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2、aated wwithinn the adminnistraative jurissdictiion off Shannghai, as weell ass the leasee of premiises wwhose rent is deetermiined bby thee relaated ppartiees thrrough negottiatioons acccordiing too reassonablle marrket pprinciiples, excllusivee of tthe leease oof anyy publlicly-ownedd resiidencee p
3、remmises at thhe rennt rattio speciified by Shhanghaai Munnicipaal Govvernmeent, oof thee publlic noon-ressidencce preemisess admiinistrrativeely alllocatted annd invvestedd by SShanghhai Muunicippal Goovernmment, and oof thee privvate ppremisses leeased at thhe rennt rattio sppecifiied byy Shanngha
4、i Municcipal Goverrnmentt prioor to the iimplemmentattion oof thee Reguulatioons off Shannghai Municcipal goverrnmentt on PPremisses Leease(hhereinnafterr “thee Reguulatioons”).II. Thhe pree-leasse herreundeer is only restrrictedd to ssuch ccommerrcial housiings as bbuilt by reelatedd reall estaate
5、deeveloppers wwho haas obttainedd the pre-ssale ppermitt, exccept ffor anny commmerciial hoousingg whicch hass beenn pre-sold by reelatedd reall estaate deeveloppers; and noo pre-leasee may be maade byy any pre-bbuyer of coommerccial hhousinng. III. Both thhe terrms 【For LLease】 and 【For PPre-Leease
6、】mentiioned hereiin aree for indiccativee purpposes, denooting that relatted prrovisiions oor claauses markeed witth succh terrms appply tto leaase orr pre-leasee, as indiccated respeectiveely. WWhen tthis Coontracct is used as a premiises llease agreeement, onlyy thosse proovisioons maarked with th
7、e wword 【Leasee】 will be inncludeed andd adoppted aas inttegrall partt of ssuch llease agreeement; likeewise, whenn usedd as a ccommerrcial housiing prre-leaase coontracct, onnly thhose pprovissions markeed witth thee【Pre-llease】,as wwell aas thee provvisionns enttitledd “Pree-leasse Rellated Issuee
8、s” ass set out iin thee Suppplemenntal PProvissions, and otherr provvisionns nott markked 【】 may bbe inccludedd as tthe geenerall termms andd condditionns, reegardlless oof pree-leasse or leasee. IV.In case this Contrract iis to be ussed foor inttendedd pre-leasee of ccommerrcial housiing, bboth ppa
9、rtiees to such pre-llease shalll, upoon thee comppletioon of the ccommerrcial housiing, eenter into the hhandovver leetter of coommerccial hhousinng aftter reelatedd propperty develloper has ffollowwed thhe reqquiredd initiial reegistrrationn of rreal eestatee and acquiired tthe reeal esstate ownerr
10、ship certiificatte, foor thaat purrposess, thaat conntractt shalll beccome tthe prremisees leaase coontracct, annd thee origginal termss and condiitionss conttainedd therrein sshall have been fullyy fulffilledd. V.Thiss Conttract is thee tenttativee tempplate prepaared bby Shaanghaii Admiinistrratio
11、nn of PProperrty annd Land Recouurses in colllaborrationns witth Shaanghaii Muniicipall Bureeau foor Inddustryy and Commeerce, in acccordaance wwith tthe Reegulattions of Shhanghaai Munnicipaal Govvernmeent onn Premmises Leasee, alll termms andd condditionns conntaineed herrein aare onnly foor inddi
12、catiive puurposees to be muutuallly agrreed bbetweeen thee Partties hheretoo. Anyy issuues noot covvered or deefinedd hereein maay be reesolveed by enterring iinto ssuppleementaary prrovisiions bby Parrty A and PParty B thrrough amicaable nnegotiiationns.VI.Priior too execcutionn of tthis CContraact
13、, tthe leessor is reequireed to preseent too the prosppectivve lesssee iits reeal esstate ownerrship and lland uuse riight ccertifficatee or oother relatted owwnershhip ceertifiicate, and approopriatte proopertyy deveeloperr shalll shoow thee pre-lesseee thee pre-saless permmit ass dulyy obtaained.
14、Eachh partty to an inntendeed leaase orr prellease shalll veriify thhe ideentityy certtificaate off otheers annd delliver to otthers its oown iddentitty cerrtificcate. Wheree the intennded llesseee is aan itiinerannt perrson ffrom ooutsidde Shaanghaii, thee lesssor iss alsoo requuired to prresentt t
15、he Permiit of Premiises LLeasinng seccurityy issuued byy relaated ppolicee authhorityy. VII.Reelatedd partties cconcerrned sshall, withhin fiifteenn (15) dayss uponn execcutionn of tthis CContraact, ffolloww relaated fformallitiess of ccontraact reegistrrationn. Speecificcally, in tthe evvent oof pr
16、eemisess leasse, reegisteer, and aapply for tthe ceertifiicate of coontracct reggistraation with the loocal aapproppriatee reall estaate exxchangge cennter oor farm ssystemm dulyy estaablishhed att the placee wherre succh leaased ppremisses arre locatted; iin thee evennt of pre-llease of coommerccia
17、l hhousinngs, the ppre-leease oof forreign-oriennted ccommerrcial housiings sshall be reegisteered wwith Shangghai MMuniciipal RReal EEstatee Exchhange Centeer; the pre-llease of loocal-oorientted coommerccial hhousinng shaall bee regiistereed witth the rreal eestatee exchhange centeer dully esttabl
18、isshed aat thee placce wheere suuch prre-leaased ppremisses iss locaated. The prropertty ownnershiip cerrtificcate wwill bbe graanted if thhe commmerciial hoousinggs undder prre-leaase meechaniism arre commpleteed, annd thee relaated ppartiees shaall reegisteer, annd appply foor thee certtificaate o
19、ff conttract regisstratiion wiith thhe loccal appproprriate real estatte excchangee centter orr farm ssystemm dulyy estaablishhed att the placee wherre succh leaased ppremisses arre loccated, uponn the execuution of haandoveer lettter oof commmerciial hoousinggs undder prre-leaase meechaniism. OOnce
20、 dduly rregistteringg withh the abovee authhorityy, thee lesssee haas thee righht to claimm agaiinst tthe thhird pparty in reelatioon to any ppurporrted rrepeatted prre-leaases, transsfer oor disscretiional dispoosal oof morrtgageed preemisess duriing leease pperiodd, etcc. VIII.IIn thee evennt onee
21、 partty reqquiress to rregistter whhile tthe otther rrefusees to rendeer neccessarry cooordinaation, formeer may goo throough rrelateed forrmalitties ffor reegistrrationn by ppresennting this leasee conttract, valiid ideentifiicatioon cerrtificcate, as weell ass otheer suppportiing instrrumentts. IX
22、. Thee secuurity depossit seerves as thhe saffeguarrd to ensurre thee due perfoormancce of the llease contrract. Durinng thee courrse off premmises leasee, the llessorr and the llesseee may stipuulate the ssecuriity deepositt in tthe leease ccontraact, and tthe speecificc amouunt shhall bbe dettermi
23、nned byy bothh partties. Upon termiinatioon of the llease, the securrity ddeposiit, affter ddeductting tthe reelevannt cossts annd exppensess payaable bby lessorr as sspeciffied iin thee conttract, shalll be refunnded tto thee Lesssee. X. Thiis Conntractt is avaailablle froom thee Shannghai real est
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- 上海市 房屋 租赁 合同 英文 42780