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《山西医科大学研究生复试英语面试32010.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山西医科大学研究生复试英语面试32010.docx(26页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
2、家庭介介绍还有有个人爱爱好可以以不作介介绍,因因为面试试的老师师不会让让你说完完,基本本上到后后来,每每个学生生的自我我介绍都都会被打打断,所所以你们们只是需需要在最最短时间间内流利利的说一一些就好好。只要要在开始始就把自自己的个个人情况况介绍清清楚。然后就会抽抽签进行行回答,下下面是220100年的英英语面试试的题目目汇总,大大家可以以先做一一下联系系。PS:题目目是英语语的题目目,这里里我翻译译过来了了1购物My Viiew on Shooppiing Onllinee Withh thhe ddeveeloppmennt oof tthe Intternnet,shooppiing on
3、llinee iss beecommingg moore andd moore poppulaar nnowaadayys.TTherre iis nno ddoubbt tthatt shhopppingg onnlinne hhas somme aadvaantaagess.Fiirstt off alll,iitss quuitee coonveenieent,we neeednt ggo tto tthe shoops to buyy thhe tthinngs,so we cann saave a llot of timme.SSecoond,we cann ussuallly ge
4、tt a disscouunt wheen bbuyiing thee prroduuct onllinee.Thhirdd,thheree arre mmanyy kiindss off prroduuctss onn thhe IInteerneet,wwhicch ccan meeet oour demmandds.Howevver,shooppiingoonliine,likke ootheerthhinggs,hhas somme ddisaavanntagges.Thee seecurrityy prrobllem is onee off thhem.Sommetiimess we
5、e maay gget cheeateed.WWe hhavee offferred ourr mooneyy,buut ccant gget thee prroduuct we wannt.WWhatts morre,tthe prooducct wwe rreciievee issntt thhe oone we havve oordeeredd onnlinne.IIn aaddiitioon,oour perrsonnal infformmatiion mayy bee leet oout wheen sshopppinng oonliine.Anywaay,iin mmy oopin
6、nionn,shhopppingg onnlinne iis aa trrendd annd wwilll bee ussed by morre aand morre ppeopple in thee fuuturre.2你喜欢的的节日是是什么一段随笔:(中秋秋节) 用英文文描述一一个节日日 现在在大城市市都流行行过西方方的节日日 你最最喜欢的的西方节节日我最最喜欢的的西方节节日Mid-aautuumn Fesstivval Mid-aautuumn Dayy iss onne oof tthe keyy trradiitioonall Chhineese Fesstivvalss. OOn
7、tthe speeciaal ooccaasioon, thee whholee faamilly ggot toggethher andd ennjoyy taastiing thee deelicciouus aand sweeet moooncaakess att hoome. Thhe ffesttivaal ffallls oon tthe fiffteeenthh daay aaccoordiing to thee luunarr caalenndarr, oon wwhicch tthe mooon iis ffulllestt annd bbrigghteest. Thhe m
8、moonn syymboolizzes thee unnionn annd pprossperrityy. WWhatt a coiinciidennce! Noo woondeer mmanyy peeoplle wwilll seend thee prreciiouss annd lluxuury moooncaakess too thheirr hoonnoorabble teaacheers. Inn Chhineese claassiics, maany tallentted andd faamedd pooetss deelinneatted thee faasciinatting
9、g viiew of thee fuull mooon. Thee moost imppresssivve iis tthe Su shii TTunee onn waaterr meeloddy. How lonng wwilll thhe ffulll mooon appperaar? Wine cupp inn haand, I askk thhe ssky.现在大城市市都流行行过西方方的节日日,如圣圣诞节、愚愚人节等等,请对对这一现现象发表表你的看看法。Nowaddayss, ttherre aappeearss a pheenommenoon tthatt thhe wwestter
10、nn cuustooms aree sppreaadinng iintoo thhe eeastt coounttriees sstepp byy sttep, thhus makkingg maany inhhabiitannts whoo liive in bigg ciitiees eenjooy tthemmsellvess onn thhesee weesteern fesstivvalss suuch as Chrristtmass Daay, Aprril Fooolss Daay, etcc. SSuchh phhenoomennon shoows us thaat tthe
11、worrld peooplee arre ggetttingg cllosee grraduuallly aand thee woorldd iss beecommingg smmalller andd smmalller as welll. Theerefforee, iin mmy oopinnionn, iitss a norrmall phhenoomennon s wwelll ass a neccesssaryy trrendd.Firstt off alll, it shoows thaat wwe CChinnesee haave beccomee muuch opeenerr
12、 raatheer tthann cllinggingg too soome verry oold cusstomms, whiich aree opppossitee ouur lliviing. Loookiing bacck oon tthe hisstorry, we cann fiind thee annsweer tto wwhy ourr Chhinaa waas vveryy pooor andd weeak in thee 18800s. Yess, tthe ansswerr iss thhat we cloosedd ouurseelvees nnot to lett o
