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1、 OVEERFLLOW SPPILLLWAYYAn ooverrfloow sspilllwaay iis aa seectiion of damm deesiggnedd too peermiit wwateer tto ppasss ovver itss crrestt. OOverrfloow sspilllwaays aree wiidelly uusedd onn grraviity, arrch, annd bbutttresss ddamss. SSomee eaarthh daams havve aa cooncrretee grraviity secctioon ddesii
2、gneed tto sservve aas aa sppilllwayy. TThe dessignn off thhe sspilllwaay ffor toww daams is nott ussuallly criiticcal, annd aa vaarieety of simmplee crrestt paatteernss arre uusedd. IIn tthe casse oof llargge ddamss itt iss immporrtannt tthatt thhe ooverrfloowinng wwateer bbe gguidded smooothhly ove
3、er tthe creest witth aa miinimmum of turrbullencce. If thee ovverfflowwingg waaterr brreakks cconttactt wiith thee sppilllwayy suurfaace, a vaccuumm wiill forrm aat tthe poiint of sepparaatioon aand cavvitaatioons mayy occcurr. CCaviitattionns ppluss thhe vvibrratiion froom tthe altternnatees mmakii
4、ng andd brreakkingg off coontaact bettweeen tthe watter andd thhe ffacee off thhe ddam mayy reesullt iin sseriiouss sttruccturral dammagee.Caviitiees ffillled witth vvapoor, airr, aand othher gasses willl fformm inn a liqquidd whheneeverr thhe aabsoolutte ppresssurre oof tthe liqquidd iss cllosee to
5、o thhe vvapoor ppresssurre. Thiis pphennomeenonn, ccaviitattionns, is likkelyy too occcurr whheree hiigh vellociitiees ccausse rreduucedd prresssuree. SSuchh coondiitioons mayy arrisee iff thhe wwallls oof aa paassaage aree soo shharpply currvedd ass too caausee seeparratiion of floow ffromm thhe bb
6、ounndarry. Thee caavitty, on movvingg doownsstreeam, maay eenteer aa reegioon wwherre tthe abssoluute is mucch hhighher. Thhis cauusess thhe vvapoor iin tthe cavvityy too coondeensee annd rretuurn to liqquidd wiith a rresuultiing impplossionn, oor ccolllapsse, exttremmelyy hiigh preessuure ressultt.
7、 SSomee off thhe iimpllosiive acttiviity willl ooccuur aat tthe surrfacces of thee paassaage andd inn thhe ccrevvicees aand porres of thee boounddaryy maaterriall. UUndeer aa coontiinuaal bbombbarddmennt oof tthesse iimpllosiionss, tthe surrfacce uundeergooes fattiguue ffailluree annd ssmalll ppartt
8、iclles aree brrokeen aawayy, ggiviing thee suurfaace a ssponngy apppearrancce. Thiis ddamaaginng aactiion of cavvitaatioons is callledd piittiing.The ideeal spiillwway wouuld takke tthe forrm oof tthe undderssidee off thhe nnappped of a ssharrp-ccresstedd weeir wheen tthe floow rratee coorreespoonds
9、s too thhe mmaxiimumm deesiggn ccapaacitty oof tthe spiillwway. Moore exaact proofilles mayy bee fooundd inn moore exttenssivee trreattmennts of thee suubjeect. Thhe rreveersee cuurvee onn thhe ddownnstrreamm faace of thee sppilllwayy shhoulld bbe ssmoooth andd grraduual; A raddiuss off abboutt onne
10、-ffourrth of thee sppilllwayy heeighht hhas proovedd saatissfacctorry. Strructturaal ddesiign of an ogeee sspilllwaay iis eesseentiiallly tthe samme aas tthe dessignn off a conncreete graavitty ssecttionn. TThe preessuure exeerteed oon tthe creest of thee sppilllwayy byy thhe fflowwingg waaterr annd
11、 tthe draag fforcces cauusedd byy flluidd frricttionn arre uusuaallyy smmalll inn coompaarisson witth tthe othher forrcess acctinng oon tthe secctioon. Thee chhangge iin mmomeentuum oof tthe floow iin tthe vicciniity of thee reeverrse currve mayy, hhoweeverr, ccreaate a fforcce wwhicch mmustt bee co
12、onsiiderred. Thhe rrequuireemennts of thee oggee shaape usuuallly nneceessiitatte aa thhickker secctioon tthann thhe aadjaacennt nno ooverrfloow ssecttionns.A saavinng oof cconccrette ccan be efffectted by prooviddingg a proojecctinng ccorbbel on thee uppstrreamm faace to conntrool tthe floow iin oo
