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《企业人工成本控制案例30470.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《企业人工成本控制案例30470.docx(63页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、目 录1 绪论11.1 研研究背景和和意义11.1.11 研究背背景11.1.22 研究意义义21.2 相相关文献综综述21.3 研研究方法和和章节安排排51.4 本本文的贡献献和不足62 人工成成本的一般般理论概述述72.1 人人工成本概概念72.2 人人工成本的的指标体系系82.2.11 人工成成本总量指指标82.2.22 人工成成本结构指指标92.2.33 人工成本本投入产出出指标102.3 人人工成本的的分析方法法112.3.11 对比分析析法112.3.22 结构分析析法122.3.33 因素分析析法132.3.44 投入产出出分析法133 某报业业印企人工工成本的现现状及原因因15
2、3.1 某某报业印企企总体情况况简介153.1.11 员工总量量153.1.22 人工成本本总量173.2 某某报业印企企人工成本本分析183.2.11 人工成本本总量183.2.22 人工成本本结构193.2.33 人工成本本效益203.2.44 工资水平平213.3 某某报业印企企人工成本本的问题243.4 某某报业印企企人工成本本问题的成成因253.4.11 人工成本本的总量成成因253.4.22 人工成本本的结构成成因253.4.33 人工成本本的效益成成因264 某报业业印企人工工成本控制制的对策274.1 控控制用工总总量274.1.11 合理定岗岗定编274.1.22 优化人员员
3、配置274.1.33 科学的设设备管理284.1.44 加快推进进ERP系统统的应用294.2 人人工成本的的挖潜增效效294.2.11 加强企业业人工成本本控制294.2.22 建立完善善的薪酬激激励机制304.2.33 加强培训训发挥人才才效益314.2.44 建设以人人为本的管管理文化324.3 推推进企业转转型升级324.3.11 响应政府号号召坚持走走绿色印刷刷之路334.3.22 依靠科技技技术提升升企业核心心竞争力344.3.33 拓展领域域拓宽拓深深多元业务务345 结论与与展望36参考文献38致 谢40Conteents1 inntrodductiion11.1 RResea
4、arch backkgrouund aand ssigniificaance11.1.11 Ressearcch baackgrroundd11.1.22 Ressearcch siignifficannce21.2 RRelatted lliterraturre reevieww21.3 RReseaarch methhods and chappter arraangemmentss51.4 IInnovvatioon annd deeficiiencyy of thiss papper62 A geneeral theoory oof laabor costts72.1 TThe ccon
5、ceept oof laabor costts72.2 LLaborr cosst inndex systtem8 2.22.1 LLaborr cosst agggreggate8 2.2.2 Laabor costt strructuure iindexx9 2.22.3 LLaborr cosst innput and outpput iindiccatorrs102.3 LLaborr cosst annalyssis mmethood11 2.33.1 CCompaaratiive aanalyysis112.3.22 Strructuural anallysiss122.3.33
6、Facctor anallysiss132.3.44 Inpput - outtput anallysiss133 Thhe Prresennt Siituattion and Reassons of LLaborr Cosst off Priintinng Inndusttry153.1 AA Briief IIntrooducttion to tthe GGenerral SSituaationn of Prinntingg Inddustrry inn a NNewsppaperr15 3.1.1 Tootal stafff15 3.1.2 Tootal costt of laboor1
7、73.2 AAnalyysis of LLaborr Cosst off an Enteerpriise18 3.2.1 Tootal costt of laboor18 3.2.2 Laabor costt strructuure19 3.2.3 Laabor costt - eeffecctiveenesss20 3.2.4 Wagges213.3 TThe PProbllem oof Laabor Costt of Prinntingg Inddustrry243.4 TThe CCausee of Laboor Coost oof Prrintiing IIndusstry253.4.
