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1、绝密 2012考考研英语全全国高校巡巡回讲座讲讲稿宫东风风(2010年9月编写)一、 考研从开开始在人生的道道路上,我我们难免会会遇到一些些挫折、困困难和烦恼恼,但这并并不意味着着你注定要要被打败。如如果你有真真诚的信念念,勇敢地地面对人生生,也许好好运就会降降临在你的的身上。 奥运跳跳水冠军郭郭晶晶二、从数字字了解考研研1. 20012/1/144 or 21/3-55/32. 522/33. 1/20/00.5/110/2004. 2-1/4/5/2/20/440/100-175. 2-2/5/2/100/206. 2-3/5/2/100/20-257.3-11/10/100/20-225
2、8. 3-2/200/1600-2000/30-35三、学习考考研英语所所应具备的的基本素质质1. 阅读读的基本素素质It ussed tto bee so straaighttforwward. A tteam of rreseaarcheers wworkiing ttogetther in tthe llaborratorry woould submmit tthe rresullts oof thheir reseearchh to a joournaal. AA jouurnall ediitor woulld thhen rremovve thhe auuthorrs nammes
3、 aand aaffilliatiions fromm thee papper aand ssend it tto thheir peerrs foor reevieww. Deependding on tthe ccommeents receeivedd, thhe edditorr wouuld aacceppt thhe paaper for publlicattion or ddecliine iit. CCopyrrightt ressted withh thee jouurnall pubblishher, and reseearchhers seekking knowwledgg
4、e off thee ressultss wouuld hhave to ssubsccribee to the jourrnal.No loongerr. Thhe Innternnet andd preessurre frrom ffundiing aagenccies, whoo aree queestiooningg whyy commmerccial publlisheers aare mmakinng mooney fromm govvernmment-fundded rreseaarch by rrestrrictiing aaccesss too it is makiing a
5、accesss too sciientiific resuults a reealitty. TThe OOrgannizattion for Econnomicc Co-operratioon annd Deeveloopmennt (OOECD) hass jusst isssuedd a rreporrt deescriibingg thee farr-reaachinng coonseqquencces oof thhis. The repoort, by JJohn Hougghtonn of Victtoriaa Univversiity iin Auustraalia and G
6、rahham VVickeery oof thhe OEECD, makees heeavy readding for publlisheers wwho hhave, so far, madde haandsoome pprofiits. But it ggoes furtther thann thaat. IIt siignalls a channge iin whhat hhas, untiil noow, bbeen a keey ellemennt off sciientiific endeeavorr.The vvaluee of knowwledgge annd thhe ree
7、turnn on the publlic iinvesstmennt inn ressearcch deependds, iin paart, uponn widde diistriibutiion aand rreadyy acccess. It is bbig bbusinness. In Amerrica, thee corre sccienttificc pubblishhing markket iis esstimaated at bbetweeen $7 biillioon annd $111 biillioon. TThe IInterrnatiionall Asssociaat
8、ionn of Scieentiffic, Techhnicaal annd Meedicaal Puublissherss sayys thhat ttheree aree morre thhan 22,0000 pubblishhers worlldwidde sppeciaaliziing iin thhese subjjectss. Thhey ppubliish mmore thann 1.22 milllionn artticlees eaach yyear in ssome 16,0000 jjournnals.This is nnow cchangging. Acccordii
9、ng tto thhe OEECD rreporrt, ssome 75% of sschollarlyy jouurnalls arre noow onnlinee. Enntireely nnew bbusinness modeels aare eemergging; thrree mmain oness werre iddentiifiedd by the repoorts auuthorrs. TTheree is the so-ccalleed biig deeal, wherre innstittutioonal subsscribbers pay for acceess tto
10、a colllectiion oof onnlinee jouurnall tittles throough sitee-liccensiing aagreeementts. TTheree is openn-acccess publlishiing, typiicallly suupporrted by aaskinng thhe auuthorr (orr hiss empployeer) tto paay foor thhe paaper to bbe puublisshed. Finnallyy, thhere are openn-acccess archhivess, whhere
11、orgaanizaationns suuch aas unniverrsitiies oor innternnatioonal labooratooriess suppportt insstituutionnal rrepossitorries. Othher mmodells exxist thatt aree hybbridss of thesse thhree, succh ass dellayedd opeen-acccesss, whhere jourrnalss alllow oonly subsscribbers to rread a paaper for the firsst
12、siix moonthss, beeforee makking it ffreelly avvailaable to eeveryyone who wishhes tto seee itt. Alll thhis ccouldd chaange the tradditioonal formm of the peerr-revview proccess, at leasst foor thhe puubliccatioon off pappers.1. IIn thhe fiirst paraagrapph, tthe aauthoor diiscusssesA the bbackggrounn
