youu, IIm.C II doont kknoww annyonne hheree. YYoull havve tto iintrroduuce me. OOf ccourrse. Roogerr, tthiss iss. NNicee too meeet youu.D HHow do youu doo? MMy nnamee
4、s NNicee too meeet youu. MMinees.E II haavennt mett yoour Mannagiing dirrecttor yett. OOh, Im ssorrry. Docctorr Maannhheimm, tthiss issVeryy niice to meeet yyou.F LLet me inttrodducee yoou ttwo. Maaxinne, thiis iis FFrannciss. NNicee too meeet youu.GCouuld youu inntrooducce mme tto tthe Marrkettingg
5、 Maanagger?Of ccourrse, Phhiliip, Lett mee inntrooducce yyou to .Nicee too meeet youu 2. READD ANND LLEARRNWORDD CHHECKK (III)Plc Publlic Limmiteed CComppanyy. AA coompaany whoose shaaress yoou ccan buyy onn thhe SStocck EExchhanggeannuualeverry yyearr, yyearrlysofttwarreproggramms ffor a ccompputee
6、r ssysttemdeveeloppmenntplannninng nnew prooducctsPerssonnnel depparttmenntsecttionn off a commpanny wwhicch ddealls wwithh sttafff wwelffaree, rrecoordss,trrainningg annd rrecrruittmenntcollleagguefelllow worrkerr inn a commpanny oor pproffesssionnAccoountts Depparttmennt secttionn off a commpanny
7、wwhicch ddealls wwithh mooneyy paaid or recceivvedmarkket ressearrchexamminaatioon oof tthe posssibble demmandd foor aa prroduuct befforee itt iss puut oon tthe marrkettPerssonaal Asssisttanttsecrretaary whoo prroviidess sppeciial hellp tto aa maanagger or dirrecttorFinaancee secttionn off a commpan
8、ny wwhicch cconttrolls aa coompaanys mmoneeyProdducttionn DDepaartmmenttsecttionn off a commpanny wwhicch ddealls wwithh thhe mmakiing of thee coompaanys pprodducttsfashhionn deesiggnerrpersson whoo pllanss neew sstylles in cloothees 1. LISTTENIING(II)Mandderss Pllc aare havvingg thheirr annnuaal pp
9、artty. Lisstenn too thhe ddialloguues oveerheeardd att thhe ppartty. Mattch up thee peeoplles nnamees wwithh thheirr tyype of worrk. Thee fiirstt onne hhas beeen ddonee foor yyou.2. READD ANND LLEARRNNameesTypee off woork1. Peteer2. Johnn3. Susaan4. Mikee5. Saraah6. Mr ffiellds7. Marttin8. Jeann9. J
10、eanns hhusbbandda. Prodducttionnb. Perssonaal AAssiistaantc. Softtwarre ddeveeloppmenntd. Markket ressearrche. Fashhionn deesiggnf. Perssonnnelg. Accoounttsh. Saleesi. Finaancee3. PRESSENTTATIIONWe uuse a vvariietyy off prrepossitiionss too inndiccatee woork rellatiionsshipps.e.g. I worrk ffor Mannd
11、errs(ttheyy arre mmy eemplloyeers)I woork at Mannderrs (thee pllacee)I woork witth MMandderss (aa seensee off coollaaborratiion)Im in commputterss (ggeneerall tyype of worrk)Im on thee maarkeet rreseearcch ssidee (ggeneerall tyype of worrk)Im in thee Saaless Deeparrtmeent (sppeciificc pllacee off wo
12、ork)4. PRACCTICCEGrouup wworkk1. Intrroduuce youurseelf to thee ottherrs.2. Intrroduuce thee ottherr twwo tto eeachh ottherr.3. Ask to be inttrodduceed.4. Telll yoour jobb annd pplacce oof wworkk.Unitt 2 Commpanny OOrgaanizzatiion-Pressenttingg thhe CComppanyyWORDD CHHECKK(I)orgaanizzatiionaalshowwi
13、ngg thhe wway a ccomppanyy iss orrgannizeedstruuctuureorgaanizzatiionManaaginng DDireectoor Direectoor wwho is in chaargee off a whoole commpannyexeccutiivessPeopple whoo puut ddeciisioons intto aactiionperssonnnelstaffftraiininngteacchinng eemplloyeees howw too doo soometthinngratiionaalissatiionma
14、kiing morre eeffiicieentregiionpartt off a couuntrry / ann arreato sspliitto ddiviidematrrix (baasiss)orgaanizzed acccorddingg too twwo ssetss off crriteeriaa,e.g.ggeoggrapphiccal andd fuuncttionnalsecttionnpartt off a commpannysubssidiiaryycomppanyy whhichh iss owwnedd byy a parrentt coompaanyaffii
15、liaatecomppanyy whhollly oor pparttly ownned by anootheer ccomppanyy1. LISTTENIING (I)Listten to thee prreseentaatioon aabouut RRosssomoon PPlc.,commpleete thee orrgannizaatioon ccharrt bbeloow.2. READD ANND LLEARRN3. PRESSENTTATIIONThiss seectiion demmonsstraatess soome of thee laanguuagee ussed to
16、 desscriibe an orgganiizattionn inn teermss off: l Hieerarrchyy l Respponssibiilittiess/fuuncttionnsl Tittless l Afffiliiatees l StrructtureeHierrarcchy Thee coompaanyiis hheadded bytthe MD. The Salles Dirrecttor repportts tto tthe MD. Thhe SSalees DDireectoor iis uundeer tthe MD. The salles Dirrect
17、tor is acccounntabble to thee MDD. The Salles Dirrecttor is suppporrtedd byy a salles teaam. Thee Saaless Diirecctorr iss asssisstedd byy ann Asssisstannt SSalees MManaagerr.Respponssibiilittiess/fuuncttionns Thee fiinannce Depparttmennt iis rrespponssiblle ffor acccounntinng. Thee R&D (Ressearrch a
18、ndd Deevellopmmentt) DDepaartmmentt taakess caare of neww prroduuct devveloopmeent. The Admminiistrratiion Mannageer iis iin ccharrge of perrsonnnell. TitllesBeloow aare thee maain mannageeriaal ttitlles witth tthe US eequiivallentts iin bbraccketts: Chaairmman (Prresiidennt) Mannagiing Dirrecttor (
19、chhieff Exxecuutivve OOffiicerr/Seenioor VVicee- PPressideent) Fiinannce Dirrecttor (Viice-Preesiddentt-Fiinannce) Salees MManaagerr (SSalees DDireectoor)Notee: TThe Dirrecttorss annd CChaiirmaan oof aa coompaany usuuallly ssit on thee Booardd off Diirecctorrs (Exeecuttivee Booardd)AffiiliaatessX is
20、s thhe PPareent commpanny. A, B aand C aare subbsiddiarriess (mmoree thhan 50% owwnedd byy thhe ppareent) StruuctuureThe Carr Diivissionn coonsiistss off thhe PProdducttionn Deeparrtmeent andd thhe SSalees DDepaartmmentt. The Prooducctioon DDepaartmmentt coomprrisees tthe Metthodds SSecttionn annd t
21、the Maiinteenannce Secctioon. The Salles Depparttmennt iis mmadee upp off thhe AAdveertiisinng SSecttionn annd tthe Aftter-salles Secctioon.4. PRACCTICCEPairr woork: Desccribbe tthe typpicaal mmanaagemmentt sttruccturre oof aa Brritiish commpanny.ChairmanManagingDirectorFinancialDirectorMarketingDir
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- 市场营销 英语 讲义 7371