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1、 摘 要随着全球经济一体化的飞速发展,我国集团化的企业越来越多,由于我国许多集团单位采取的是多级法人组织架构,导致了集团内部资金分散不集中,集团的现金流量信息不能得到及时反馈,最终使得集团的资金利用率极低,如果将资金比看作企业的“血液”,那么“资金池”就是企业集团的“心脏”。因此,资金管理在企业的经营管理中起着至关重要的作用,成为了全球各集团公司共同关注的焦点。如何使企业的资金管理达到最佳效果,是目前经营管理者最关注的问题。本文采用归纳法对企业集团资金管理理论进行了总结。从现有的研究来看,国外企业关于集团公司资金集中管理的研究起步较早,形成的相关理论成果比较丰硕;而我国对于该方面的研究起步比较
9、究究中将继续完完善。关键词:企业集集团资金管理理;“资金池”模式;内部部资本市场;资金管理体体系;资金集集中管理信息息系统论文类型:案例例研究ABSTRACCTWith thhe rappid deeveloppment of gllobal econoomic iintegrrationn, ourr grouup of compaanies more and mmore, sincee manyy of oour Grroup uunits adoptted a multii-leveel corrporatte orgganizaationaal strructurre, reesult
10、iing inn a diisperssion oof funnds wiithin the ggroup can nnot cooncenttrate, can not bbe timmely ffeedbaack caash fllow innformaation, seveerely reduccing tthe uttilizaation of thhe Grooup off fundds, iff the metapphor oof corrporatte funnds bblood, thee cappital pool is tthe ennterprrise ggroup of
11、 hheart. Theereforre, thhe cappital managgementt in tthe ennterprrise mmanageement playss a viital rrole, has bbecomee the focuss of tthe gllobal groupp of ccommonn conccern. How tto makke thee enteerprisses ccapitaal mannagemeent too achiieve tthe beest reesultss, is the mmost cconcerrned aabout th
12、e iissue of buusinesss mannagerssThis paaper ffrom tthe innternaal cappital markeet andd the Groupps fuund maanagemment bbusineess peerspecctivess on lliteraature revieew of the ssort. From the eexistiing reesearcch, thhe grooup ceentrallized managgementt of ffunds abroaad on earliier reesearcch, th
13、he ressults of thhe theeory oof thee formmationn of rrelatiively rich; whille Chiina sttartedd relaativelly latte forr the studyy of tthis aaspectt of tthe 20005 GEEs ppool oof monney iin thee counntry aafter the fformall impllementtationn , thhere aare maany doomestiic grooup coompaniies beegan tto
14、 folllow ssuit, usingg thiss modee of ccentraalizedd manaagemennt of fundss, atttracteed thee atteentionn of ttheoriists, relevvant ttheoryy begaan to enricch theemselvves, bbut foor thee domeestic capiital ppool theree is nno in-depthh studdy. Ovveralll, thee theooreticcal reesearcches oon thee fun
15、dd manaagemennt commpany focussed onn the analyysis oof currrent situaation, probblems and pproposse apppropriiate iimprovvementt meassures for tthe immplemeentatiion off systtematiic ressearchh fundding iis rellativeely smmall, a cerrtain lack of reelevannce.So we uuse thhe theeory oof thee casee b
16、indding aand innductiive appproacch to X Grooup foor thee studdy of capiital ppool in deepth. In 20008 X Groupp Corpporatiion byy buillding a uniified finanncial revennue annd exppenditture bbudgett manaagemennt sysstem, buildd a unnifiedd inteernal and eexternnal caapitall setttlemennt plaatformm,
17、thee use of doomestiic andd foreeign capittal poool mmode oof opeeratioon, a multii-leveel cappital accouunt syystem formeed froom topp to bbottomm, thee overrall ccoordiinatioon of Groupp centtralizzed fuund maanagemment ssystemm. This paperr willl be bbased on X Groupp 20088-20155 finaanciall stat
18、tementts bassed onn finaanciall indiicatorrs anaalysiss, thee authhor annalyzees thee overrall bbenefiit of the ccentraalizedd manaagemennt of X Grooup fuunds tto anaalyze whethher thhe poool off fundds acccumullated by thhe Commpany has iimprovved thhe effficienncy off fundd trannsfer and rreduceed
19、 thee exteernal finanncing needss and finanncing costss of tthe Grroup dduringg the periood of centrralizeed funnd mannagemeent. AAnd puuts foorwardd corrresponnding improovemennt meaasuress accoordingg to tthe annalysiis ressults, withh a viiew too provvidingg suppport aand reeferennce foor raiisin
20、g the llevel and eefficiiency of fuund maanagemment oof entterpriise grroups in ouur Couuntry. Accoordingg to rresearrch iddeas, reseaarch ccontennt of this paperr conssists of fiive paarts:The firrst paart iss an iintrodductioon. Thhis arrticlee desccribess the backggroundd and signiificannce, rres
21、earrch sttatus, the main conteents aand innnovattion oof thiis papper.The seccond ppart oof thee enteerprisse funnds maanagemment ggroup to ellaboraate. IIt foccuses on coontentt, as well as thhe evoolutioon of Enterrprisee Grouup Entterpriise Grroup CCapitaal Mannagemeent fuund maanagemment mmodel
22、enterrprisee grouups.The thiird paart inntroduuces XX fundd manaagemennt commpany beforre. Thhis seectionn is ddivideed intto thrree paarts, the ffirst thingg, X ffund mmanageement compaany ovvervieew, naamely X Grooup Coompanyy, thee impllementtationn of tthe baackgroound XX centtralizzed fuund maa
23、nagemment ccompanny, gooals aand iddeas, basicc prinnciplees; Seecondlly, X groupp fundd manaagemennt sysstem, were summaarizedd fromm fourr capiital aaccounnt mannagemeent syystem, capiital bbudgett manaagemennt sysstem, managgementt systtem annd thee expeendituure off fundds forr finaancingg the m
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- 资金 模式 管理 案例 研究 教材 57713