标准合同文本(CIF) 预付款414.docx
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2、省大庆市让让胡路区西柳柳街2号 FAXX: 86-459-663387882 TEL: 886-4599-55944597 传真:86-459-663387882 电话:86-4559-55994597 THE SELLLER:卖 方方:ADDRESSS:地 址址:FAX:TEL:传真:电话: END USEER:最终用户:This coontracct is made by annd bettween the BBuyer and tthe Seeller, wherreby tthe Seeller agreees to sell and tthe Buuyer aagreess to b
3、buy thhe undder-meentionned coommodiity(iees) acccordiing too the termss and condiitionss stippulateed bellow:兹经买卖双方同同意按照以下下条款由卖方方出售、买方方购买下列货货物而签定本本合同:1 COMMODIITY(IEES) & SPECIIFICATTIONS品名及规格Item序号Commodiity(iees) & Speciificattions品名及规格Unit单位Quan.数量Unit Prrice单 价Amount合 计1(Detaills see tthe attta
4、chmment_)(详见附件_) Totall amouunt: 总 计:Total VValue:CIF USSDSAY CIFF UUNITEDD STATTES DOOLLARSS ONLYY.总 金 额 :CIF 美元(大 写) :CIF 美元整。2. COUNNTRY OOF ORIIGIN AAND MAANUFACCTURERR 原产国及及制造商3. PACKKING 包 装装To be ppackedd in nnew sttrong fumiggated woodeen casse(s) or caarton(s) suuitablle forr longg disttanc
5、e oceann/air freigght trranspoortatiion ass welll as cchangiing cllimatee and with good resisstancee to rrough handlling, moistture, rain, corrrosionn and shockks. The Selleer shaall bee liabble foor anyy damaage annd losss of the ccommoddity(iies) aand exxpensees inccurredd on aaccounnt of improope
6、r ppackinng andd for any rrust aattribbutablle to inadeequatee or iimpropper prrotecttive mmeasurres taaken bby thee Selller inn regaard too the packiing. The ssellerr shalll alsso be liablle forr all the rrelevaant exxpensees inccurredd on aaccounnt of packaage maateriaals nnot beeing ffumigaated o
7、or impproperr fumiigatioon. One (1) fuull seet of serviice annd opeeratioon mannuals shalll be eenclossed inn the case(s) orr cartton(s).应包装在新的结结实的经熏蒸蒸的木箱或纸纸箱中,该木箱或或纸箱应适合合长途海运/空运及气候候变化,并抗抗野蛮搬运、潮潮湿、雨水、锈锈蚀及震动。卖卖方对由于包包装不当引起起的货物的损损坏和丢失负负责并承担由由此产生的费费用,并对由由于卖方在包包装方面采取取的不充分或或不适当的保保护措施所引引起的锈蚀负负责。若包装装材料未经熏熏蒸
8、或熏蒸不不合格,由此此所发生的一一切相关费用用由卖方负担担。包装箱内内应包括一整整套操作及维维护手册。4. SHIPPPING MARK 运输标记记The Selller sshall mark on thhe fouur adjjacentt sidees of each packaage wiith faadelesss paiintingg the packaage nuumber, grosss weiight, net wweightt, meaasuremment, contrract nnumberr, porrt of destiinatioon andd the wordii
9、ngs: Keepp Awayy Fromm Moissture, Haandle With Care, Thhis Siide Upp, thhe liffting posittion, graviity ceenter and tthe shhippinng marrk: 卖方应使用不褪褪色的涂料在在每个包装箱箱的四面标上上包装号、毛毛重、净重、尺尺寸、合同号号、目的港及及“防潮”、“小心搬运”、“此面向上”字样以及起起吊位置、重重心和如下运运输标记:DPCI-2KKJ-DALIAN, CHINNA 5. TIMEE OF SSHIPMEENT 装运时间6. PORTT OF SSHIPM
10、EENT 装运港7. PORTT OF DDESTINNATIONN 目的港8. INSUURANCEE 保 险Insurannce shhall bbe efffectedd by tthe Seeller with the BBuyer as thhe benneficiiary ffor 1110% off the totall conttract valuee agaiinst AAll Riisks aand Waar Rissk as per CCIC daated 11st Jaanuaryy 19811(of PPICC).由卖方以买方为为受益人根据据中国人民保保险公司1998
11、1年1月月1日保险条例例,按合同总总值的1100%投保一切切险和战争险险。9. PAYMMENT 付款方式1. All payymentss to bbe madde by the BBuyer or thhe Selller uunder the ccontraact shhall bbe madde in Uniteed Staates DDollarr.本合同项下的买买方或卖方的的所有支付应应以美元进行结算算。2. The tottal coontracct vallue sppecifiied inn Clauuse 1 of thhis coontracct shaall bee p