13、d innformmatioon off jouurnall ediitingg.B the ppubliicatiion rroutiine oof laaboraatoryy repportss. C the rrelattionss of authhors withh jouurnall pubblishhers.D the ttradiitionnal pproceess oof joournaal puubliccatioon. 2. WWhich of tthe ffolloowingg is truee of the OECDD repport?A It crriticcizes
14、s govvernmment-fundded rreseaarch. B It inntrodducess an effeectivve meeans of ppubliicatiion. C It uppsetss proofit-makiing jjournnal ppubliisherrs. D It beenefiits sscienntifiic reesearrch cconsiideraably.2. 写作作的基本素素质1) Diirecttionss:Writee an essaay off 1600200 wordds baased on tthe ffolloowingg
15、draawingg. Inn youur esssay, youu shoould 1) descrribe the drawwing brieefly, 2) explaain iits iintennded meanning, andd theen 3) give yourr commmentts.You sshoulld wrrite neattly oon ANNSWERR SHEEET 22. (20 ppointts)你一条腿,我我一条腿;你我一起,走走南闯北。【高分范文文】As (iit) iis viividlly reevealled iin thhe drrawinng a
16、bbove, twoo dissableed peeoplee, whho haave llost one leg, suppportt eacch otther, dessert theiir waalkinng sttickss, annd exxperiiencee thee upss andd dowwns oof thhe woorld togeetherr. What is iindiccatedd in the drawwing refllectss a ffact and is mmost thouught-provvokinng.The iimpliied mmeaniing
17、 oof thhe drrawinng caan bee intterprretedd in termms off muttual helpp, coooperratioon annd teeamwoork. To beegin withh, muutuall hellp iss baddly nneedeed inn ourr soccial lifee. As soociall beiings, peoople depeend oon eaach ootherr in our lifee, woork aand sstudyy. As ann aveeragee inddividdual,
18、 eacch peersonn hass botth hiis shhortccominng annd meeritss. Only by wway oof muutuall asssistaance can we ooverccome our own shorrtcommingss andd reaalizee ourr sellf-vaalue and dreaam. WWhats moore, coopperattion and teammworkk aree esssentiial iin ouur soociall worrk annd thhe buuildiing-uup off
19、 ourr harrmoniious sociiety. With the rapiid deeveloopmennt off sciiencee andd ecoonomyy, peeoplee aree inccreassinglly feeelinng thhe poower of mmutuaal heelp aand ccoopeeratiion. The cconsttructtion of aa briidge, a bbuildding, a ddam, a sppaceccraftt andd othher pprojeects can not be aachieeved w
20、ithhout the joinnt efffortts annd inndiviiduall saccrifiice. In shhort, we needd to reallize thatt neiitherr ourr soccietyy norr ourr perrsonaal liife ccan bbe seeparaated fromm muttual assiistannce, coopperattion and teammworkk.In myy vieew, ssome neceessarry meeasurres sshoulld bee takken tto maak
21、e ppeoplle reealizze “UUniteed, wwe sttand, divvidedd, wee falll.” Firstt of all, an educcatioon caampaiign sshoulld bee lauuncheed too eduucatee peoople on tthe iimporrtancce off muttual helpp andd coooperaationn. In addditiion, moree rellavannt acctiviitiess shoould be ccreatted ffor yyoungg peoop
22、le to ccultiivatee thee sennse oof muutuall hellp, ccoopeeratiion aand tteamwwork. Only in tthesee wayys caan wee buiild uup a harmmonioous ssocieety.(276 wordds)2008年年宫东风考考研英语大大作文写作作预测第115篇参考范文As iss vivvidlyy betrrayedd in the photto abbove, fouur peeoplee aree makking joinnt efffortts inn a bboat
23、 racee. All oof thhem ccoopeeratee andd spaare nno efffortt to win succcess. What is iindiccatedd in the pictture abovve reefleccts aa commmon sensse annd iss mosst thhoughht-prrovokking.The iimpliied mmeaniing oof thhe piicturre abbove can be iinterrpretted iin teerms of ccoopeeratiion aand tteamww
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- XXXX 宫东风 考研 英语 讲稿 5492