13、utllet connduiits thrrouggh tthe damm, aa coorbeel wwilll innterrferre wwithh gaate opeerattionn.The disschaargee off ann ovverffloww sppilllwayy iss giivenn byy thhe wweirr eqquattionnWherre QQ=diischhargge, or L=cooeffficiientth=heead on thee sppilllwayy (vvertticaal ddisttancce ffromm thhe ccress
14、t oof tthe spiillwway to thee reeserrvoiir lleveel), mThe coeeffiicieent varriess wiith thee deesiggn aand heaad. Expperiimenntall moodells aare oftten useed tto ddeteermiine spiillwway coeeffiicieent. Ennd cconttracctioons on a sspilllwaay rreduuce thee efffecctivve llenggth bellow thee acctuaal ll
15、enggth L. Squuaree-coorneeredd piierss diistuurb thee fllow connsidderaablyy annd rreduuce thee efffecctivve llenggth by thee wiidthh off thhe ppierrs ppluss abboutt 0.2h forr eaach pieer.Streeamlliniing thee piierss orr fllariing thee sppilllwayy enntraancee miinimmizees tthe floow ddistturbbancce.
16、 If thee crrosss-seectiionaal aareaa off thhe rreseervooir jusst uupsttreaam ffromm thhe sspilllwaay iis llesss thhan fivve ttimees tthe areea oof ffloww ovver thee sppilllwayy, tthe appproaach vellociity witth iincrreasse tthe disschaargee a notticeeablle aamouunt. Thhe eeffeect of appproaach vello
17、ciity cann bee acccouunteed ffor by thee eqquattionnwherre iis tthe appproaach vellociity.PROPPERTTIESS OFF COONCRRETEE Thee chharaacteerissticcs oof cconccrette sshouuld be connsiddereed iin rrelaatioon tto tthe quaalitty ffor anyy giivenn coonsttrucctioon ppurpposee. TThe cloosesst ppraccticcablle
18、 aapprroacch tto pperffecttionn inn evveryy prropeertyy off thhe cconccrette wwoulld rresuult in pooor eeconnomyy unnderr maany conndittionns, andd thhe mmostt deesirrablle sstruuctuure is thaat iin wwhicch tthe conncreete hass beeen dessignned witth tthe corrrecct eemphhasiis oon eeachh off thhe vv
19、ariiouss prropeertiies of thee cooncrretee, aand nott soolelly wwithh a vieew tto oobtaainiing, saay, thee maaximmum posssibble strrenggth. Althhouggh tthe atttainnmennt oof tthe maxximuum sstreengtth sshouuld nott bee thhe ssolee crriteerioon iin ddesiign, thhe mmeassureemennt oof tthe cruushiing s
20、trrenggth of conncreete cubbes or cyllindderss prroviidess a meaans of maiintaainiing a uunifformm sttanddardd off quualiity, annd, in facct, is thee ussuall waay oof ddoinng sso. Sinnce thee ottherr prropeertiies of anyy paartiicullar mixx off cooncrretee arre rrelaatedd too thhe ccrusshinng sstree
21、ngtth iin ssomee maanneer, it is posssibble thaat aas aa siinglle cconttroll teest it is stiill thee moost connvenniennt aand infformmatiive.The tesstinng oof tthe harrdenned conncreete in preefabbriccateed uunitts ppressentts nno ddiffficuultyy, ssincce ccompplette uunitts ccan be sellectted andd b
22、rrokeen iif nneceessaary in thee prroceess of tesstinng. Sammplees ccan be takken froom ssomee paartss off a finnishhed strructturee byy cuuttiing corres, buut aat cconssideer oone cosst aand witth aa poossiiblee weeakeeninng oof tthe strructturee. IIt iis ccusttomss, ttherrefoore, too esstimmatee t
23、hhe ppropperttiess off thhe cconccrette iin tthe strructturee onn thhe ooasiis oof tthe tessts madde oon sspeccimeensmmounndedd frrom thee frreshh cooncrretee ass itt iss pllaceed. Theese speecimmenss arre ccomppactted andd cuuredd inn a staandaard mannnerr giivenn inn BSS 18881 in 19770 aas iin tth
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