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1、 信息检索与利利用课程考考核与实习报报告(附答案案)一第一部分 平时时练习 10分 1、根据题录,按按以下步骤查查找原文。55分Adams, Caroll A., Frosst, Geeoffreey R.(2008).” Inntegraating sustaainabiility reporrting into managgementt praccticess”. Accouuntingg Foruum32(44):2888-302.(1) 请指出出该文献属于于哪种类型?期刊(2)可通过哪哪些途径查找找此文献? Title , ressourcee , auuthor (3)从本馆哪哪些数
2、据库可可查找到此文文献的全文? scieence ddirectt 数据库,ebbsco全文文期刊报纸数数据库(4)请列出此此文的详细题题录(包含外外部特征和内内容特征)Authorss:Adamms, Caarol AA.1 c.adamsslatrrobe.eedu.auuFrost, Geofffrey RR.2Source:Accouuntingg Foruum; Deec20088, Voll. 32 Issuee 4, pp288-3302, 115pDocumennt Typpe:ArtticleSubjectt Termms:*INNDUSTRRIAL eefficiiency
3、*INDUSTTRIES*PRODUCCT cossting*INDUSTTRIAL statiisticssAbstracct:Absstractt: Thiss papeer exaaminess the proceess off deveelopinng keyy perfformannce inndicattors (KPIs) for measuuring sustaainabiility perfoormancce andd the way iin whiich suustainnabiliity KPPIs arre useed in decission-mmakingg, pl
4、aanningg and perfoormancce mannagemeent. IIntervviews were conduucted with persoonnel from four Britiish annd thrree Auustrallian ccompannies. The ffindinngs inndicatte thaat thee orgaanisattions are iintegrratingg enviironmeental indiccatorss, andd incrreasinngly aalso ssociall indiicatorrs, innto
5、sttrateggic pllanninng, peerformmance measuuremennt andd deciision-makinng inccludinng rissk mannagemeent. HHoweveer, thhe susstainaabilitty isssues oon whiich ouur sammple ffocus and tthe maanagemment ooperattions on whhich tthey iimpactt varyy conssideraably. This has iimpliccationns forr the deve
6、llopmennt of practtice, volunntary guideeliness and legisslatioon. CCopyriight &y& Ellsevieer Copyriight oof Acccountiing Foorum iis thee propperty of Ellsevieer Sciience and iits coontentt may not bbe coppied oor emaailed to muultiplle sittes orr postted too a liistserrv witthout the ccopyriight hh
7、olderrs exxpresss writtten ppermisssion. Howeever, userss may printt, dowwnloadd, or emaill artiicles for iindiviidual use. This abstrract mmay bee abriidged. No wwarrannty iss giveen aboout thhe acccuracyy of tthe coopy. UUsers shoulld reffer too the origiinal ppublisshed vversioon of the mmateriia
8、l foor thee fulll absttract. (Coppyrighht appplies to alll Absstractts.)Author Affilliatioons:1FFacultty of Law aand Maanagemment, La Trrobe UUniverrsity, Victtoria 3086, Austtraliaa2The Unniverssity oof Syddney, AustrraliaISSN:01155-99982DOI:10.1016/j.acccfor.22008.005.0022 2、什么是是学术规范?在我们的学学习工作中应应遵
9、守哪些基基本的学术规规范?5分所谓学术规范,是指学术共共同体内形成成的进行学术术活动的基本本伦理道德规规范。一是学术研究中中的具体规则则,二是高层层次的规范。文献的合理使用用规则,引证标注规规则,立论阐阐述的逻辑规规则等学术制制度规范、学学风规范等第二部分 基础础知识题 20分一、 请指出以以下文献的出出版类型(55分)1 Schhaeferr Jamess, Welkker Roberrt B. Distiinguisshing charaacteriisticss of ccertiffied ppublicc accoountannts diiscipllined for uunprof
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- 信息检索与利用 信息 检索 利用 课程 考核 实习 报告 会计 1335