12、aidd by tthe Buuyer tto thee Selller acccordiing too the folloowing manneer(s) and ppercenntage(s): 本合同第一一条规定的合合同金额由买买方向卖方按按以下方式及及百分比支付付。A: _peercentt( %) of tthe tootal ccontraact vaalue, i.e. US$_(Sayy_ UUnitedd Stattes Doollarss) as down-paymeent, sshall be paaid byy the Buyerr to tthe Seeller no
13、t llater than the _th day aafter the BBuyer receiives tthe foollowiing doocumennts frrom thhe Selller aand fiinds tthem tto be in orrder. 合同总额 %,即 美元(大大写: 美元元),作为预预付款在买方方收到卖方提提供的下列单单据并认定其其无瑕疵后 天内内支付给卖方方。 a. Commeerciall Invooice ccoveriing _perccent( %) of thhe tottal coontracct vallue inn fivee (5)
14、 origiinals. 合同同总额 %的正本本商业发票一一式五份。b. An iirrevoocablee Stanndby LLetterr of CCreditt or LLetterr of BBank GGuaranntee ffor perrcent ( %) of the ttotal contrract vvalue issueed by the SSellerrs Baank inn favorr of tthe Buuyer iin onee (1) origiinal aand two (2) coopies. 由卖方银行行出具的以买买方为受益人人的合同总额额 %的不可可
15、撤销的备用用信用证或银银行保函正 本一份副本本两份。 c. A phhotosttat coopy off the exporrt liccense issueed by the rrelevaant auuthoriities of the SSellerrs coountryy or thhe Selllerss stattementt certtifyinng thaat no exporrt liccense is reequireed. 由卖方所在在国有关政府府部门颁发的的出口许可证证影印件一份份或由卖方出出具的不需要要出口许 可证的声明一一份。 The saiid doccumen
16、tts shaall bee deliiveredd by tthe Seeller not llater than the _ thh day afterr the effecctive date of thhe preesent contrract.卖方应在本合同同生效后 天内将上上述单据提交交给买方。B: The Buyerr, upoon recceipt of thhe Delliveryy Adviice frrom thhe Selller, shalll,_ days priorr to tthe tiime off shippment, openn an iirrevooca
17、blee Lettter off Creddit inn favoor of the SSellerr for an ammount equivvalentt to _ peercentt ( %) of the ttotal contrract vvalue, i.e. US$ _ (Say _Uniited SStatess Dolllars). Thee Creddit shhall bbe payyable againnst thhe preesentaation of thhe doccumentts speecifieed bellow:收到卖方出具交交货通知后,买买方应在装运运前
18、 天内,开开立以卖方为为受益人的合合同总额 %, 即 美元(大写: 美元元)的不可撤撤销信用证。该该信用证凭以以下单据议付付:a. (in caase off sea-freigght) FFull sset off cleann on bboard Bill of Laading markeed Frreightt Preppaid, conttract numbeer andd shippping mark, and made out tto ordder, bblank endorrsed. (海运方式下)标明“运费已付”的全套已装装船清洁海运运提单, 注注明合同号和和运输标记, 提单为
19、空空白抬头、空空白背书。 (in caase off air-freigght) OOne (11) coppy of Airwaay Billl marrked “FFreighht Preepaid . (空运方式下下)航空运单单一份,标明明“运费已付”。 b. Commmerciaal Invvoice coverring _perrcent (_%) oof thee totaal conntractt valuue in Five(5) origiinals indiccatingg conttract numbeer andd shippping mark made out iin
20、 dettails as peer thee conttract conceerned. 合同总额百分之之_(_%)的的内容详细的的正本商业发发票一式五份份,注明合同同号及运输标标记。c. Detaailed Packiing Liist inn fivee (5) origiinals issueed by the mmanufaactureer. 由制制造商出具的的详细装箱单单一式五份。 d. Fiive (55) oriiginalls of Certiificatte of Qualiity annd Quaantityy issuued byy the manuffacturrer.
21、 由制制造商出具的的质量和数量量证明一式五五份。 e. Unnder tthe teerm off CIF ,Insurrance Policcy/Certiificatte in one (1) orriginaal andd two (2) ccopiess covveringg 110% of tthe tootal ccontraact vaalue aagainsst alll riskks andd war risk. 按发票总总额110%投保一切险险和战争险的的保险单/保险凭证正本本一份、副本本二份。 f. Certiificatte of Origiin in one (1)
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