8、11 Thee tottal ccausee of laboor coosts253.4.22 Thee Strructuural Causses oof Laabor Costts253.4.33 Thee Cauuse oof Beenefiit off Labbor CCost264 Coounteermeaasuree of laboor coost ccontrrol iin a newsspapeer inndusttry274.1 CContrrol tthe ttotall amoount of llaborr274.1.11 Reaasonaable postting27 4
9、.11.2 OOptimmize stafffingg27 4.11.3 SScienntifiic eqquipmment manaagemeent28 4.11.4 AAccelleratte thhe apppliccatioon off ERPP sysstem294.2 LLaborr cossts ttappiing tthe ppotenntiall efffect29 4.22.1 SStrenngtheen ennterpprisee labbor ccost conttrol29 4.22.2 EEstabblishh a pperfeect ssalarry inncen
10、ttive mechhanissm30 4.22.3 SStrenngtheen thhe trrainiing tto pllay tthe ttalennt beenefiit31 4.22.4 BBuildding a peeoplee - ooriennted manaagemeent ccultuure324.3 PPromoote eenterrprisse trransfformaationn andd upggradiing32 4.33.1 IIn reesponnse tto thhe goovernnmentt callled to aadherre too thee g
11、reeen pprintting roadd334.3.22 Relly onn sciiencee andd tecchnollogy to eenhannce tthe ccore comppetittivenness of enterrprisses344.3.33 Exppand the fielld too exppand and expaand ddiverrsifiied bbusinness345 Cooncluusionn andd Outtlookk36Referrencees38Acknoowleddgemeents40摘 要要伴随着数字字技术行业业的飞速发发展,传统统媒
14、析该企业当前人工成本发展现状,发现由于业务量单一呈现下降趋势,同时耗材价格增长导致人工成本总量大并且人均人工成本高、教育经费投入不高、企业具有传统色彩工资呈刚性等突出问题,进而较深入地阐释了产生问题的原因。在依托相关理论的基础上,实现对企业现状发展的全面分析,并试图从人工成本效益理念以及激励制度的发展等方面提出相关的解决策略,站在企业人工成本控制的深层次对企业人工成本发展进行综合分析,以便于能够促进企业获得更好的经济效益与社会效益。关键词:人人工成本;影响因素素;转型升升级;挖潜潜增效AbstrractWith the commmon aand rrapidd devveloppmentt o
15、f digiital techhnoloogy, the tradditioonal mediia eccologgicall envvironnmentt hass unddergoone ttremeendouus chhangees, tthe sstruccturee of the mediia, tthe mmediaa expposurre annd wiillinngnesss off thee auddiencce haave pproduuced a fuundammentaal chhangee. Inn thee meddia eenvirronmeent oof laa
16、rge shoccks, big adjuustmeent oof thhe tiimes, proofesssionaals wworryy aboout tthe newsspapeer inndusttry iin wiinterr. IIn reecentt yeaars, the rapiid deeveloopmennt off thee Intterneet, tthe nnumbeer off peoople throough the Inteernett to obtaain nnews and infoormattion has beenn cloose tto thhe
17、nuumberr of readders to rread the newsspapeer, oobvioouslyy, thhe Innternnet hhas bbecomme a stroong oopponnent of tthe nnewsppaperr. Wiith tthe cchangging pattternss of mediia, eespecciallly thhe reeplaccemennt off thee reaader grouups, the netwwork has beenn expposedd to the publlic eexpossure to
18、tthe llist of ccommoonly usedd meddia.Newsppaperr devveloppmentt in the facee of multti-prressuure pperiood, tthe nnewsppaperr priintinng inndusttry iin thhe paast, holldingg thee newwspapper, the treee is goodd shaade era has gonee. Noot onnly tthe sstrenngth of tthe nnewsppaperr greeatlyy deccline
19、e, annd thhe deeveloopmennt off thee meddia tto prromotte thhe neewspaaper to aachieeve ddiverrsifiicatiion oof innformmatioon exxportts, mmore reduuced the releevancce off thee priintinng pllant. In factt, ovver tthe yyearss duee to the conttinuoous ddevellopmeent oof teechnoologyy, neewspaaper dep
20、eendennce oon thhe prrintiing iindusstry is ddecliiningg, annd noow thhe neewspaaper everry daay inn thee efffort to prinnt. Newsspapeer Inndia enteerpriises facee marrket shriinkinng, pprintting voluume ddecliine, how to rreducce thhe coost oof laabor has becoome aan urrgentt neeed too sollve tthe
21、pprobllem.On thhe baasis of rrevieewingg thee theeory and liteeratuure oon laabor costt, thhis ppaperr takkes aa newwspapper aand pprintting enteerpriise aas thhe reesearrch ssamplle, aand aanalyyzes the laboor coost oof thhe ennterpprisee froom thhe asspectts off labbor ccost, labbor ccost struuctu
22、rre, llaborr cosst beenefiit annd saalaryy levvel. Baseed onn thee intternaal daata oof thhe prrintiing ccost, thiis paaper makees a lot of mmethoods, and makees a lot of ddata calcculattion, staatisttics and anallysiss of the laboor coost ddata of tthe eenterrprisse, aand ssummaarizees thhe cuurren
23、nt siituattion of tthe llaborr cosst off thee entterprrise. A ssinglle doownwaard ttrendd in busiinesss vollume, whiile tthe rrapidd inccreasse inn thee cosst off supppliees leed too a llargee tottal llaborr cossts aand hhigh per capiita llaborr cossts, educcatioon fuundinng iss nott higgh, tthe een
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- 企业 人工成本 控制 案例 30470