13、ttherr coounttriees kknoww abboutt uss, aand thiis lled us to a vveryy haard roaad oon wwhicch wwe ssufffereed mmanyy waars thaat mmanyy Euuroppeann coounttriees llaunncheed. So I tthinnk iit iis mmoree thhan neccesssaryy too accceppt ootheer ccusttomss innsteead of cloosinng ooursselvves. Off coour
14、sse, fesstivvalss arre jjustt thhe bbegiinniing.Whats mmoree, tthe Opeen aand Refformm Pooliccy rresuultss inn thhis. Soo I wannt tto ssay it is a ggreaat aachiieveemennt ffor thee pooliccy. Sinnce we toook tthe pollicyy innto praactiice, ouur ccounntryy iss deevellopiing witth aa raapidd sppeedd. N
15、No ddoubbt iit iis aan eesseentiial treend.Last butt noot tthe leaast, wee maay gget clooserr annd cclosser nott onnly to ourr hoome friiendds bbut alsso tto mmanyy fooreiigneers. Wee caan nneveer ffeell emmbarrrasssedd foor nnot knoowinng tthe othhers ccusttomss annd mmannnerss. AAnd morre mmisuund
16、eersttanddinggs ccan be avooideed aas wwelll.To suum uup, thee trrendd haas iits greeat advvanttagee too a cerrtaiin eexteent. Hoowevver, iff wee addmirre tthe wessterrn ccusttomss tooo mmuchh, iit wwilll bee a dissadvvanttagee beecauuse Chiina is ourr owwn ccounntryy, aall of us shoouldd ennjoyy a
17、pattriooticc heeartt. WWishh inn thhe nnearr fuuturre, we cann seee tthe sittuattionn thhat wessterrnerrs aare enjjoyiing theemseelvees oon tthe Sprringg Feestiivall.3你所理想想的工作作Diffeerennt ppeopple havve vvariiouss ammbittionns. Somme wwantt too bee ennginneerrs oor ddocttorss inn thhe ffutuure. Soom
18、e wannt tto bbe sscieentiistss orr buusinnesssmenn. SStilll ssomee wiish to be teaacheers or lawwerss whhen theey ggroww upp inn thhe ddayss too coome. Unlikke ootheer ppeopple, I preeferr too bee a farrmerr. HHoweeverr, iit iis nnot eassy tto bbe aa faarmeer ffor Iwiill be loookedd uppon by othhers
19、s. AAnywway,whaat II amm trryinng tto ddo iis tto mmakee grreatt coontrribuutioons to agrricuultuure. Itt iss weell knoown thaat ffarmmingg iss thhe bbasiic oof tthe couuntrry. Aboove alll, ffarmmingg iss noot oonlyy a chaalleengee buut aalsoo a goood ooppoortuunitty ffor thee yooungg. WWe ccan alss
20、o mmakee a bigg prrofiit bby ggrowwingg veegettablles andd foood in a sscieentiificc waay. Bessidees wwe ccan appply whaat wwe hhavee leearnned in schhooll too faarmiing. Thhus ourr coounttryssidee wiill beccomee moore andd moore poppulaar.I bellievve tthatt anny mman witth kknowwleddge cann doo whh
21、ateeverr thhey cann soo loong as thiis jjob cann meeet hiss orr heer iinteeresst. Alll thhe wworkkingg poosittionn caan pprovvidee hiim wwithh a goood cchannce to beccomee a tallentt.不同的人有有不同的的野心。一一些想成成为工程程师或医医生的未未来。一一些想成成为科学学家或企企业家。还还有一些些希望成成为教师师或laawerrs长大大后在未未来的日日子里。 4你与高中中同学的的一件事事5如何成为为一名好好的心理理医
22、生09理想的的工作 Psyychiiatrristt 心理理医生Maany of my friiendds ssay Imm allwayys rreaddy tto ggivee ottherr peeoplle aa haand。WWhatt caan II saay, Imm a peooplee peersoon。IIf II weere to be locckedd inn a ressearrch rooom oor aa whhiteecoollaar ooffiice witthouut ffreeedomm too meeet lotts oof ppeopple, I ww
23、illl goo crrazyy。Soo myy iddeall joob sshouuld putt mee inn frrontt off peeoplle。AAnd psyychiiatrristt coomess too miind。Most people think psychiatrists deal with people who are mental,but this is hardly true。The people that need to make an appointment and see a psychiatrist are not just those peopl
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- 山西 医科大学 研究生 复试 英语 面试 32010